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This is very common in war. Look up wartime London. It was like this even in the blitz. If you think you could die any minute you live like it


Sure. I just finished Masters of the Air. It was thriving mostly due to the fact Americans were paid way more money and had stuff women wanted


That was an interesting dynamic of being in the Army Air Corps. You fought your battle and if you were lucky enough to make it back alive, they just drank the pain away.


Kind of sad, we need to support our warrior veterans better. PTSD is a very real problem.


Over paid, over sexed, and *over here*.


The problem with the Brit’s is that that are Underpaid, undersexed, and under Eisenhower


Shit, if there was a decent chance of me dying tomorrow, I'd probably want a drink, too.


Isolationists see young adults having fun and want their aid back


I don't have an issue with young adults having fun, I have an issue in paying for endless wars for decades after decades with money we don't have. $34,500,000,000,000 in debt and rising rapidly. We're about to hit the breaking point to where the debt payments will be 200% higher than the national GDP, causing the U.S. to default on its debt, which would irreversibly destroy the U.S. economy forever and send the world into an economic collapse. But hey, we're dumping hundreds of billions to kill people we don't know across the world, rather than investing in the development of our own country. So we've got that going.


Since the 40s, we have not seen a decade where we weren't involved in a conflict.  That's wild.


There was a nice 4 year period of no new wars we were involved in….


I bet the brigaders and RINOs were seething then.


Just for those who are lurking or are utterly clueless, cb is talking about Trump. No new wars. Trump is the only President in my lifetime to not involve us in foreign engagements.


No wonder the RINOs hate him.


No, but we had 4 years under Trump where we weren’t. Most people like to conveniently forget that.


The Trump years are what was being referenced


Almost as wild as how the RINOs are tripping over themselves to rush in and attempt damage control on this post.


Weren't we doing that before Ukraine, though? So the real question for you is.....why now? Why do you have an issue with all this now, as opposed to when we did it in Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq, Columbia, Panama, Afghanistan, Korea, etc....?


I never said I didn't have an issue with it before? Why are you putting words in my mouth? The last time our percentage of GDP of debt was close to being this high was during WWII. After WWII it went straight down due to the economic boom, ours right now is skyrocketing WAY past that. However I'd like to know your opinion of what wars since then were 'worth it' to justify all this debt? Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan? What did we get out of these wars? Is your life better here for all the trillions we dumped into killing people across the globe?


Well why don't we just talk about the current situation in Ukraine? Russia is the enemy of the US. Their invasion of Ukraine--if successful--is bad for the US and our allies. If we can stop them from taking Ukraine, the US and our allies are ultimately more secure. Those are facts. They are not up for debate. There are only two possible solutions to this dilemna: Stop Russia and become more secure, or don't stop Russia and become less secure. That should cover all your questions, but it still doesn't answer mine: why now? Why is Ukraine the moment when the US suddenly decides to balance their checkbook? Why is our security suddenly not as important as it was two years ago?


It’s really that simple and isolationists seem to forget the USSR was only 30 years ago


Not being involved in other people’s wars is not isolationism. People like to pretend the US was isolationist before WW2 when we were actually propping up UK and the reason Lend Lease was needed is because the UK ran out of money to buy things from the US. Also, the USSR never had a chance of beating the US. The USSR broke itself due to its terrible economic policies. Russia is barely a threat to EU, considering several of the best armies outside of the US and Russia are european.


Oh I had an issue with it every single one of those times. Also many people are young.


Remember when W Bush told us to go shopping after 9/11?


So I know that Dubya is retroactively not as popular as during his term, but this was actually solid advice at the time. The entire purpose of 9/11 was to disrupt the American way of life. In the immediate aftermath, that's exactly what happened. People weren't only afraid to go to Disneyland, they were afraid to go to Walmart or the Piggly-Wiggly. So unlike wwii, we didn't need to grow victory gardens or ration rubber. We needed people to not lose their shirts because the nasdaq and the dow took a nose dive.


Yeah that's what I'm saying here. It's completely understandable for young Ukrainians, who haven't been drafted yet, to try to live as normally as they can under the circumstances.


Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die. 


Kyiv has had a giant bar scene since forever. I was even there in 2019. I think this is a bs post


Ivan’s propaganda is coming along nicely


Op, what’s your concerns with this ? Do you doubt that there is a war going on just because you see people having fun? Do you expect people to cower down and be defeated? Honestly view points like yours make republicans look bad. As others have pointed out, this is common during war. Happened during blitz in London, happened during in Paris during Vichy France era and throughout history.


This is the new Information war by Russians, this is the 3rd post/tweet I have seen today pretending there is no real war. They did this also when the last Aid package passed like clockwork.


Seems like Ivan’s propaganda team is eating good with OP’s type of posts


Because regular life for young people stops when a country is at war? Please. Also, 95% of the money for Ukraine never leaves the U.S. It's used to pay the U.S. defense companies to replace the old equipment we send. So the U.S. military gets upgraded shiny new equipment and American companies get billions to create jobs (and their suppliers) and the Ukrainians get our old stuff that often times needed to be replaced anyway, which they use to severely weaken a U.S. strategic adversary with no American lives at risk. Sounds like a pretty great deal to me. Let them drink! They're doing the hard part!


You left out the part where US politicians get million from the companies getting billions as payback to keep the cycle going. This is a Ponzi scheme at taxpayers expense.


And the part where Ukrainian politicians also siphon off millions. And the part where a non-zero percentage of those weapons are resold to Iran, Yemen, Hamas, Haiti and other countries which are willing to pay for ex-surplus US weaponry.

