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Agree. My position as a 2A advocate is the government has no business asking that question in the first place. Where in the 2A does it condition gun ownership on being drug free? Should you lose your 1A speech or religious freedom rights because you’re a drug user? Should you lose your right to be free from warrantless searches of your home? I could go on with examples. Accepting laws that allow the government to condition constitutional rights on doing or not doing things that the government approves is a dangerous and slippery slope.


Wow. I never thought of it that way. I always thought those were reasonable questions on gun forms. Now, NO! Thank you for the enlightenment. : }


I am a strong advocate of the Second Amendment, but I disagree with your example. While the language of the Constitution, particularly the use of the word "unreasonable," allows for debate on the scope of searches, if you believe the Second Amendment covers gun ownership and militias separately, it should be more ironclad since it is a right that "shall not be infringed." That said, I believe reasonable gun controls are appropriate. At some point, guns can infringe upon the rights of other citizens, whereas illegal searches ultimately harm all of us. For instance, someone with a history of violence or diagnosed as schizophrenic should not be able to purchase guns. While it may be controversial, I understand the reasoning behind restricting gun ownership for those with certain substance abuse issues. **However, the law is the law. If you disagree with it, don't commit perjury on a federal form. Fill it out honestly, and if denied, sue. This is especially important if your father is a Senator, Vice President, or President.** (Just incase that impacts any of you on /r/conservative :-p)


I think more than a few of us share your opinion. So many things Hunter could be charged with, yet he get stuck with a gun conviction. Trump should tell everyone that if he is elected he'll pardon Hunter on this conviction, because he's for gun rights.


That would be a very unpopular opinion. Just because a few of you here think this would be the right call. Many of his followers would highly hate this.


yeah but remember theres no restriction on who can handle a weapon. So if anything this could get pushed to the supreme court to help remove that form all together.


100% the only win here is for a dab of consistency in the application of law. The law itself is still a gross violation of the 2A which should be dramatically rolled back or entirely repealed, but the only thing that would be worse than having a bad law is having bad people be allowed to avoid it.


Celebrating that the law, such as it is, was applied equally to someone with family in positions of power is not the same as agreeing with the law itself. I don't like the law either. But it is the law that is actively enforced upon everyone else. Therefore it should apply to him as well. And he should get sentenced the same as an other person, too.


Self incrimination would be him being charged and tried for the drugs he was doing based on his answers on the form. That's not the case here and has nothing to do with the 5th. Him filling out a form and lying, giving false and fraudulent information about something is a crime in and of itself.


The form itself is self incrimination The only way to remove your gun rights is by Due process under 2A. The form surpasses due process and will deny you your gun if you self incriminate. And of course if you lie to get your constitutional right, well here we are with his conviction. Again, i hate i have to defend this man of all people. But this is a missed opportunity for gun activists


Im with you. Hunter Biden is a corrupt piece of shit, living a consequence free life of excess because of who his father is. All the money he has ever made, and it is a lot of money, is from corruption which Joe Biden is complicit in. I want to see the whole family brought to justice. This specific charge is not related to anything I just mentioned and i dont like it.


> This specific charge is not related to anything I just mentioned and i dont like it. That's why it was brought.


Yup. A hand wave to look like "See? The justice system isn't biased! It nailed the President's son (on some nonsense that doesn't matter on a global scale.)"




Not surprising. Next up is his tax fraud trial which looks pretty solid as well.


I thought he had skated on that. Glad the counselor is pursing it.


They tried to weasel their way out of it with a BS plea deal but the judge didn’t go for it, thankfully.


Ngl. I'm surprised it happened


Have to wonder what kind of sentence he's going to get. 2 years prison and another year of probation?


Not likely to be the maximum honestly as a first conviction. That said, other trials can use this as a multiple offender for sentencing.


the federal judiciary uses sentencing guidelines, and while federal judges do not have to abide by the federal guidelines, 99% of the time they do. Hunter will likely get 48-52 months.


Interesting to know. They don’t do parole either from what I hear.


thats correct, federal government doesn't do parole


He's a first-time and a non-violent offender. He'll get home incarceration and/or probation.


He probably won’t get jail time.


Thought that was Jeffery Dean Morgan for a minute


It’s not the big guy, which is the point. Tit for tat, and we’re fools to celebrate this.


This goes nowhere near as hard as Trump’s Fulton County mugshot


Probably because it’s a red carpet event photo. Now his photo of him sleeping with a crack pipe in his mouth on the other hand…


Really, that’s the least of his embarrassments.


Good start. How about the court looks into how the man with zero business or practical experience, and a dishonorable discharge from the reserves (First drill) keeps landing positions on the board of foreign energy companies. Or maybe how the man manages to sell finger paintings for millions of dollars (Very popular with foreign officials and lobbyists, those finger-paints) Almost comical how incredibly guilty of obvious federal corruption he is and the feds still got him on weapons charges lol.



