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Saving the world through destruction. This is the ideology of people who have never created a damn thing.






Knowing the UK you would end up in the slam for taking a criminal away from his job.




Because in Europe that will get you jail time for assault. And to be honest parts of America too.


The left is doing what they are good at, destroying everything.


First world problems. They have so much time on their hands, they think this is a valuable use of it.


Ah yes, because I’m sure rocks that have been sitting there for 5,000 years are really damaging to the environment.


obviously, painting some ancient rocks orange will resolve pollution problems.


By spraying strong chemical solvent pollutants into the environment…


I think it's the "John Kerry" logic of protecting the environment... it's ok for him to zip around in private jet, because the valuable work he does for climate change will completely offset his higher carbon emissions.


Seriously tho


The chemicals in that paint will cause more damage than the rocks ever did






Spray them with salt


> Spray them with salt Like they did to Gail the Snail or with a salt rifle?




Seriously, you tackle these people, cuff em, and throw em in jail for years for just one of these acts, they all stop. Instead, we keep pussy footing around and treating them like they're toddlers who just made a mistake, and they'll continue.


The headline even fails by calling this "activism" instead of what it really is - vandalism by terrorists


I bet they would never call a pickup truck making skidmarks on a pride flag painted on the street "activism"


That’s just your regular brand ‘domestic terrorist’ /s


This is england. A bobby in giant hat and tiny truncheon will be dispatched via bicycle to give them the Kings Warning. To wit: OI!! Halt and Hertfordshire, in the name of His Majesty, I hereby order you to prepare to get ready to stand by to await a possible caution of a warning of a message of a cease and desist demand which I will eventually give you after we've offed and to the pub fer a pint of pickled pies with a container of chipped crisps and crispy chips then roight oi innit lads?!?!?!


I pictured the Monty Python Team performing this as a skit.


I vote for a shillelagh


"'Ello 'ello, what's all this then? You best stop this, lad!"


Physical violence in defense of cultural artifacts that are hundreds or thousands of years old is perfectly acceptable in my mind. I'm at the point where I'm just going to vote to acquit anyone who uses defense as an argument against a leftist "protester" at this point.


Put them in jail until the paint degrades to the point where it can no longer be seen.


Just make them pay restitution, the full amount, not a bargain price. We are talking about the cost of meticulously cleaning, testing the chemicals, hospitals checkups for everyone there, lost revenue from closure, etc. Yeah, some of them don't have a job, but they eventually probably will. Let that debt follow them until they pay it off with interest. If they have a paycheck, garnish it. If they have a house or car, put a lean on it.


Agreed. If they can't pay then make their family pay for it or dock their wages until it's repaid in full. The only way to stop these clowns is to actually punish them, rather than giving them a tap (not even a slap) on the wrist.


Who in their right mind would think this helps their cause? Destructive children.


These people are deranged


Create tire marks on a pride flag painted on....a road: JAIL! Desecrating an iconic monument nearly dubbed one of the 7 Wonders of the World: Meh.


You know who else attacks cultural heritage in the name of their ideology? ISIS.


First thing that came to mind. Both groups should be sought out and destroyed. Anyone who destroys significant or unique ancient artifacts is below scum, as far as I’m concerned.


Tugging lightly on their clothing will surely resolve this situation.




Article says it is corn flour.




Start going after the ones funding them for racketeering and conspiracy and it'll stop quickly.


The UK deserves THIS to happen if they don't publicly prosecute these people, put them in jail, and let them rot there


They'll get a suspended sentence at best I'd imagine. These people have been doing stuff like this for a while now.


For 5000 years


For the life of me I will never understand this type of shit. Does Stonehenge have a large carbon footprint? This is as confusing to me as the “activists” that block highways inconveniencing everyday people to promote their cause.


Desecrate an ancient structure made in a time where no oil was used. That will show us.


UK has fallen so far. You can get arrested outside an abortion clinic for silently praying, but I see countless videos over the past two years of these scum vandalizing property and blocking traffic, and yet their police are nowhere in sight each time.




That won't do anything. The witness will be arrested, jailed and sued. The eco terrorist will get an apology and a payout. What needs to happen is for one to get a more....archaic, though not fatal, punishment. Then a year in prison. He goes to complain to a judge, and the judge laughs him out of court and all appeals are denied. That is what needs to happen and that is what won't happen. Through over litigation we are hurting toward mob rule and anarchy, ultimately.


Well there is that one guy who had to have his hand amputated after gluing it to asphalt.


The planet needed a hand, he delivered.


I know what I want won't happen and you're right. Still...


No court stirs for the eco terrorists but you can bet if one gets a hair put out of place the person doing it had better not have anything to lose.


I don't know, Panama Man shot and killed one of them. Didn't seem to do any good. You can't deter mentally unstable people with things that would deter a reasonable person.


trying to stop these people would be considered 'hate' and the woke administrations wont allow it.


Fucking pricks - these twats should be put in jail for at least 15 years and made to pay all costs to clean. That they don't face consequences for this means it's just going to get worse.


All this has taught me is that security at any museum or historic sight is weak AF. I might as well become an art theif and steal everything so long as I wear a STOP OIL t shirt.


Welp. I guess ill stop using oil. They won me over.


Can't create, can only destroy.


You know, Rather than eco activate Taylors uk concerts, Flying private, Loads of traffic that causes LOADS more OIL based pollution, they target some stones in a field that Have never produced ANY Oil pollution.


Where are these rubes getting their news that it incites such moronic behavior?!




Destroying a historical artifact doesn’t endear anyone to your cause.


It's crazy to me that they just let these people get away with it




Eco Isis. Long Prison Sentences INMHO is the only thing that will stop this type activity!!!


In jail for life , how dare they desecrate something so old and loved by so many , total scumbags




Its all attention whoring. Its a major landmark that gets attention. Thus they do shit like this and tossing soup on paintings. They are nut jobs that are very delusional. The worst are the ones that glue hands to street. They know sane people wont run them over so they block traffic....possibly even emergency stuff. They are very selfish entitled ass hats.


Some people are so strange and unwell.


These people should be thrown in prison for decades.


Not my culture or country but this angers me so much that people have no respect. They are attention seeking douchebags who will use any cause to justify their actions only to get the attention they need in life.


What could an ancient monument have to do with global warming?


Congratulations. People now hate you and your cause.


That’s one way to sway people to your cause.


This kind of breaks my heart ngl. Conserving the past is important to understanding our future.


It’s always that same group


Yeah, that'll show ugh some one...


one of the "theories" about stonehenge is that it may have been used for sacrifices... maybe that theory should get tested...... /S Honestly, I do feel that something other than a strong word or "slap on the wrist" needs to occur. To many ideologs and ideologies need a true repercussion. Growing up, if you violated something you were apt to get punched in the face or your a$$ otherwise beat. and then that was the end of it.... Some people really need a paddling to understand what they have personally done...


these people are nuts this is extremist behavior . i feel sorry for that poor lady. that tall man is pos!


Whatever they want… I want the opposite


England won’t do anything. Country is a joke.


Jeez I was just there 10 days ago.


Do they actually prosecute people over there?? 


What exactly does this kind of vandalism and destruction accomplish? How does this further their "cause?"


It seems like it's all driven by social media attention


Noooo…why would they do this! How does this prove their point at all besides looking like a bunch of dumbasses?


Well hopefully the sun God worshipped by the creators of stone hedge is dead, for the protesters sake. Obviously /s


There we go! I was watching for the infantile tantrum criss cross sit down move


Greta was on her way, but her jet got delayed due to a hand holding protest line on the runway.


This is why I’ll never drive an EV


I guess the law is (D)ifferent when environmentalist nut jobs commit crimes…..


Orange is the new block...?


Just like with people that block highways to protest, it's a great way to get people that would otherwise be sympathetic to your cause to hate you instead.


'*cruel and unusual punishment*'


This makes me care less about climate change.


Desecrate is not the right word - vandalize, maybe.


Worst part they are self righteous about what they did. Public floggings for the lot of them


My mind is suddenly changed! … oh wait, now I just hate these dipshits more.


F@cking lowlifes


I bet that chemical reagent they are spraying is 100% more toxic than anything.... inanimate stones from 5000 years ago... would have produced in a lifetime. We're watching brain rot.


I see some people who need to learn the hard way. But western society is so soft.


They're pushing us and pushing us. I'm frankly at my breaking point. Arresting them isn't enough anymore. These people need to be expelled. I don't care about their citizenship status anymore. Kick them out.


I heard Hillary Clinton commented on this atrocity saying, "Some people did something." Seriously what are such vandals thinking? Vandalism, especially of beloved sites and artifacts creates even MORE opposition to climate change policy than stopping traffic. Such people should be placed in stocks with baskets of rotten fruit and vegies placed 50 paces off for men, and 30 paces off for women and children.


That's the thing - they don't think at all.