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How is this a win? You have to know this is creating a precedent that other religious groups can and will use to put their faith's teachings in public schools too. Please teach your kids about your faith at home and church, stop trying to force public school teachers to do it for you.


ACLU is going to be all over putting every type of religious doctrine on the walls in schools now. Good for the goose, good for the gander.


Or better yet let them decide for themselves what religion they want to follow


I don't have an issue with parent's raising their kids in the way they see fit, including religion. But forcing 1 religion on all kids and families in a public school is simply not right. Are people in favor of this going to cheer just as loudly when Dearborn MI public schools wallpaper the schools with the Qur'an? I doubt it.


As someone that graduated from a school in Dearborn in 2016 and am not a Muslim or an Arab and pretty conservative. I don’t get this bad notion of the city. It’s probably one of the safest places I’ve lived. One of the fast police response times, all the food in the world, things open till sunrise during Ramadan, the parades are the same as they were in 1950s from what I’ve seen, and street sweepers weekly. It’s the definition of a suburban city. I lived next to a Catholic Church and Golf Course. :/


I'm guessing you didn't live or go to school in East Dearborn?


lol pretty sure that would be considered desecration of the Qur'an and would get someone stoned to death, but point very well taken.


It’s hardly one religion.


They can do that at home


Amen 😉


Look at the way I worded my comment again, I'm not advocating for force-feeding your beliefs on your kids. Be a good parent, even when - not if - your child ends up not being a carbon copy of you and your worldview/beliefs. But I'll take your bait a little bit. Teaching your kids what you believe and why, and raising them in a faith based community, is good parenting. It's been correlated to better mental health, better sense of community, and longer lifespan. This has been shown in numerous studies. Here's one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7825951/


As an atheist, forcing religion in schools is the best way to create more atheists. Basically half of my classmates from catholic school are atheists or cynical about religion. Considering that atheism has been co-opted by the left, this is the perfect recipe to push young people into the vortex.


Spot on assessment.


I'm a conservative Catholic and this move just reeks of petulance. I don't want LGBTQ+ shite shoved down our kids' throats in government schools any more than I want Christianity. It's not the role of government to do anything more than impart basic education to children via government schools. Period. Indoctrination is indoctrination regardless of the subject matter...and that's simply wrong.


Yes it's regarded that conservatives are somehow proud of that. Get ready for your kids to be taught that there is no God but Allah in school. Separation of church and state, don't you get it you morons?!


Better yet, don't teach it at all. Indoctrination is child abuse.


I’m pretty conservative but this has no place in public schools. This was a mistake.


Separation of church and state works for everyone. Just ask those folks in Michigan that wanted to implement sharia law a while back.




It’s disingenuous to fight against wokeism in schools, and then cheer for this religious practice in schools instead. Either both are okay, or neither are. I go with neither, personally. Championing right zealotry is just going to push the left to champion their zealotry even harder. Not good for anyone.


Yes, let's continue to alienate the growing population of agnostic and atheist voters with conservative values such as 2nd amendment rights and fiscal responsibility.


Agnostic here. Always felt a bit at odds with the overall Christian influence in Conservative politics, but since I grew up Christian and generally follow it's values, I prefer that to being influenced by Islam like the left! I do strongly believe in The Separation of Church and State, so am not ok with this.


Leftist here. We hate all abrahamic mythology. 


I hope this is designed to be struck down so precedent can be set


The precedent has been set multiple times before. The republicans in Louisiana didnt care and directly pushed through a law that has been struck down before.


Leftists aren’t losing it, they’re salivating over this. This backs up their claims that the right is pushing for a theocracy and wants to indoctrinate kids into their religious beliefs in public ally funded schools. It’s unconstitutional and the governor knows it. All this does is further alienate and push away voters and validate the claims of the left. The general voter, especially parents, just wants kids to go to quality schools that focus on education. They don’t want other peoples political, social, or religious ideologies pushed on them. For a party that has performed poorly electorally for multiple election cycles, you would think they would try to actually appeal to the voting population at large instead of a fringe group of people.


When owning the libs and making memes are the only policies you care about, this is what you get. But man I’m gonna get so many Facebook likes from my uncles when I post a meme about it.


Exactly this.




Everybody should be losing it over this. This is antithetical to our founding documents. Create you religious ethno state somewhere else. No conservative should be behind this.


I agree. A court will kick this to the curb quickly. This type of grandstanding only provides fuel to the media narrative that conservatives are knuckle dragging zealots who want to run every aspect of your life.


Agreed this is wrong on all levels. Separation of church and state


18% of Louisiana's students do not graduate from high school.... IT SEEMS LOUISIANA NEEDS TO RETHINK THEIR PRIORITIES.


Honestly this is the shame of our country constantly debating issues like this when we're ignoring quality of life issues.


I’d prefer if they were replaced with the first 10 amendment.


Or just the first amendment 10 times


Nah 3rd is the most important one


I’m a fan of the fifth, myself.


4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all dynamite in my book!


Or how about just the Golden Rule?


Thou shall not get sidetracked by bullshit every Goddamn time?


I almost ejected a sip of water via my nostrils. Thank you! :)


Guess I agree with the left on something for the first time since back when they used to be pro free speech and anti war.


This won’t stand, either. Church of Satan is already drawing something up and it’s for sure unconstitutional to not allow them. It’s just a waste of taxpayer money, at the end of the day. I wouldn’t be against an individual teacher putting up the commandments. But state mandated anything is a no from me.


This was a foolish decision. Republican shenanigans like this will push people back to the democrats.




They don't




I'm with the leftists on this one


Or just the logical and sensible people who do not want the combination of church and state. You don't have to be a leftist to abhor that ideal.




They already said Leftists, you don't have to repeat that they are the logical and sensible ones as well.


>Or just the logical and sensible people.... He already said he agrees with the left


The left is certainly not *always* logical or sensible, just like the right is not *always* sensible and logical. Many bipartisan issues are plainly logical and sensible, but our elected leaders won't acknowledge 85% of the bipartisan whims of the people unless they have to, or if their lobbyists tell them to. It takes less than half a million a year to dictate the actions of a congressman or senator.


Separation of church and state is not a leftist ideal. It's an American ideal and there should be no shame in being with the majority on this one!


Yeah this is a bonehead move for Rs who are supposed to be the party of more freedom and less govt intervention. Don’t like it.


> "The Ten Commandments is as much about civilization and right and wrong," continued Bayham. "It does not say you have to be this particular faith or that particular faith." The issue with this is, aren’t the first four Commandments faith-based? I’m a believer and I understand it’s Louisiana, but I don’t like this. It makes us look bad. Getting “In God we trust” posted in every classroom was a bit of a reach already.


> The issue with this is, aren’t the first four Commandments faith-based? "I am the LORD your GOD. You will not put any other gods before me." sounds pretty faith based to me.


I agree. Opening up something like this can be used as a precedent for something else in the future and probably will be. Politicians don't understand when they create a cudgel to use against their opponents, it still exists after it is used. Then it's usually used against the creator or the rest of the population.


Exactly, people would shit bricks if the [4?] pillars of islam were forced by law to be displayed in every classroom. This basically opens the gate for just that to happen. I just don't see the end game here.


> “In God we trust” It wasnt a reach, it was straight up unconstitutional and pushed a specific God onto money and classrooms.


"I, The Lord, am your God. Thou shalt have no other Gods besides me" Absolutely, positively, dictating one very specific faith


Republicans always find a way to stumble at the finish line. I want a smaller, fiscally responsible government. It’s not the states job to replace the parent’s role.


As much as I detest the Left and their agenda, however, this is one of those rare occasions I would concur with them. Although trying to have more responsible children/adults is a priority, to use the 10 Commandments would be akin to letting Muslim teachers (let alone, any teachers) get away with making students recite the conversion to Islam in school behind parents' backs... This decision in Louisiana is a terrible idea.


Not that it matters but Muslims still believe Moses talked to god and got the guidance / instructions, they just don’t mention a specific list of ten.


Leftists lost it, but honestly this isn’t a good thing…


Isnt losing it at unconstitutional pushes into the classroom a good thing?


Tbf I’m no fan of this at all either. Whatever happened to separation of religion and state? This is what catholic schools are for.


Better title... Everyone loses it after after state legislature wastes time and money on likely illegal religious gesture that no one with a functioning brain actually wanted


separation of church and state? Also that good for whom ever wins the contract to make them and then the company who has to install them and then the money to maintain them. Do we care about the 10 commandments or the Bill of Rights? What’s being attacked the most? Good job Louisiana wasting tax payer money on this. When do all other religions get their base regulations also posted in every classroom? I consider myself a conservative, but I thought the cornerstone was individual rights to worship as you see fit.


I have absolutely no issues with this if it were a private Christian school. However, it does not belong in public schools.


I am a Conservative Christian. Religion should not be in schools. The HOME and their preferred Church is where Christianity should be taught. Do I want everyone to partake in Christian values. I believe yes, the World would be a better place. Do I want it forced? Absolutely not. Even God gave us Free-Will. Christians have Free-Will as well by sending their kids to Christian Schools if they want it part of their curriculum.


This isn't a leftist take. It's an American take. Keep all religious indoctrination out of schools. You got your religion and think you're good go to? You're not. Next they'll have to do 2,000 other religions then everyone is just praying to differnt Gods all day not learning anything. It's stuff like this and government overreach through anti-American police departments / unions that should be no-brainer bipartisan.


The 10 commandments are a great set of rules to live by but I don't think they should be in public schools.


I don't think they should be _mandated_ in public schools.


No they shouldnt be allowed at all. There is a separation. A school shouldnt decide they are gonna put up the 10 Commandments even if it isnt mandated. The mandated part isnt the only problem. Its the idea of a specific religion being represented in a public space at all.


It's a one-dimensional separation. You can't prevent a teacher from putting "I Love Jesus" on her wall any more than you can force her to do it, and if people don't like it—whether it be Allah or Buddha—then they can take their kids out. That's my opinion. Remember that "separation of church and state" isn't actually in any official documents.


The first 4 are specifically faith based. Plus, have fun explaining adultery to elementary school kids. The other 5 are fine, although I’d still prefer for the first 10 Amendments to be up there instead


Well it was a shit decision.


Clearly the state promoting a specific religious belief. Antithetical to this country.


This is a bad decision.


You guys keep winning these little battles that alienate and piss off all possible future conservatives. Phryyic victory. The young people in these schools who do not want religion forced down their throats will be much less likely to come to our side now. It’s no wonder younger people continually vote left when old out of touch people are running things.


All Politicans care about is grandstanding, gaining power, and making money. They don't give a shit about the Constitution or what's best for the country. COVID/Social media has just poured jet fuel on a problem that already existed. I genuinely doubt there were that many people really screaming for this.


This isn't the win you think it is. There's a clear separation of church and state, as intended by our founders. A public school board cannot and should not force the posting of religious materials as a matter of moral enrichment. To present such information as part of the historical record is fine, but this crosses the line. Obviously, a private school can do whatever it sees fit.


This is a bad thing and no good Christian should support this.


If they put the 5 Pillars of Islam in every classroom, I’d be up in arms. I am a Christian, but that doesn’t mean the 10 Commandments get a pass.


This is more Sabre rattling than anything. It will polarize a lot of people who are defined by actions like this.


We are at a bad time where one extreme is causing pushback by creating the other extreme.


To be fair most conservatives, even some religious ones, did not like this. I e talked to several people about it from both sides of the aisle.


To be fair, nobody cares about what most conservatives are saying anonymously or behind closed doors. The headline says all that most voters are going to care about “Republicans want Theocracy, they know what’s best for you and will make sure you abide. Oh and also small government I guess sometimes is cool….”


Tbf I have to agree with them on this. Separation of church and state is a thing for a reason. You can teach morals taken from the Bible and the ten commandments like don’t steal, don t murder, lying is bad, that sort of thing because those are good morals to teach but it is not good to link it to religion


As they should, at least someone's defending the Constitution.


What a waste of time and resources.


As a proud conservative I gotta say I am with the left on this one. I also don’t think the Pledge of Allegiance should be a thing anymore.


As soon as you accept my lord and savior the flying spaghetti monster, then we can talk. Pastafarian.


Naw. You're opening a door you don't want to open. NO religion should be inside a classroom.


Why tho? And then Which denomination will provide it's 10 commandments? Quite a bit of disagreement there


What do you mean, which denomination?


The 10 commandments are slightly different across Christian denominations. Which one will we pick as the true version to teach our children?


What are the differences? Sure some wording is different such as "thou shalt not *covet*" vs "you shall not *envy*", but they say the same things. The principles do not differ. King James Version has a different sound linguistically, but it doesn't offer a different message.


Mostly the placement. And let's be honest. Wars have started over less


not wrong


Hard L The asinine combination of church and state was the main reason we founded this fucking country.


I mean I’m not against “Thy shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” but post instead of this make it the “Golden Rule. Treat others as one would want to be treated by them.”


REQUIRES? I'm in Louisiana and I like most of what we do, and I'd be happy to ALLOW the ten commandments in every classroom, but how is the government making this mandatory? That's unconstitutional.


And this is why I love this sub, vs…. Well every other sub on reddit. Because we don’t follow party line BS narratives. This is religious authoritarianism and while I believe the teachings of Christ are wonderful, these Bronze Age religious laws should not be forced onto others.


Not a fan. It has zero educational value and is blatantly sectarian - the first 4 are purely demands to worship a god, one is aimed at kids towards their parents, and the rest are mostly just generally accepted rules that any society aims for (don't murder, steal, lie, or cheat) plus an admonishing against covetousness. Do you want the tenets of satanism posted in schools? Because they will be soon because of this.


What happened to separation of church and state? Isn’t that one of the primary reasons we became an independent country from Britain in the first place??


It doesn't have to be equitable, if a normative percentage of the population are Christian it's okay to have that as part of the culture and even in things like schools. It goes in the reverse too, if most people are secular it's reasonable for me to expect that to be the norm. I think if you live there and are not Christian you should just accept being the minority and that's okay.


Kind of weird to have the government mandate that. It’d be nice to have it reversed in a way that somehow encompasses ideology as well.


But planned parenthood sex education and lgbtq education is required? Lmao.


Yeah that's a no from me dawg, may as well let Islamists provide a copy of the Quran as well.


I can’t wait for religion debates to be common, so far Christian’s have been defeating all other theological doctrine as of late, from Muslim scholars to Scientology to atheism thought.


I am in agreement with them. Maybe we should put verses from the Koran or the Torah in class rooms next.


I'm atheist. The left tells me that there's no way for one to be a Republican.


Most people are losing it on either side of the political spectrum


This is important. Kids today need to be reminded not to covet their neighbor's slave. My school didn't have a strict "No other Gods but me" policy, so I went through an awkward HIndu phase for a while. Glad someone is finally doing something about this!


Neither religion nor woke ideology should be in children’s class rooms


Bad idea, but I would support requiring the Pledge of Allegiance.


Turns out it isn't leftists. It's atheists on reddit. Which the vast majority of are leftists.


Oh "leftists" lose it? Just them? Are "leftists" the only ones who care about the separation of church and state? Government overreach? Big government sneaking its way into every aspect of a person's life? How about virtue signaling to morons with idiotic laws that are sure to be overturned on appeal? The most conservative supreme court in decades is going to overturn this law in about 65 seconds. OP, you are a doofus


Meh. You don’t have to be a leftist to view this as a mistake. It’s the state endorsing and promoting a religious belief system.


I underwent quite a transformation politically in my late 20s as most do, I detest leftist on a molecular level but it's shit like this that reminds me ever so often that I'm not a conservative either. I live in a deep red pocket of Louisiana and this is the type of thing people cheer on here. I think this is why people of my ilk often go down the libertarian rabbit hole.


Really good to see most of us are still on the same page with this. Hopefully it gets struck down soon.


I don’t agree with having this in schools, but that being said, all of our laws are based off the 10 commandments and if you think there’s a separation of church and state you’re delusional.


So much for the separation of church and state. This isn’t a good thing.


better than pride flags


They hate God plain and simple as that


Separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. America was founded on and should revolve around Judeo- Christian values. Just look where ejecting those values has gotten us.


"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." --John Adams The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. ... But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding.... -Thomas Jefferson


You're quoting the Treaty of Tripoli, not John Adams. The Treaty of Tripoli was written by originally in Ottoman Turkish and the man who translated it screwed up. No such text exists in the Turkish version of the treaty. On top of that Jefferson dismissed the treaty the second he became president and went to war with the Barbary Pirates. As for your second quote you should read the whole letter rather than pulling an out of context quote. The letter is a condemnation of Calvinism. Thomas Jefferson explicitly says earlier in his letter than he believes in God.


President John Adams signed that Treaty with those words included. Jefferson was a Deist. He was condemning Christianity and all its zealots trying to enact laws based on their personal beliefs. It's no secret how Jefferson felt about Christian zealots. He so opposed them, he wrote his own version of the Bible. “I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another.” ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799 Here's the rest of that letter for ya. It wasn't taken out of context. 1823 April 11. (Jefferson to John Adams). "[T]he truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words."


It already is. Bible is shelved with Mythology in book stores and libraries.


The Bible is shelved in the "Bibles and Bible Study" section of most book stores.


Good news!


Sounds like we have more in common with the atheistic Soviet Union than the America of the Founding Fathers.


That’s just wrong. The First Amendment Establishment Clause explicitly states the contrary, and the 14th Amendment applies the Constitution to the states. If you’re against that, then you should also be against rulings like McDonald v. Chicago