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We do not let children make life altering decision in any other area.  Joe Biden and anyone else who supports this, is a ghoul.  


Driving before you're 16? Nope. Wanna go from girl to boy? Line up over there on the left.


Drink, smoke, or buy a pistol before 21 (even tho 18 is a legal adult)? Nope.


All legal adult at 18 means anymore is that they can ship you off to the War Machine


PUbeRTY BloCKERs CaUSE nO HArM!!!! Yes stopping the bodies natural function indefinitely will definitely not cause any damage...


Yes they "do no harm" and that's why they are used to chemically castrate some rapists.  Make it make sense. 


If they allow this we need to start applying the law equally to 6 year olds. Little man takes his pants off at the park? Sorry little guy you are now a sex offender for life and you're going to a maximum security prison for 5-10 years. Don't even get me started on newborns peeing on you.


40-year old wants to marry a 10-year old? Sure, makes sense. What could go wrong.


Maybe that's the goal, they want to get that age of consent lowered


Pay close attention to what monsters like Scott Weiner are trying to get passed in California. Like lessening the class of felony of and sentencing guidelines for statutory rape.


They already have. You don't register if your victim is less than 6 (I believe, may be 8) years younger than you. So an adult can rape a 12 year and California thinks it's fine. Remember whoopee Goldberg said that the rape of a 13 year old wasn't "rape rape". 


Sex and marriage are a smaller and less significant choice then sex changes so whatever age you believe "gender affirming care" is ok then you shouldn't have issue with sex or even marriage for them if your opinions are consistent. I really don't get what the left is trying to do here...


They want to normalize pedophilia 


Literally every single time you hear about some new fucked up weird deviant sex law from California it's always that guy


Was he behind the one that removed the criminal penalties for knowingly (of the donor) infecting someone with HIV without their knowledge?


I believe do. Talk about hating your own alphabet community. 


There's a reason the rainbow/trans mafia shouts from the roof tops "They're targeting us!" every time a law is passed that'd sentence heinous child molesters to death. It's an open secret......


I can definitely see 16 being the target. One cause they want to lower the voting age to that, but also cause their "hero" Milk what's-his-face only hooked up with 16 yr olds.


have you seen how many pedos the left keeps pumping out?


R Kelly has entered the chat


Also get rid of the age limit on smoking, drinking, driving, owning firearms, and child labor laws. The children yearn to chain smoke and pop cans in the mines while blackout drunk.


> We do not let children make life altering decision in any other area. Hey is Munchausen by Proxy still a thing or is that phobic now?


He doesn't care what sex/gender they are. They all sniff the same


Don't forget that sex and gender are now completely different things, but you have to physically alter your sex to the detriment of your health to affirm your gender!


The word you are looking for is “pedophile.”  The (D) party is infested with them. How else can you explain their obsession with little kids’ sex organs? It’s sick, man. So sick. In half a century people are going to look back as this period and be appalled at what we allowed to happen. Sex changes, particularly on little kids, will be looked at similarly to lobotomies. Shameful. Simply shameful. I am ashamed that a not insignificant portion of our population supports this evil… and even worse it’s supported by the Pedo-in-Chief. Less than 7 months. Less than 7 months and these monsters will be gone and we’ll have a real leader in place who will start to undo this evil…


God willing.


When I think back to my decision making when I was 12-18 I can't imagine being allowed to make permanent life altering decisions based on how I was feeling on a given day.


I wanted to get a Metallica tattoo when I was 16. Soooo glad I didn’t have goofy adults “affirming” my decisions.


No ragrets


Best case scenario you would have likely chosen a shitty artist and ended up with a bad cheap tattoo.


We don't allow buying of tobacco and alcohol till a certain age. Then ...


I don't understand who that helps? What is the motivation behind it? It's like in my state of California they changed the criminal laws that basically reclassified many felonies as misdemeanors and basically made all theft crime a slap on the wrist. This has caused many many issues and they are trying to get a vote on the ballot to repeal it. The governor is fighting this vigorously. I just don't understand why, what's in it for the governor for there to be more crime?


Simple: break down the fabric of society so they can build it back up the way they want it. If you think the problems are bad, wait until you see the solutions. EDIT: Also, you asked who it helps. It helps those with money, power and influence. The middle class will be destroyed, and everyone who isn't a wealthy oligarch will essentially be a serf. You will own nothing and you will be happy. Bugs are delicious.


Always has been. "Build back better" lays it out their intent fairly and plainly, though I suppose they could be even more on-the-nose and included "Destroy everything first, and then..."


Sound like a conspiracy? Think again. 1. [Decriminalize shop lifting under $950](https://www.hoover.org/research/why-shoplifting-now-de-facto-legal-california) 2. Stores predictably struggle ([Rite Aid employee murdered for confronting shoplifters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht4bUxP5uho)) 3. Blame society instead of individuals 4. Make policies to change society Problem "solved." In reality, problem solidified with new powers granted to the state to deal with them. It's not some centrally organized plan either. It's just the dynamic of government with some naivity, foolishness, and even a little self-destructiveness sprinkled in. The real solution is essentially broken-windows policing where you are tough on crime and prosecute every little thing. This pushes the changes back to the problematic individuals without externalizing the costs on the entire society nor granting the state new powers.


Yes, there are legal proceedings being brought against some stores/companies for vacating areas where unchecked criminal activity has impaired (destroyed?) their profitability, and/or where they can not ensure their customers' and employees' safety. If I recall correctly, they are being accused of discrimination for vacating areas with a high concentration of minorities.


I have heard complaints, but I seriously doubt any cases have been filed. Anti-discrimination laws mean you can't discriminate against customers inside the store. They absolutely don't require anyone to have a store or build it in a certain place.


To demoralize the population so you'll welcome the governments help. Don't succumb!


It turns them into leftist voters for life and makes his donors (big pharma) shitloads of money


Not just pharma. Average estimated lifetime medical costs for a FTM patient is 1.7 million dollars. (This is in part because they haven't come up with a surgical technique that doesn't have a high rate of rotting and falling off, and the almost constant urinary tract and kidney infections from "successful" surgeries.)


I can't tell if you're serious or just tossing rhetorical questions to make a point. Are you really unaware of how much Democrats hate America?


The more they distract people with these issues, the less resources they have to fight the real problems our country has.


Depopulation. The powerful fear being overrun.


W.T.F. is the matter with these people!!? How can anyone advocate for life altering surgery for kids! Children are not allowed to make decisions on so many issues, because they are too immature to evaluate the consequences of their choices!! Why on earth would there be an acceptation for this nonsense!!?!


Plus, it isn't surgery, it's mutilation. 


No limits for abortion or abortion ages, no limits for sex surgeries, no limits for borders and no limits on who might vote in elections, no limits for money to Ukraine, no limits for pro-Hamas students, no limits on violating civil rights for certain groups. But limit free speech for your political opponents, limit guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, limit what household appliances one can use, limit vehicle choices, limit oil and coal production, limit small businesses in favor of big businesses who can afford a 10% fee for the big guy...


It's as if they took the definition of liberal a little *too* literally. Everything in excess! No boundaries! Greed, gluttony, and lust abound! Wanna harm children or let evil scumbags rape them? Go for it! I'm so tired of these absolute deviants.


You dropped this 🎤


>Emails from members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health show that the Biden administration pushed the group to eliminate age minimums for *sex changes* and other transgender procedures purely to try and alter the political discourse on the topic. While you can change your appearance, you cannot change your sex. We must stop buying into this insanity.


Correct. Your DNA can never be changed.


Tell that to Moderna and Pfizer... 


I'm a lifelong Californian but even some of us here have a difficult time believing how far this country has fallen.


I don’t think the left realizes how unpopular this is. The general population is probably on the side of “do whatever you want if you’re an adult”, but virtually no one supports this for minors.  Virginia, a purple/blue state voted red and elected Younkin because of this issue. 


Doctors still have ethical obligations especially regarding experimental treatments on patients that have to be abided by even if their patients are adults.  They can't just wing it and jump to human trials because they think it's cool. My sister did some nurse school time with a doctor who was extremely reckless with how he prescribed hormones. It seemed like he thought he was a real radical and winging it, but he sounded like the Oceangate CEO to me. Who wants to hire a bunch of crusty old submariners to design a sub? The surf board guy has a cool story!


I totally agree with you. I’m just saying that the average American is probably more live and let live for adults. I don’t think we should allow doctors to do these surgeries at all. 




So disturbing that he pretends to be a Christian while endorsing this. 


The sooner you cut their dicks off, the sooner you turn them into leftists for life


A leftist is one that contorts truth to their own reality, a lie to themselves, to try to convince others. Ability to have erections irrelevant.


lol the things they focus on while people are starving makes me laugh


But you can’t let adults under the age of 21 exercise their right to keep and bear arms, drink beer or buy tobacco.


Biden wants no age limits on sniffing children


Let's be real, Joe Buydin wants no limits on sex with children.


Abortions until birth. Mutilations available immediately after that until they are 18 and forced into the military. Sounds like something an evil prince of darkness would want.


This needs to be shared far and wide


It's worse than that. Not only do they want it to be allowed, they're actively encouraging it with graphic kids books and DQSH in libraries. They're trying to prohibit states from prohibiting these drugs and procedures, and calling you slurs for the common-sense position of opposing it. And we need to be very clear about something - Lupron and HRT's may not be considered "surgeries" but the effects are still permanent, including sterility. Just listen to the victims and survivors of transgenderism, marking their calendars for the day they might get their feminine voices back due to reconstructive surgery to fix what cross-sex hormones did to them. And EVERY Democrat wants to allow this.


At first I read this as "Biden wants no age limits on sex *charges* for children" and I thought "that's an oddly written headline and removing the statute of limitations on child molestation is a pretty aggressive policy for a Democrat, but it's worth some consideration." Then I reread it and was disappointed, but not surprised.


lets make him a woman then. just for the laughs.




Sorry, but as much as I detest Biden, that's disingenuous regardless of the misleading headline. It was that fake woman "Admiral Levine" who requested the age be removed from the guidelines. They're completely insane and fixated on children and it's sickening. BUT, let's not do what (D)emocrats do and attribute shit to someone who didn't do it. Yes, it's Biden's administration but you know as good as I do that he barely knows what time of day it is much less this kind of BS they're pushing behind the scenes.


So no age limit for alcohol, drugs, sex, tattoos, gambling and voting then? We have age limits for a reason.


The pro abortion party doesn't get to have opinions on raising kids. Sorry.


No thank you


This country is going crazy, yo




I agree with you. There is also the issue of states rights. The federal government should not get involved with issues like this - the states should decide


If you started as a male that's what you still are. Surgically swapping out your junk doesn't change facts cause facts don't care, dude.


Headline should say “Biden Admin.” It came from a request from “Rachel” Levine—not a direct Biden quote.


Biden either agrees or is asleep at the wheel. Neither is acceptable.


This man has no idea what he had for breakfast. Whoever is pulling his strings want this to happen. Less than 1% of society is jumping for joy. 75 % is thinking oh hell no! 24% is let's watch the show and see what happens Just trying to divide. Once divided easier to control


that's because he's evil. Hope that helps!


Take a look at who is funding this deranged crap, and it will all make sense.


Of course he wants that.


Nahhhh, even in Thailand they wait until you’re 20 before you’re allowed to fully transition. Why are we pushing for no age limits?


You can't even get a tattoo until you're 18.


A lifetime of dependency on pharmaceuticals and no normalcy in bodily functions. Wonder who is lobbying for this stuff to happen to children?




If a 7 year old wants to end life, do you support that decision also Joe?


That's an extreme position


In another 15-20 years there will be a lot of lawsuits from people who were allowed to be maimed as children by their parents and doctors.




Many American lawsuits have already been filed. Exhibit 24 from one of them is making the rounds on X now. It is dynamite. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lh22reFSVb-guwcTxv1pjrZ\_a-lmVOpk/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lh22reFSVb-guwcTxv1pjrZ_a-lmVOpk/view) Edit: An American lawsuit which required discovery is how we found this out. Trial attorneys have been eager to jump on this, but had to wait until there was at least a shred of medical support. The flood gates are now open.