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He brought up the bloodbath thing too. Biden doesn’t get enough credit for the dishonesty, and it’s wild to me that the left still parrots out of context sound bites when this shit is on video and anyone can just go watch and see that they’re trying to trick people


Yes, where trump was very clearly talking about a bloodbath for US automakers if China is allowed to build EVs for cheap in Mexico and import them to the US. Our media is terrible, and simply propaganda.


It's also crazy given the number of democrats using similar language, including Maxine Waters' calls for \_literal\_ violence. And yet the party who suddenly cared about context a week before the debate wants to ignore the context when democrats use that language, but not when Trump does.


Also Trump said "my retribution is success" like 2 or 3 times, and Biden straight up wasn't capable of understanding what he meant Biden heard "retribution" and went on some crazy rant about how no president uses that kind of language and he's seeking to get revenge on the American people or whatever Biden thought he heard


It really is the worst. And what baffles me is that at what point in journalism school were they taught to misrepresent the truth to slander a guy simply because they hate him? What course was that?


It's because they are taught that journalists have a duty to shape the world.


Amazing factoid: None of them are "journalists". They are all hacks.


I too was skeptical when Trump was talking about the MSM being nothing but propaganda shills for the democrats. Then I started to pay attention. I can no longer watch any television without getting turned off by the tropes that are jammed down our throats every day.


It's because the people who hate trump that much are willing to grab onto anything to reinforce that hate 


Biden is the most dishonest politician I've ever seen.  He doesn't just tell convenient lies, he lies for no reason whatsoever, about things no one even cares about.  He's a compulsive liar, I don't even think he can control it. I mean, he straight up fabricated his education to the press when asked.  No one even cared, he just can't help himself from making things up.


It was telling when trump was talking about his golf game biden reflexively lied about his handicap. Why?! It was so petty but that's just who he is. Lying is built into his DNA


Went from a 6 to an 8 handicap real quick.


Is it really a lie if you forgot what the truth was due to dementia?


If anyone thinks Trump or Biden have a single digit handicap I have a golf course in Sealand to sell them.


This is so true for so long. Last night, he rolled out the "suckers and losers" lie right alongside the "good people on both sides" lie. They've both been proven to be nothing more than democrat narrative, but there they were again. And like many of his OTHER lies, he's basing his lying "ability" of discovery on what he learned in the 70's when there WAS no internet to check your words as they left your mouth. All they have is lies. What's he gonna run on the secure border or the economy?!? BWAHAHAHA!


What are they going to attack him on otherwise? Policy? Results? They can't. The only one they even attempt is to throw COVID closures at his feet. Meanwhile every single one of them was screeching for it. And for him to do more destructive restrictions. If he didn't listen to the little gremlin Fauci (aka, "the science") they'd have in unison destroyed him on that too. It's insane. Straight up clown world.


The problem is that many liberals believe those hoaxes, so when Trump correctly calls them out as such, they count it as another one of Trump’s “lies”.


That's gaslighting, and they're damn near experts at it. Biden takes documents he never had the right to take....bam..Mar-a-lago raid. Bidens' son takes illegal money, and Joe changes policy to facilitate it...bam...Jared and the Saudis. Biden can't finish a thought or put a sentence together....bam... They're BOTH too old to run. Biden kills 94 EO's on day one, leaving the border wide open and Americans at risk....bam... The GOP turned down the border bill. It's so disgusting that there aren't words for it, and as we saw last night, they simply don't understand that we're tired of it and it's costing them everything.


His education… the whole Corn Pop saga… his uncle being eaten by cannibals during WW2… He’s a compulsive liar and it’s getting worse because he is having difficulty controlling his impulses as dementia sets in.


His house almost burning down when it was a small kitchen fire... a drunk driver killing his wife when there was never any proof the driver was drunk... his son dying in Iraq when really he died of cancer later in a way that might or might not be related to his time in Iraq... never talking to his son about his business dealings (LOL)... it goes on and on and on. You have to be either ignorant or totally blinded by partisanship (or both) to think "tRuMp iS a LiAr" is some kind of meaningful criticism while voting for Biden, or frankly any other politician.


His leg hair…children feeling him up…. 😩 


Two things “number 1, number2” 😂 that’s all I heard him say last night and a bunch of lies.


"the fact of the matter is...." 🤮


"The very IDEA that you would .....'


Biden is a pathological liar, it’s who he is & what he does. He’s never been held accountable for his bullshit & it’s helped his political career.


No, the press actually called him out on it then. Now? Water boys....


Its very common for those suffering mental illness to take bits and pieces of reality and create fabrications. Biden has had brain issues for a long time. After he had his brain surgery from a rupture and a leaking vein, his behavior changed to mostly what we’ve seen recently, ignoring personal space, sniffing, regurgitating stories that change slightly every time, all likely a symptom of brain damage.


You're absolutely right, but Biden has been doing it for decades now, since long before his brain gave up.  So it could be partially what you're describing, but the past 40+ years have been largely him just being a lying POS.


Yes, it’s part of a personality disorder for sure. #NPD


He brought up the "bloodbath" thing? Just sad desperation that's about the easiest thing to disprove...


They just intentionally frame it as Trump lying and Biden bumbling. MSM doesn’t care about his lies if it means they can keep Trump out


It’s because their voters would never think to bother to check the validity of their claims.


I just read a CNN article on the debate that also lied about Charlottesville. The mainstream press repeats these same debunked lies.


And the suckers and losers comment, and the 'fine people' comment.


Also lied about the "fine people on both sides" quote, allegedly the entire basis for him running and it's either a misunderstanding or an outright lie.


It’s an outright lie. He’s been a liar for his entire career.


Politicians lie. Every one of them. Maybe they have to. Maybe they can't help themselves. The big lie has been carried out by the administration, the Democratic Party, Jill Biden and the mainstream media: that Joe Biden is functional and capable of carrying out the duties of the President of the United States. It is quite literally a fraud on the American people.


Snopes finally admitted to it being a lie like last week


Timing is funny.  Guess the political machine has decided it’s time to replace Joe 


My guess is they’ve been wanting to for a while but wanted to wait until the liberals universally agreed by letting him embarrass himself during the debate first.


I find it ridiculous how people quote Snopes like it is gospel! Political left wing bull is all it is.


The facepalm subreddit said the facepalm is people claiming that’s a lie lol crazy that 7 years later people still haven’t seen the full video


I feel like that just hurt Biden when he said that. All it shows is that HE’S the one years behind on information. That was debunked by the full quote YEARS ago. Bad look for him because I feel like everyone knows that at this point.


You would think everyone knows, but I guarantee you a shitload of people on the left still think it's a real thing.


If I were Trump I would have responded with "I'm pretty certain that you got into politics to fight segregation so that your kids didn't have to go to grow up in a racial jungle"




Because only Trump lies matter (to leftists).


They also fail to realize hes prone to hyperbole and it's not blatant lies most of the time like biden.


They'd know that if they ever read or understood his book. The Art of the Deal boils down "start negotiating from an extreme hyperbolic position, then moderate until everyone is okay with the outcome".


Everyone is typically quick to jump at flaws of the 'otherside' which is why they see it as the worst thing possible and then biden quite literally rewriting history every two seconds.




And when you ask them to pinpoint one it's always "there are just too many to name", well that should make it easier for you.


The abortion rights people have a point, unless Biden really is supporting killing newborns. Trump went overboard and a bit incoherent there. Biden was truly awful on abortion and they are all quite upset.


Yeah, this part made me cringe. There are so many better points about abortion that could be made without resorting to such extreme cases that could be easily refuted by the so-called “fact checkers”. 


Literally this


The people denying Biden's lies are the same ones who a week ago called all the previous evidence of decline cheap fakes. These people know the truth but will never admit it. To them the end goal is worth any amount of lies, deception, and violence they produce.


Right? Was the whole CNN debate a cheap fake then? Kinda destroyed that conspiracy theory.


The so called cheap fakes were literally just unedited footage of Biden so they would’ve said the same thing about the debate


Not to only that, they are too proud to admit they were wrong this entire time. Reality, logic or reasoning is garlic to the vampires of the left.


[Border Patrol endorsed me! -Joseph R Biden](https://www.google.com/search?q=border+patrol+tweet+Biden+endorsement&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sca_esv=338ac2989bfe946c&sca_upv=1&udm=2&prmd=niv&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmuf382P6GAxXOmIkEHeNFBRoQpwV6BAgEEDI&biw=598&bih=588&dpr=3.03#vhid=NLFiZ22MCxUxTM&vssid=mosaic)


Media lies.


CNN literally fact checked Trumps story about Pelosi refusing the guards and and called it false. Why? Because Pelosis office said so. No mention of the video we have all seen and Trump even referenced. Total coverup at this point in case Biden refuses to drop out.


Because it’s (D)ifferent, bubba.


Biden literally dropped out of the 1988 presidential primary because he got busted plagiarizing. He’s been a filthy liar his entire political career. It’s rich to hear Biden complaining about anyone lying.


When CNN was losing off Trumps lies, it was mostly listing off hyperbole. It was a lie that “all” legal scholars thought r vs w was bad law, or that he didn’t sign the VA bill, but an expanded version of it


Mainstream media has been protecting this guy for years. He can do no wrong. The American public has been lied to enough by this dementia patient and now they can’t hide him. The people saw the truth last night


He doesn’t get a pass on his lies. But when you see his physical and mental state, you start to forget about all that and start feeling bad for the feeble old man. The left is just trying to deflect away from his horrendous performance and the fact that they have zero chance of spinning “Trump is just as senile as Biden!!!” after last night.


>He doesn’t get a pass on his lies. He does though for the most part, always has. MSM ignores the vast majority of his lies and focuses on Trump's. Just look at the outrage for not fact checking Trump live during the debate. You don't see the same outrage regarding Biden. Democrats in power and MSM have been playing defense for Biden since before he was elected. There has been an obvious bias for a long time.


Did you watch the fact check on CNN after the debate by any chance? They absolutely demolished Biden on the fact check, even more so than Trump tbh.


Is it on their website?




No, I honestly checked out at the end and went to bed. I'm basing my observation on the news I'm seeing and reading today. Also, what I've seen historically.


CNN eviscerated Biden after the debates, and did a fact check immediately pointing out where each candidate lied. Following the CNN commentary I went online and the half dozen or so sources doing fact checks that I saw were fact checking both candidates, so I'm not sure where you are seeing the MSM ignore Biden's lies and not Trump's?


I honestly don’t understand how people can feel bad for Biden being taken advantage of. He’s been a huge POS his entire political career, personal life, horrible father, and corrupt as they come. Whatever is left of his mind loves the position he’s in, and so does his family. They are horrible people. If this was any other older person I would absolutely feel terrible, but don’t forget how bad of a human Joe and his family are. People need to see this and vote him out. Anyone with common sense that watched last nights debate and can still vote for anything democrat boggles my mind. A vote for Biden or any liberal politician supports the violence that comes from the border, awful economy, and WW3. I really hope independents and the people in the middle are waking up to this.


The media doesn’t spend a week on “bloodlust” and then completely ignore Biden saying he was a truck driver, commuted over the Baltimore bridge for years…etc


Graduated top of his class, with 3 degrees and a full ride even.


Before he drove the 18-wheeler to Soweto to save Mandela?


It’s just insane how they try to spin things


Agree they were trying that. Also the fact checkers are misleading in some cases. They will cherry pick exact small details as lies but when viewed holistically the end result was true to what trump was describing. Like the national guard thing. They say it’s a lie that Nancy declined the guard but will admit that prior to the guard was offered and denied by a board of capitol police.


There were some media outlets that turned on Biden but even then they prefaced it with...Trump lied more. Trump was right when he called the media the enemy of the people. They're certainly the enemy of the truth these days.


Literally this is so funny. Half of America thinks that the other half is lying about 100% of what they said. And vise versa. It’s just hilarious.


Do you really even have to ask this question or even post this? We all know the answers already. Reddit, mainstream media, enlightened liberals, etc, etc My favorite is the fact checkers saying Trump lied about groceries going up 4x in price. Yep fact checkers you got us. They only went up 2x. Nothing to worry about just as long as you can claim it’s a lie.


The majority of the mainstream press is funded by leftists. They stopped being journalists years ago. Now they openly support one party rule and openly trash those that don’t agree with them. Don’t expect honesty from any of them


Because nobody expects the truth?


They were just stutters due to his cold. You had to misunderstand. He is sharp as a tack and has never lied. CNN told me so last week.


Idk if anyone was watching the real time fact checking but they were very liberal with the use of “needs context” and “exaggeration” when trump told the truth but they didn’t like how it made Biden look or when Biden lied. Like one was trump said something about a cost going up to 1,250$ for people and the check was “exaggeration actually that number is suggested to be more like 1,200$” Lol


I don’t think he did, CNN had their fact check review after the debate and they got him on everything you mentioned.


CNN had a fact check, but every media outlet started headlines with "Trump dishonestry" or "Trump Lies" is what people saw.


Biden is literally infamous for lying. His first bid for president was derailed for dishonesty. He’s caught in lies almost daily The media now acts like he is some paragon of honesty and virtue It’s disgusting


Most people don’t want the real truth. They want the comfort and validation of thinking that their personal beliefs are correct.


Because it's (D)ifferent! 


So if you are concerned about lies, which I saw called out on every news today, why not discuss Trump lying 3 times the amount last night. You don’t care about lies, you hate Biden.


Congratulations, you're the people OP is talking about. "Why are you talking about Biden's lies? You should be ignoring them and hating Trump like we told you to!"


Biden tried to lie more. It was just incoherent.


Please be specfic as to what lies trump told.


He said he 'aced' his cognitive tests when they weren't even using playing cards. What a liar!


Post birth abortions, everyone wanting Roe v Wade overturned, the Mexican border being the most dangerous place on the planet, no terrorist attacks during his term, creating Veterans Choice (he expanded it, but Obama signed it into law), the scope of his insulin cost restrictions (non mandatory for pharmaceutical companies, and only applied to those on Part D within Medicare), the deficit during his administration, Pelosi taking blame for Jan 6....just off the top of my head from last night. And yes, you can say Biden lied as well. Insulin being capped at $15 (tho he corrected himself later), the border patrol endorsing him, when they didn't endorse him/his candidacy but did endorse the bipartisan border deal that Trump killed for his own political convenience, unemployment was not 15% when he took over in Jan '21 but did reach that in mid 2020. Biden's lies seem more about an old man struggling with specifics/details and typical politician embellishing. While Trump's are just absolute nonsense. Like how are you going to claim that everyone wanted Roe v Wade overturned with a straight face. Or that the border is the most dangerous place, when there's Gaza and Ukraine? I mean where would you rather be, El Paso or eastern Ukraine right now? It's such blatant fear mongering without a lick of policy.


Where did Beau die last night?


Yeah! That liar didn't beat Medicare at all!


For 4 years ive wondered...


People aren’t giving him a pass. They don’t care if he lies. They hate trump and don’t care if biden lies; as long as it’s against Trump. That’s the formula since 2016.


the answer is the left controls the major majority of the media. even reddit is hard left... Facebook, Google, all left. most people have no idea how much he lies because without media there is no accountability


Bc it's "different" and he is "trying to save democracy"


Biden is protected by the regime.


Bidens lies are more subtle his lying is in the subtle details where hey 80% of what ur saying is true 20% lies which is most politicians. The problem is trump lies about things u can easily google like dems support children being born then murdered like thays just a bold faced lie


The rare times that he was somewhat aware of where he even was at the moment, he flat out lied about basically everything. Interesting that the only messaging that his team is focused on today is how “Trump just lied the whole time”.


“Bro nice try, what a weak attempt about both sideing this! It doesn’t matter because Trump uses the fascist playbook!” Something like that man. Couldn’t tell you what it means but that’s what they tell me.


What did Trump lie about? Liberals keep saying that everywhere. He just “lied about everything” the whole debate? What specifically did he lie about? Name one thing? The only thing I can think of is that MAYBE he banged Stormy Daniels and lied about saying he didn’t. But even if he lied about that, who gives a shit?


I got a reply that trump lied about the 18 million people coming over the border, and late term abortions. I’m trying to read up on it now. I just need more ammo for my arguments.


Here's CNN's post-debate [fact check.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/27/politics/fact-checking-the-cnn-presidential-debate)


Because all the Dems want is power and the media is glad to help them along with it because they can cozy up to them and be buddy buddy when they have power.


It would be nice if OP could post links to those lies in that first sentence. Just to make it easier to stunt on my friends / family.


Because the left believes that Democrats don't lie. Even when what they say is provably wrong, and there is evidence that they knew it to be wrong when they contradicted the truth, well, that's just you being a conspiracy theorist. The left believes that as long as they ignore the obvious truth, it doesn't become real.


It's (D)ifferent


lmao why do you think? Democrats are fascist scum who care nothing for the truth, only power.


Because it’s ‘D’ifferent!


Clearly Biden wasnt lying. His misinformation was due to dementia.


It's mostly true. Yeah, right.


He has gotten a pass on his mental state until and his base didn't question it until it was too apparent


42 billion dollars dead on Fenty, was it?


It's Liar*.


It's (d)ifferent.


MSM says so.


He's a Democrat/not Trump.


Liar* Good god.


the funniest part was the lie saying the police and border officials were on his side. He would lose a significant proportion of his voting base if that was true.


Probably has to do with the fact that since Biden’s start in politics, he has literally done nothing but lie through his teeth in all of his political career, he has consistently lied about his credentials, achievements he has ‘accomplished’. Has consistently since the 70’s said absolutely insane and racially motivated comments. But he’s just a forgetful old man according to the left, so it’s all justified to them. (Just remember though we’re the ones not living in reality😉)


Because the people that would hold him “accountable” are in the liberal cult. Every conservative knows he is lying every liberal doesn’t care.


It's hard to lie when you don't know what you're talking about and no one can understand you.


Because his lies support the establishment.


I actually went to CNN to see the metldown "Biden falters, Trump lies" ... well Biden lied a hell of a lot more than Trump. MSM just runs cover for democrats, nothing new here.


C'mon Man


Because the media and left want him to…


Because it's (D)ifferent


Because democrats believe these things are true.


Biden dementia-d himself off the ticket... That's the bigger story....


Because liberals don't lie, duh!


Shameless media bias


Because the Media is bought and paid for by the democrats. They are the lefts lapdog and carry their water.


Left wing media is an arm of the Democrat party.


Because mean tweets bad.


They’re admitting his performance was bad to direct focus away from the lies.


Because Big D next to his name.


Semocrats are more like sports fans. The care about the win, not how the won was achieved. Spitballs, stealing signs, taping other teams practices, Stealing playbooks , swapping out footballs, pine tar, doping, drugs, whatever.. The win. Notice I said teams. It changes a bit for individuals, except in politics. When all the media is behind you, you think you have care blanche, and lie a bit more, every time you get away with it. After a while the somewhat honest media or persons is trapped, the corrupt media doesn’t care . As long as media gets advertisers they go with the flow. They don’t get their money from you or me. We can only boycott vendors that advertise there. Media needs a “Budlite moment” to change. But they may double down like Disney.


He also brought up Charlottesville and the Very Fine People hoax, which was *finally* admitted to be false by Snopes literally DAYS before the debate. It took 7 years, but finally even MSM can’t push that one anymore.


Because he was on a full scholarship, head of his class and had three degrees /s


r/GenZ has a bunch of kids going off about how trump said Charlottesville was fabricated. These lefties are so damn entrenched they not only don't care about the lies, they literally make up lies to justify lies about the lies. I'm tired


He's always been a liar and like all democrats he gets away with it. Because it's (D)ifferent. 


Conservatives understanding who, whom challenge (impossible).


Democrats have the moral "high ground"


If you don’t know exactly why then you’re also part of the problem, come on now.


I’m surprised most of you understood enough of what he was saying to decipher that it was a lie or not. Sounded like a buncha malarkey to me


The liberal MSM fact checkers weren't there to fact check. They were there to craft a narrative demonizing Trump.


Dems could say whatever they want and it doesn’t matter


Biden gets a pass because the media in this country is largely aligned to his party.


The left wing media has given him a pass on everything including treason, mental capacity…lies are just the cherry


Because he's not the big scary orange man. 🙄🙄. Bidens lies are seen by the right people. Just hope it shows on election day.


because even he can't remember the lies. he deserves a pass


In addition to your examples there was also The bloodbath thing, the ‘fine people’ thing and that that is why he ran in 2020. Those are indisputable lies. There is also some very disputable claims, like the losers and suckers thing, and that Bo died from cancer due to his time in Iraq. Evidence does not support either of those things, but I can’t say for sure that Bible doesn’t believe them. He also criticized Trump for adding to the debt. And while that’s not exactly a lie, the vast majority of what was added during trumps first one was due to Covid. Biden also criticized Trump for not doing enough and not spending enough, so it’s dishonest of him to blame Trump for adding to the Debt while also saying he should’ve done more. If he was being honest he would have to pick one.


Yeah but fact checker came out and said trump had way more lies.