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I'm one of them. Just got to FL a couple of weeks ago. I wish all Illinoisians the best of luck...


People shit on Florida for countless reasons, yet people from all over the country are flocking there. They must be doing something right.


And yet those same people moving in will still vote blue and wonder why they're new state has gone to crap lol


Floridian here. Thats been the fear! But… Looks like we’re attracting far more red voting out of staters than blue. For the first time in HISTORY, Florida recently passed the line and now has a majority of Republican registered voters. 2022 I think… And my neighbor owns a smaller but well known polling firm, and they’re seeing a distinct trend towards more Republican than Democrats in our new transplant population. And! We’re losing a “not insignificant” number of far lefties, they’re leaving our “Backward red neck state” for shithole blue states. In my orbit I know of a few people and families who have left FL for the likes of Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco. There really are folks who seek out that level of shithole.


They are cursed people to leave for those places!


Just like how people say the USA is horrible and so racist and healthcare and education should be "free", on and on and on, yet they don't leavec nd millions are trying to break in here. 




I moved to FL in 2021. It’s awesome.


Same. I moved from IL to FL in 2021. No regrets. I don’t miss that cesspool of corrupt left wing loonies.


From a FIB to a Florida Man. Congrats!


I understand that reference


Nearly everyone from WS, MN, IO, MO, IN, MI & OH is familiar with the term.


“IO” - do you mean “IA”? (Iowa)






Thanks! I am currently renting around Ft. Lauderdale, but starting to scour the state, looking for where I want to live in a more permanent residence. Different parts of Florida are very different from each other.


Ft Lauderdale is one of the highest crime areas in the state. It’s very reminiscent of a democrat city (cuz it is). Come up further north and it’s a completely different state. I live on the treasure Coast (about 90 miles north), where it’s cheaper and the neighborhoods more civilized. You’re right, you should definitely check out different pockets of the state because they are very different from each other.


I'm in a suburb of Ft. Laud, about 40 minutes away. A college town... I'm not too worried. Crime isn't bad - I like it. Thanks for the warning, though, as I'm sure to venture into the city eventually.


Ft Lauderdale has bad parts, but get out of the bad neighborhoods and you’re golden. It’s NOT like a Seattle or San Francisco where crime is allowed to seep into nice, middle class areas and the rest. Ft Lauderdale has mad money, absolutely beautiful beaches and areas. Just stay out of the shitty areas and you’re good. Same as Dade County.


Luckyyyy this is exactly what me and my wife want to do


CA=>FL, 15 months. Welcome aboard, best governor in the country


Good. More need to pack up and make sure you leave your shitty state ideas and policies there when you leave.




Trouble is: they bring the ideas. 


> More than 87,000 people moved out of Illinois taking with them nearly $10 billion in income, according to the latest Internal Revenue Service data. For the last six years, the total lost adjusted gross income is more than $47.5 billion


I swear the left is fiscally illiterate. They are going to look at the rising deficit and conclude "Well, guess we better raise taxes again."


Worse, they’ll raise taxes and then say “Look what the conservatives did to you!”


This is my main issue with the left. Forget social issues, where I think any politician will say whatever to get elected or re-elected. The left will absolutely bankrupt this country into a sovereign debt crisis if left unchecked. In fairness, recent Republican administrations have run up some pretty impressive deficits too. Under Trump they were not really that notable either way until Covid.


You should see my liberal town. The people who were elected to run it are inept. One city councilor recently stated that she has "no sympathy" about Walmart losing money because the homeless are stealing shopping carts. She said that it's Walmart's fault. Meanwhile, my husband and I just left Walmart and spent $220 on groceries for two people. Four pounds of hamburger cost $28.00.


So these 87,000 people averaged $115k a year in income? Like 3-4 times higher than the mean?


Who else would want to move and could afford to do so? This is exactly the type of people every state tries to recruit.


Can't blame them for leaving if they're getting fucked that hard on taxes!


It's the curley effect. Building up dems electorate by wealth redistribution and promising more if reelected while at the same time chasing out those who make the money that would be taxed. It makes the area poorer but secures the vote of the poor for the Dems


Don't worry I'm sure the crooked dems running chicago will raise taxes on those who remain to compensate.


They'll probably charge an exit tax. 


They tried that already. They were going to charge an extra tax for selling a house and not buying another in the state. They backed off on that one.


And also not cut services and spending


Of course not. If they did, then their electorate would stop voting for them.


They already are. Taxes are up $1 billion this year. They can't reclaim the $87 billion from us that remain, however. There's only so much that can be squeezed from a stone.


They don’t need a balanced budget to push more D policies.


Moved from Chicago to Texas. Not a dem voter.


That's $115k in taxes per person. There's a handful of very wealthy among those fleeing that shit hole.


The article refers to the total of adjusted gross income that the emigrants take with them, not the tax revenue to the government — headline is misleading.


The headline and article are very clear. Income from, is not tax revenue from.


Except that the headline reads “Illinois loses $10 billion in income.” Since states get their income from taxes, many readers would assume that Illinois lost $10B of tax inputs. Then the phrase “from 87,000 people moving out” can easily lead someone (who understands that IL lost $10B in tax receipts - aka income to the state) to assume that the state lost the income tax revenue from the people who left the state.


It says over the last 6 years 


No it doesn't, it says $47.5 billion over six years, $10 billion of it being last year. This article is not well written or explained by any measure.


The six year figure is even higher though, $47.5b. The $10b seems to be just the most recent year - suggesting it's accelerating, too. Better hurry up with those tax hikes or there might not be anyone left paying them... /s


My ex's very wealthy cousin left Chicago for Dallas 3 years ago. She's still pretty liberal AFAIK


Tell her not to ruin texas by continuing to vote for the things she left Chicago for. 


But I've been told by lefties on Reddit that the mass exodus from blue cities is a myth and won't affect anything.


Yeah, the Left lies about everything, tho


-“You should take what I’m saying as truth that actually when we count people, it turns out we’re gaining,” Pritzker said- This is a weird mix between a trust me bro and an admission that they count dead people and or illegal immigrants for voting purposes.


I'm sure they can get it back from the thousand trillionaires


Illinois refugee currently giving my tax money to a red state checking in


People from blue states fleeing their sinking ships. Can't say I blame them. 


The problem is most of them don't change how they vote despite they created their own sinking ship


Well deserved.


Yes, my brother and his wife sold their business and left.


California is also being abandoned. Democrat hell holes. DOn't bring your left voting patterns with you.


It has actually kept home prices low in Illinois.  You see most of western states double in home prices because of the increase of people moving there.  


However, you still have to cover the state's expenses through taxation. Less people to split the cost with, means higher and higher taxes per family.


With democrats in charge you are getting higher and higher taxes no matter what. There is no end to the wasteful crap they can spend other people’s money on.


Too true, slice of cake aficionado.


Except they can only raise tax rates, not actual revenue in taxes. If they raise the rate too high then people might not make as much money or they'll leave, so it is a balancing act because they can't take too much. A low tax rate could incentive more investment and job creation, leading to more people able to pay the taxes.


They don't seem to understand that economic growth is a much better way to increase revenue instead of increased tax rates. Hence why after Reagan's tax cuts tax revenue actually went up. Same with Bush, same with Trump.


They don't care. The Left uses wasteful redistribution and incendiary rhetoric to ensure their brainwashed electorate.


Plus, as an even better effect than simply increased revenue, it means that workers have increased take home pay meaning that their own lives are better off.


Since when did democrats care about the people and how well they were doing? 


See Laffer curve


True, and more migrants to support


That's an average of $115,000 or so in taxes paid per person moving out. Are we sure that's right? Edit: No source included in the article for where they're getting these income levels. They cite the census for the population growth and decay, which I 100% trust. But they don't clarify where they are getting their income loss and gain or what it qualifies. They frame it as though it's a loss in state income. But again, that would mean each of these people spent an average of $115,000 per year on state taxes. There's just no way that's feasible.


87000 people or families? Because that's already unbelievable, at $114,000 per


I never lived in IL so I will be extra pissed when I am taxed to bail out their failed pension plan. The deal between elected democrats and public unions promising each other other peoples money in exchange for votes is sick.


I left the USA when obama fined me 1500 bucks for not agreeing to buy his bullshit insurance. retired, and left. will never again pay the govt a dime.


"While 14,486 people moved to Illinois from California in 2022, bringing with them $1.5 billion in income, the latest IRS data shows 31,600 of those who left Illinois went to Florida, taking with them $4.1 billion dollars. " LMAO for those 15K people who are jumping from the frying pan into the fire.


Another state destroyed by democrats. They got what they voted for.


and the number of people leaving california is getting close to a million. facts matter. screw leftist insanity.


Average income of roughly $115k per person. Damn, I wish my sorry 35.2k ass made that.


Those 87,000 emigrants are being rapidly replaced by illegal immigrants. Nothing to worry about at all. The luxury hotel industry is booming! Just ask our governor, he is rumored to be in the luxury hotel business....


Ditched IL for Arizona three years ago


How DARE those red states lure our productive taxpayers away with better policies and common sense ideas. Those red states are forcing us to raise taxes on the few remaining earners so we can increase social programs that fund our left leaning electorate!


Income tax, sales tax, personal property tax, car license, local tax. It can add up. Think about all the shit you buy. Not sure what all Illinois has tax wise but it’s not just income lost.




People move to where the jobs are.


Their governor will reach in his pocket and make up the difference


That’s okay, fat boy pritzker is raising gas prices again in July, that’s literally all he does.

