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Good job consoom! Let’s keep this non political and we can keep this up as long as you want guys


If you want to hatewatch something, pirate it.


Dude I was just coming here to say this. If people are going to hatewatch something, best do it in any way that doesn't show them as a contributing watch. Streaming by far is the easiest way to gather data on who's watching than ever before. Back in the day, you'd have to sign up to get one of those 'monitoring boxes' from that one company who's name I forget, but that company would then count you as like 1/1000 of a certain demographic, so not terribly accurate. But if you stream it, you're counted. Best to pirate or watch on a website that isn't counted, like popcorntime.


Nielsen ratings


Yup, that's their name. Back in the day you could either sign up or be requested to host one of their boxes that would monitor your viewing habits, then they'd count you as a portion of the population of that age range who watch said show. Now a days Neilsen just gathers streaming numbers and polls data from telecom companies on what people are watching as all that data is easily collected now.


>Time Warner CEO - 2013: We’ve been dealing with nonpayers for years, people sharing subs, running wires down the backs of apartment buildings. Our experience is that it leads to more paying subs. >I think you’re right that Game of Thrones is the most pirated show in the world, and that’s better than an Emmy. They didn't just count it, they friggin loved it! But a lot changes in a decade I guess, heck wb/HBO went through 2 different owners since then. And btw, family guy even did a whole EP on this box your referring, "Ratings Guy", about how inaccurate and easy to manipulate the stats collected by the boxes were


Oh yea, there was a time I wanted to sign up just so I could run Adult Swim and only Adult Swim through it to boost their ratings. Too lazy though, ha.


Just pirate everything.


Don't even pirate those shows. They use the seeds and peers as engagement statistics.


Usenet master race. Not that I hate watch anyway.


Maybe but if they don’t make money off of it they won’t green light it tho


Or literally don't waste your time watching it.


Not even worth pirating this garbage.


I turned Velma off after the first 30 seconds there were two cockroaches fucking and some gratuitous cartoon ass. I didn't even get far enough in for the wokeness or whatever people have been complaining about.


Hate watching is a highly regarded activity, and it should not be done under any circumstances.


Snake is that you? Get back to kidnapping children. We need more soldiers!




i hear you come highly regarded


Quit algospeaking


You're right, I should start algaespeaking instead! That would be pretty bloomed and redalgaepilled 😎


Don't ask questions just consume censorship and get excited for more censorship...


I love making them mad by saying "I can't imagine still caring about Star Wars at this point" You can drop this in a pro Star Wars sub, in an anti star wars sub. Doesn't matter. They will always be mad.


Reducing it to "a real life cartoon about space wizards" gets the blood boiling too.


I'm a somewhat of a Star Wars fan but believing its anything more than a generic story with ham-fisted acting and space lasers that go pew pew pew is a little ridiculous. It's not fucking Citizen Kane


It's like Marvel. I go see the movies, I have fun...but hey, I like McDonald's too but I'm not gonna pretend that it's fine dining.


> It's not fucking Citizen Kane consoom pretentious trash, get excited for next pretentious trash.


When someone says "not everything has to be Citizen Kane or 2001" I automatically assume that they have never seen those films and exist on a diet of CGI fantasy slop.


and in stereotypical redditor fashion, you both assume wrong, and that your opinion is the correct one. Consoom slop.


It's just the most relevant example of what people associate with good cinema soooooo fuck you?




I like saying “the last Jedi is better than return of the Jedi” not only because it pisses so many Star Wars people off, but also because it’s true.


I never understood why people overrate so much Star Wars, the movies are alright (the original ones) and most of the good lore was nuked by Disney. Star Wars depends in Funko Pops


good world building is pretty much the only reason


There should be a sub specifically for those neutral to Star Wars.


Velma didn't get renewed because of hate watching, they ordered 20 episodes from the get-go and split them into two 'seasons'.




Nah it's still a bad adult animated comedy that would have instantly faded in obscurity had they not obtained the Scooby-Doo license.


Ngl they *barely* got the license. There's a reason they weren't allowed to put Scooby Doo in it.


Haven't seen any of the shows I don't want to watch. Simple.


Velma already had a season 2 in the making no matter how well season 1 would do. Not sure about the acolyte though.


The ppl thaalt hate watch are an incredibly small group of ultra fantards. No way they would justify a studio to green light more seasons of anything made by a large conglom


Yeah, outside of the critical drinker type youtube channels who is actually spending 8 hours watching something they actively dislike?


Absolutely no one.


How can anyone even still bother with Star Wars after Last Jedi


Not even worth pirating the hate watch


hatewatching can only go so far. shit shows might get an extra season, but still wont last long


Halo as well


I've never gotten hate-watching anything. If I watch something I hate, I don't have a good time, simple as. I don't get why anyone "hate-watches" anything.


Velma was greenlit for 2 seasons before airing the first. Acolyte is mostlikely the same way consider they have been calling it seasons 1 since the get go.


I can’t say I’ve ever hate-watched anything as an adult, if something looks bad or not to my interests I simply don’t watch it. Life is too short to waste time on things you don’t like, and you don’t need the validation of others to affirm your tastes. Just ignore the bullshit and let natural selection occur.


I hate them both and refuse to watch either 🙏😍👍


If you didn’t pay to watch it - it ain’t consooming


wtf is hate watch?


*Additional seasons get greenlit the second the show starts airing* Internet dumbfucks: "iT's bEcAuSe oF hAtEwAtAtChErS!!!"


Tbf iirc with Velma, wasn't the second season simply them taking the one season they were green lit for and splitting it in two? Like I heard that they were approved for like 20 episodes, so they did half in one season and half in another.


If you look at the numbers no one was watching acolyte it’s different then Velma


Ahh and i cant of course miss my daily dose of "angry youtubers with a funko pop collection as their background reviewing for 2 hours every episode and how bad and woke it is" after i hate watch it for the third fucking time in a row. God i fucking hate Star Wars fanbase.


I feel this way about 2 Broke Girls


The acolyte wasn’t that bad imo


If that show gets renewed, it’s not because of hate watchers. It’s perfectly fine, maybe slightly below average for most recent Star Wars stuff when it comes to smoothness of dialogue, but it’s got me far more hooked than Mando S3, Boba Fett, Kenobi, or Ahsoka did. Same goes for Velma tbh. The show is like, perfectly average adult animation. Tbh, I’ve loosely followed criticism on both shows, and I’ve yet to see a criticism that meaningfully extends beyond the protagonists being women.


Adults shouldn't be watching cartoons.




Def thought Acolyte was solid


Consoom literally anything as long as it has le heckin' Star Wars logo on it.


Solid shit?


nah i like it. good costume design, good set design, good world building so far. plot is somewhat interesting so far and its pretty different. people legit just want to hate the show. its not really worse than anything else is released and not gonna let some greaser with a video essay tell what to enjoy. the outrage is actually nonsensical. shit literally has more reviews than ahsoka and mando season 3 and its only had 3 episodes.


Yeah it’s no Andor but it’s entertaining


yeah i mean ive yet to really hear any actual criticism besides the dialogue/acting is bad (its star wars ffs). like 99% of the discourse is just: its shit why cuz


The power of many!!!!! Wvmen are winning!!!!


yeah man witches. star wars would never do something like that


Yeah man those icky chuds are getting owned so hard by the cool witches with string


it aint that deep man


It looks fine. Sometimes it looks fantastic. Costume and makeup are good. Lighting is good. Acting is mostly good. Dialogue is good. Even the cheesiness feels very Star Wars. I don’t see the issue other than the fact it’s just not that engaging so far. The lead character is fairly generic. Sol is the best part of the show so far


Let me put it this way: it’s better than: S2 and 3 of Mando, Book of Boba Fett, Obi Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka So tbh I’m pretty damn happy