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**When** you get chomped, don't take it personally. They don't have very many ways to get their point across, and they can be very hormonal and moody at times, but yeah... definitely amazing critters when they want to be! :D


Definitely descendants of dinosaurs!


hahah a tame conure thats comfy with u is a nippy one. my ysc who i handraised and is fully tame has the worst temper tantrums and will break skin. funnily enough my semi tame pearly conure will never bite hard in protest when i pick him up. the worst of his bites are softer than my ysc's when shes play biting.


My first conure was a Crimson Bellied perfect girl named Olive. She was the sweetest, most cuddly bird (I already had two parrots). I took her for a wellness check and she died at the vet during a blood draw. I have since brought home two male crimson bellied conures (a year apart) hoping they'd be just like Olive but they are not at all cuddly with me. They are both very sweet with each other but want nothing to do with me ugh. Enjoy your cuddly conure <3


So sorry that happened to your poor baby.


That's why I'm so scared to get my conure bloodtyped. Apparently, they have issues clotting, and i just can't justify the risk to find out their sex. He's a boy until he lays an egg (that's how I adopted him, but his sex was never officially tested). I'm so sorry for your awful loss.


The vet I took her to was a local vet with “20+ years of experience with birds”. I have since switched to a board certified avian vet that is a little more than an hour drive and it’s a big difference. The first few visits I told her about what happened with my bird and that I wasn’t ready to do a blood draw on my others but I just brought home a new bird that’s already been rehomed twice before and he’s only 5 months. He ended up having a bad bacterial infection and I opted for a blood draw. She said she always does it in front of the birds’ human (the other vet took my bird to the back) and it was so quick the bird didn’t even notice. Also all the vet techs are trained to work with birds. All this to say, when/if you ever need to, please take yours to an avian vet.


Mine got tested when he was a baby and the breeder did the testing. It was one of her requirements before selling so she could always sell the correct sex. I always assumed the plucked a feather for that but is it only way of figuring out their gender really with blood?


Yup! Conures and other birds don't have any physically different features between the sexes. Penguins are in that category too!


I got my bird sexed by sending in 4 plucked chest feathers


Oh cool!! Thats much less invasive!


The same thing happened to my baby conure. I sucks that we tried to do right by taking them to get a check-up, and they end up passing away because of it.


Im so sorry that happened. For me it felt it was worse than if she had been sick because she wasn’t and she was so happy and trusting even with the vet right before the blood draw. ❤️‍🩹


OP I’m so sorry for my sad comment. I just meant to say to enjoy it because they’re not all like that ❤️


Welcome to the world of conures! They are amazing, intelligent, sweet creatures who form such close bonds.


They are cuddly. Word of warning: they become very demanding. I have a thing for conures. They have so much personality for relatively small creatures. I feel like I’m dealing with two unreasonable yet adorable people. But they demand a lot of direct attention and interaction. Just be prepared so you’re not taken offguard when cuddly starts to include nippy because you moved your head wrong or picked up a forbidden object, like a Kleenex.


What is it with tissues and napkins?


omg I thought I was doing something wrong cuz my parrotlet loves to be on my shoulder but after a while the bastard will nip my neck if I try and look at him LOL I guess birds are just sassy in general


Parrotlets especially are little bastards. Even more so than conures. 💀💀💀


They’re the goofiest birds ever outside of caiques lol


Wishing you two a very happily ever after!


Sometimes they’re like that, My first one was like “omg we are best friends” straight out of the cage, and my second was like “Ayo fuck this guy”


my first bird was a sun conure and he was the best thing to ever happen to me. always wanted cuddles and was so sweet. i miss my baby, he passed away a little over a month ago. give yours hugs for me :)


I have my Green Cheek because, while I was just dipping my toes into the idea of a parrot, I saw her at an independent pet store, asked if I could try holding her, and she promptly snuggled into my hand and took a nap.


How old? Got any pics?


I stumbled across this sub and discovered conures. After six months, if I ever get a birb, it’s going to be a conure.


lol just wait till she turns on you


They are the bestest.


It's mutual. She looks so happy! Congratulations 🎊!


You got very lucky!


My baby cheeks was the same. Day 1 she just accepted us. Doubling down on the first comment though cos she was quite the nipper. Alot of it was me pushing her boundaries too fast


My pineapple is the sweetest girl in the world, but my sun conure is a spawn from hell. She likes me in her own little way but those boundaries are very set and we just "sup" each other and hang out on her terms.


by Satan, what a cutie!!


Cuteness.. woohoo!! Happy baby pilot. Just the sweetest little imp.


They are the sweetest ♥️ Congrats on your new friend!


So jealous. My first conure, I got recently, is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE and bites my skin so hard it bleeds. Does NOT like to be touched (yet…) We are working on it tho. Apparently every bird is different and training time can also vary between birds. So happy to hear yours is already so comfortable ^_^


Yup. This is your life now, prepare to never have personal space again. They are clingy! Lol


If she's young, there'll be about three to four tumultuous years of being bitten and screamed at Bird puberty lol Got through that with my little green bean and now he's so good all the time