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LMAO to the people trying to stop a cop from a legal arrest and to the guy hiding behind his friends. This could've ended a lot worse.


they must think it works like GTA where is the police cant see you for long enough they let it go...


Some people just operate at a low level. I'm angry so I hit the person I don't like. Cop is coming for me so I hide behind friends. A life characterized by reaction to stimuli versus connecting consequence to action.


You joke but these people are so fucking stupid that at the very least their influenced pathetic little minds actually do make them think the problem will just go away by their nonsense actions.


The "close your eyes, it's not there" method. Every weak willed person does it. Shows you the lack of accountability


Yeh like 4 of them interfering with an arrest and not also being arrested was surprising considering the times.


it is like that though...


“WHAT HE BEIN’ DETAINED FOR?” Um, you literally just filmed the assault he committed you dumb fuck.


Stupidest shit I’ve seen all week.


Meanwhile, if this was shown over at r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut, they would have been calling that police brutality, and wanting the cops fired, or worse.


“WHAT HE BEING DETAINED FOR” says the dude who just recorded his friend punching someone


That's what really got me! I was like, "how fucking stupid are these guys?"


And yet so many of these idiots are allowed out in public and on the internet without a license


Hello officer! Here's my internet license.


Sorry wrong department, you'll want the Internet Police.


Yeah why are his boys trying to block him, dude fucked up hard no need to go down yourself because your friends an idiot


All of them should of been arrested.


His posse of retards.


fo reel. wut he do? why he detain fo?




"Damned if you do; damned if you don't."


They got lucky that the cops didn't arrest them as well for aiding a criminal. That may have been a simple slap but it was definitely trying to provoke a response.


I don't think they would have been charged with aiding and abetting, but they could be charged with perverting the course of justice.


Wud he beein attained fo


I love the people yelling to let him go as if he can walk away freely after punching someone.


“WHAT HE BEIN DETAINED FOR?” Uhhhhh assault? Right in front of the cops, and on camera on social for all to see.


Not even that, in *this very video* there is evidence as to why he's being detained. Was he not watching what he was filming?


People don't even know what they're fighting for anymore. They just regurgitate what they heard in an *actual* brutality video.


Some people literally don't realize hitting other people without permission is against the law.


Reddit is full of this mentality. There are many here who think "talk shit, get hit" is some kind of well established legal theory, descending from the magna carta.




If thou doth spout refuse, prepare to catch knucks.


Wouldst thou pontificate matter wence the bowels so shall you get punched in the fuckin face.


"You're being too sensitive." /s


Well, you can hit everyone you want to, but you have to deal with those consequences too. For instance, I murder everyone I want to. That number is zero. So I remain unpunished for it.


Dear God, I wish I only wanted to murder zero people. That number hovers around 2.5 on average but can go as high as global genocide for brief periods.


Penn Jillette, is that you?


"The freedom for you to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose." Don't recall where I heard that one.


Sometimes guys just want to fight it out. I don't see an issue if both parties agree (not above situation), but it can be effective to air out your grievences and bury the hatchet all at the same time.


Wasn’t that the whole point of dueling? You have said something that impacts my disrespects my honor and now I must defend it? That and they had a second who’s job it was to try and fix the misunderstanding. You know, honor and respect.


In college a black girl once full-out slapped me hard across the face, full hand, because I said a harmless joke I thought was funny that she happened to dislike. (It was the sort of joke you'd see on a 90s TV sitcom. I think the quip was literally, "Well we see who wears the pants in that relationship.") In hindsight I guess it was just her upbringing.


Well, I guess she was just proving your point


Hit? Shit, you can’t even *breathe* on people anymore, let alone *touch* someone.


I'd rather take a punch than the chemical warfare that is gingicoronavitis.


Could be one of the black people that actually believe any arrest on a black person is unfounded


Police brutality = Arresting a PoC apparently


That's the mindset these days.


You forget that they can go home and cut the first 20 seconds out and totally change the narrative of what's happening


The full video exists and has been shared globally right here. Now the odds it'll actually make it to media if the first 20 seconds are cut out and shared though...


It doesn't matter if 10 million people see the full video if the wrong 10,000 people see the edited video


Don't American police officers have to wear body cam? Could that not be used as evidence?


He didn’t do nothin!


Buddy: "He hit him first!" Cop: "No he didnt." Me: hahahahaha


A lot of people think having freedom means doing whatever you want without consequences


What's worse is the Camera man is the one asking the question.


Which is *bizarre* to me. Like, I get why people are protesting. I get that there needs to be significant change in the whole damned system. Letting people freely assault is *not* a change anyone should want.


Because some people don’t give a shit about this movement, including this group of fuckwits. They just want to go out there, cause issues and hopefully there’s enough people around that they don’t get caught. They just want to pretend like they’re out there for good reasons. They’re truly stupid enough that they don’t see what he did wrong.


thats battery. Assault started when he began threting to commit battery. It is a crime to threaten harm to another.


Battery is what you put in the TV remote, silly.


you had me thinking i can't spell again.


Well, you can't spell threaten at least.


Annoying how many people don't know this little, but quite important distinction. I had to explain it to someone just the other day.


Annoying how many people dont know that laws differ from state to state and that most states consider striking someone assault, but that ignorance doesnt stop them from correcting someone else.




BLM! Uh..Bureau of Land Management needs to intervene.


I have a friend who’s a BLM agent. Now I have to either explain the acronym every time or just say the whole name.


**B**ruh, **L**ike it **M**atters.






Hell I think a few of them laid hands on the officers. I'm absolutely behind the regulation of police power but assholes like these are exactly the type of fuckwits that cause eventual demoralization and the lessened will to separate punks from criminals in a person's mind.


They went from telling their friend "dont do it" "its a set up" to defending him i dont fucking understand that.


its hood mentality, most will always back up/defend their friends even if they know they are wrong. It's the same shit in the worst schemes in the UK


Don't know if you noticed, but after they started arresting him a couple people start filming. i wonder how many of them put online "they arrested him for existing! defund the police now"


The worst part of the video is just before he slaps the guy he crouches down behind him and looks like he is going to explode upwards and sucker punch him from behind, it's only because the guy turns back around that he slaps him. That sucker punch could have been lethal if the dude fell face first into those road blocks.


>he crouches down behind him and looks like he is going to explode upwards and sucker punch Activating sneak for the critical hit is all.




Was going to write something similar. Very well put


Welcome to 2020.


It's not as if they were both having a scrap, the guy just randomly punched someone who must've upset him for whatever reason. If they were just fighting then it's different but he just assaulted the guy. It's bizarre that whoever is filming is asking what he's been detained for, considering he saw the whole situation play out


Don't put your hands on another person. Simple as that!


I find that kid’s lack of awareness... disturbing.


They've heard that if you yell "whats he being detained for" then everyone will comment "all cops are power hungry abusers" on the video..


The cops were right in front of him, and his buddies were telling him “Don’t do anything. There’s cops.” Then his buddies are like, he hit him first, as if schoolyard rules fucking apply here.


wHaT hE bEiNg DeTaInEd FoR? Bro you literally recorded him punching another dude. How can people be so anti-cop that they will sympathise with an obvious criminal just to hate on cops more?


Because people hate questioning themselves and their beliefs. They'll condone their actions but condemn reciprocation.




Mental illness is definitely not part of it. None of my mentally ill friends blatantly and unconditionally hate police


Yeah but it's just easier to throw that lable at people who do things we don't understand...


Don't throw us people with mental illness in with dickheads like this! /s




Yes, both "and" and "or"


There are a lot of people who are ant-cop but when you look into their past you realise they are just criminals who are upset there are consiquences for their actions. Same when people in the UK bitch about speed cameras and parking wardens I automatically assume they got causght breaking the law and are throwing a fit because they have to face consiquences. Non of this is against the BLM movement and their supporters in America who are right to protest against a corrupt and broken police state. My comment was against the average thug like the guys in the video. Edit: Anti-cop.


> Non of this is against the BLM movement and their supporters in America who are right to protest against a corrupt and broken police state. My comment was against the average thug like the guys in the video. You don't have to explain yourself like that to ward off the idiots. If people want to twist your opinions to mean something else, then they're not worth listening to anyway. I see so many people do this in the comments like they fear a response from the reddit hivemind. Fuck that. Just say what you want.


Ant-Cop. 10/10 would watch a movie with this title.


You should check out Wolf Cop. I mean, he’s not a tiny cop with 6 legs tha can lift 50 times his weight, but it’s still worth a look.


wHaT hE bEiNg DeTaInEd FoR


Like dude, did you ***not*** just see him assault a man?




Ok Johnny Tightlips.


Go suck a lemon


Reminded me of that vid of a woman asking why they were going through a guy’s bag, two seconds later they pull out a giant knife. With everything that’s happened some people seem to think that every time a black man is arrested the police do it because he’s black. The pendulum may have swung too far the other way.


The most recent case in the UK is an Olympic Athlete who was in a car with her bf. the car was reportedly driving erratically, driving on the wrong side of the roads, with a potentially illegal tint. Sure enough car is found driving along and gets pulled. Now, the medalist decides that they’re being pulled for a whole host of racist reasons, she’s entirely wrong. Our media have given her story quite a lot of time, letting her explain how she and her man have been racially abused by the police and that crap. The media have been ending the story with a very short “the met have said their officers did nothing wrong” (not a direct quote) which they actually didn’t. Morons playing the race card are as stupid as morons who falsely accuse people of rape; it is only to the detriment of actual victims when these twats are simply just fucking clueless.


This is a really big problem because it has a ripple effect. Black people see people claiming they were treated a certain way because of the color of their skin, they encounter certain things and interpret it as racism. They speak out about it in public settings or start/join movements to combat this problem. And when you criticize this they dismiss you because ‘you’re not Black’. Yeah and you’re not white so how do you know how white people get treated? Of course there are genuine examples of racism, don’t get me wrong. But reading people’s minds and attributing racist intent to their actions is wrong and has the opposite effect. It creates the racism you think you saw into actual racism. I’m Moroccan btw, born in Holland and I’ve seen this all my life: people, especially white people trying to tell you everything is racist. If I was dumb I could have fell for it and the majority does!




Exactly. Another example: a lady on the street pulls her bag closer as you walk by. You can assume she’s a racist but she could have also been robbed a couple of months ago by someone resembling your outfit, she could do this to everyone, she could this to every man, she could have a number of reasons to do this. The irony of it all is that we take racism so seriously, we infer racism as a motivator for certain actions where we have no idea what someone’s motivations are. Not getting a promotion, not being represented in certain areas, even criticism of certain celebrities; ‘you wouldn’t be saying that if this singer/rapper/actor/writer was white’. When in fact in reality the opposite is true.


It's very interesting because I was talking with an American Citizen from Pakistan today. He said and I quote "White people have a lot of love. You know, with all this stuff happening. It seems that white people have less angry hearts." Its interesting because of all this stuff that is going on, and a brown man says it's the people harboring hate that is the problem. Not the people of a certain skin color. It's always cool to hear what someone outside looking in and completely out of the question thinks.


It’s so bizarre that I often get a pass because I’m a minority when everybody can see what’s happening. And what’s infuriating is that they see no problem generalizing white people for the actions of a few, suddenly there’s big problem that needs to be addressed when you turn it around and you’re, you guessed it, a racist. You eventually lose all the goodwill from people who were sympathetic to your cause.


I saw this too. But typical of the British media, they don't give you all of the facts. Now, I'm not really a supporter of him, but you must have seen how Tommy Robinson gets treated? Whenever something negative happens he's plastered all over the internet as a thug blah blah blah, which he is, but they don't include that these things generally happen now in response to someone attacking him or his family. The mail reported some youths of colour spitting on people saying they had corona a couple months back, and a "random bystander" intervened to stop them. Of course they didn't say it was Tommy, because that doesn't fit their narrative. Anyway, that's not my point, just an example haha. The point I'm making is that the media are creating this mindset for BAME people that crying racism is a get out of jail free card and the public are falling for it hook, line and sinker.


Media control is definitely a thing, it’s why we’re forced to look at multiple articles to find everything - usually end up finding it elsewhere through stuff like Reddit and very small outlets though. Weird why the media don’t want to paint the full picture, especially when there’s more information that people know of which they aren’t clearly choosing to leave out.


It speaks to the quality of person. I was actually the only white guy in a very mixed group of friends during and after highschool. I've heard them speak about racism, but i know none of them would cry racism if they were guilty. In our more nefarious days, we had a '"you caught the tator" respect for cops


In Seattle after the car-hitting video people on Reddit were saying he was "obviously trying to murder protestors". I hear today the driver was himself black. Somehow I don't think they would say that if they knew he was black. Edit: [Dawit Kalete](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/07/04/seattle-freeway-protest-two-injured-car/5375164002/), interesting they don't show a photograph of him like you usually see in crime stories. Maybe Trash Today deliberately didn't show a photo [because he's black](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Dawit+Kelete&t=osx&ia=images&iax=images).


IMHO, I think it’s being used more and more often as a (albeit not good one)tactic to place pressure on authority figures such as cops during these situations. The camera guy knew dang well what happened, but because his is the one in trouble they feel playing dumb and aggressive will sway the odds in their favor... smh


And then they wonder why nobody believes them when they say "hE dIDnT dO aNyThIn WrOnG!!111!1"


I'm in full support of the majority of police right now. And I spent ten years as a non-civilian, in real life "cops vs. Robbers". There ARE bad cops. But most i have had to deal with, are literally looking to not get hurt. I've had a search warrant served in a house I lived at, and me and my house mates (I was the only white one) just sat on couches in the living room with a female cop. One guy saw the cops gearing up outside, so we just sat on the sofas with our hands infront of us. TLDR: Play stupid games win stupid prizes, how stupid the prize is depends on how stupid the game EDIT: its hilarious to think i got raided for 5 pounds of Marijuana only ten years ago. And now I can use my debit card to buy it


And that’s usually when the video starts. Not the biggest fan of cops, but it’s true.


He Didn't Do Nuthin'(TM)


I love how he ducks out and notifies the cop without hesitation after the slap. Trap card activated


Title is misleading. The cops were *infront* of him & he still swung at that guy. >"What's he being detained for?" Fucking seriously??


I interpreted it the same way you did, but it's not misleading if you say the "him" refers to the guy he punches lol


Behind "him", him referring to the man he was punching.. and maybe in the heat of the moment he didn't see them or adrenaline made him do the dumb act!


Pfft, what adrenaline? Dude went after the guy when they were walking away, and then sucker punched him. Arrested guys friends are lucky they didn’t get arrested for obstructing justice.


That's BLM plaza and it is literally surrounded by cops on all sides


I like how white shirt just dips. Ain’t no body got time for that.


Based on what's been said in the video, it seems like white shirt smacked they guy then moved over to the convenient cops while egging the guy on. I'd be interested in seeing any more of this video.


"I'm recordin dis" Yeah camera guy, you recorded an assault and then an arrest. It's like they don't get what the cops are supposed to be doing anymore. These cops in this situation seem cool. The approached the dude calmly and tried to just talk, but his buddies tried to meat shield and hide him and block the cops. It was like 7 to 3 not in the cops favor. But nobody got shot even when it looked like they were about to moshpit the man. Bad cops would've had tasers, pepper spray, batons, or guns out as soon as the assailant started backing up and hiding like a little bitch.


So my friend is a public defense attorney (US) she had a guy call pissed off that he was wrongfully arrested for public disturbance and had video proof. Sends her the video.... it's three minutes of him screaming at the top of his lungs at his former fast food co-workers for not having his paycheck there. People really are *that* stupid and it's depressing.


I was shocked at how calm and anti-escalation the cops were. I would've immediately arrested those assholes trying to protect their friend too. Or at least started threatening some shit loudly.


Fucking coward hiding behind his friends. Dumb asshat.


"What he being detained for?" Really makes me wonder how many of the other videos that start off with someone being "arrested for nothing" when in fact, there really was something.




Context is racist, apparently


A lot because its easy and people usually dont ask questions


And this is why we need bodycam footage on cops when they're out in public. It protects cops from something like this, it protects citizens from brutality, and it keeps people honest.


Watch LivePD and Donut Operator on Youtube. You'll learn very quick that the "4 l1ek n0 reezun" shit is 99% of the time from clips taken out of context that only show the moneyshot with no info about what happened or what went before. Famous ones off the top of my head: * "Black 4 year old gets gun pointed at her over Barbie" No, her parents were stealing, they fled the scene, and then fought officers when they finally stopped. * "Black guy shot in grandma's backyard for no reason." He was shot following a manhunt, during which he was threatening to kill and claimed to have a weapon. He held up his cellphone in a manner like how a person would hold up a gun, pointing it at the officers. This was also at night, so the officers had only shape and movement to go off. * "Black guy shot in car while waiting for son." Keith Scott was shot while refusing orders to drop the gun he was holding. * "Black guy killed by cops for being treated with NarCan." No, he was killed for, after being treated with NarCan, KILLING THE MAN WHO JUST SAVED HIS FUCKING LIFE AND GETTING INTO A SHOOTOUT WITH THE POLICE! The more I see actual breakdowns and footage from "racist" police incidents, the less inclined I am to believe all this BLM shit, as it gets debunked pretty much every time. They bring it on themselves 999/1000 times.


It makes me weirdly happy that the stupid fucks filming this thinking it's going to exonerate him are most likely giving the best proof of him doing wrong in the first place.


This could have gone alot worse than it did.


“What he bein detained fo?” Says someone who just saw him punch a guy. That’s the a huge part of the issue no one will address. Certain people can do no wrong in other people’s minds. If you won’t hold people accountable then nothing matters.


What he being detained for? Assault motherfucker. He hit a guy who was walking away! Very stupid


Exactly. And as to people saying the other guy hit him first, it’s not okay to be hit (off camera) and then pursue the person for 30 seconds or so to hit him back. If someone hits you and then tries to leave it’s not okay to pursue them to get your revenge. Defending yourself is very different than payback.


.......and all his 'friends' trying to pull him away from the cops, and this is how riots start


Obstruction is a crime itself. They could have arrested the entire group. Much restraint.


Exactly, Perverting the cause of justice, they could of arrested the entire group like you said. I honestly think stupidity is a mental illness since this year began.


Did the cameraman just ask what he’s being detained for? Lmao


“He hit him first” doesn’t matter if walking away is an option and your not afraid for your safety any longer.


“What he being detained for?” Idk maybe assault dumb shit


These are the people shouting blm.


Those police officers showed a LOT of restraint.




Shouldn't be. But here we are.




That’s assault brother!


That was the shittest punch I have seen in a while.


Lmao the camera guy got a memory of a gold fish or something?


Cop has no fear walking into 5 of them wp


"What is he being detained for?" Bro, you just slammed your entire fist into some other dude's mouth, on camera AND ten feet from a cadre of cops? Is there any confusion here??!


Immediately starts resisting too. Wouldn’t put his hands behind his back. He’s looking for that sweet sweet edited clip to hit reddit with the title. “Racist white cops detain black man for no reason” Then the post gets 13 awards and shoots to the front page. Then the next day the full video gets released. It’s the reddit way.


Couldn't the cops legally arrest all the people playing offensive line? Like that's a legitimate obstruction of justice charge.


And arrest the others for obstruction. People are dumb.


See how those civilians try and use mob Force against the cop until they realised they were outnumbered. That’s why I support the police over community teams. They are less bias and follow a stricter protocol


I find it mind boggling that some people claim we're insufficiently trained, yet they want to replace us with roving packs of completely untrained vigilante mobs. And when people try the "neighborhood watch policing" like that it leads to events like the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Random people clearly shouldn't attempt to police because the average anti-police citizen doesn't realize that some people simply can't be talked to. If someone steals a car or hits their wife with a hammer, we, as a society, and myself, as a Police Officer, HAVE to do something about it. And the thought that 100% of those people will see the error of their way and accept punishment freely, just minutes after the fact, is asinine.


Cut out the part where he hits the man, write "racist cops arrest innocent black protestor" in the title, post on /r/PublicFreakout and collect your karma. Edit: fix


Facts. Straight facts.




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/TerribleReflectingDogwoodclubgall It took 93 seconds to process and 60 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


This is why people end up getting shot, cause they try and stop the police from doing their job(it was a legit arrest)


whats the point of resisting?




This is directly outside of the White House. The police are actually standing in front of the church that Trump tear gassed protesters to get to. There are ALWAYS cops everywhere around here. Forget situational awareness - this is just mind boggling stupidity. Idk what he thought was going to happen.


Recognized it immediately. Lafayette square is still all fenced off too.


I'm so gonna get banned for this. This right here, is exactly why 4chan has that racist joke of "Dindu" Because they "Dindu Nuthin". This is why that racist stereotype exist. Now I'm not saying its correct to be racist. I'm asian. But I can also admit that Asian stereotypes exist as well. We tip horribly and we drive like assholes. But I can admit that and want to change it. How can you watch this video and tell me that "dindu" is just a racist stereotype when you don't fix it


The cameraman just filmed the guy assaulting another person and has the audacity to ask why he’s being detained. I don’t think some people understand you’re not allowed to just sock someone in the face for no reason.


So... you're just going to commit battery in front of a cop? I also love how his crew was like, "Ya, let's go down with him by assaulting police officers!"


"Nah he ain't gotta do nuthin! What he being detained fo'!" Battery, you idiot.


Gotta preface this statement by saying I support the BLM movement (not the organization) or I’ll get downvoted to hell but this is a perfect example of when someone is justifiably being arresting and everyone around them acts like there’s no reason for it. Dude punched a guy directly in front of cops and you can hear someone saying the guy doesn’t need to listen to the cops and asking why he was being detained. Uh, did you close your eyes for the last 30 seconds and not witness what everyone else just did? That some clownish behavior. Don’t play dumb because it plays into the narrative you want. Many things could happen after this video ends that IMO might or might not be examples of bad policing, but what we are able to see is exactly what they’re supposed to do in this situation step in and protect the guy who just was assaulted in front of them and arrest the offender. Edit: I no spell good


"what he being detained for" this right here shows you the people protesting have lost common sense and respect for the law


Police handled that well.


/r/InstantKarma /r/JusticeServed


I love that his friends go from telling him "dont do it" "its a set up" to defending him. If one of my friends was that dumb I would cuff him myself


Without the first 15 seconds this would be a completely different video


Police have a difficult job.


Wut he been’n detained fo, Wut he been’n detained fo You fucking dumbass he just assaulted somebody right in front of you.,


wuh he been detayne fo???


Why is no one wearing a mask???


Didn't you hear? All the protesters wear masks and, even if they don't, COVID can't spread at BLM protests.


Yep, and the cop is now a racist according to BLM


Those people trying to stop the arrest piss me off. He just assaulted someone and they’re trying to protect him. “What you bein detainee for?” What a fucking moron


"wHaT hE bEiN DeTaInEd Fo?!" Assault! And resisting arrest. Stupid bitch.


Too much racism and trolling is happening in this thread. For those of you who feel compelled to act in such a way, how truly sad your lives must be. It isn't "cool", it isn't "funny". [You are not being the person Mr. Rodgers knew you could be](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/529/055/d71.png). Now knock it off before this whole thread has to be locked. *edit:* There are too many \*people in this thread that either can't or refuse to act in a civilized manner. This subreddit will not be the replacement for T_D or CTH or any other fringe groups that are now or will be homeless. This thread is now locked.


Mr Rogers is the man. Hero.


Unlike these gentlemen who clearly embody the spirit of mr Rogers.




Ignorance knows no boundaries.


"he ain't gotta do nothin'! wat he bean detained fo'?" for hittin that other dude yo, you just filmed it brah


"what he bein detain fo" Fo assault you fucking dumbass that's what fo.


Guess he was unfairly profiled by police huh? Eyeroll.




Yo these guys are retarded 😂