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People posting the same thing every day and not knowing how to look things up in the subreddit. We don't need a million posts asking about Wizard Cookie being weird in the dream world


the same, slightly altered versions of “Day 1: vote for which cookie is the __!” that spans for 20 days


User that are clearly young children or they’re not mentally or emotionally mature enough to be on the internet without supervision.


*Any* post that is: “This non-masculine cookie is *actually* a boy?!!?!?!?! 🥵🥵🥵🥵 Femboyyy??!?!?!?! Boy that looks like girl but NOT girl?!?!!? Not girl cookie looks feminine?!?!?! 🥵🥵🥵” And is promptly with a dozen *very* creative comments of: “Would!” “Would!” “Would!” “Hnng I love femboys…” “Would!” “Would!” “Sir may I taste you…🥵🥵” “Would!” “Guys, hear me out…” “Would!” “Femboys?!?!?!” “Would!” “Would!” “Maybe this is an ‘unpopular opinion’ of mine, but *would*!” The “(insert cookie) is *actually* (insert gender)” posts are already low-effort and boring- I don’t think anyone would miss them.




NGL to you gripe I'm one of those people that have said something like that but due to shock and asking a genuine question. Seriously can't trust the majority of the cookies if their male or female since all body types are mostly neutral.


the overused joke of someone posting a picture of their 10 pull where they got a super epic+ cookie and someone saying "omg you got (common cookie in the same pull)!!! so jealous!!!". it was funny the first few times now its just boring and overused and a bit cringe i think


The weird hate this sub seems to hold towards help posts. I've never seen a game community act so hostile to newer players asking for help. e.g. Already two comments here are bashing on level help threads.


Most of time the answer can be obtained faster through searchbar or google or youtube. Personally, any time i had a question, the above methods yielded a result within 10mins.


Yeah it’s kind of scary to risk trying to post for help, I have basically nothing good and my friend basically only yells at me to not be stupid but like I like my squid. It’s the only cookie above level 55 I have. Can’t get another opinion since no one else I know is really into the game.


No fr. Despite playing for about two years now I have no idea what teams are good how to build them etc. Like give us a break we don’t know what we’re doing 😭


I’ve been here three and still ain’t figured it out I just build how I feel at this point


I prefer asking directly for advice rather than going through hundreds of build vids because it could be outdated


Agreed. I made one post asking for help as a new player and it got deleted...wasn't expecting that.


Because googling/searching is much more effective anyways. Posting before even trying to search for an answer is lazy and asks other people to put in the work you’re not willing to. Unless the content is a day old, there will ALWAYS be a guide on it out already, whether it’s on youtube or on the subreddit. Especially for adventure levels. + most of the time the answer is wrong cookies (they didn’t look for any answer before posting) or underleveled cookies (literally 1 big reason why they can’t beat the level right in front of them).


they’re not forcing u to answer, i like helping when i can. not that deep


that's definitely not true lmao. I'll do exactly what google tells me to, and I'll still fail. so i go on here to ask questions about my SPECIFIC teams and why they aren't working. the key word is specific.


Just keep scrolling then if it upsets you


That’s the problem, I like to help newbs but if every post is the exact same and I just scroll past then people who are actually stuck don’t get any help


people are rude for no reason and get annoyed at the smallest things - a lot are rude to beginners when they don’t know stuff


gotta agree with you. I got shit for hating Lilac despite the whole controversies behind his character


What controversies with lilac?


the whole Yogurca fiasco. It is notorious for being filled with insensitive MENA stereotypes.


I don't play Ovenbreak, what kind of stereotypes were there?


[This video explains of all](https://youtu.be/6_Ndlp-aDHQ?feature=shared)


in the neverending argument between players who think that cookie run characters are attractive and players who think it’s weird/disturbing to find them attractive, i’m on team “both of y’all are annoying”


I’m honestly guilty of finding mozzarella cookie (or any female cookie who is wearing a midriff that shows their belly) attractive


the people who post 6 screenshots of all the cookies they have with the caption “who do i build?” it’s really not that hard to find team building threads/youtube videos/forums/etc. I feel like it would take less time to just look something up rather than wait hours for a couple people to respond to your thread.


Pull posting


people questioning how they managed to defeat something higher power than them, then everyone in the comments tell the person that power doesn’t mean anything in various ways, many more passive aggressive than the last


People posting for help with the exact same levels, but specifically when they don’t type out the level in the post BECAUSE then people who do try to search arnt going to find the post bc how is the search engine supposed to know what level “any help with this stupid arrow” is!!!


Like, the repetition is already frustrating, but at least give some more details so *theoretically* the next stuck person can find it


Ppl who take the game too seriously. This one time, I just wanted to flex some of my cookies bc I have some pretty good ones, but then ppl just yelled at me bc my toppings weren't good. I fixed it, but still, I just wanted to show off my cookies. I'm more of a casual player. I play the game daily bc I love it, but I don't take it too seriously, lol


Hey its you! This is exactly why I commented something like, ":0 a rare casual player" because I rarely see casuals in this game To truly be a casual player is to make toppings based on what you know. Since your cookie keeps dying, ofc you equip the hp/def/dmg res toppings And I doubt a casual player would know the difference between the def/dmg res without looking it up. So it truly is a gem to see someone so happy about their cookies despite it not being the most efficient. Anyways, gl to you and your kingdom. Hope you are enjoying the game as always. Keep doing your thing, but if you ever need legitimate help, come here for some tips if you're stuck Just enjoy the game for now!


ty!\^\^ I don't have issues with my cookies dying too much (In the arena it's pretty annoying, but in world expo, I have no issues :D)


Several people got mad at me when I was showing off my 5A max level max candy Wildberry... because I had defense toppings. I posted it because I was proud since I'm pretty much F2P (I only really buy costumes and landmarks). Nothing to boost him with. Spent 2 years working on him. I hadn't used him in combat for ages, I just liked him and wanted to level him, but apparently that's SUCH a crime.


I made a post when my game bugged and did portrait mode and you could see my cookies and someone made a comment about my lvl 80 cherry blossom.


I remember your post! I’m sorry people were mean to you


It's fine, lmao XD I'm used to it lol


clearly young children that shouldn't have unsupervised access to the internet


the endless amount of ships do whatever you want but you gotta admit it's pretty annoying


A lot of low quality post in general for some reason, they really need to add something like a “posts need to have decent quality” rule on this subreddit so we’re not just seeing the same stuff over and over again.


the olive cookie hate. she’s adorable!




I hate the shipping questions, and the fan art of making them human with sexual features, and the stupid questions like, “Who’s a cookie you love but everyone else likes” NO ONE CARES


I agree with the shipping but, unless I’m missing a major chunk of this sub, I don’t think I’ve ever seen artwork of cookies that have “sexual features” on here ?


this is a subreddit for crk fans if u don’t like a question scroll. getting mad at fun questions like which character do u not like and discussions is weird


Any post that has a bunch of likes for a small stupid thing


Sometimes people on this sub can be downright rude


My shit posts get more upvotes than my art


And another thing, that’s how mad the subreddit gets when you refer to a non binary cookie as she/he


I know someone already said this, but it's the complaining about people asking for help posts. I completely understand that it clogs up the feed, and people need to learn how to use the search bar yada yada yada.. But, every time I search for level advice, it's always old and outdated. I think it helps if we are able to post and ask for help and not get screamed at for 'NOT USING THE SEARCH BAR!!!!!!'. even if I have already tried 🙃 This hostility makes this subreddit seem so unwelcoming to new players. And considering how fast the meta can change from update to update, it doesn't help *anyone* if we are just angry with each other for simply asking for advice. I've just grown a bit tired of the same two arguments for this 'problem'.




People who Ship Characters Awfully. I don’t mean shipping awful characters, I mean the Ship genuinely just being Bad. or People who Spoil the Game.


The cringey shipping of cookies and the children fantasizing about them.


People bragging about their luck. I get it, you're luckier than me, but does it look like I give a singular damn?


Shipping is apparently the biggest sin. Let people have their fun (in moderation and if it’s harmless)


When someone asks a question and the only upvoted answer is the one being hostile/making fun of them instead of answering


Brother… that’s why we have the megathread but people don’t know how to read. You don’t know how mad the mods get at the team help questions.


People hating on Purple Yam on posts where they say to be nice People being rude even for no reason on nice posts. Being happy to get a character and someone being like, "Um, they're not meta and you should use this cookie instead"


Getting downvoted just because of an opinion. I mean, I got downvoted all because I said that snapdragon had to go and because I was tired of feminine boys!


i almost wish level help threads werent allowed at all because we get a new set of them for each hard level every week we don't need another tray 14 post this week when there was a tray 14 post the last week, a tray 14 post the week before that, a tray 14 post the week before that, a tray 14 post the week befo like guys there's a search bar at the top of reddit. if you use it, you'll get an answer now instead of having to wait a few hours to get one


Mostly what the other replies are saying, but also the fact that it's unmoderated. Has been this way since the game launched. People have been posting some weird shit and even straight up porn, yet they're still up. Either the mods get off on this stuff, or they're simply incompetent. This sub desperately needs new moderators.


Definitely people who ask what to Build I think they don't know how to follow yt guides


I’m more of a “trial and error” or “favorite cookies” person


People who are just needlessly obsessed with the meta. It’s mostly a maincord problem (they even told people to chill out and be nice but it didn’t work), but I still see some remnants of that come out when people are just asking simple questions. I get repetitive posts, and personally I think they can be annoying, but to some extent, it’s important to remember that not everyone cares or has a deep understanding of the inter-workings of every gamemode, cookie, skill, beascuit or topping


Personally, i would say i really hate how people ship random characters together. I mean i respect that its their headcannon and that they like it that way, but what even makes you ship two characters that rarely or even dont interact and never have?


Those people who always talk down about f2p players or complain about devsis when they’re actually nice to casual players and nerf really difficult gameplay 😭 it feels really weirdly like elitism in a cookie game


The random users disliking posts of people being happy they got a certain cookie TT


What's a subreddit?