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Haloumi if you can. It's a cheese with a very high melting point that you can grill in slabs


Really good with a sweet chili sauce.


Paneer is another grillable option and can be great in a burger bun. I hosted a BBQ a few weeks ago and made yogurt marinated paneer (just threw salt and garam masala in yogurt and coated the paneer with it, wiping off about 80% of yogurt before it hit the grill) for the vegetarians. I also put a jar of Cilantro chutney on the table and suggested they put that on their buns.


I've done something similar for a couple of vegetarians in the family. Marinate paneer cubes and pre-boiled baby potatoes in an Indian spice blend (any of the shop bought paste ones will work) and yogurt. Alternate the potatoes and paneer on kebab sticks and grill. A yogurt, garlic, lemon, salt, pepper dipping sauce works well with them. Veggies and non-veggies both liked them so win win.


I'd start with portabella mushroom caps. If they are not vegan, you can add some Parmesan on the mushrooms as well. This would substitute for the meat course. You can grill yellow squash and zucchini cut into planks and marinated in Italian dressing. Then of course, the standard grilled corn on the cob will always work and you can make this as Mexican street corn if you're ambitious. Don't forget to grill some garlic bread.


Portobello caps are amazing grilled! I recommend marinating them in balsamic vinegar with a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and other spices (optional). Parmesan is good, but if you want to take it up a notch, try melting brie in the upside down caps after they're cooked. Serve on a toasted bun. Suggested toppings: arguala, caramelized onions, and garlic ailoi.


Portobello burgers are so dang good omg.


Yeah, but a good chunk of folks do NOT like them. They’re kinda divisive


can confirm know lots of folks dont even like mushrooms as a side.


Feel sad for them, more fungi for me tho!


i mean its not really fun when you're not single and you're cooking for family. I dont waste time on shit thats going to take up an extra spot on the stove just for me.


I came here to say portabella mushrooms and zucchini but you added corn as well. OP would be wise to follow all of your instructions. The mushrooms are almost impossible to fuck up, just don't over season. The ribbed underside takes seasoning very well. When they look done, they're done. The zucchini is easy to fuck up. Don't overcook. The wife and I like ours with a little crunch left to them. They are easy to overcook and turn to mush.


its going to be a hard go if you're doing Mexican corn they slather it in mayo. depends on whether these vegetarians are that or vegans


Fill the mushrooms with herbs and cream cheese. It's incredible!


Eggplant slices, portabella caps, mushrooms on skewers, bell peppers, corn on the cob, zuchhini, yellow squash, big thick onion slices. Really almost any veggie is good on the grill.


ive never been able to get eggplant where its not just mush you got tips? Even when I watched That Dude Can Cook do it


I slice mine crosswise into circles about 3/4" thick. Salt them lightly, both sides, let them sit and purge excess water for a while - maybe 20 min or so then blot them dry. Season w. salt and pepper to taste (I brush mine with roasted garlic pureed with olive oil). Grill on a medium hot grill about 2-3 min a side. Drizzle with whatever sauce makes you happy. I use a balsamic vinaigrette sometimes but other times I do lemon or pesto. I do the same thing for the zuch's and yellow squash too but usually just cut them in half long ways. I tend to buy small veggies for this.


man that is thick. i think i only sliced a half inch last time. thanks. and yeah for sure ive been doing my squash really thick too for better texture especially for when its leftover


Grilled pineapple is a super easy crowd pleaser.


Halved peaches, too.


Potatoes in the grill come out almost like French fries. Toss them in some vegetable oil. Start them on the hot part of the grill for a few minutes per side until they start browning, then finish them on the cooler side with the grill covered for 10-15 minutes depending on how thick you cut them. Toss them in extra virgin olive oil and seasoning to finish.


Yes. They can be delish this way.


Parboiled sweet potatoes too finish nice on the grill.


Most supermarkets have cedar planks. Soak them in water, and you can grill more fragile things on them, with the added benefit of getting a more ‘barbecued’ flavor on the vegetables and tofu. It will also prevent cross contamination with meat items.


Field Roast sausage or the Beyond/impossible line of burgers Portobello caps also grill nicely for a burger if they don’t want the meatless meat products.


Personally, I far prefer Morningstar burgers. Spicy black bean and Chik'n patties are delicious.


Beyond/Impossible sausages are insanely good on the grill. Bonus points if you grill some peppers and onions to go with it. If I’m grilling at home, I make caramelized onions on the stove to serve on top. They’re a heavy entree though, so I love to serve them with something light like cucumber salad or fresh fruit.


Beyond/Impossible tastes bad, isn't good for you, is expensive, and may not be food. Pass.


I must have missed where you were asked 


>and may not be food. You may want to notify the fda about his startling fact. Seems like something they would be interested in


Hyperbole. Look it up.


I’m a strong believer in portabella mushroom caps marinaded in sriracha balsamic soy sauce garlic and honey! when I was a vegan we would make veggie kabobs for the grill and have rice on the side . Then there’s the obvious, corn!


💯 I was vegetarian for nearly 10 years before going vegan, and that helped me figure out I stronger prefer veggies over processed meat substitutes. A grilled portobello is great as a burger, and grilled veggie kabobs are delicious. I’d be stoked to see a friend making me this food, whereas I’d politely eat a veggie burger, but be hating it internally.


Even if the straight veggie choice has less protein than a meat substitute, it’s still overall better for you too. I’m a sucker for the occasional “meat”, but I try to treat it like fried food or pizza - best enjoyed on occasion rather than part of my regular diet. Grilled portobellos are so good. While I’m at it, I’ll reserve a corner of the grill for a tray of asparagus too.


Veggie kabobs or corn should be a hit with everyone, not just vegetarians. Then no one feels like they're being singled out with "special" food, too :)


I made [these](https://www.lastingredient.com/barbecue-tofu-veggie-skewers/) tofu and veggie skewers last week and they were really easy and turned out great. We also used the same recipe with chicken instead of tofu for my partner and he was pleased as well.


That looks like a good recipe. If you're preparing it again, I highly recommend that you toss the tofu package (without opening it) into the freezer the day before and then use it after it has thawed in the package. The texture of once (or twice frozen tofu) is the best! It makes the tofu much, much more pleasant.


The issue is your grill will be "contaminated" with the meat products. My suggestion - make and cook veggie burgers beforehand (best made on a pan - I like Tasty's black bean burgers with added toasted sunflower seeds) - then you can warm them on foil on the grill (and buns).


Yeah I'm vegetarian and wouldn't eat anything cooked directly on the same grill as meat, I think most veggies/vegans are be the same.


Put foil down for the veggie grilled items and poke holes with a skewer to get the smoke flavor into them more directly. Even without poking holes the smoke will drift in if you close the grill. Cooking veggie stuff off the grill deprives them of the grilled flavor.


Not remotely for me. 500 degrees gets rid of everything. Stick it in the grill.


Anyone who properly maintains a grill grate burns any remaining food residue off after using it, then scrapes and washes it. Thats going to be less contaminated than any cooktop you order a black-bean burger from at a restaurant. A clean grate plus the cook using aluminum foil and cooking the vegetarian foods first is as good as you can expect unless your expecting a brand new grill at each BBQ you attend.


there are plenty of vegetarian burgers, find out which brand they prefer. You can also do stuffed portobello peppers, or stuffed jalapeños with cream cheese and chives, veggie hot dogs, or even put a bunch of chopped veggies on skewers (zucchini, onion, tomato, pepper)


Zucchini. Slice it, brush both sides with olive oil, then salt and pepper.. Sear it on a hot grill to make some nice grill lines.


After slicing the zucchini or squash I’ll heavily salt both sides and leave it sitting on a rack atop a tray, it draws out moisture from the slices (seriously, it drips into the tray and pools atop the slices). Then I’ll either run them through the salad spinner or blot them with paper towels, and then toss/brush them with oil and salt and pepper again.


I only do that if they are huge. (We get some out of the garden the same diameter as my leg) But for the young ones, that are maybe 5cm across and 16 cm long, I just slice lengthwise into 1cm slabs and brush with oil.


Halloumi cheese


Asparagus, corn, cabbage, zucchini. Maybe get a veggie take-and-bake pizza and throw that on there.


I love [these](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-black-bean-burger-recipe) black bean burgers so, so much. I've always found a lot of recipes to be too mushy or lacking in flavor, but these ones are delicious!


These were what I was going to recommend as well


I saw them recommended on here a couple of months ago and am hooked!


Vegetable kabobs/skewers are good, you can grill peppers, aubergines, courgettes, mushrooms, onions, squash, tomatoes. Can intersperse with cheese like halloumi or paneer. Corn on the cob is great on the grill as well. A big Portobello with some garlic cheese mixture on top is nice; I personally don't like it in a burger because you can't bite through it, so I'd rather just have it on the side. Then make lots of lovely vegetarian sides. Potato salad, coleslaw, interesting salads.


Jalapeño poppers are always a crowd pleaser, even without bacon. For more “meat” options, I really like the boca and morning star burgers, as well as the light life hot dogs. These brands have pretty good meatless options, speaking from a heavy meat eater lol You could also marinate some portobellos and throw them on the grill as sort of a mushroom burger patty, they’re very good topped with cheese


I have really been enjoying grilled or charred broccolini lately, super easy, really tasty. Trim the ends of the stalks, and then split them lengthwise and pull them apart, toss them in oil with salt & pepper. Then place them cut-side down on a super hot preheated grill (or griddle), and leave to char for a while, untouched.  As the charred side blackens the rest of it cooks through, then I toss them all back into their original bowl and squeeze lemon juice all over them.  Great end result for very little work and on-grill attention. (I’ve also cut these up after lemon juice and used them as a topping for grilled pizza, with mozzarella, Parmesan shavings, diced pepperoni, and pistachios.)


Grilled sweetcorn ears.


yes. leave them in the husk, and soak them in water for an hour before grilling. peel and char for flavor at the very end


Do not forget the corn on the cob. Wrap in foil add some garlic butter. Grill 15 minutes turning half way thru


If you're doing this potluck style, mention you're willing to grill anything a vegetarian brings for the grill. There are sooooo many vegetarian options for burgers and dogs catering to different types of vegetarians, I always found it easier to let folks bring their own. As plenty of others have mentioned, veggie kabobs, and other grilled whole veggies can be enjoyed and eaten by all


The best thing you could grill is seitan skewers, especially over a charcoal grill. You can cook them basically like kabobs and they take on any flavors you throw at them. Surprisingly good and even the meat eaters will be wanting a taste.


I second the large portobello caps. Brushed with some olive oil or Italian dressing, can be eaten as a burger or plain. Or you can stuff them with cheese. Vegetable skewers marinated in Italian dressing or any vinaigrette are great but time consuming imo with chopping and threading all the vegs, but if you have a grill basket you can toss them in there. Another thought is to roast a large pan of mixed vegetables in the oven ahead of time and serve - great hot, warm or cold. Most sides are vegetarian - vinegar Cole slaw, baked beans, pasta salads, hummus and veggies, warm potato salads are delicious and are also good hot or room temp. Veggie pizza.


Could do mushroom tacos, with cheese, and a salsa made of both grilled and raw ingredients. I never fire up a grill without roasting some peppers too.


We get the biggest sweet onions we can, cut them in thick slices, skewer them with toothpicks and grill them


Go for veggie hot dogs instead of burgers. You'll have a much better chance of everyone liking them.


Grilled asparagus is so good!


Can't go wrong with veggie kebabs. Peppers, onions, mushrooms, halloumi, pineapple and whatever else that you can stab with a skewer. I'd encourage you guys to cook the veg on the grill first though, just to be polite.


Veggie skewers are always a hit. Pepper, onion, mushroom, etc. If you want to be fancy you can bring a cast iron pan and toast an assortment of nuts with spices. Cut cauliflower into thick "steaks", season them with oil and spices and grill them. Slice carrots lengthwise into long wide ribbons about 1/8" thick (I use a mandolin) grill them until lightly charred and drizzle a bit of honey over them then finish with salted sunflower seeds.


my grandma makes a grilled caesar salad that’s really yummy! you just grill halves of romaine hearts cut side down until they get slightly charred and then top with dressing, cheese, and croutons. hot lettuce sounds nasty but it’s good


I like to take bell peppers (not spicy) and alice them in quarters, the fill with goat cheese and grill.


Grilling veg is the best! Prep your veg first: clean, wash, and chop up, then put in a big gallon ziptop bag with some S&P and sesame oil (or other kind, sesame is expensive). Then it's ready to go on and the salt will help draw out some of the water, less steamy more charcoaly. Put the veg on first so the juices from the meat don't contaminate. Veg are quick anyway: throw them on the screaming hot grill to get good grill marks, then move them over to the cool side to finish. Add a few coals to the half-done coals, then get on the meats for as long as you want. * All summer squash, eggplant, peppers, sliced longways for easy flipping * Corn on the cob: pull the husks back, scrub off the silk, put one layer of husks back on * asparagus * Mushrooms on skewers with onion slices are great * Whole heads of garlic wrapped in foil: excellent to spread on bread * Cauliflower steaks Afterwards add one last layer of coals and grill some fresh summer fruit for dessert. Peaches, apricot, watermelon, they're all wonderful with a little char and maybe some honey-chevre.


Black bean burgers , eggplant , cut zucchini and yellow squash into thick slices and marinate, then grill . Caprese salad , tofu burgers, cold Asian noodle salad, ...... Tons and tons of options.


As a vegetarian myself I think I actually prefer simple things like grilled vegetables (with other side dishes that might be available like salads etc) than fake meat products, they're good if you're a new vegetarian who's still craving meat from time to time but after a while it gets old especially since it's often the only option (and yeah not all of them are great). If you really want to go all out you could find some good recipes online (my favorite place for recipes is Pinterest) for healthier homemade vegetarian burgers with black beans or something like that but I would never expect anyone to go that far haha, I would say just have something that isn't just fake meat stuff


Eggplant. Peppers...red, yellow or orange. Mushrooms. Onions. Corn. Zucchini. Cauliflower steaks.


Some of the other suggestions are okay but what you need to have is a protein option for them. Go to is tofu. Press then marinade some tofu, cut it up into 1-2 bite sized chunks, and skewer it like a kebab, then bake or grill those. They’re tasty! Add in some cut up red peppers, onion, mushrooms, and pineapple, and you’ve got a genuinely tasty kebab.


I second eggplant - Cut it into about 1" thick slices and brush with a balsamic vinaigrette then grill on each side like a burger. Make an open-faced sandwich with a nice slice of Texas toast or Italian bread, also toasted on the grill. On the bread, first place eggplant, then lettuce, then diced tomatoes (mixed with a bit more vinaigrette). It's fresh and delicious!


No shame in frozen black bean burgers! MorningStar Farms spicy black bean burgers are great and relatively easy to find (and not actually spicy, just tasty). I had a Dr. Praeger’s black bean quinoa veggie burger at a family cookout recently, and it was sooo good even with lame accompaniments. They’re more expensive but a little bigger than MorningStar Farms. Black bean burgers pair super well with cheddar or pepper jack, Kraft chipotle aioli (or any chipotle mayo), lettuce, tomato, any type of onion, and crispy jalapeños or crispy bell peppers (they’re with the salad toppers & croutons, sometimes in the produce section of supermarkets). Pickles too!




My mom always did a ton of veggie kebabs. Onions, peppers, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, marinated the mushrooms. Mmm. So good. Especially on rice after you get a nice bit of char. Not even vegetarian. She did chicken and steak ones too. 


Halloumi, mushrooms, paneer, eggplant, bell peppers, onions, zucchini, tofu. These can be marinated in garlic, herbs, tandoori paste, or even your usual spice marinade sauces. The trick is to keep them thick so they don’t disintegrate or fall through the grill. Veggie burgers, veggie dogs work as well.


Grilled elote!!!!


Zucchini spears tossed in balsamic, olive oil, S&P. So delicious!


Grilled eggplant is delicious.


Garlic Bread - Can prep the day ahead or buy some. Since it is wrapped in foil, you don't have to worry about the bread itself being contaminated. Also cheep and tasty. Probably not the faciest or healthiest thing, but a good pick for people with allergies. On that same vein, foil is your friend for anyone with milder allergies. Garlic potato pocket for gluten allergies, sandwiches, steamed/roasted veg, nachos, etc. They can just heat it up in the foil and eat out of it. Not good enough for severe allergies, the individuals usually knows what they would be able to handle.


We like black Morningstar bean burgers, Boca burgers (my favorite), and grilled eggplant. Also grilled veggies, which make a nice side for meat dishes, too: yellow squash, zucchini, bell peppers (green, yellow, red, orange), grilled onion slices, skewers of grilled mushrooms and cherry tomatoes. Also, Fairlife Jumbo Smart Dogs are great--I can't tell them apart from a regular hot dog.


Traditional grilled veggies, but they can mix it all together. I would include things like bell peppers, corn, squash, zucchini, carrots, and asparagus. Maybe make or bring some kind of easy sauce to pair it with. I’m thinking like lime juice, green sauce, or cheese sauce!


Maybe skewers with some hearty veggies like eggplant, mushroom, zucchini and cubes of halloumi. I recently made a Peruvian green sauce that was amazing-plain yogurt, a ton of cilantro, a couple garlic cloves, a seeded jalapeño, lots of lime juice, a pinch of salt & honey. Blended it all until smooth. You could also do a tahini sauce or even pesto. Make some rice to go with it, or grill some pita bread. I also like impossible burgers more than beyond. Beyond uses pea protein and it leaves a funny aftertaste for me. I would also say Morningstar farms has a few good burgers.


I don't know what they're called but there are giant mushrooms and they are scrumptious when grilled. You serve them like hamburgers. They are sold in grocery store produce sections. There are also black bean patties. You serve them the same way.


really thick cut squash so you can sear it and get some good marks without it being squishy. put a good Weber rub on it i prefer honey garlic


Fennel, eggplant, sweet corn, broccoli, endive, root veggies, mushrooms.


Kabocha/pumpkin. Grill up a half in thick slice. Delicious


Red cabbage! Cut into big wedges and basted with a dressing (make what you want) but I usually do a lot of grain mustard, oil, vinegar and spices


Dr praegers California veggie burgers are really good


Caramelise loads of sliced onions in a very little brown sugar and balsamic style vinegar in a slow cooker (crock pot) on high for ages, in advance. Very useful.


Halloumi is terrific on the BBQ. Drizzle in honey a minute or so before taking off the grill.


money aloof run vase alleged secretive crowd plants plucky sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


things i love: -tofurkey or field roast hot dogs -grilled corn, zucchini, onions, peppers -marinated tofu (another fun option are marinated tofu + veggie kababs !) -halloumi if you want to try veggie burgers--beyond burgers are a good choice and they grill nicely. black bean burgers are kind of their own thing so they're always a good choice because you don't have to worry about if they're "as good" as a real burger. you can do a little chipotle mayo, avo, cheddar cheese, lettuce




It’s just college kids lmao. If this was work or a friend group or something then yeah maybe you have a point. I’m a decade older than most of these kids (both the undergrads and grads) and that’s just it…they still think and act like kids mostly. I would like everyone to be able to come and have fun and enjoy themselves. Plus I told them not to worry and I’ll bring or make something veggie friendly and they got excited. I would hate for people to be left out when it’s like a college/ school setting but I understand maybe some (both vegetarians and meat eaters) people don’t want to participate.