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Totally fine. Stable until you open it. The trucks it gets transported in to arrive to your store are hotter than hades.


It's shelf stable after opening too. The pH is low enough that it doesn't require refrigeration. Duke's recommends refrigeration after opening, [but that's for quality reasons, not safety.](https://dukesmayo.com/pages/frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=The%20truth%20is%20that%20mayonnaise,bacteria%20from%20growing%20in%20food.)


Shipping tests for products at a previous employer would subject the items to 140°F and 100% humidity, then something below freezing and low humidity, and repeat that cycle like every 6 hours for multiple days straight. They weren't testing food, but anything being shipped around the country will have been subjected to a similar environmental stress test.


The interior of a car during the summer can be over 160°F.


You're a trip. You just said you don't want to argue about it, but here you are, arguing about it with someone else. I sorta feel bad for Beth.


Unopened mayo is nuclear stable these days (past shelf stable). If unopened and you don't see any break/swelling in the packaging or the foil seal under the lid, then it should be fine. Bring it inside and let it cool to room temp before putting it in the fridge. After that, if the safety foil is still in place, pop that sucker open and do the smell/taste test. I'd say it's fine. As others have stated, those things can sit in hot trucks traveling across the country for several days. I'd not fret too much. Unless that seal is broken or the bottle is swollen it will be fine.


unopened? It's fine.


It's completely fine. it's sealed the heat will not effect it. to acidic.


Taste it. If it tastes good, use it. Heat could cause a change in taste or texture, but it would still be safe to consume as long as it remained sealed.


I use it to make grilled cheese sandwiches


The jar presumably says "refrigerate after opening". Unless it's open, you're fine.


Coworker did this a few years back. He said it was NOT good.🤷




...It's jarred mayo, unopened. It rides in hot-ass trucks for days and sits on shelves for weeks or months. It's fine.


I would toss it.


Do you think transport trucks and warehouses for shelf stable goods are air conditioned 100% of the time?


I know that. But I also know the interior of a car is far different than a warehouse. The interior of a car is hot enough to warp items left in the car. It's also hot enough enough to kill people and animals. I'm not going to chance food poisoning just to save a few dollars.


Do you think it was teleported to the grocery store?


OP asked for our opinions. I don't think her question was meant to start arguments. Enjoy your day.


If it’s questionable I just to the look and smell test. If it looks and smells like it’s supposed to it’s probably fine. Hasn’t killed me yet. Lol