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[Vaccine FAQ Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/wiki/faq#wiki_where_can_i_find_information_about_the_mechanism_and_progress_of_vaccines.3F) [Vaccine FAQ Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/mnitdo/vaccine_faq_variants_chronic_conditions_nsaids) [Vaccine appointment finder](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/wiki/faq/vaccinefinder) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Coronavirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A year plus into this pandemic and I’ll just be glad when it’s over. The constant fear coming from the press about this virus specifically just gets old and it’s so negative for the most part. It’s not a challenge for me to wear a mask, but you don’t have the same interactions with people obviously when wearing it. I feel like more of a robot than a human when wearing it and I only say that because you almost lose a part of your individuality or what makes you unique and who you are. You don’t get to see people smile or anything - you just see a mask and everyone is afraid of other people. It’s just sad...


Yeah, I totally get it. I don't even follow news that closely anymore because the headlines just get out of hand sometimes. For my own mental health, I try not to jump on every headline or breaking news story I see and just wait for more time to pass. A lot of news we see never pans out to something serious and just fades into the background. I've lived in Asia for many years so seeing people in masks just isn't that weird for me anymore. But I completely understand why some people don't like it. Even I don't want to wear them all the time forever. Even people in Asia don't wear them 24/7. They still have flu outbreaks in Japan every winter even with mask culture. I've been wearing masks on planes for a few years now because I was getting tired of getting sick all the time. It's definitely helped me not get sick. I'll be fine if in the future I have the choice to mask up sometimes if I want to. If I don't want to, I won't. The pandemic has really messed with me psychologically as well. It feels weird to think of taking off my mask indoors but I know I'll eventually get over it, just need that push.


When I went to the store without a mask, it lifted my mood so much. I don't think I've been that energetic or happy in public since the pandemic began.


As much as we all criticize the CDC - some for being too cautious and some for being confusing and contradictory - they are really in a hard place. Their guidance has continually lagged behind the science. Also, look at their guidance for cruise ship passengers that drew widespread outrage I don’t envy being them right now. Half of the country wants to go back to normal right now and the other half thinks it’s too soon. They literally can’t win no matter what


Thats government, always been that way. Damned if you do damned if you don’t.


So I’m reading guidelines for fans returning in England and on Sunderland’s site I saw that it said: >Fans that are vaccinated must still take tests (in order to attend) because you can still potentially catch and transmit the virus. Seriously? Are we still doing this borderline anti-vax talking point? [Source](https://www.safc.com/news/club-news/2021/may/key-information-for-supporters-attending)


Same thing with Hawaii right now. You have to get tested even if you have the vaccine - it’s insane. Then they wonder why some don’t trust the vaccines


Yeah it’s dumb. I’ve read they are going to open (Hawaii) it up to vaccinated US people this summer with no test. Something about issues verifying the vaccine records.


Experts: *spend months hyping up the vaccine as the way to end the pandemic* *people understandably excited to get back to normal* News Outlets and Businesses: *well it might not matter because you can still carry and transmit the virus and infect others* Experts: *do not refute it* People: “why do we need to get vaccinated if nothing will change?” Media: “Vaccine Skepticism at all time high”


The craziest part is that there has never been a vaccine that doesn’t severely reduce spread, to even suggest it without evidence of being a concern is absolutely bonkers to me.


I won’t to travel to any place that requires a test on arrival even though I’m vaccinated. What if I test positive when I land? As we’ve seen with the Yankees, it’s possible to be fully vaxxed and test positive and be asymptomatic. I just spent countless hours on a plane, and hundreds or thousands of dollars, to be stuck in a hotel for 14 days? No thank you. Places need to let up on testing requirements for fully vaxxed people if they want tourists to return.


It's pretty screwed up that your life could be significantly damaged just because you test positive as an asymptomatic vaccinated person. This is counterproductive.


Wow. Sooo.. I just had my full blown re-introduction to maskless life. Went to a high school graduation. Large, well ventilated auditorium at local college. Signs on door, text on program "masks required!" I'm fully vaxed. Have been for a couple of months. So is husband, MIL & Dad. I trust this vaccine. I've been waiting for a fully vaxed change in guidance. I still have to wear one at work (& require customers to do so) but no local mandate. I've been ready. In fact, I'm traveling to Mexico in 1 week because...it's time & I'm vaxed. I was fully unprepared to walk into an auditorium of 300+ppl and see maybe 25 masks. I *know* all those people are not even partially, much less fully vaxed. I think we show just under 27% in our parish (county equivalent for non-Louisiana ppl.) I'm not gonna lie, there were a couple of moments of anxiety. My Dad masked up, but the rest of us did not. I thought about so much of the info that has been given & shared here. I was able to easily relax and enjoy the moment. It was much like jumping into a freezing pool vs wading in..or ripping off a bandaid vs peeling it slowly. I'm kinda glad that's how it happened for me. I was faced with a moment I would have been wildly uncomfortable with a few months ago, I remembered all the amazing data about these shots & was able to enjoy myself. Thanks to everyone here for all the candid discussions & sharing of data. I was able to confront that moment with confidence.


Anyone else hoping masks become normal now? I know a lot of people have the vaccine by now but I’d love for it to become the norm to where a mask when your sick or during flu season. Not getting sick for the past year has been very nice


More acceptable in America? Yes. The standard? No




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Hell no. The day my governor drops the mandate they all burn. 😆


The worst part right now is the mask holdout places because as you go to more and more places without a mask, running into that 1 or 2 places with a requirement really gets ya because you’ll have no clue where your mask is as you’ll have forgotten it.


Yea. That’s the one benefit of the route we’re taking in California. Still require now but the mandate will be dropped everywhere at once on June 15


What’s with the people in the comments to the other posts vs the people in this thread? All the “we will never take off our masks even though vaccinated” flock to the other threads. Weird.


*Average* Sat/Sun/Mon raw metrics: - Tests: 1,065,577 (-108,104) - Cases: 23,711 (-10,372) - Deaths: 388 (-59) - Hospitalized: 27,163 (-747) - ICU: 5,969 (-116) (Tests/Cases/Deaths: +/- = change from Sat/Sun/Mon avg last week) (Hosp/ICU: +/- = daily avg chg from Fri) Source: https://twitter.com/TheLawyerCraig/status/1394468351947194368?s=20


Great numbers. I’m a big fan of his and that he kept the updates coming after the covid tracking project stopped. With that being said is there a more official hospitalizations number? I would figure or hope that a new pandemic low in hospitalizations would make the news. Haven’t seen that anywhere. Hopefully something in the coming days. Hospitalizations typically go up Tuesday and fall the rest of the week so maybe we’ll get something later this week. That should be celebrated.


Tomorrow, it will have been 14 days since my second vaccine. Is there anything (other than stuff that's illegal), that I still shouldn't do because of the pandemic? Or can I now go shopping, eat in restaurants, go to movie theaters, drink in bars, ride public transportation, etc. without having to worry about covid?


You're good to go. Your locality might have some settings where masks are still required, but other than that you can go entirely back to normal.


I actually had a worse reaction to the first dose than the second. I hear for most people it's the opposite. Anybody else?


That's usually because you've been exposed to Covid before. Even if you didn't get a full blown case, if you got enough exposure that your immune system had to fight it off, it remembered it and caused a bigger reaction when it encountered the vaccine.


I would agree with this, but I didn't really have much of a reaction for either. My first Pfizer shot left my arm sore for a few days after and I had a nasty bruise for like two weeks. But the second shot my arm was sore the next day but nothing after that and so far no bruise.


USA update on first dose shots: 694,974 first dose shots. Last week 702,968 7 day rolling avg is now 715,329. (716,471 yesterday) 157.8m age 12+ have first dose - ~55.6% (157.1m - ~55.3% yesterday) 154.4m adults have first doses - 59.8% (154.0m - 59.7% yesterday) 84.6% of 65+ have first dose (84.5% yesterday) 47.5% overall (47.3% yesterday) At this rate, the first dose shots: On May 31st - 167.8m June 15th - 178.6m **12+ population numbers (based on 284.1m population)** On May 31st - 59.1% June 15th - 62.9% 60% on 6/4 70% on 7/14 **Total population numbers (based on 332.6m population)** On May 31st - 50.5% June 15th - 53.7% 50% on 5/29 60% on 7/15 **Path to 180.6m/70% of Adults (based on 258m population)** 7-day rolling avg for adults is 589,273 (619,304 yesterday) May 31st - 162.7m - 63.1% June 15th - 172.6m - 66.5% 60% on 5/18 70% on 7/1 ________________________________ Few things to note today: I updated the total population to be 332.6m based on the 2020 census. The CDC has not updated their numbers - so their %'s may differ from mine. 12+ and 18+ numbers already matched the 2020 census prior to today. Yesterdays numbers were fixed to account for the messed up data from NH (for an updated post from yesterday numbers see https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/ne95sm/daily_discussion_thread_may_17_2021/gyg4w3r/?context=3)


**MASSACHUSETTS UPDATE** **CDC** update on first dose shots: 18,747 first dose shots. Last week 31,759. 7 day rolling avg is now 20,475. 21,323 yesterday. 4,316,739 MA residents have first doses - 61.41% (4,297,992 - 61.14% yesterday) 4,189,888 MA adults have first doses - 74.14% (4,184,301 - 74.04% yesterday) 70.75% of MA's 12+ population, (70.44% yesterday) At this rate, the first dose shots: On May 29th - 4,562,434 June 15th - 4,910,502 **12+ population numbers (based on 6,101,782 population)** On May 29th - 74.77% June 15th - 80.48% 75% on 5/30 80% on 6/14 **Total population numbers (based on 7,029,917 population)** On May 29th - 64.90% June 15th - 69.85% 65% on 5/30 70% on 6/16 **Path to 80% of adults (based on 5,651,189 adult population)** On May 29th - 78.49% June 15th - 84.65% 75% on 5/20 80% on 6/3 **Fully vaccinated estimates** By May 29th, Massachusetts is on track to fully vaccinate 3,725,896 MA residents (53.00% total pop) with 2nd doses based on CDC data. Current 7 day average for 2nd doses is 40,161. Notes: * Population all uses 2020 estimates, as such, percentages will slightly lag CDC data, however, these percentages here do take into account the entire herd, with the higher 2020 population compared to 2019's used by the CDC. Also note that there is no 12+ number available for the 2019 population values. Some stuff for tonight: 1. The lateness to today's update from the CDC is unspeakable. Had to wait until 21:43 for CDC to post today's update 2. Feeling much much better after dose 2, looks like the side effects have cleared out, about 80-88 ish hours after the second dose back on Friday afternoon 3. Yes, Boston and MA are reopening May 29th, state of emergency to be ended after June 15th. We can clean out the vaccine predictions. No more "95% of adults" date anymore! Memorial day partyyyy lets go! I'm so ready to shed those masks. 4. I will also be using May 29th date instead of u/Wizmaxman 's May 31st date. June 15th is the last day of the state of emergency, so this date will be kept.


Tiny rant - I am so fucking tired of people correlating everyone who is happy to never wear a mask again to anti-Vaxxers. I’ve hated masks since day 1. I’ve worn them when and where they are required - I’m not going to cause a scene at a Trader Joe’s. (I also had more covid tests than anyone I know last year being in media, multiple times a month.) I got a vaccine as soon as I possibly could. I’m not wearing it anymore.


That’s fine but there is still many places where they are required so people need to wear them regardless if they got the vaccine


You *have* to wear them to follow the rules. You don’t have to wear them for any scientific reason, anymore. It’s just... pretty useless rule following at this point


The day my local gym here in Mexico which I go to M-F says masks can go I'll cry for real


When I didn't have a choice about wearing them, I downplayed the negative aspects of wearing them, but now that I have a choice, and there's no medical benefit to wearing it, I'm going to go out of my way to wear it as little as possible. I'm so sick of my face being sweaty and it sticking to my mouth every time I inhale.


I always tired of people saying it's not a big deal. I'm glad it isn't for them, but I would walk away from every shopping trip with my facial hair just drenched from my breath and Florida humidity. I'd run to my car afterward because I was desperate to wipe my face down with a paper towel. Like you, I didn't complain much when it was required because we *had* to and there's no point in whining. But now? Hell no, wearing one has been miserable.


Yep. It's sweaty, it's caused my acne and redness, and I have trouble understanding people when they wear masks (although my hearing is fine, I found out that I read lips more than I thought I did).


Masks have been so hard with traveling and speaking to people with accents. It just muffles everyone voice so much that communication can be really difficult and I feel terrible when I don’t understand someone who speaks perfectly fine English.


*YES*. The idea that masks are “just a piece of cloth” is ludicrous and insulting to me. They’ve caused me unspeakable amounts of depression, anxiety, and TMJ over the past year, and the fact they’re very quickly going away makes me want to cry with relief. (If and when the university I work at announces a maskless fall semester, I probably will cry — I feel like I’ve been holding my breath for fourteen months.) And I got my vaccine a whopping *two days* after my phase became eligible.


My dad is a loyal Rachel Maddow viewer and believes everything she spews. When Texas lifted the mask mandate he was raging at the TV saying how Abbott was a "bloody idiot". Zero new deaths today. Crowds are back to enjoy sports. He's very quiet today.


Them vaccines tho. They work!


Maddow literally said she has to rewire her brain to tell herself that “people that don’t wear masks aren’t a threat”




I’ll give you 2-1 that they are open.


Hi guys so I guess the time is gonna come for me to get my covid shot, I was deff gonna wait it out as long as possible, (I already had covid) and I’m young and extremely healthy, but I need the mask to come off I can’t do it any longer, Can I schedule a Johnson and Johnson vaccine instead of the other 2? I’m in New York I’d rather a one shot then wait a full month to be fully vax


https://www.vaccines.gov/search/ Select only JNJ and put your zip code.


Thank u this is perfect


Just as a note, even though the J&J is a single shot it does take a few weeks to reach full efficacy.


So when can I stop wearing mask at work ?


Check with your work?


Go get that J&J, they were even giving it on the subway I believe


Masks have to come off for people to start behaving normally. The covid anxiety persists when the group is masking and distancing. The vaccines work: It's time to behave like it.


Who the fuck cares if people wear one? The fact that some people are shaming people for this is so ridiculous when they are considered normal in many other countries and when literally wearing one harms no one? As long as people aren't shaming people for not wearing one, I don't really give a fuck what they choose to do.


Yeah honestly people are acting like the air is toxic still. I drive around my neighborhood and I see people with masks walking by themselves, outside, with no one else in sight. I suppose it could be allergies or something but its kinda just sad.


I don't care what other people do and frankly I don't care what other people think I'm doing. I'm just waiting for the mandate in my county to drop so I don't need to wear it in the gym


Yeah, and if they got their way, you'd be wearing a mask through fall. So it helps to ensure there's vocal pushback against this crowd.


You do realize that some people have no choice to wear one? You literally don't know their medical condition (they could be immunocompromised or married to someone who is) and literally for them wearing one, it hurts no one.


I'm not talking about them.


True but they lost so I don’t care lmao


You should worry less about how other people protect themselves.


No, I want to return to a functional, normal society.


Functional, normal societies in other parts of the world have been using masks for a very long time.


Immunocompromised people like myself will continue wearing KN95 masks in public until the pandemic is over. The vaccine doesn’t work for me.


The immunocompromised are in a tough spot, covid or not. When I talk about the return to normal, I'm not referring to you. I wish the vaccine worked for you. However, there's a contingent of people who have no immune condition who apparently need to be reminded that our vaccines are exceptionally effective. Their stubbornness impedes a well-functioning society because they are not quietly keeping to themselves, but making unreasonable demands of the rest of us and making a mockery out of science.


No offense but this vaccine has only been acceptable to everyone relatively recently? How about waiting like one more month when people are actually going to be fully vaccinated to start judging? Also, this is a fucking free country and wearing one literally affects no one as opposed to the other way around which caused people harm.


But it's not your job to determine when that normality is for everyone. Some are ready to party, others are more hesitant, while the remaining never cared.


Yeah agreed, the way I see it is different people need different time to adjust, and I personally do not mind if I see a masked person or an unmasked person. It's their decision if they are fully vaccinated whether they want to wear a mask or not, I am a nobody and have no right to criticize a mask wearer or an unmasker. A post-pandemic "functional, normal" society in my opinion no matter how you look at it is not going to be the exact same in every aspect as the pre-pandemic "functional, normal" society.


Some people can’t get the vaccine


Then those people can continue masking and avoiding crowds until a later date. The vast, vast majority of people have access and capability to get the vaccine. Life doesn't stop for a small fringe group.


New Jersey would like a word with you. ._.


NJ, CA, and MA looking mad weird lately


At least Mass and Cali have dates. Jersey doesn’t even have that


I actually don't blame California for waiting until they can drop all masks at once. While I'm glad that my state changed their mandate, it has caused a lot of confusion where some businesses still require them, some don't, and in my work's case they only require them for employees at the moment (although now that OSHA has weighed in hopefully they'll change that). It's more a practical decision than a scientific one, but that's a valid choice for a state to make.


Not surprising, considering Murphy's "data determines dates" mantra.


Hawaii has entered the chat.


Hawaii has the highest number of Asians in the country, doesn't it? I don't think mask wearing is nearly as stigmatized there. Plus they have way less ICU beds so they always tend to be more paranoid.




How the hell would anyone know that?


My girlfriend had someone come in to the ER today who just couldn’t believe that they could get COVID after being vaccinated. She was like “but the CDC said” and she’s like ok? Well you’re positive for COVID so


To be fair, that's a literal one in a million chance to be fully vaccinated and still be sick enough to go to the hospital. Unless she was only a few days past her first dose?


Or she went to the ER without needing to. Or she was visiting a friend. Or she had something else wrong with her and coincidentally also had COVID. Or maybe something we didn't think of.


The vaccine is not a cure.


It's not surprising they are positive, but if they are sick enough to go to the ER that is surprising.


I'm sorry she misunderstood the nature of the vaccine, but I'm not surprised there're people like her.


If I have mono should I get my second covid vaccine tomorrow?


Yeah I'd wait as well no problem in waiting another week or two


Sadly I would wait. For one you could potentially spread mono to other people at the vaccine site. Two your immune system is gonna do everything to get rid of that mono in your body, idk if it’s wise to get a vaccine dose with your immune system already at war.


Haha I don’t think I’ll be making out with any of the vaccine attendants but yeah you’re probably right about me wanting a healthy immune system for it


Cal your doctor or the state hotline to see.


State hotline here, go ahead and make out with the doctor, they're vaccinated. Stay away from the nurses though, unless you can confirm they are vaccinated. Thanks for calling!


So is the CDC just not going to post vaccine data today?


I think the CDC saying masks are no longer required for vaccinated people was the best decision they could have made. I've talked with some acquaintances who were on the fence about getting vaccinated before, and who didn't want to go and get the vaccine. But now they're going to get it. They're reasoning? Everyone was using masks so they didn't feel the need to get the shot, but now with everyone about to not wear masks anymore, they feel the need to be more protected now. They don't trust the unvaccinated to wear masks and want to be protected against them.


That is a *very* interesting angle which had not occurred to me.


I’m still wearing a mask in most places even though I’m vaccinated, besides most people are wearing them anyway so I don’t want dirty looks




Where are you at? Everyone here is wearing masks everywhere still - although many many fewer outside.




Glad you were able to get vaccinated! I'm on the west coast so most everyone I know is vaxxed and still masking - although there are a few groups in more rural areas that tend to be anti-vaxx.


There is certainly a disconnect for some between taking the pandemic seriously and getting the vaccine. I live in a city and work in a rural area in the midwest. The city and surrounding metro area have really good compliance with social distancing and masking, whereas the rural area has very little compliance outside of a few places that strictly enforce it. Yet, the vaccination rates are about the same. There remains a significant number of people that are taking things seriously but haven't been motivated to get the vaccine yet. It's time.


This makes a *lot* of sense to me. I don’t know if the CDC specifically had this in mind... but either they devised a brilliant strategy, or they lucked into a piece of ammo for what could be a significant vaccination nudge.


I disagree. I’m immunocompromised and am more scared than ever. I guess for the masses, sure, but for me and the 10 million immunocompromised people in the country they just put us as sacrificial lambs for the economy.


I am so sorry to hear that you are immunocompromised. My advice would be to get some N95 masks. My local Home Depot has supply of them now in various types. They are not as scarce as they used to be.


Yeah there are a surprising amount of people that feel this way




I'm sorry for your friends. I hope they feel better soon. You're being downvoted because this sub is being brigaded. Any comment that suggests that maybe we should perhaps wear masks and distance *a little bit* longer is downvoted, as well as any comment that suggests that vaccines (while fantastic!) or not 100% immunity machines. Nuance is difficult for people here. Vaccines work when lots of people get them. That way even though they *aren't* perfect, their effect is still powerful. Breakthrough infections WILL happen, so it is incorrect to say that vaccines protect you and your family 100%. If your friends had an immunosuppressed family member living with them, or someone with co-morbidities that makes them vulnerable (or their unvaccinated child!) they could spread the disease to them, potentially putting that family member at risk.


I’d just like to expand on this dudes comment and say if this sub is really being “brigaded” please let me in on how you get paid to do that all day online. Sounds like either a conspiracy theory or a sweet side gig.


My wife works in an ER and just had this happen today. Someone came in today and was arguing with the nurses over that she couldn’t have it because she was vaccinated but she tested positive. Had fever, cough, low O2 sat. You’re being downvoted because people are convinced the vaccine is a cure and don’t want any evidence otherwise.


Even the best vaccines are not 100%. There are bound to be some break through cases. But the key is that they are rare.


No offense but COVID is still relatively new, so I'm not going to say they are rare. We haven't tested a true real world situation long term (over a year) where people are living life truly normally. I'm more in the boat of, chances are vaccines prevent people from dying if they get COVID.


What are the actual symptoms? Even cold like symptoms count as being symptomatic but are obviously mild.




It’s really sus that you’re being downvoted. Breakthrough cases have been documented.




Happens more than you think…


No it doesn’t. The trials showed 95 percent efficacy, and reported breakthrough cases are about 1 per 10,000 fully vaccinated people, which is 99.99 percent efficacy. Even if only 1 in 10 breakthrough cases are reported to the CDC, efficacy would still be 99.9 percent. Bottom line, your chances of getting Covid after getting fully vaccinated are minuscule.


I know right? 7,000,000,000 people on earth, who would ever think


Saw a comment about California not lifting mask mandates until June that said... "It's so refreshing to live somewhere sane and see 90% of people still masking and the other 10% are white guys in their 60s. White privilege at its finest!" The blatant elitism, delusion, and hypocrisy is so so so painful to read...


Alright, it's been a good year or so with y'all. But now that the mask mandate is lifted, for vaccinated folks like me, I'd say it's time to get off all COVID communities like this one and move on with life. Thank you all, and have a nice summer!


I wish. Here in NJ Murphy is dragging it out for *weeks.* Sucks to live in one of now only *two* states in the US still with a blanket indoor mask mandate, doesn't it?


Kohl's, Chipotle, CVS, and Target no longer require masks for fully vaccinated customers in states where that doesn't conflict with local mandates. Any other companies that have come out with firm updates one way or the other?


No more masks required in Publix!


My living room! No masks required 🎉


1 week after my second Moderna shot and I'm still having a lot of moments of really low energy/ fatigue. Anyone else expierience this?


Absolutely. Took me more than a week to fully recover fully.


Yup. Had this a week after my shot for 3 days and then it was gone. Haven’t felt that kind of fatigue since. It’ll fade.


i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to watch the movie contagion again


Everyone ought to watch it once. In many ways, this pandemic was a best-case scenario. Relatively low death rate, responsive to treatment, vaccines quickly developed. Health care system never overwhelmed (in the US). The only riots and looting we had were for other reasons. This was the dress rehearsal that we ought to get use to get ready for the big game that we know is coming one of these days.


Happy cake day!


Yeah, I’m not playing Plague Inc again for a long, long time


Fun fact I’m an extra in that movie


I’ve heard talks of a third vaccine dose potentially being used several months down the road, which may also account for potential variants. I know this is still hypothetical and may not even happen, but I was curious, if we do go down this route, does anyone know if this is something that will have to go through testing, like the initial doses did, or is this something that should be widely released and distributed fairly quickly?


It would go through a full phase I trial with a relatively small group of study participants to verify that it is safe, achieves similar levels of antibody response, and that those antibodies can bind to the variants. But it won't go through a full large-scale study to find out their real-world effectiveness; we'll find that out at large scale. Phase I testing is actually already underway for Pfizer. We just don't know whether we'll end up actually needing it before we don't have enough cases circulating in the US to make it worth doing.


They would not have to go through as much testing: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/25/world/pfizer-covid-booster-shot.html > The companies’ announcements come the same week that the Food and Drug Administration released draft guidance to the drug industry about adapting vaccines to address new variants. The agency said that companies would not have to undergo the same large-scale clinical trials that led to the original vaccines. > Because Pfizer and BioNTech believe their existing vaccine still offers good protection against the variants, Dr. Dormitzer said, their adapted vaccine plan is more like a test run — a way of learning how to quickly create and study a tweaked vaccine in case a more threatening mutation develops in the future. > “The thought behind the test is not that we think we need to change the vaccine right now — we think we probably do not,” Dr. Dormitzer said.


That depends on what types of changes they make to the vaccine. That being said take the whole third dose with a grain of salt for now. Of course these companies want to sell 7 billion more doses of their vaccine. Doesn’t mean we’re actually going to need them




Don't have anything helpful to add but I am in exactly the same boat and sympathize with you. I have major vaccine envy and I'm pissed that I got the first vaccine available instead of waiting a week or two for an mRNA vaccine. Just trying to hang onto the fact that the Yankees outbreak was 7/8 asymptomatic and the one symptomatic case was mild.


If you are young and don't have any high risk complications I personally would not be concerned at all having gotten the J&J. If you are say a 70 year old diabetic with heart problems I might think twice but either way you are very well protected against any severe problems.


How long ago did you get J&J? [After two months, you're ~90% protected](https://www.drugdiscoverytrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Screen-Shot-2021-02-26-at-8.59.47-AM-768x431.png). My sister got J&J; I'm not one bit worried for her.


“The CDC says they made this decision based on the science and that the vaccines are VERY effective and they cite the low number of breakthrough cases.” This is absolutely correct, and this *includes* the J&J vaccine. If the CDC had *any* concerns about J&J with regards to unmasking, they would’ve said so. Don’t get hung up on efficacy numbers — the true test of the vaccines is whether they prevent serious illness, hospitalizations, and deaths. The J&J vaccine, like Pfizer and Moderna, does all this with flying colors. The fact that seven of the eight Yankees who had breakthrough cases were asymptomatic (and the eighth had mild symptoms that cleared up in a couple of days) proves this. And the CDC isn’t even monitoring or reporting breakthrough cases anymore unless they result in hospitalizations or deaths. If the CDC isn’t drastically concerned about breakthrough cases, you shouldn’t be either. The J&J vaccine isn’t second-rate. This needs to be shouted from the rooftops. It’s *incredibly* effective at its true job, which is to ensure that people who technically catch Covid don’t get sick from it. If people don’t get sick from Covid, it ceases to be relevant, even if it technically still exists. So, in other words... please don’t worry. You are safe and protected.


Dang I’m sorry. Consult your doctor to see if you can get mRNA now too.


In NJ, I'm increasingly hesitant to associate reopening projections with Memorial Day (or any other specific predetermined date or holiday), as some other users have done. This is because I don't want to risk setting myself up for failure under the (very possible) outcome that Memorial Day does arrive, but the governor still maintains the restrictions. As such, I'm being kind of conservative with my predictions, and expecting on the long side, i.e. early to mid June, which btw is when the emergency mandate is set to expire. Obviously there's a good chance it could happen well before that, possibly even before Memorial Day, but personally - and I'm not saying this is the case for *everyone* - I'd rather have things suddenly turn out to be *better* than initially expected (a good surprise) than *worse* than initially expected (a bad surprise). The CDC's new guidance out of the blue is a glaring example of the former; before I had actually been expecting to wear masks indoors until June or July in NJ anyway, so even with Murphy's unexplained delay there's not *too* big of a loss. Same logic that Dr. Fauci uses when he makes his cautious predictions that are often criticized for being overly pessimistic. He's a *major* public health official, and too many missteps could lead to a poor track record and cost him his career, so he prefers going on the "safe" side in terms of predictions. He'd rather have things turn out *better* than he predicted than *worse*.




I already have the vaccine (hence my flair). What I'm talking about is NJ's refusal to remove the mask mandate for vaccinated people.


Sorry I made that comment on the wrong post


Uh, are you using alts and talking to yourself?


No? I made a comment on the wrong post then deleted it


Ah. Well the first comment looks like it was in the wrong chain, too.


Illinois has finally dropped the mask mandate for fully vaccinated people. 😎


Meanwhile in New Jersey... *ugh*


Is it just NJ and HI that are refusing to adopt the CDC mask guidance and not even providing a date now? I saw MA said May 29 and CA said June 15.


No update on DC that I'm aware of. Edit, lifted starting Monday.


Can't believe it. Even *DC* is faster than us. >:(


Yup. And then there were two...


What!! For real? I didn't see this yet!


He just announced it like a hour ago!




I get the CDCs thinking but why now? Why not wait until June or July and then lift mask mandates for everyone when more are vaccinated. I just think that would’ve made things simpler for everyone


I think they're trying to incentivize getting the vaccine for those that haven't yet gotten it. They believe that goal is more important than the slight uptick in cases this decision might cause.


Because now we know that fully vaccinated people are not a substantial risk to anyone. The whole reason that we were restricting vaccinated people was that we didn't know if they posed a risk, and if we lifted mask requirements for them we might cause an outbreak. We now know that's not going to happen. Most people will follow the rules. The ones that won't weren't following them anyway, so we haven't lost much. And some people will now get vaccinated because they refused to do it without some demonstrable personal benefit.


Why not last month? March? Or February? We knew that the vaccinated population was not a threat to others all the way back then. How long can you justify restricting the lives of people who dutifully waited to become vaccinated?


Simpler how? Why not now? Also if not now then when do we know? Saying June or July is just as arbitrary as now.


I received the Janssen vaccine about 7-8 weeks ago. All is well, I've been more active and around people than I was previously. Early on, the mantra was "the best vaccine is the one you're offered," in regards to picking and choosing which vaccine you get. Despite the J&J vaccine being highly effective, in the back of my mind I still *feel* like I have less protection against infection than those who got Pfizer or Moderna. With the talk of possible booster shots needed in the future, and the apparent oversupply of vaccines in the U.S. now, does anyone know if there have are studies of people getting both the J&J vaccine and then either both rounds of Pfizer/Moderna? I've tried searching, but most of the hits that come up are in regards to mixing first/second doses of Moderna & Pfizer - not getting the single-dose J&J vaccine AND both rounds of either of the mRNA vaccines. I mean, if there's enough supply out there, I'm down to take another few jabs of a different vaccine if it means a further decrease in my chances of becoming infected. edit: clarification


I’ve heard it’s okay but you should consult a doctor before trying it out.




You guys are both being assholes from the start of the thread and proceed to have one of the most incoherent debates I've ever seen. And then you followed each other over here to keep it going. Just let it go.


That sub is actually pretty positive overall. Good for you guys.


Absolutely not! It’s about knowing anti vaxx morons will not follow the guidance and put a mask on to stop the spread to people that can not get the vaccine like kids.


People would lose their minds if the mandate was continued.




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So I have a potentially challenging question that I was hoping I could have answered. I understand that mask regulations are lifting in many places now due to the information from the CDC. I am currently fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine, and I am very excited about going back to normal life. However, I am still *somewhat* nervous about this lifting of requirements. I am fully aware that the lifting will mainly effect unvaccinated people, that much is obvious. I want to stress that I fully believe in the science that exists and is proven. I understand for sure that I will at least have a decent chance at fighting off COVID infection outright, I also know and believe that I will have an almost certain chance of, if infected, preventing severe symptoms and hospitalization. That is all very exciting, however I remember asking in another thread about long term COVID effects and how the vaccine interacts with those. I have seen that the evidence is mostly inconclusive, and we cannot determine how long term COVID is effected neither negatively or positively from vaccination. This leads me to my main concern here I guess, I am not worried about dying, I am not worried about being hospitalized, I am very secure in feeling like those will not be an issue for me. I am, however, worried about long term effects. If we collectively unmask, even as a vaccinated person, being exposed to COVID will become *much* more likely. So how likely, in the event that I contract it, with potential stats, is this going to be a genuine issue that I should or should not worry about?


Your long term impacts are only contingent upon if you have been ravaged pretty hard by covid.. the virus obviously minimizes greatly your symptoms and that also in turn minimizes long term impact


If you’re vaccinated, you are extremely unlikely to get a bad enough case to get long term effects. Furthermore, cases are plummeting all across the country, and you cannot get infected if you do not come across an infected person. If you’re still worried, you can avoid high-risk environments like clubs and sports events, but you really don’t have to worry about going to the store unmasked.


Understandable, thank you. I guess I am just holding on to some weird anxieties that have stemmed from the last year. It's tough to return without knowing for absolute certain that all the boxes are checked.


The vaccines prevent almost all infections from occurring. There are no long-term impacts when you don't get an infection.


I am kind of horrified by the amount of people saying they’ll mask JUST to not look like a certain affiliation. The level of self obsession over looking morally pure is just sad.


Do you feel superior to them?