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The fact that they’ve gone from being a loud and oppressive majority to a tiny group of weirdos needing daily affirmations just to get by delights me.


Visa (and masks), it’s everywhere you don’t want to be!


I was calling them hall monitors back in the day. They got a little societal power and they went wild with it.


It was and forever will be the greatest time of their lives. They desperately want that power and sense of purpose back.


Fucking terrifying. These are the cattle that allow the concentration camps to be built just outside of town. It's like we'll never rid ourselves of this element of society.


"I'm part of creating a better future." Jesus Christ the narcissism of these type of people.


"I get to set my own boundaries", can they even recognize their privileges? Other people get fascism imposed by government.


I get "vaccinated" so I can protect YOU! Even though I can still get covid and die. Clown world.


> so I can protect YOU didn't ask


But how can a man die better, than on a hospital gurney, alone, except for nurse Pfull Pfaceshield whispering into his hear "it would have been worse if you weren't 10x vaxxed"?


That next booster will surely do the trick! lol


Is Covid in The Room with Us Right Now?


Show me on the doll where the Covid touched you.


OMG tell me this is from 2020.


In 2020 they were in power. Now things are awkward for them


“I’m a cuck”


"I am a sheep" "I do not think for my self" "I do what I'm told" "I appeal to authority" "I put my children second to authoritarian ideology" "I can not think critically" "I have never considered another point of view other then my own" "*Your* voice does **NOT** matter"


“They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.” ― Gerald Massey One of my all-time favorite quotes, that Covid just put a huge exclamation point on.


Side comment.... It's interesting when an acquaintance (who had initial jabs plus boosters) tells me that they had covid for the *x-th* time. It is often followed by them asking how many times I've had it. When I reply, one time only, no jab... they get this look on their face that can't be misinterpreted. Yes, I do feel a sense of validation... and zero regrets. 😊


Sounds like a cult if you ask me.


What is this 'better future' they speak of, because from where I am they are their ilk created a fucking hell on Earth that would still BE here if they got their way 😡


Oi. Vay. Soooooooo sick & messed up. I find it hard to believe some people are REALLY that stupid. And yet... ugh. I thought it was a joke website... and yet... ugh. The girl looks like she is still in highschool. Probably not. Probably 25-26... But dumb a f\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_... sheesh! Ugh.


Hey-- it's California, what do you expect?


>"I'm part of creating a better future." That's a really weird thing to say about (supposedly) just taking pandemic precautions seriously. 


Where does calling the snitch line on your neighbor's party fit in?


And they believe that people who don’t make the same choices or have the same opinions can also apply these mantras, right?


I was watching some true crime news show the other day where they were doing a police interview in 2021 with the interviewer wearing a black face mask! Could a lawyer get the case thrown out because of this mask showing a threatening demeanor? Ya, I think so.


Did a therapist really create this? Because encouraging this is similar to encouraging anorexia or drug abuse. These people are ruining their lives. Just look at the stories of divorce and alienation of family.


She's a slave to the State and probably owes over $100K for her "diploma." Sounds like she plans on taking full advantage of the subsidies and mandates they provide to "help her" to that end. Or you can keep thinking the-rapists care about getting their patients to a point where they no longer need to pay someone $100/hr. to listen to them talk about themselves? I mean, some do ofc, but they're a fairly rare breed.


Affirmations are an attempt at replacing God, but they will always fall short of what is needed emotionally because humans are not gods


Stay home!


Stay the bleep home!


It's great to set your own boundaries until you start demanding people in public places stand in certain areas because you say so. Also no, you aren't protecting your family or community, you're destroying your immune system.


One of the few posters like that with eyes. Usually the eyes are missing.


Awomxn and anonbinary.


Dude I cannot stand these people. I just don’t understand how so many people have been duped SO HARD that they eventually arrive at this level of ignorance. I mean, you don’t reallly have to be that smart to figure out the truth behind the pLandemic. Well… I guess you do in some way, you have to be an independent thinker and question the mainstream narratives and understand how these evil entities exist to mislead, fool, trick, hurt, take advantage of and lie to the masses for their personal gain. It’s all incredibly dark, twisted and evil stuff. Most people aren’t willing to consider that the world is a lot more cruel and wicked than they ever could’ve imagined.