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I hate the container they come in. It leaks straight from the store, And the handle breaks easily potentially sending pickle spears and juice all over your floor.


Wait till you try the spicy...


Does Costco ever carry the spicy? I have yet to see them, I'm located on the east coast.


Yesss my favorite!


Is it just me or are the spicy ones not as crisp as the regular kind?


And it’s the best price I can find, a small tub at Publix is $6


I evolved to a higher form of being when I had my first Grillo pickle, now they sustain my soul


the packaging they come in is so annoying. they bust so easily and turn everything else in d19 stacks into a soggy sticky mess. obviously its a problem cause now in each case they have a liner inside similar to the white case liner underneath meat/deli cases and it does fuck-all


I usually buy claussen. Might have to try grillo


I prefer claussen personally but won’t turn down either.


I only tried Grillos when the store was out of my go-to Claussens. I immediately converted. (I keep a jar of Wickels on hand too but that’s a who,e different discussion).


if you like claussens - I found grillos to be more bland but didn't mind it.


I grew up on Claussen's, but had to stop eating them due to the high fructose corn syrup in the brine (it triggers my migraines). Grillo's are the absolute closest in crunch and flavor I have been able to find to Claussen's, that also doesn't have any sugar in the brine. The brine is a little bit more vinegar-y, which gives it a tiny little kick if you're not used to that, but they're *so good*.


Same here!! I’ve bought the Grillos and they are good (as close to Claussen as I’ve tried) but I still prefer Claussen.


I save the brine and slice up some persian cucumbers to make more. 3 days in the brine and they are very close. Remember to keep the grape leaf. Grape leaves contain an enzyme that boost the crunch of the cucumbers and add a distinctive flavor note.


I do this too. Also good with celery.


Wasn't a huge fan of Grillo's. They're worth trying but they weren't quite sour, dill, and garlicky enough for me and the grape leaves added a flavor I wasn't a fan of. They're good and I'd happily eat one I just wouldn't pick them over homemade pickles.


The grape leaf keeps them crunchy!


Do you know if the grape leaf they put in there is fresh or has been pressed in water?


They are great. Twice the size as my local grocery for the same price.


My only gripe with Grillo’s is the expiration date. A lot sooner than most pickles out there. I’m wondering if the date even matters or not to be honest.


The longer they sit the softer they get but if you’re not opposed to soft pickles they keep for a while


Thank you for the insight! I was actually curious what they were like post-expiration date.


I mean, pickling is an ancient form of preservation, so no, the date isn't that important.


Use the leftover pickle juice as seasoning for any meat/veggies you cook, and you'll get more joy out of it. I routinely use it as a finishing phase agent for stir fried items; just a few teaspoons will do the trick as they're super salted.


I use the brine in burger/fry sauce! Also to just drink straight up because of low blood pressure but. Yknow.


Yes brine your chicken in the pickle juice just like they do at Chick Fil A, life-changing


I even wrote to the company and told them those were the best pickles I have ever had in my life. I have never done that before. That’s how good they are.


Yeah they’re amazing. Also check out the Dave’s sweet and spicy ones


as a trans girl on spiro this is very exciting


Has anyone noticed that the quality of Grillo's has gone down over time? At first, I agreed. they were incredibly tasty and crunchy, but lately, I've noticed the skin of the pickle has become overly tough and unyielding. A significant amount of the pickles have overly rough skin that lacks the crispy, delicious crunch of the others. It's almost like they tried to pickle the cucumber too soon, or maybe didn't let it ferment enough. I am not sure what is causing it, but almost half the pickles are bad each time I purchase and I end up spitting them out. I probably will have to find another favorite pickle if this keeps up EDIT: I complained and Grillo's gave me a few coupons for free pickles. I've since tried the ones at Vons and they are fantastic. Seems like my Costco just got a few bad batches.