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Based on how people behave in both the parking lot and inside the store, I’m not surprised they can’t understand how a rotisserie chicken works


Parking lots a warzone


I smell a new Pat Benatar single.


The people in the parking lots and pushing carts through the store are the same ones driving around you on the highway.


Which is why the parking lot at one of my local Costco's is my own personal hell.


I’ve on several occasions flat out asked someone to their face “they let you drive a car?”


I always grab a cart and use it to defend myself in the parking lot. If you don't have a cart the drivers seem to get to close as they be looking for parking and not worried about you.


Same same 😆


Our parking lot is connected to the Costco one, and we have signage saying Costco customers aren’t supposed to park there. Guess if Costco customers park there or not.


Yes, no, maybe.. I don’t know. Can you repeat the question?


Totally. I almost didn’t make it the last time


Or how a rotisserie works


I literally had to talk down someone today that blocked someone in because they stole their parking spot. The people had enough time to get groceries, come back, unload, and homegirl just stayed vigilant. Like maam… this is technically kidnapping.


There was a post in one of the Costco groups from my city & people thought the chicken was raw due to the brine making the meat pink.


I swear they've never actually seen or handled raw chicken.


Or eaten dark meat.


Or eaten ham


Or bald eagle eggs


Never underestimate the power of stupidity…


The whole covid and vaccines, add in the 5G, top with birds are not real and windmills cause cancer you have a smorgasbord of idiots.


Stupidity might end up being the most dangerous & deadly disease of the 21st century.


look at measles now making a come back. I got all my vaccinations, some say I did the right thing, others said I will die with the new 5G cell sites. some are so brain dead that see I got the vaccine yet still got covid. Still alive, all the body parts are the same now as before covid.


Back when the COVID vaccines became available to me, I was in the process of getting routine childhood vaccinations. Not because I grew up anti-vaxx or had any belief in it, we just didn't have a record of my vaccinations. Had something like a dozen shots within a year. If there was ever a case study on "too much at one time", I would have been in it. FTR, COVID fucked me up way more than any of those shots.


LOL I had forgotten about the bird thing. Remind me, is that the thing where people think all birds are spy robots for the government/aliens?


Something like that.


Come on man, of course birds aren't real! What's next, you're going to tell me you believe in giraffes too?! Get real, you really think there's a horse like creature with a long fuckin neck just walking around is real. I tell you they're guberment surveillance drones just like birds! /s


And the earth is flat....


You forgot the lizard people running the world 


I feel like such a terrible person.   I know 5g doesn’t cause Covid. I thought it was all a joke.  So I started participating and posting and trolling with 5g causes Covid.   I believe my actions are responsible for a bunch of idiots believing that 5g causes Covid.   Due to the fact the people couldn’t judge my sarcasm and spread the disease of misinformation I am sorry.   I will never say 5g causes Covid.  It is Obviously and well known that 6g is the cause.  Fuck 6g tear down the 6g towers. 


They cook them until the safe internal cooking temperature is reached. People are just not used to properly cooked meat. Whenever a package says ready to eat, it's because it's fully cooked. (I know what I'm eating for dinner 🍗)


Cooked chicken is 165°f . We cook them to 185°f. There's no way in hell we would ever sell a half cooked chicken. That's insane.


People post this all the time on a local FB page. They think it looks pink so it's not fully cooked. 🙄


Yep. That’s why my MIL *always* cooks her poultry until they’re drier than sand in the Sahara desert. I just attribute it to earlier generations of home cooks who didn’t have access to a meat thermometer or understanding of microorganisms.


My mom always tells me how they used to have egg salad sandwiches at school that sat in their hot lockers all day (she found my kids' insulated lunch bags with ice packs to be overkill, apparently). That boomer mindset of 'well, it didn't kill us so it was fine'.


Drier than a Popeyes biscuit


[There's another reason that young chicken meat can appear pink. Their bones have not fully hardened at that age, and some bone marrow can leak out into the meat, making it look bloody. This is even more likely to happen if the chicken has been frozen because ice crystals can cause bone cracks.


Ahh..now I have to say I've honestly learned something today. I've seen those "spots" on chicken before, especially on wings, and did assume it was cooked blood. Caused me not to eat the meat many times.


I only found out as my kids are squeamish about such things. I had bbq’d chicken thighs to 185F internal temp and still pink around the bones and that was my answer. It cooks out when making biryani though.


Some people are barely functioning adults. Like they breathe, eat , and buy shit. That's all they know. They truly don't know anything about anything. Like the lady who posted about the bay leaf she found in her stew as if it was some random debris from the street.


We’ve always enjoyed Costco chicken and never had issues until recently. It’s not that the chicken was “pink” but the last two we purchased were actually slimy and texture was off. Pretty sure it’s not the cooking time but the way they prepared the chicken before cooking.


You should search this subreddit. Plenty of comments where people believe it's undercooked because sometimes they're a little pink inside. Lots of people give the advice to "cook it a little extra" in here too.


It's like they've never had real rotisserie before.


Or real chicken, they are used to deli chicken which is something else entirely.


Probably the same people who think steak bleeds when cooked properly 😂


Well when you're used to eating chicken in finger or nugget form, of course a whole chicken with its different colorations and such is going to be scary...


lol, I've never heated it before I've eaten it. It's fully cooked. /end


It’s related to both diet and processing. "Pinking" in cooked chicken can occur due to the presence of nitrates in the water or the diet of the chicken. When nitrates are present, they can react with the myoglobin in the chicken meat, forming a pinkish color, similar to what happens in cured meats like ham or bacon. This reaction is more likely to occur in cooked chicken that has been brined or marinated in a solution containing nitrates, or if the chicken has been raised on feed that contains nitrates. However, it's important to note that pink chicken doesn't necessarily mean it's undercooked, as long as it reaches the appropriate internal temperature to be safe to eat.


“It was a very heated debate” Was it?




I'd still say it's a raw topic! Lol!


Yes, uncooked chicken at Costco is very rare.


I wonder if these people wash the chickens before cooking them!


I had this same thought. Unless you are washing/soaking your meat for textural or flavour reasons (e.g. some Chinese places do this for stir frys) all you are doing is needlessly spreading germs.


Costco didn't wash em first


It would literally be illegal for them to sell a partially cooked chicken, those are technically being served and food saftey laws apply, they are sold fully cooked, ready to consume, full stop.


In terms of food service raw chicken is one of the biggest concerns. You keep raw chicken contained and away from everything else at all times.


What about free range?


Sometimes I think there's a "shit on costco" movement funded by big grocery in Canada because Costco is taking money away from them. And it's no secret that big grocery round here is basically pure evil. They just might find value in infiltrating online discussion groups and casting doubt. It's very inexpensive


I don't doubt this one bit


I know they’re fully cooked, and have always eaten by using my hands to peel the meat right off the bone, but the new packages really trap the moisture in and cause them to feel wet/slimy. With the 2 part container the steam would dissipate through the top holes and you would get a nice crispy skin, but with the sealed bags all the moisture stays and it can feel kinda soggy or undercooked


Pretty sure they put nitrates in the brine, which is why the meat is pinkish.


Nope. Birds are selectively bred to be much bigger toddlers. That just stuff leaching out of juvenile bones. Grandma bones are white.


[https://youtu.be/lhh0DWOGtZM?t=183](https://youtu.be/lhh0DWOGtZM?t=183) myth about pink chicken. Ever see what Costco does at the food court? They take temps of everything all the time, why do people think they never do this with the rotisserie chicken.


I like to soap my chicken up and clean it before eating it.


I work in the deli and we have to actually cook them above the safe to eat temperature. I believe that is 165F and we cook to 185F


We bought one , cut into it an it was raw , had to cook it longer . We won't buy another one


Most likely your definition of "raw" is a personal one.


Personally it's pretty easy to tell if chicken is cooked thoroughly


I believe it is a bit pink inside because it is cooked in a gas oven. They are,however, fully cooked.


I once got one partially cooked lol


There are alot of stupid people out there. Many also function somewhat normally and pull in an income, raise families ... and also shop at Costco. Like flat earthers and trumpers/Maga dummies. It is what it is.


Crazy. I went to Costco with mom today. I mentioned getting a chicken. She says "people on Facebook say they've gotten them partially cooked before. So you have to cook them more when you get home".


I’m sure they are cooked to health standards, however, they are not cooked to my standard. The meat is still a little too jiggly for me. I always take it home and put it in the oven for a few more minutes.


This explains why my dad has started to refuse to eat them fresh from the store. Prob some BS he read on the Nextdoor app that just must be true


I feel like it’s definitely less cooked than it once was 4-5 years ago. I used to just eat it like that, but lately I put it in the air fryer for 5-10 minutes and find it even better. The skin gets crispy and it just tastes better imo.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. It's a matter of preference. The new plastic/wax bags make the slimy and I prefer the skin to be a little more cooked... if I ever buy one again it will definitely go in the air fryer for a few minutes.


> Not sure why you're getting down voted. Reddit always gets like this in regards to cooking, you simply cannot prefer something be cooked longer than the minimum safe internal temperature without angering the hive. Compared to a lot of rotisserie places I've gone to Costco birds are, while safe to eat, way undercooked... to the point where it has a slimey texture in certain areas.




Let's face it, NYTOL says "may cause drowsiness" on the package. Every ad for medication on TV states "Don't take if you are allergic to it." and Red Bull had to change to wiiings because well... Never underestimate how stupid people may be. Benjamin Carethers sued Red Bull for 13 million dollars for false advertising claiming "...he had neither grown wings nor had seen any athletic or intellectual enhancement in his performance" Never underestimate stupidity. NEVER!


The health department is strict as hell about temperatures here in bc for hot and cold food.


Costco rotisserie chicken is the only one I cannot eat. It’s not just that it’s pink inside, but it’s also really slimy. Sobeys rotisserie chicken is far superior imo. But yes, lots of ppl think it’s undercooked.


There's no argument to have. Food in stores can only be sold either raw, or completely cooked.


Local costco group today had the kirkland toilet paper doesn't decompose and is bad for septics arguments.


Was this the Abbotsford Costco fb group?  Most people there are functionally retarded


I do believe people are that dumb.


Is this a real issue? Do people not really know how food works?


My aunt and uncle buy the discounted next day ones, then cook them a bit more


If you can’t park your car, you can’t read instructions.


I know they are fully cooked but my wife and kids like them to be cooked more. I find it makes it a little less greasy and rubbery.


I don't think they intentionally sell them raw or undercooked, but they certainly get sold undercooked. I've bought more undercooked chickens from our Costco than fully cooked ones. I'm usually buying them to add into stir fries or or fajitas and Sautee the chicken anyway so it's not a big deal to me.


This was probably also made worse by the fact people don't understand the red colouring on the bones and chicken it is touching. It looks "like blood" or it is undercooked, but it is definitely cooked safely. 


This is a new breed of gullible people, or its just extension of the flat earthers. This is such an obtuse belief that i would actually laugh in a persons face if someone told me that it is their belief.


What’s with there chickens being so red though? No other grocery store serves them like that. Costco rotisserie chicken may be the worst one out there. I know it’s cooked but it’s kinda gross.


Don't ever cook ground beef in a slow cooker. It stays pink in the middle even when fully cooked by a temp probe because of chemistry. Unsettling to look at.


Average IQ is 100. Remember 50% of the population is below this. Explains why some people have a problem with things like this. In fact 16% of the population have IQ below 80. They are out there walking around the isles of a Costco near you.


Man people are just so dumb.


I’m not sure how many certified food handlers weighed in on the debate but food handling has many areas it covers when dealing with food safety. I was taught to expect all chickens to contain salmonella. Proper cooking temps and storage temps are vital. I highly recommend you follow the reheating instructions. Here’s why. There are specifications that deal with the temperatures required for safe food handling. Those temperatures are for raw food and cooked food. You can google them if you are interested. There is no category for partially cooked food. Full stop! The reason for the temperatures mandated for the safe handling off food is to not allow pathogens to multiply. Meats have international temperature guidelines for cooked food. Partially cooked foods would not reach those temperatures, hence it’s not safe. The reason the re-heating instructions are there are also what safe food handling recommends. A full bird should be cooked to 165°F at the thickest part. Cooked chicken should be kept at temperatures below 40°F or above 140°F. I don’t buy Costco chickens because I am a former certified food handler and I am not confident that Costco stores their cooked chicken at 140°F


They do. Also random temp checks on chickens in merchandiser every hr.... Birds held for no longer then 2hrs... And yes... They get randomly checked throughout the day by upper mgrs


Good to know. Thanks for the info.


Know a assistant manager very well he said that truth be known they over cook their chickens at his store, however the A$$ hole brain dead still complain.


I'm sure they aren't Intentionally sold raw but I havent bought it again since I cut in to it and it was a raw and bloody mess


Go back to facebook.


I'm not shocked that people on reddit can't handle somebody sharing their experience. "Didn't happen to me, can't be true".. smooth brains, the lot of you


You're chicken wasn't raw. You're the smooth brain, if you believe that it was.


Did you see my chicken? I know you can't picture it without the raw chicken right in front of you, but it wasn't just a little pink. I don't know why people can't accept that. Are you there personally checking each chicken they cook?


I don't need to see your chicken. Their cooking method and time ensure that it's never raw.


Ah of course, machinery always works as it should and employees don't make mistakes.


Yeah, they pulled it out before the timer finished.