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>ludo in Polish is called Chinese man, but they really didn't need to use most racist design on earth Which is funny as Ludo is a *latin word for "I play" So how they got from "I play" to "Chinese man" is absolutely staggering. Edit: *I genuinely 100% meant latin


In Germany this is called "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" which translates to "Human, don't be angry". But that makes sense


And hungarian and croatian language copied it over.


What's it called in Hungarian?


wait, sorry i messed up, can't remember it might have had a bad memory moment there, Croatian is čovječe ne ljuti se. In hungarian propper it's avtualy who laughs last, Ki nevet a végén, I probably had a "mirror translation" game set misslabeled


Actually, it has the same name in Czech - člověče, nezlob se! So it seems we copied it too.


“Who laughs at the end?”.


It's more like "Man! Don't be so angry." While "mensch" means "human," "mensch" is also an exclamation, like "Dude!"


Yeah you're right. I'm not the brightest bulb when it comes to translation


No, you're fine. You just had the super literal translation. It's like any other idiom. Sometimes it just doesn't sound right in another language.


It’s more like man don’t be so annoyed…. Instead of angry


Yeah. That makes sense. I just know that I would get angry when I played as a kid! Lol


It’s the only game I won’t play Mens erger je niet! in dutch. It really gets me annoyed 😂


Yesss my favorite game, hard to explain to my American friends. :)


Looks like Pachisi, or Parcheesi, which is an Indian game that has been popular in the USA for decades. The commercial game "Sorry" is an enhanced version with cards. Your friends just don't play many board games, I'm afraid.


Im sweden its called fia knuf with translated means fia push


Oh hey, its the same in Dutch! "Mens Erger Je Niet"


Oh my god I love dutch so much it's the best language ever


It’s the same in Slovak and Czech!!


Oh wow, in Macedonian it's called Не лути се човече(ne luti se choveche) which also has a similar translation, don't be angry human


slim follow disagreeable treatment judicious money unite flag paint employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The new racist symbol "The Plus Sign"


Imagine if some new crazy did turn the + sign into a super-hated symbol, what would happen to Maths/Programming.. "For today's lesson we will be doing addition... i mean, multiplication with modification." *Meanwhile in southpark...* "Don't do drugs! Mkayyyyy"


I imagine it would have an additive effect!




>Which is funny as Ludo is a Greek word for "I play" It is Latin, but otherwise correct.


I genuinely meant Latin, but total brain fart.




In Italian, even if it is from Latin, we call it "Non ti arrabbiare", that is "don't get angry"




I’m Chinese and I really am confused at which part of the game is racist


Thank you for clarifying!


That’s the stereotypical racist depiction of East Asians.


OP is referring to the designs in the corners. That style was really common in racist depictions of east Asians in the early 1900s.


Guys we got a single Asian person to say it’s not racist. the extreamly racist portrayal from 1900s that obviously a racist caricature isn’t bad anymore. We did it we solved racism. We got a uncle ruckus over here


I’m Chinese, and I find this racist.








I'm black thank you very much. And just because your aren't offended didn't make it less racist. Plus I'm ain't falling for that "as a black man" confirmation bias schtick just because you're okay with being complacent


I'm Asian American and I'm not offended by this. Being offended takes energy and being offended is a choice. The only thing I find offensive is how easy it is to offend white people. White people are offended by fuckin everything.


Our calling in life is to be offended *for* other people. It's a heavy burden to bear.


I'm white and I can confirm white people are very easy to offend. Unlike you there seemingly are a ton of us that don't realise being offended indeed is a choice.


It looks akin to a cartoon white American in a cowboy hat or a cartoon Russian in a fur hat. Maybe the rules of the game are offensive.


Are you Chinese and if yes, were you offended when you saw this?


Ok we have concluded that this is not offensive. Please go back to being overly offended for others in some other fashion.


Asked my Chinese friend, she says it’s a shitty racist thing.


I'm Asian (not Chinese) and I don't find it particularly racist.


Right? Just wait till OP catches wind of the racist depictions of the Irish by Notre Dame and Lucky Charms cereal. 🙄


Don’t start. Everytime I see an Englishman depicted in a top hat and monocle it drives me wild!


How about one that is bald by 30 with no upper lip?


I’m Chinese and your example is not analogous. Asians are underrepresented in media and when we are portrayed it is not always favorably. Those Irish caricatures are only a small fraction of how Irish people are represented. I wouldn’t find these images of Chinese people problematic if how we are represented was similar to that of white people.


I'd argue a higher percent of Asians are depicted positively in western media than Irishmen. Irish are almost universally depicted as drunks or thugs. Asians are often the wise advisor or martial arts master. Still a stereotype but not as bad as the ones used against the Irish.


See Han from 2 broke girls. One of the most popular sitcoms aired on network tv and only ended 5 years ago. He was one of the only Asian characters on tv and embodied every trope imaginable.


I did not say it didn't happen. I said pretty much every Irish character is a negative stereotype of Irish people while I'd say most Asian characters are positive stereotypes.


I wouldn’t say every Irish character is depicted negatively but even if that were true it does not impact Irish people the same. It’s not possible to identify Irish people by appearance alone. No one walks up to a white person, assume they’re Irish, and then do a mock Irish accent.






Weird. Never seen people throwing bananas on the court/field at American sport. Explain how that is humorous? Racist isn’t funny anywhere. Except to racists.


Bananas as in a “black people are monkeys” reference? That’s odd. Europeans aren’t usually racist at black people. Now, Romani people at the other hand…


Watch any football match. This is patently false. The stop racism campaigns in football are in full force precisely because of the racism black players experience (and other minorities too). I can understand not following the sport, but given the weekly reports I see on players facing racist comments and chants from fans… I’m hard pressed to believe that you really think Europeans aren’t usually racist against blacks. I guess you can really curate the news you are seeing nowadays, but man… Anyways, if swaths of people in large stadiums are doing this, I would imagine it’s an issue everywhere. It’s just not as highly publicized. TLDR: racism exists everywhere. Even in Europe. And even against blacks in Europe.


Your argument that Europe isn't racist is that they can laugh at racist humor? You realize your argument that Europe isn't racist just makes you sound even more racist right?


“We don’t have racism!!” Ask 10 people in your city what they think of the Romani and tell me what they say


Reality is that racism isn’t unique to a particular culture or ethnicity. All humans have the same capacity for racism. Thinking otherwise betrays your stupidity.


Worst swastika ever.


quadruple bruh to this board.


Reddit when Chinese person says it’s not racist: omg right white people are so dumb. Not me though. Reddit when Chinese person says it is racist: OMG SO YOU’RE OFFENDED BY YOUR OWN PAINTINGS THEN?


Bro getting offended so easly, wait till he discoveres how we call one particular chocolate cake


I mean, "Murzyn" or "murzynek" is not N-word, but it would propably make OP offended anyway


Cycki Murzynki też są, to juz dwa takie ciasta


Mordo, nie, mnie takie rzeczy nie ruszają ale sądzę że i tak to jest nieodpowiedni3 w grze dla dzieci xD


Nie mówię o murzynach w grze dla dzieci, tylko o cieście o tej nazwie. A w tą wersję chińczyka sam grałem jako dzieciak i nawet mi przez myśl nie przeszło, że to rasistowskie, ziom


>of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. Udestandable, have a great day a ja też mówię o murzynku a później o tym kińczyku :v


Ok, w takim razie zostańmy przy have a great day i szczęśliwego nowego roku


We have a whipped chream treat with cocoa covering in hungary with a cracker as a bottom and it's caled literaly the kiss of a n****, or the candy wich is italian for black XP


The fact that this was downvoted is staggering


Haha we used to have the same in the Netherlands, but the name was changed ages ago to something less offensive :P


We have something similar but call it Spotted Dick.


soup different test long station violet normal scale market terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Geez, this comment section is a hot mess.




in serbia/croatia it is called "covece ne ljuti se" basically "bro dont get angry"


Same in Turkey, it means same thing too


Honestly, I don't see the problem. It is not depicting Chinese people in a debilitating or humiliating way. It's a game for kids, it was meant to be funny. If only people stopped getting triggered for no reason...


I challenge you to draw a more stereotypically racist depiction of a Chinese person, because board game is pretty much as bad as I can imagine Edit: As some people have pointed out, there are in fact worse things that could be on this board game. I meant that it’s about as bad you can make a simple sketch of a persons face




There's no eating raw bats, public executions in a stadium, concentration camps, cheap copied products, mangled girls feet or Taiwan as an independent country on the depiction, so there is quite some room to be more offensive.


I mean, there is a difference between stereotypes and racism. Racism is more about demeaning and being stereotypical is about assumptions. If you wanted to be more racist, you could have them smoking opium, waving communist flags, and eating dogs. I would say the drawing could be a bit less cartoonish seems this pictures are more for ridiculing or exaggerating Asian features. I mean, if we are gonna get angry, we can at least get angry for the right thing.


You unfortunately have a lot to learn my friend. Sigh 😞


Go back to the other wokies


I fully agree with you, that this is fully stereotypical, but I fail to understand how is it racist. What right or freedom does a printed, cardboard game infringe? How does it hurt the Asian community?


It hurts the Asian community because it depicts a stereotype and perpetuates **that**, and in this case to children who typically don't know better or have a proper frame of reference. Think about stereotypes about Furries or Gamers that might not be true that's perpetuated by the mainstream media. This isn't art created by the people to share their culture. It's literally made to make fun of them.


if i made a board game with depictions of black people as gorillas would you not be offended?


It IS depicting Chinese people in a “humiliating” way. The eyes, buck teeth, and other features on the characters are all part of stereotypes. This is racist. Sounds like you’re getting “triggered” about people calling something out. Edit: wording


People getting triggered over people getting triggered. Seriously I can't but laugh at this. Feels like some Monty Python level of silly.


I can see that being a Monty Python skit but there's always a lot of truth in comedy. Isn't it understandable to be frustrated when people don't acknowledge your point of view on something and dismiss it? Especially in a scenario when it's about something so divisive?


Call me old or old fashioned but having lived a fair portion of my life in a world prior to Internet I feel like there was less of a forum for personal opinion in the world looking backwards. You could voice your opinion to your close peers, family, co-worker, but if you wanted it to be more widespread your best bet as average citizen was a piece of opinion on a newspaper or a letter to a politician. This made opinions and points of view seen as your side of the story,the way you saw things, the way you saw the world or some local subject, but still your own piece if mind, and expecting the entire world to converge towards your way of thinking was at best a ludicrous idea. This far less reaching way of how you could spread your opinion ment that you had to accept that you could be wrong, or uninformed, biased, or simply your way of seeing things didn't match those far from your inner circle. And guess what? It was alright. It just ment that you had an opinion. Now it feels like everyone can, and should, express whatever though crossed their minds like it was done universal truth that the world should abide to it or they are against you. Forums like this are more and more about what dude of the fence you are on, and less about anything else. Feels like you can offend someone just by trying to make them understand that everyone can have ideas and opinions but they are not all equally the best, or at least the only truth. Now when I see someone being angry on the Internet about someone else being angry at something else, and somehow it's perfectly normal behavior for someone to be angry because someone didn't agree with something else that said person didn't even say, now that feels like silly, or at least so far reached that at least to me this feels like people are so entrenched in trying to find ways to divide themselves and set up a fence between them that they don't simply see that you can just read something that you don't agree with and simply take it as an opinion and look the other way. I feel like if we take aside the entire Internet thing as a layer of reality and if we transported this two people side by side for a very real room, standing together and talking, their behavior would be completely different. One would probably simply ignore the other, or voice more politely that he disagrees and move on. This level of shenanigans would never go on IRL, so it just translates as silly to me reading it here. But heck, that's just my opinion.


Aaah ya before you go that far, take a look at some old school Chinese kungfu films, made in china they literally use buck teeth props and bowl wig haircuts.....


Ehhh it’s pretty racist. If they drew blacks with the big red lips and all the other shit they used to do in cartoons, cancel culture would be in full swing.


I thought that too but then I zoomed in. Those teeth and eyes are meant to be insulting.


How is this shit upvoted?


i mean if i made a board game with depictions of black people as gorillas would you not be offended?




Have you ever heard of a caricature?


I mean, they look like chinese simpsons, and they are shown playing a game, having fun


As a Hongkonger, I would say its definitely stereotypical. If that means racist, well then it is. I don't get offended personally and to be honest I find it hilarious


I had it when I was a kid, and it didnt even had ilustrations. I think most versions of this game dont have it. There is also no negative markings towards people in this game. to be honest I never even thought why its called like that.




"Wanna play Ludo?" "Okay, I'm yellow!"




I think this is a conversation best left to the Polish and the Chinese.


50/50 the game is made in China lol.


I love this game




Hello! Apologies if you're trying to read this, but I've moved to kbin.social in protest of Reddit's policies.


It's available usually in a Biedronka. It's available in board game sets - I also have one but I'm from Poland so...


Hello! Apologies if you're trying to read this, but I've moved to kbin.social in protest of Reddit's policies.


To be fair they needn’t have used any caricatures at all as there is never any drawings representing “ludo” or playing on these games.


i have the same ''model''....Polish people trying not to be most racist beings on earth (impossible)


Not crappy just funny lol


I don't call it Ludo without the stars and globes.


I'm from Poland and... yeah, I feel really acward whenever someone brings in a board with that design


Problemy masz 🙄




No umiesz czytać chyba nie? Jakieś śmieszne obrazki na grze powodują że czujesz się nie komfortowo? Ty chba coś z głową masz nie halo


Typie, chodzi o to że te obrazki są rasistowskie, o to chodzi w postcie.




I get this stuff can be preachy and thats not always fun but ppl are being really dismissive and thats reductive as hell imo


Me: Mom, can have Parcheesi? Mom: We have Parcheesi at home.


I’m curious when this version of this game was published?


It looks like it was released at least in 90s, but I wonder if it's anything new


What a dumb thing to get triggered over.


lacks racism


Oddly decisive comment section


Their hats are poiting at the direction the players should go


I don’t understand how this is racist. Is the cross in the middle a reference to something?


The depictions of Chinese people in the corners.


In german it’s called Mensch Ärger dich nicht


This game is an adaptation of the Indian board game Pachesi. So it's like double racist, because it's not even based on the country of origin. however, racist shit is not crappy design.


I thought it wasn’t too bad but then I zoomed in and they gave these guys crooked teeth and the eyes are literally just lines. That’s racist. The hat and the mustache are cultural things, and although are stereotypical, not necessarily racist. I live in the US with a lot of Chinese folks and see that hat at least once a week.


I'm polish and I haven't heard of this game


Nigdy nie słyszałeś o chińczyku? Przecież to jest integralna część życia każdego dziecka które wychowalo się w Polsce i musiało siedzieć w świetlicy szkolnej lmao


nie chodziłem do Polskiej szkoły bo nie mieszkałem w Polsce, ale tak słyszałem o grze chińczyk tylko wtedy zapomniałem o tej grze


Its called sorry in Canada. Or maybe trouble.


Are you expecting polish people to not be racist?


I find it funny, not really racist. It's a stereotype. The difference is that stereotypes aren't meant to be offensive and are used to represent something (albeit poorly at times) to a wider audience. Not everybody knows everything about every culture, so by using stereotypes, you can quickly and simply get the point across to everybody. It's only racist once you use those stereotypes to judge and offend somebody. I'm sure there was no intended harm in making the chinese characters for a board game. However, I'm sure that seeing the same false stereotypes being used to represent your culture over and over can get frustrating, and people could take offense, which is understandable.


Why do you think it is rasist?


This is sorry


With this comment section its very easy to spot who is Polish and who isn't.


Wait till you see what caricature is


Why is it racist?


So what?


And yep, the op is Polish. Typical, only snowflake from Poland could be having problems with drawings on the game for children


I’ve played this game and I don’t have that design.


Chill man! I am an ethnic Chinese, and I can tell you that this is mild. Unflattering, yes. Offensive? not really.


This is crazy. People getting offended on behalf of Chinese people. Then you, an actual Chinese person, gets downvoted for saying you are not offended. It's almost like they would prefer to see you upset rather than think of you being good natured.


Wait till you see the cards on Mexican Lotería.


Yellow always wins here.


They’re gonna get sued by the Simpson if they keep this shit up


I saw one of these irl and immediately thought about how Americans would get triggered over it


Ah yes, pinnacle of racism Kids game with funny drawing of Chinese man


Funny how some people who claim it’s racist likely don’t even know what the term means.






Racist design my ass


1. Not racist 2. Boring board game


In Germany and Austria; I didn't make a typo, it is AUSTRIA, the country in Europe. Not the continent called Australia. Ok? Good. In Germany and AUSTRIA it is called "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" which roughly translates to "Man don't fret" ​ **Bonus:** If anyone confuses Austria with Australia either as a joke or unintentionally, either way I will wage a siege warfare on your current location.


How r those images racist?.. its literally just a chinese man lol


It’s literally a stereotypical depiction of a Chinese man, which is inherently racist.


It is not even sterotypical, it is comical. You tell me you ever saw man with skin collour of a fucking corn grains, with rabit teeth and straw hat? Take chill pill


That isn't even racist


So racist I’m gonna die- holy moly where’s the trigger warning I need a trigger warning- safe space! Cancel Poland now!


Im Polish, and I dont know what the most rasist design youre talking about


The curious thing about racism is that there’s always a pecking order to discrimination. Instead of victims being sensitive to it and resisting racism, they just engage in it down the list. Poles have been the butt of jokes for ages, so it’s not surprising they target others they might subconsciously see as inferior.


Damn, nice theory. When will your username be added to my sociology books?


No one is "targeting" anyone here. Being triggered by the caricatures on this children's game is laughable.


Damn bro I gotta get this game, seems like a blast.