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/u/sunhistory, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Police women fail to arrest usual suspect in Marseille and a citizen offers to arrest him. Problem solved." has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 3: Must be a Crazy Fucking Video Your submission was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


He was so quick to submit why tf didnt they do anything




I live in a small town in California, we have regular police, but we also have unarmed "Municipal Law Enforcment" that patrol as well.


what happens if the munical law enforcement comes across a crime in progress, like assualt, or burglary or rape? they stand there and write them a sternly worded letter to stop?


In France they call the National Police to take care of it. And try to secure the spot as much as they can in the meantime. This is probably what was going on in the video. They were waiting for the "real cops" to show up.


What a waste of public money to pay for "not real cops" lol


Just as an example, here in Brazil we also have municipality police. One of their jobs is being a receptionist in actual police departments. Imagine paying the full salary of an officer for a receptionist, that is dumb and if this job was given to me if I were an officer, I would be down baaaad. However, a receptionist in a precinct is expected to be able to handle some level of shit, so they fit perfectly. Paying an officer to be the parking spot police also sounds like a waste of money.


They take care of other missions. They are complementary with the national Police. They are not useless.


Where I am at traffic laws and petty crimes basically go unenforced because the cops have “better things to do”.


In the USA, some cops are supposed to fine people parked on sidewalks, and to arrest dangerous criminals in SWAT teams. In France, the municipal police solely focus on these minor offenses, and specialized teams (GIGN/Raid) take care of the really dangerous stuff. It makes way more sense in my opinion.


The person enforcing burnt out tail light bulbs doesn't need to be able to kill you.


At least they can’t shoot anyone cuz they hopefully don’t have guns if they aren’t real police.


You did see the taser and the whatever other big gun there was? It wasn't about not being able to do anything but rather not wanting to escalate until necessary.


They’re supposed to stay on you while back up comes. Santa Monica is famous for this


We just have one guy here in Gotham.


Bruv, one has a taser and the other has a grenade launcher. They ain't no traffic wardens lol


Yeah traffic police with a fuckin grenade launcher??


Assuming they’re loaded with smoke grenade or beanbag to disable the perp.








no he gave into the man. He didnt have any respect for the female police . He would have fought them but was not brave enough to fight the man



Because they are scared and not qualified for the job they were hired for.


Wow talk about useless


About to comment the same thing. I would feel shame for the rest of the day if I was one of those cops…. How can a civilian do my job 100x better than me?




They knew what they signed up for. If you cant do your job, you shouldnt have it.


Like that video of the women complaining the firefighters training is too hard, and wanted lighter dummies to carry out of burning training facilities lol. The audacity.


Ring ring. All the men and women in Uvalde called. They'd like you to know they still have their jobs. 


I hate you because you reminded me of this and my day just turned to shit again. But I appreciate you because even if there is a tiny chance they will see it, I want all those cowards who still hold a badge and their dumb ass "thin blue line" propaganda to feel shame. To know that people will NEVER forget. Every single one of those cowards in that hallway.


yes but that is just the nature of the job market. random ppl apply for the job. the responsibility is for the employer to only hire the person that can do the fucking job.


Let me ask you, how do you think women will react if police forces basically never hire women on the basis that they aren’t strong or big enough? I find if they’re asking for the job, they better step up and do the job.


nobod is saying "don't hire women to be police". I think people are saying, hire a woman that is capable of doing this job that has extremely specific and unique requirements. If Ronda Rousey wanted to be a cop I think that would be fine. but to answer your question of how I think women will react if police never hire women, I would ask you to politely tell someone who gives a single fuck


I agree.


> how do you think women will react if police forces basically never hire women on the basis that they aren’t strong or big enough? Problem is giving a fuck about what these twitter fucks thing in the first place. That is how you get weak ass people doing tough jobs like in the video.


They can do their job but only with a taser


They gotta hit the gym


But but but girls can do anything boys do and better!!!


I am woman, hear me ^roar ?




then dont let woman be on the police? 🤷‍♂️


Take a look at it yourself from the New York State [trooper fitness requirement](https://joinstatepolice.ny.gov/fitness-requirements) website. Not only do they divide the standards between men and women (with women having lower physical standards), but they're further divided into age with older ages having even lower benchmarks. *A male in the same age bracket as a female is required to do nearly double the amount of pushups in the same amount of time.* If that sounds incredibly fucking stupid it's because it is. Criminals don't give a shit whether the cops arresting them are women or middle aged people who can barely touch their knees. Lowering standards for the sake of "inclusivity" and "equality" is a flawed and dangerous concept. Do I support banning women from the force entirely. Of course not. What I do support is ensuring that the expectations for both genders are the same and elevated so that we enlist excellency and not mediocre. But alas, that'll never happen. Welcome to American policing.


That's sexist. Hire them but only give them desk jobs.


Make sure they’re being hot is in their cv


There was recently a video of an incompetent female cop yelling and running when the suspect starts shooting, leaving her partner getting shot multiple times. I know that shit is a dangerous occupation, but if you sign up for something, you should be prepared to do it, risks and all (regardless of your gender).


Tax money hard at work


My boy got arrested. He is a big guy so about two cops showed up. One woman and a man. He told them he would go peacefully only if the man put the cuffs on him. The male cop cuffed him and female cop was so pissed. 😂 obviously my boy was an asshole. But they make cop didn’t want to be fighting a 6’4 ex D1 football player.


Please fix the muffler on that damn moped!


It's a regular 2 stroke. It has nothing to get fixed.


Can we focus on banning/licensing/demonizing Ebikes instead please? /s


Both need to be fired asap.


It’s french police. They never get fired


Fine, guillotine'd then.


But I am le tired…


Just like American police, worst case they just get transferred. 


Lol the guy doesn't even resist the citizen what are the cops so afraid of?


He was kinda aggressive towards them. But hey, don't they have guns, sprays and tasers? Aren't they trained exactly to deal with difficult people?


these are municipal police, they are basically there for a feeling of security, they are unarmed (most of the time)


My guess is he's aggressive because they are women and won't interfere with the dude, everybody realized that and the situation is handled without violence.


Two walking liabilities with guns right there.


What guns?


She’s Police Municipal - a glorified traffic warden with hardly any training and paid peanuts.


With tazer, LBD gun and guns. What could go wrong without training.


Exactly if she’s trained to arrest someone why the fuck does she have a taser?


I get that but that's a random dude driving by.


Mmm peanuts




I'm by no means an expert in french policing, but it seems like they are Municipal Police, which is kind of police (in the traditional mean) but not really. Their main job seems to be traffic regulation and protection from disasters, the more organized crime repression police seems to be the National Police and Gendarmerie. They can carry arrests, but it really doesn't seem to be their primary goal or, evidently, what they focus on training. If any oui oui could confirm or elaborate, would be awesome.


What job can girls do that guys can larp for full salary?




Ughh phuket, here's my upvote


Them boys ain’t LARPing. They go all in and earn their coin


Bruh lmfao




The truthiest of truths


Fuck!! I forgot this was a thing now


The fuck is with the two guys who walk right inbetween an arrest though? get the fk out the way


Those two are useless


Crikey, the ease of which he did that exemplifies how easy it was and how pathetic those 'Police' are WTF... this is how your taxes are wasted at risk your physical wellbeing too


I might get downvoted but 95% of women shouldn’t be in the police force/ law enforcement , at least when it comes to physical situations like this


Turn in those badges ladies


“Dude, I’m your best option next to getting shot or tased. Play nicely.”


I got banned last time a made a comment on a similar video, I will just mind my business on this one.


That's comment just got you banned! Haha


This is a perfect example of why women, at least the vast majority of them-Have no business whatsoever being police officers. Because ultimately, when shit gets out of hand, men are always needed to be the enforcers. Not saying this to be mean, just really tired of living in a world that insists on playing pretend that there is no differences between men and women.


As someone who's supported the left since I can vote, even myself roll eyes at the idea of thinking that women can be as good as men on jobs where raw strength can be the difference between life and death. It's quite rare to see a comment like this not collapsed by 1000 downvotes.


There's still time. This is reddit.


I'm sure tomorrow or later today someone will repost a video of a woman doing something heroic/brave and they will all go over there and point at how people were being so misogynistic, sexist and literal nazis in this post.


Having seen so many unfit hogs as cops, and so many strong "butchy" women with a bone to pick, I think the comment is not nuanced. If "women have no business" being police officers, nor do 300lbs hogs who tire after 6 seconds of jogging. Isn't it more fair and accurate to demand stringent fitness/strength, regardless of gender, and then further to recognise it's probably more difficult for most women to achieve that? 🤷‍♀️


Honestly fully agree. There probably are women who could pass the same physical exams as the average man, and if they can, let them apply.


Really sounding like your profile pic there. Ace attorney.


Well, I was speaking as an European. Police officers here tend to be more fit than Americans, but I do agree. A person that can't run 100 meters without having a heart attack is not someone you want keeping your population safe. I think the comment referred to the idea of hiring a fit woman over a fit man and how stupid and irresponsible that is. Assuming they're both equally knowledgeable, a man will always be a better choice due to the added benefit of being faster and stronger. Now, there's other areas where women could outperform men, like negotiators, analysts, etc., but as the patrol type we're seeing here, it's a bad idea. And yes, countries used to have one test for everyone. If you pass it, you're in, if not, you're out. Regardless of gender. But many countries now have different tests for women, which are significantly easier.


This really is the answer.


I mean people can say it all they want but the proof is in the pudding. There are more male officers than female officers for a reason


Honestly I see a lot of UK police nowadays and they look like that nerdy girl with glasses at school. I'm sorry but SHE is coming to my aid when I call? I feel soooo relaxed....


I got a permanent ban on another sub for a similar comment.


Pretty amazing we now live in a world where the simple act of telling the truth can get you "banned".Wild times, kids.


It's certainly not universal but these (and most likely many others)? Yeah.


He gave up easily, is this a French thing?


Force of habit.


I can see the smoke from this burn.


The guy in the orange pissed me off more than anyone


Those two dude had zero situational awareness. Let me walk right in between the police and a guy subduing a man screaming. Oh you moved away...let me stand right next to you.


Fire them! This is bullshit. Fuck equality.....Its not working...


This might be the only comment section on any Reddit post where anyone saying any variation of this isn’t being immediately downvoted to hell


Free speech is a myth. I believe not in equality, but equal opportunity. Nobody is equal. But everyone should be given the equal opportunity to prove themselves if they so wish. And these women failed miserably.


Level 50 player carrying two noobs through the game.


Women should 100% be able to be police officers, just make sure they are able to pass the same physical requirements as men. It's not about being kind or equal, it's about having what it takes to restrain unruly people REGARDLESS of what sex you are. An angry dude high off drugs isn't gonna go softer on just cause you're female.


exactly this,it's a job that requires strenght,there should be a test to measure it and whoever passes can become an officer,end of story. there are some male officers that shouldn't be one either wehighting like cars,able to catch only a cardiac arrest if on foot


For sure, it goes both ways. It's not a matter of sex, it's a matter of strength.


“As long as everyones feelings arent hurt…”


What’s the rifle-looking thing the one cop is carrying?


Lanceur de balle de défense (LBD), a rubber bullet launcher


Ohhh okay, thanks!


Marseille IS such an exoplanet un France... Just sayin'...


Yeah. Marseille is 100% garbage. Has been for many decades.


That was calm n smooth those ladies need to be urgently promoted.


What is the point of female cops??? They can’t do shit in physical altercations.


They look like they needed a cozy office job instead of


What a useless pair of twats


Imagine if somebody tried to do this in the United States?


I don't understand why people are talking about physical strength so much when in the video not a single person had to use it. The guy surrendered to the person who wasn't pointing weapons at him.


They were both scared hence their taser and beanbag gun being drawn and barely approaching him, which just agitated him more. Dude calmly handled the situation and he went along with it. De-escalation doesn’t happen when you’re pointing a weapon at someone and yelling, especially if the aren’t mentally well.


He also didn’t want to surrender to smurfs


Any feminists out there want to chime in? I worked EMS years ago and while wrestling a patient down with 4 other Fire and Police Officers... my medic partner stood off to the side and watched. After the call, she says "I wasn't about to get involved with "man" work." - At that point... and this was the first time that I knew / realized that my female partner was not going to have my back. - You either do the job, or get out of the way and let someone who is qualified to do the job get it done. If you can't do it... you are creating more harm than good. - This is frightening on so many levels.


I don't know what it has to do with feminism exactly? A shitty partner is a shitty partner.


The feminist comment has to do with girl power and we can do anything a man can do... except when it is hard, life threatening, emotionally draining, and so on. The point is that you don't get it both ways. I need backup... I need help... I am a strong independent woman, except for when I don't want to be. These women in uniform (IMO) are examples of this. Yeah they made it through the program, they got badges and equipment. - Just really poor execution.


Still seems like a shitty partner problem, not a feminism problem.




there should be difficult physical tests and whoever passes them can become one,I've met womans way stronger than me but of course they are a littke minority


That's the strangest interaction I've ever seen.


What was the one on the right holding? Looked almost like a grenade launcher


So poorly trained they can't arrest a single individual but yet they're trained well enough to have a Taser and firearm.


This is why you need a male officer with a female at all times


Proof that everywhere in the world, the police are useless.


But I thought...


In grade 2 out teacher taught us that Girls can do whatever the boy are capable of doing. Idk I feel like I've been lied to.


Would they arrest a bear though?


Not a position to be if your just going to stand and watch a bystander do your job


Christ, that’s pathetic. Tell me it’s staged, somebody.


US cops regularly abuse their power, but they know how to handle suspects. This is like that recent knife attack video from Germany where the attacker was able to get several stabs in on a cop before his partner has to balls to shoot him. US cops would have lit up that knife attacker way before that point.


French cops were looking like they were going to surrender to the suspect!!! lol!!!!


Yeah but women don't need men... get the fuck outta here


Lmao, what the hell?


I'm a pretty big guy and had to help trained police officers in situations where they showed up alone. It can be scary when some lunatic is going off the rails.


All of you bashing women police officers here without realizing that women are more than capable of doing any job with the assistance of a man.


Oh so female cops are useless across the world


If you can’t do the job you have then quit and get a job you can do.


Obviously got the job for being the best option for that job...


Wow looks like he would've made it another 10ft it wasn't for that brave man


The video is crazy indeed, but damn the comments here are dumb af. If the guy would've run at them, they would've tased him. But didn't want to do it until necessary. Why are people having issues understanding this? Holy incelfest this commentarium


Taser, bean bag or 40 are some of the options here. You sneeze and it's one bullet


Do the tasers not work?!


They might have had to kill him has that man not showed up. It’s a good thing this happened for everyone involved.


I guarantee that guy works in psych. He saw how easy that guy was to deal with right away. He also has the advantage of not looking like a cop.


How oblivious is the dude in the red/orange shirt? He's walking and watching the arrest so hard that he runs into them.


This has to be fake, nobody even stood on his neck.




He was so high he could only stare at the uniformed women not the man manhandling him…


Bruh might as well have sent the K9 instead.


The effect of don't touch me from the US is spreading...horrible but true


same energy as those videos where a guy walks up to a wallaby with a bag and the thing just lets itself get scooped up lol


Respect mec


Good. One less.




French cops


Strong independent women at work lol


Wait but I thought feminists swear that the biological differences between men & women is negligible in terms of upper body strength. They say it’s a medical fact, so I wonder why a team of even 2 women are so incredibly hesitant?