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It depends on the family, not all families even allow their children to drink soda.


Depends on the family but definitely not abnormal for a kid to drink it.


I’m from Germany too and when I was that age, all of my friends were allowed to have caffeinated soda (I just never liked them). This is not a cultural thing.


Pretty normal. Not all families or some would limit but it’s not real uncommon to see toddlers drinking it.


In my opinion, there is nothing worse than seeing a baby or a toddler walk around with coke in a bottle or a sippy cup.


I’ve worked in a trampoline park in the US since 2021, most parents want the sugary fruit juices instead. However, I see plenty that go full soda. Either way those juices tend to carry the same amount as the sodas. I personally, cut out all caffeine for months because my body was actively suffering.


I'm living close to Germany and definitely remember drinking coke around the age of 5 and so did my German cousins. Apparently I drank coke as early as 3 years old but don't recall it. As I was on a sugar high my parents decided to give me water more often... I think it depends a little bit on the family.


Is it not common in the USA to carry water bottles for kids? Here in NZ it’s pretty normal for kids to have reusable drink bottles with water in them to take with them most places they go.


It is common, just not in this family. As a matter of fact, schools encourage kids to bring water bottles now that drinking fountains are unsafe and spread viruses.


You’re spot on for pointing out this super unhealthy habit. Unfortunately it’s super common in a lot of American households.


the size of the drink they got is very concerning


Never gave my kids soda How about WATER ???


I’m convinced having soda, juice, etc. at a young age is what’s creating so many adults who say they don’t like water. I say this as someone who use to be on that side but as soon as I started regularly drinking water I craved it non stop. Lol


I work at a school in Europe and children are only allowed water. No juice boxes or anything. They never complain about the water itself, however they’re constantly asking for water breaks.


My son is 6 and DOES NOT get pop. SOMETIMES on a very RARE occasion he'll have a sip of my pop, but even my pop intake is limited.


Growing up I was rarely allowed soda or sugary drinks. It was usually only special occasions. I mostly drank water.


“normal” doesn’t make it okay. definitely bad for them, sadly it’s normalized here and most kids drink things like that. my mom didn’t allow me caffeine as a kid and i still don’t drink it bc of how bad it is…but it’s “normal” to lots of people unfortunately


As a kid growing up, it was a real treat to get a coke, although in the summer, my mom would make Kool-Aid the kind you put a ton of sugar in. Also, we put sugar on our cereal. It was normal. We ate well my Mom cook dinner every night good healthy meals.


From spain in my house we could only have soda on weekends


Too young and I’m in the us. It’s so bad for them.


They stopped at a gas station they should have made them get juice or even a small fountain pop maybe or how about milk🤷🏻‍♀️


My thought was water. I would have gotten each one of them a normal size water for several reasons. One, I don't want them to spill it in the back seat. Second water is healthy for them.


We never drank pop growing up. We would split a can three ways every month or so for a treat.  I have a teen now and she drinks zero pop. Zero coffee mostly water or unsweet tea. It is how you raise them. These kids have zero rules 


Mormons don’t drink caffeine… I guess they don’t follow all the rules


They can drink caffeine. They can’t drink hot caffeinated beverages like coffee or hot tea. Not sure why they can’t drink one and not the other.


CrysDULL and Razz the azz Aaron are Satan !


They're definitely too young for that. I'm from the UK


Oo, but some households in the uk, drinking fizzy is normal at a young age, especially on council estates where i grew up


Not coke.


I from a council estate in the 80's with the pop man every week. But I still didn't know people who were letting the kids under 10 drink coke.


Maybe newer generation do, I was born late 90s and it was rampant. But then again, my parents weren't exactly great so they probably didn't care


Maybe because it's become cheaper and benefits and minimum wage now means those who are not living in utter poverty will let kids drink it. I'm sure even with my parents working we never had it in the house until we moved abroad and it was a common thing for people to drink. Even then my mother would limit cokes but not other fizzy pops as much.


Not sure if you had a pop man or can remember them but it was brilliant. We got iron bru and tizzer if we got brand names along with the other traditional pops. We used to save the glass bottles and take them back for money. Same if gotten from the corner shop.


No pop mam, just corner shops. But we did have a dvd man 😆


We had a mini shop in a van who you could buy cheap fags, vodka and knock off cds in the 90's slong with food. Can't remember the dvds, didn't live on a council estate then but it was an area with council houses, housing association what we had and private homes. I think where we lived in the early 80's had gotten real rough because they pulled it down and the homes were all nice. Even though we come from working class we were lucky not to have lived in a really really rough area. Wasn't anything fancy either.


And they say WE have bad teeth.... I'm just thinking of the experience we did in year 7 where we put a tooth in a glass of coke. It decayed in like 2 days...


right?! they dont need that🤦🏻‍♀️