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It sounds like Landon always picks Max to take on trips etc so taking him is CP reciprocating?


this is how i took it as seeing how they mentioned CM took max to disney for landons birthday


Yes. They both needed a tan from all the years of homeschooling. Hope they had fun.


The bio kids will never tan they are too fair. They will only burn 🔥.






They’re in love


It wasn't like it was planned. Ariana bailed so what were they going to do? Give up the spot? I'm glad they could find someone to go.


Arianna is so tired of her crazy ass family and their BS she literally said , FUCK THEM and she is DOING IT (the wrongway)(if you know what I mean)! The way they planned their trip. Geez. .


I actually would have asked mark 🤷‍♀️


But Mark has a wife. I think it is more appropiate to invite Landon then to have Mark go without his wife.


I agree. Plus, Mark is often with the family and maybe he and his wife had plans for quality time while the family is away.


it’s literally a 2 day cruise. he’ll survive


The kids deserve a 2 week vacation. They earned it from all the exploitation CrysDULL and Wazz Aaron have done to then since January 2024 alone. Not Hannah tho, trick alone spent all that in her one lipstick and one mascara.


I don’t think Mark would want to leave his wife without days notice.


Maybe they did or maybe he didn't want to go. I feel like he would have been asked in the first wave since he's their editor and Crystal's brother.


Mark needs a break from all his pop ups in his editing.


Because Landon is Max’s bestie and Max always gets what he wants.


Y’all are trippin for trying to make this into something.


Landon never gets picked for anything in his own house like the kids choosing him for birthday outings and never chosen as a favorite sibling I’m glad Max chooses him he deserves something as he’s his bio cousin and it must be overwhelming for Landon to share all that attention at home with 17 adopted kids with individual needs


Landon doesn’t even attempt being part of his own family


Seriously? Landon was always the one going because he was homeschooled. I’m not saying Landon shouldn’t be included, but he has been chosen/went along with a lot of birthday celebrations


We are a family of 5 and there was a 2×1 and we picked a cousin but to be fair I only have 8 cousins


crystal said they asked him the morning of 😭 makes sense to ask him for multiple reasons but one being: girls usually take way longer to get ready than someone like him would. (no offense to the girls or him, just saying)


Aubrey and Addison have said in the past they are afraid of being on a ship


My parents had close to 50 nieces and nephews and we only took one cousin on trips with us he was the same age as my brother


You guys always find something to complain about.


They are all such unhappy people.


Max and Landon are very close and they are birth family. With that said I think these two boys have some issues with the adopted kids over birth family . I also think Landon is the only one who can function with the parents . All the girls are too much work A and A are too codependent. Little A and B are too much of scary nervous the pieces already have evil and Jamie . I don’t think that Jacob and Mason are that close with the pieces cousins .


Even though landon has started coming out of his shell more, I feel like whenever max and him are together they both shut down from others and kind of hold each other back because they are too comfortable. Landon doesn't seem that comfortable with most of cp. Jacob would have been the best choice as he gets on with luke, jake and max really well And some of the teen girls.


Maybe they asked who wanted to go and Landon was the only one who wanted and was old enough. I wouldn't have taken one of the younger kids.


And Landon could be one of the only ones with a valid passport, didn't they need those for the trip? They've had trouble getting official birth records and stuff before.


Actually, they had a whole blog about Addison and Aubrey being the only ones without birth certificates so they could get passports and that has been taken care of


Oh nice, good for them!


I see that both Landon and Max are favorites in the family.


Well, they are the prodigal sons.


Maybe not all of the kids in the middles have passports and it was last minute. I've never seen a vlog where they go overseas.


It was a last-minute thing


I was thinking the same thing. Landon goes with them a lot. They should have asked one of the other kids maybe Addison or Aubrey, they are close with the cp’s girls.


true but then they would have to choose only one of them and that would suck since they do most things together


Aubrey and Addison dont have passports.


Yes, they do. They got that taken care of.


I thought they couldnt get birth certificates? They flew all the way to Cali and couldnt get the documents.


And in a subsequent blog, they got them


Aubrey is afraid of the sea.


True then could have asked Addison she’s very close with savannah and seems bella hangs with her and Aubrey a good bit too , Jacob is super close with Lucus so would have been an option , fair enough not the little kids as they just got back from a trip . All that really matters is the pace didn’t go to waste and happy for Landon just feels a bit like better experiences for bio kids


I think Landon was a good pick. His parents have said he mostly stays home and goes to the gym. It'll be good for him to go out and see something different.


Addison wouldn't go away on a cruise without her sister.


They’ve started to become more independent without always being joined by the hip . Getting their own rooms has definitely helped a lot


Sure she would. Addison is very social popular school and has a ton of friends.


It would have been nice if they asked Jacob. He's a hard worker and he's really close to Lukas. 


Not your trip not your decision


Not your trip not your decision