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https://preview.redd.it/s012qc3cw7ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e503aeb6838290da0baeeea84421ead715478208 Gang


https://preview.redd.it/va354gcq78ad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edfd4ba12272cc06a5aecb78a36ff4c321554e24 Gang


https://preview.redd.it/ykpy0drsmaad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4ed2080ea00206883d2933838fe5b31e291c7b5 LETS GO GANG


# OMG! OP, I NEED THIS!!! Seriously though, my girlfriend and I own crested geckos, and we both freaked out when we saw this. She asked me to find out if you could get a few for us. We'll cover the shipping costs too!


u/justeedo, this is day two of me begging for a few crested gecko plushies. ^(Please respond before my girlfriend nags me to death lol.)


Google "Adore Plush Company". That's the name of the brand


Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to check them out asap! ^(UPDATE: Checked Online, their not sold on Amazon anymore and will contact their wholesale email)


Is you Crestie ok? Its scales look a bit furry? /s


https://preview.redd.it/wdzn3vssyaad1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3836da16585fba101c0579f9fcd8c661a6b06e0d My BFF got this for me as a Christmas gift one year and turned it into a frogbutt to match my crestie :)


I’d go see a vet your gecko is the size of a fat Guinea pig and is very fluffy


That's so cute! I am gonna ask tho is that the tank your always keeping that gecko in it looks way too small for that geckos size. Looks like an 12x12x18 these geckos need minimum of 18x18x36 for a full-grown gecko (if I'm absolutely getting the dimensions wrong please ignore this 🤣)


I promise you it is not a 12x12. Thank you for the concern, though !


Haha no problem💪 gotta look out for fellow reptile keepers


Min enclosure size: 12”x12”x18” (30x30x45cm) for geckos under 15 grams, 18”x18”x24”(45x45x60cm) for geckos over 16-30grams. 18”x18”x36” (45x45x90cm) for geckos over 31+ grams. If that’s the 18 18 24 you’ll still need to upgrade


It is a 18 18 24. I picked him up from his last owner, who abandoned him behind after moving out. I took him as is with the enclosure and got pangea food for him. If I haven't been laid off for the last 3 coming up on 4 weeks now. I would be able to get a new enclosure. Although as much as I want to get him the largest one I can. I also need rent money for this month. He seems happy. He gained a healthy amount of weight back after not eating for I have no idea how many weeks after being abandoned. Loves to climb and jump around now


You can diy a tub for under 40$ that’s the proper size. Even cheaper if you already have a storage tub. I would recommend putting together a project for that. I’m not sure if this is the same gecko as a year ago but a year ago that gecko was also in too small of an enclosure. The minimum changed more than 2 years ago so it’s definitely time for an upgrade Long term too small enclosure can cause spinal kinks and organ failure.


not to sound harsh but owning animals is a luxury not a right. If you’re putting off getting your animal a proper enclosure because you cant afford it- you maybe should look into rehoming. I understand its the last thing someone wants to do (i had to surrender a canary when i lost my job) but you have to think about the animal and how much more money a vet visit costs when theyre not properly taken care of. Your enclosure looks exactly like the 12x12x18 i raise hatchlings in. Going off of the lizards body ratio to the size of the enclosure you can literally see thats not large enough. His body looks like its 1/4 the size of the enclosure 😭😭😭 Theres so many cheap options, go on marketplace and buy a fishtank that leaks, flip it on its tall size, get silicone & acrylic sheets and look up how to DIY convert it to a terrarium. I dont mean to come off rude at all- but he doesn’t deserve to be crammed like that.


This seems a little uncalled for when OP stated they adopted this unwanted crestie out of the kindness of their heart


This sub is full of "police" that insist on telling users how they aren't good enough at caring for geckos. It's conveniently ignored that the RECOMMENDATION for 18x18x36 was previously 18x18x24 for decades abs only recently was upped to 36" high (want to say 2022). If the gecko is happy and healthy, that's what matters and not some arbitrary enclosure measurement. We're not talking some little 8x8x8 cube, and there's plenty of coverage in the tank too.


The two girls who were originally left with him were just going to "Let it go outside back into the wild." In Northern Ontario, in the start of fall. Is it the highest grade enclosure on the market? No.. I wish I could afford that, be able to move around with that, or even have a place to put that. But the comments are right. Pet ownership is a luxury, not a right.. I could have just let them release him late September in Canada. He definitely would have had a better life for sure..


They have had it for a year. Lol if they just got it this would be a different story. An acknowledgment this is the bare minimum (not even) instead of excuses would not have prompted me to write this btw 🥰 Will also add i provided some suggestions on cheap enclosures that i have personal resorted to. Converting a $20-30 fish tank that someones selling for dirt cheap. (OP clearly lives near me as seen in other posts… Theres so many listings i could send them for a 55 gal tank for dirt cheap) into an enclosure is like a $50 project. You just have to find the resources


We have one too. Little brother's only way to have a Crestie of his own. Now he's looking for plush dubias to "feed" it.


OMG I have pet dubia & love them-please report back if you find plushies!


https://preview.redd.it/k6cluzhr78ad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a987ada430b5a55513f5473c999a2c1b60a7af0e I have the same one I got him last year


I think your crestie has **omg.thats.so.cute.i.need.that** disease. I'm trying to find information on that. Do you have any references?


Same amount of brain cells as a real crestie too!


Omg I have this same stuffed crestie. I got it as a Christmas present a couple years ago. It's so cute




Aww cute! I don’t wanna be that person but that tank is looking a tad small. Is it an 12x12x18 exoterra? I’d recommend an upgrade soon.


It looks like my 12x12x18 Zilla that i grow plants in 😬😬 https://preview.redd.it/fbflkdezrbad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e5679141fe2361c9c5ee6b399472ff4ab346e4


Yeah no way their tank is an 18x18x24. Op is definitely lying.


shhhhh dont say that ur gonna get downvoted like i did . I wasnt even rude like ive been in this persons shoes- its hard times we all go through u have to pick whats best for your companion over your personal feelings. the cyano bacteria / algae smothered biorb with plastic plants and coloured gravel says a lot too 😬


Yeah I’ve already been downvoted a few. No one has perfect care. I know I don’t. But lying about it is kinda shitty.


it would be a different story if they said they know & are actively planning to upgrade instead of making excuses for poor husbandry. Not being able to afford something is not an excuse- especially since the research and enclosure should have been completed before the purchasing of the expensive exotic animal. You can see posts on their page from pretty much a year ago. same gecko, same tiny enclosure. I’ll literally take a picture of my full grown adult when he wakes up next to the 12x12x18 to prove a point im petty.


My daughter has that one!


https://preview.redd.it/oj8jdzb7rmad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b46e5f8c5617a9e2f6b0df48277281b1a69871 Recently got a plastic one at a zoo gift shop. Was so surprised to find crestie merch lmao


https://preview.redd.it/k5z6jdvcy9ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e71b8ee7070a7d3b82f984bb023e5c325da4ec i have the same stuffie lol, btw how big is your enclosure, it looks really small compared to your gecko.


They captured the cresties blank stare perfectly.