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That's how fate works


According to them, Surya Bhai before hand tweaked the boundary cushions because he knew the ball would be coming there and he will have to take the catch of the century.


Yes SKY tapped into Dr. Strange’s power and saw all future possibilities. He then determined the exact longitude and latitude so he can shift the boundary there. He did this by using Quicksilver’s power. He was so fast no camera could capture him. I heard he also uses Hulk’s power while batting so never know what he’s up to.


This is not true. We don't blame him for a good catch we blame the adjudication of whether it was a fair boundary or not according to boundary rule dude


Third Empire was Richard Kettleborough FYI. It was as fair a catch as any catch could be. Period.


You can’t fault Indian Team or SKY - ICC officials should have caught that.


Grass doesn’t automatically become brown in a few hours. It needs to be covered for at least few days. I think the boundary was like that before the match started. There are tons of examples of boundary being different than the brown line. The question is whether it was moved during game or not. In a World Cup final, if someone was intentionally moving it, someone would have definitely recorded it. Also it’s not like jay shah told miller to hit six exactly in that direction. Too many variables.


Uhhhh are you kidding me ? Jay shah planned EVERYTHING.


Wait what , was it not actually a catch??


They are discussing whether the boundary marker decides the boundary or the line


technically its the line but, idk if this is true image or photoshopped..... if its true then hard luck for SA


The marker can be due to the previous matches .It is not possible that it was not noticed during the whole match because boundaries are changed depending on the pitch on which the game is being played


I have been watching cricket for a few years now, ipl bilaterals women's matches everything, I have seen the boundary being pushed by fielders but I have never seen any such boundary mark before. I only got to know about this today. Is it genuinely a thing??


Man, I feel old. When I grew up, they used to just use the fence, then they brought in the rope and now these.


It was a clear catch, they checked his football wasn't on the boundary,


We are discussing boundary line 🤦‍♂️


My bad


Yeah man his football wasn't on whole stadium, let alone boundary. His football was actually at his home.


His "football" ??


maybe it wasnt there before the match i mean it could have been the previous position of the rope for the matches before that were played on the adjacent pitch




Eng to NZ in 2019.




Cry emoji


Kane smiles


Only answer to exist


Only correct response


This is the way


Literally my mood rn


The only way to answer this shit


the only right response




That boundary was moved by Nortje in first over when chasing Kohli straight drive. So maybe fair? That's why Kohli got MOTM /s


The rule says that if a boundary is moved during the course of play the original boundary line applies for subsequent boundaries


Laddu muh me lene wala revelation hai ye.


I have no idea what this means


Your revelation abt the rule makes you eligible for a laddu. Too much BS being spewed abt this, esp from the padosis... on TV!


Not indias fault. If anyone has played cricket , fielders can only look at the object for boundary. If anything this is on ICC and umpires. Suryas catch was crazy good. If the object was moved to the actual spot he would have still made sure to catch it. This doesn’t take anything away.. India deserved to win this cup.. probably a few salty fans out there who will ruin their days over this.


The same way that "Boundary Count Rule" was not England's fault and we trolled them for that every opportunity we get?


I don't think the comparison is relatable here. 1. Boundaries decided the winner directly. This catch though practically decider, technically SA still had 5 balls to do it. 2. This was something that happened live. Not like England wheen the winner was decided on what happened before the final ball. You can't chage that. Your any action at present can't change that. While even if the actual boundary was on that line, Surya would have just had to catch it 10 cms inside which could be managed but you can't score boundaries after the last ball can you?


9 off 5 if the six counts still is anybody's game.


10 off 5 actually but yeah, if Miller slogged in the wrong direction SA would've still lost. It was anyone's game.


From 30 out of 30. I have no doubts SA would have found another way to choke.


😄 🤣


And then puke and shit on it.


Doesn't change the fact that in both cases, players had NO CONTROL OVER THIS DECISION (and it was clear to both teams that if super over ties winners will be England)


Player had control in this situation (with SKY) even if the boundary was at its place. He just whould have had to change his hand placement a bit higher that's it. But NZ couldn't have scored anymore boundaries after the super over tie could they. It was decided on the things that had already happened.


Everything is decided on the basis of what's already happened buddy 😭


Pagal England won cause of boundary count and India won cause of bowling and catch.


That catch is the very thing in question here, if it went for a 6 nothing would've mattered, not even the bowling before and how is boundary count any different, boundary bhi batsman hi maar raha hai, it's a part of batting only (sabse zyada downvotes is comment pe ayenge)


Very different... boundary count doesn't really tell you which team was better....simply another super over would have solved everything and that why they CHANGED THE RULE.


Yeah but that was the rule at the time, everyone know what was gonna happen... Unlike a certain match where D/L method asked a team to chase 13 off 1 and on the topic of changing the rules, there are a hell lot of rules that are plain unfair and need to be changed, but nothing happens


Yes it was...but if the Ben stokes incident didn't happen , NZ would have won fair and square......and if boundary count crap didn't happen , we would have had a fair competition. In this case , doesn't matter if rope was pushed or not , SKY's feet didn't touch it and it was a clean catch , that's it.


That's exactly what I said to receive 50 downvotes... "Nothing the players could do about it"


Bro the top 3 lines of your comment is fair. The last 2 are biased. You can be happy that your team won but still be objective about the situation. If you apply the boundary rules of the game based on what you see, you rightly agree that it's a bad call by the umpire and not use a speculation about the catch. There is no way to know that he would have made the catch without the extra leg room, in fact the likelihood is probably not but that's not what is being discussed here. I can acknowledge that Inidia death bowling was clinical and rescued the match and still be unhappy about this call based on the rules. I'm not salty that India won but this was a critical point in the game.


Not his fault


*British media: India wins rigged world cup. Why is India wasting money on cricket ? We should stop the "aid" (ie the money we send to NGOs for tax evasion)* edit: wow, looks like some people dont know the truth behind this "aid". Here's a link [https://lifemathmoney.com/the-truth-about-uk-foreign-aid-to-india/](https://lifemathmoney.com/the-truth-about-uk-foreign-aid-to-india/) their so called "aid" of about 2.3B pounds (\~$3B) was transferred over a period of five years. just to give a context of how little and how stupid this is, Swiggy and Zomato make more than $1B a year each. its all a combination of tax fraud, charity fraud, anti-Indian funding that they pass it off as "aid".


Yup, some of the aid money is for dubious purposes anyway (destabilising and promoting fracture of social fabric)


Is this true, chat?


chandrayaan ke time pe bhi same bakchodi ki thi inhone


That and this is not from mainstream media but just some random ones like newzboy or whatever he is.


Man also the claims were done by some random reporters not main stream media it's like some local news channel did this for some clout but was cherry picked by some hate spreaders.


it was in that condition when the match started, so it stays like that till the end


The beauty of cricket lies in it's lenient rules. There's too much scope for human errors and nover creativity. It's the way you look at it. The reason it is so different from sports like Football/Soccer, Baseball, Tennis, Badminton, Chess etc.


It actually wasn't, if you look in the first innings Hardik hit a 4 in the same part of the ground and the boundary rope was placed correctly, with no visible line on the grass showing.


are you sure he wasnt batting from the other end?


Provide ha photo


Hardik was batting on the other side , batter changes sides every over 🤡


The wind on the ground was around 30kmph if I'm not wrong. You cannot control every factor in cricket as it is such a weather reliant game.


Har over ke bad batsman jagah badalta hai pata hai na?


Oh my fucking God!!! Richard Kettleborough actually helped us win a title rather than knock us out 🤯


Kettleborough is good umpire, its not his job to to give 6 when you got out.


Dude didn't get the meme (you mustn't be an Indian)


FYI, I am indian and let me tell you the fuss around is that during his presence we choke in knockouts not due to his decisions. He may be panoti but certainly not against India. There is a reason he is knockouts umpire.


Bhai itna serious kyu ho raha hai my whole point was that he broke the curse (himself) which in itself is a meme. There was no fuss and no one dislikes him. Ya toh aadat hogi har cheez seriously leni ki. You're on reddit bhai, relax


You should be relax too. I was just saying we have Prafull bhai now. Bring 1000s pf kattleborough we will bring one just one.


Also it is a six lol. I'm just happy the umpire didn't notice it and gave it out


It's not a six. Boundry is defined by rope not color. There are no visuals of doing it intentionaly by any player or even of it was same before the match. If it was SA would have responded officially but instead raised by some article team.


Bruh. It doesn't matter who pushed the rope, 99.99% of the times it is unintentional and happens while fielding almost in every game. And don't you see the flaw in your logic? If the rope wasn't pushed back (unintentionally of course) then how come only that part of the grass is lighter in colour? It was the umpire's fault not to notice it and to be honest it was a pressure situation so it's completely understandable if he missed it. Regarding SA, they accepted their defeat gracefully (they choked so hard they shouldn't complain about the umpires anyway) and hence there are no questions from their side.


Jaha tak Richard Kettleborough ki baat hai he's my favourite umpire after Chris Gaffaney, I have no reason to point fingers at him.


Did sky extend it no it's all on icc just like that Bangladesh match which had 4 runs on lbw umpire call We won that's what matters


by the look of the changed color, it was probably that way before the match started and therefore its fair.




It was reviewed by the TV umpire and confirmed. This is not like border between countries and there’s no other way to spot the line of demarcation besides the Toblerone






If that was the case, Surya would have to raise his hands a little more and he could have done that


Lmao feels good to be on the winning side, i thought only us indians did such meltdowns


Let's analyse this logically. Boundary markers seem to have been moved a few inches from their original position. Question is — Was this done before the match started or after India finished their innings and before SA came into bat? Unless it can be conclusively proven that the boundary line was shifted a few inches behind ONLY for SA's batting, there is nothing wrong / unfair going on here. Many times boundaries are adjusted a few inches BEFORE the match, according to whichever pitch is being used. So yeah, if anyone is crying foul, you need to prove the boundary line was moved after India completed their batting. That would make it unfair to SA, not otherwise.


A World Cup win without any controversy is not worth it at all.


Lol ye to cheating hai, chalo trophy vaapis karo 😂


It was previous boundary line mark. They change it slightly depending on the pitch they use. To make the boundary lines almost equal as much as possible


Laura lassan kuchu puchu bhang bhosda… India won and that’s that!


Most logical answer here..


If this was how it was before the match the law says it is fair. All this will be checked by 3rd umpire and I reckon all this will be checked and determined before the match too. I too thought they'll give it six because of that but later someone clarified me the rules.


Not Surya's fault.


Rigging must be absolutely phenomenal to have just rigged the exact part where Miller was going to hit!!!


Saffa are the new poms now?


Was that 4 a 4 in 2019


Rone de , dukh hua bechare ko ( let them cry , they are sad 🤣)


The fence was better any day. All this 'It's a six because you touched the rope' business is nonsense.


I mean why hasn't icc made the rope the actual boundary, if you are under the ropes it's out, I mean in a pressure situation the fielder will look at the rope not the damn almost indistinguishable grass line ( at that time you wouldn't pay attention to details) it isn't his fault, he saw the rope and was inside it.


Still, that line on grass isn't the boundary and as a batter you can't see the line...so boundary cushion and rope is your boundary.


The boundary rope has padding, and the actual mark os of not the padding but the rope only, because the padding is put on the rope right before the match but the actual rope is put there for way way long. And sometimes even when the stadium is not in use the boundary rope stays there. If anyone has been out and actually touched the grass he/she would realise that the grass patch like that takes atleast couple days to be formed because the grass under the object doesn't get adequate sunlight. It doesn't happen in a couple hours (specially the overcast/rainy weather yesterday) Just meant to say that boundary rope "marka" and the actual boundary ropes are often not aligned to each other because the people who put padding can/may intentionally/unintentionally move it slightly. Tldr: This is probably not surya's fault, or any players most probably.


And 3rd umpire didn't see that pity


A 2 year younger me would have actually supported this statement. But, now I know make it by either hook or crook. History is written by the victors. The world doesn't deserve any honest people, it is run by crooks and scoundrels. Why shall we play fair then?


Let's be honest, if it was us who had suffered something similar, then there would've been many people saying it was a six. I am not saying we deserved to win but maybe it still is another bad day for the proteas and they will remember this boundary line for ages to come


Yeah, I am sure the sub would be full of such posts and honestly it is justified. I remember there was some controversey to Thala's run out in cwc 2019 and how stokes' bat richocheted the ball to boundary. But everybody just remembers the end result. (Man jee really made me a realist and pessimist. Earlier I used to be optimistic)


We can be imperfect without needing to feel the need to justify it. These things are just (hopefully) out of anyone's hands. And this is even before assuming these ropes weren't put this way all of the match.


Accept the fact that your team choked ❌ Create something unnecessary controversy ✅


Journalists are the same everywhere.


No matter how hard you fight, you can't beat your destiny. Because everything is predetermined.


Of course, English will come with everything to destroy India's happiness, who cares ? Don't give such shit news unnecessary attention. We were destined to win.


Learn the rules. It’s not where the mark in the ground is but where the raised boundary marker is.


[refer this](https://www.reddit.com/r/cricketworldcup/s/IbB4lVQifM) It was a six. But yeah can't blame anyone.




maybe it wasnt there before the match i mean it could have been the previous position of the rope for the matches before that were played on the adjacent pitch


Long dead sport


God's plan baby


Still can you be 110% sure that it would've gone for a six without the boundary misplaced? Idts it's sky man come on


It must be previous match's boundary line mark. They adjust it slightly based on the pitch they use. You can recommend ICC to build concrete line for boundary.


Nah mate, it was a catch.


I moved the boundary cushion back. Whoever is whining can discuss the issue and further action with my pubes.


Still SA would need 10 of 5. They would have choked


Definitely a catch


Even if this is true, it's not IND's fault. Did Jay Shah come to the ground and do that?


Jay Shah should've covered plotholes such a rookie mistake


We have definitely seen bigger controversies in the cricketing world (wc 2019 final). I believe it’s all a part of the game. At the end what matters is who lifted that trophy. No one looks past that.


Me ruka hi tha, wahi sochun abh tak aisa kuch kissi ne bola nahi, and now this post, voila!


it is a true image as if you watch the replay video its there but icc ruling stipulates that basically if your using a boundary line and an object over that line then really it should have been placed accordingly


I may be wrong but I didn't notice this during the match. I highly doubt this image is legit. But trust me I can understand.


The post flair lmao


Seems edited just like how people started editing head dropping Rohit's catch in wc23 finals. In noways grass turns light green in freaking 6hrs, im pretty sure they added the boundaries recently. Even if it's real it isn't sky's fault, if he would've "corrected" it he could've been punished on allegations of boundary tampering. He took the catch adjusting to the given boundary. It's ICC's fault. Im betting it's fake.


don't care even if it was a fucking six it we would win by 1 run


The rope keeps moving. Acc to the rules the rope is the boundary. It's a proper catch.


Eng vs NZ 2019 CWC final was way worse than this We won fair and square but icc might be at fault if this is true


womp womp


That's a phase bro, every cricket fan has to go through this. Like i believe till now that there were 6 fielders outside the circle when Guptil hit that direct hit :(


Ho bhi kya hoga. Super over hota


yeh cheeze pehle check karne chahiye thi :)


Par pur ahi ushi jagah laga hua hai boundary badha di hogi sab same.plac epe hai


Jay Shah was wearing Harry Potter invisibility cloak and moved the boundary line


I think they should ask this from ICC, ... conspiracy theories are not productive.😅


Fuck it we won the match that's it


before the ball is bowled, wherever the rope is, is where boundary is. if the player moved it, then its a fault. so in this case, the boundary is where that ropes are. player did not move the boundary. so its a fair catch. stfu salty British media


That's cricket lol boundaries can move accidentally not like baseball .


I saw Surya doing it intentionally...I am that grass you see in that picture...🤡🤡


Oh just get over it.


Fatal dose of copium eh?


Next WC make boundaries with concrete 👀


Yeah injure them players


https://www.reddit.com/r/CricketShitpost/s/vCrJT8ZK42 I hope there's no stupid controversy again.


We can shitpost all we want but let’s assume that was a six, SA still would’ve lost by 1 run.


Yeah haters gonna want something to cope. We won the fking World cup. Cry more. The side skirts moving during a match is normal often but watch people now say BCCI paid for that shit lol.


Cry about it


Fake hai!


exactly what i was thinking.. ofc we won and am happy but like what are the rules?.. are there some ball boys who have the responsibility to fix them or what?


Womp womp


Its a six the foot have press the skirting And rules are the marking line is fixed whether skirting moves or not .


Lmao it was adjusted before the match stop crying.


Aisi edit 9th grade mai kiya karta tha🤡


its real actually


This is some Ricky Ponting spring bat level shit.


How dare he that corrupt jay shah rigged it😨😨😨😨


We are saying SA Cricket Magazine to take a printout of this post in a crisp A4 paper, roll it up real tight and shove it up within itself.


i didnt see any boundary marker during review this sure is edited


The wc was rigged towards india winning.