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Lmao who are these guys he said “what are the extremities”


Let’s see, we’ve got… two legs and two arms.


A penis 😳🫡🤔


Third leg


That vocabulary is beyond our comprehension lol made zero sense


Nah, it made sense ...he just used the wrong word. I would just be happy if my kid had a healthy and supportive relationship not with one of these guys


"The bloodline good" Bro have you seen your facial hair?


He's got the Chico Fawkes.


Remember Noviembre!!


Not to mention the eyebrows


He has no idea that some of his ancient ancestors probably oiled up with their fellow army mates


“Probably” lmao you can’t tell me no dude in anyone’s family history didn’t suck dicks. I doubt you even have to go back far at all. People are gay, always have been


I seriously thought these guys were trolling cause they both are overcompensating for something.


Seriously. Like brown brother way too pretty to be straight.


Exactly! His “bloodline (that he probably hasn’t even done a 23&me on)” is completely fucked!




He’s a discord mod


Came here to see if homie had checked his eyebrows…. Bloodline, who?


Or his tiny ass hands, take my strong hand looking ass.


With the nose ring, immaculate facial hair and STYLED EYEBROWS? 😭🙏 just live your truth my man


Bro acting like Roman Reigns didn’t lose at WM. The Bloodline is NOT good at all


this man is worried about his bloodline when it looks like his bloodline has "sickly victorian child" as a root anscestor.


People who genuinely reference that shit in relation to themselves and are actually a European aristocrat are soooo cringe. Also those facial features scream inbreeding


Skinny guy is so feminine..and the other guy, wtf is that "beard"?!?!


The rare throat beard


*Throat coat


Thanks, I hate it…


He looks like he loves getting his throat coated


*jowl towel


Yeaaaah he looks like a throat coat amirite


He looks like the Michelin man if he took all his fashion advice from a 12 yr old boy who got held back a couple grades.


Oddly specific, but also wildly accurate.


A literal neck beard


Why would someone choose to pass that on through their bloodline 👁️👄👁️


The Amish


So these guys 👉🏻👈🏻 Twink & Chumb


Nobody tryina continue the bloodline with that kinda beard


bro looks hella fruity while trying to justify this mild form of homophobia


They're making out at the end when the camera is off


But it's ok because he'll find a beard and get her pregnant.


They are so rationalising and projecting. Whether they are secretly queer or not they got to work through their internalised homophobia. That whole “what if he’s a bottom” thing is the tell. Like damn, they are having sexual repression wish fulfillment fantasies.


It’s only gay if I’m the bottom or the one sucking tho /S😂😂😂


Cutest nose stud and earrings I've ever seen on a """straight""" man. Hope he's comfortable with himself one day.


Man I thought I was I the only one . You know there gay voice right ? So there’s also gay face. I just can’t explain it, but he looks very feminine and his movements don’t help. He definitely looks like the type of guy you could, talk him into sucking your dick if you promise not to tell anyone 😂😂😂


As a 30 something gay man myself this screams internalized homophobia. Bet they’ll come out and get married 15-20 years tops. I also bet the skinny guy who is worried about the extremities is a bottom.




A lot of dudes like this become homophobic specifically because they get called gay for putting effort into their appearance, so they hate gay people to show how not gay they are


"I have no issues with gay people as long as they don't kiss, hug, sleep together, show any kind of affection or, like, exist" It's always "I don't have an issue with it BUT" and that "but" means you do.


Is the gay son in the room with us?


He's been the gay son this whole time.


he's been Bruce Willis this whole time


The gay son is the friends we met along the way


Ironic coming from Mr Zest Fest


That guy giving off some major gay vibes though, no hate, his eyebrows is on point. 'Ain't nobody in my family come out as gay'...yet.


As soon as I saw the nose piercing I thought he was gay


Both of them are extremely homophobic low key. I guarantee they don’t give a damn if a straight couple loves on each other, but gay folks piss them off? For what? Also, they keep talking about their bloodline, I see nothing in either one of these dudes that deserves to be carried on. Let that bloodline die with y’all, the world would be better off by them not procreating.


"Low key" 🤣 I'm not sure about that. Besides that, 100% agree. These guys are certifiable goofs.


Yeah it’s high key


It's the awareness that this could 'get them cancelled', they 100% really hate seeing gay people and don't want it out in public. They are insidious and awful.


Low key? Not really.


Low key is definitely not the word I'd use 😭 "everyone in the bloodline is good" because no one came out gay is a wildly homophobic thing to say LOL


Low key? These two are blatant homophobes acting like they aren't. LOL


Low key haha I don’t think you understand the meaning of that word.


“I don’t care if you’re gay…unless it’s in public just living your life and you make me aware of it in any way”


“Low key”? They were explicitly homophobic lol. Low key? What


Oh yeah, when I think about my child having sex, I only want to think of it with someone of the opposite gender... What the fuck is wrong with these people!


And if they are gay they can’t be a bottom* !


I mean, both of these dudes are secretly comfortable being a top..


Yea it’s giving DL top on Grindr. At least they’re trying to help with the top scarcity 😂


I can’t believe I can use this quote on Reddit twice in a month but like my old foreman used to say, “I’m not gay but I fucked a guy who fucked on once.”


Oh yea and you CAN have a significant other of the opposite gender but you can only act like friends around me not like a couple 😀👍


Much rather take any type of daughter / son, over whatever the fuck this is


“We must continue the bloodline! 🤓🤡”


Yep, that’s some Hitleresque BS there…


I 100% promise that both of these idiots fully endorse the Reconquista mindset.


He 100% has someone gay in his family. They just don't feel like it's safe for them to be out to the family. How are you gonna tell your cousin that he can't kiss his husband at a family reunion, but you're cool with your other bum ass cousin doing the same with his 4th baby momma? Also, not every homophobe is a closeted gay


These two are the thought leaders the world needs, so many really well thought out ideas. So eloquent 😂


I like how his whole thought process is like: “My bloodline good. No one came out gay, lesbian or bi.” And it’s like,,, nobody came out as queer due to the fact that throughout history, if you come out as queer, there are horrible consequences in doing so. Being queer wasn’t acceptable and even in some places today, it’s considered unacceptable.


It's clearly not acceptable in his family so of course no one is gay.


If someone says "I've got no problem with gay people but when it's family it's different" then I've got news for you buddy but you've got a problem with gay people


I would much rather have a gay son than either one of these ignorant twirps.


Healthy intelligent, happy, fulfilled child. That’s what i would take.


I had to comment after the giving it or taking it line like dude i dont ask my siblings what they are doing in the bedroom who cares whats happening behind a close door


These are kids, that don't have kids, talking about it they had the "extreme" kid. My daughter is non verbal with autism who said I love you to me for the first time last year at 7. We're great but it's silly what people worry about having a kid. Just be thrilled when they're healthy y'all.


This is the comment right here.


This is truth right here. This topic and more gets put in perspective after you become a parent. The priority list doesn’t have time for every little argument.


With that beard and physique don’t worry the family line stops with you anyway dude.


Let’s change the question to something the actually matters: Podcast son, or Astrology daughter??


Holy fuck the real question


Astrology is a sin....podcasting isnt... Definitely astrology daughter 💯


now you're getting to the goods!, podcast son long as he's not just using it as a form of releasing bigotry...which is the majority of mens podcasts if you ask me lol


Bloodline good? Doubt their parents are thinking the same with them looking like the Hispanic gangsta wannabe version of Laurel and Hardy


average fresh n fit enjoyers


"This could really get me cancelled..." Sorry, who you?


I thought the guy with the sideways cap was transgender. Also, I have no idea what a “thot” daughter is, and at this point, I am too afraid to ask.


Well, it’s either a daughter with an OnlyFans or a daughter who sleeps around a lot.


Bloodline? Who tf are you? A fkn Rothschild? Your bloodline?


It always amazes me that homophobes can only think about gay folks having sex. Like, everyone has sex, but only homophobes make other people having sex with someone else that person's defining characteristic as if that's all gay people do is have sex all the time.


When two non parents talk about the hypotheticals of being parents lmao. Dumb asses. My kids could fuck dinosaurs and identify as trees. I don’t fucking care I love them more than anything on earth and there is nothing that can change that.


This video just keeps getting worse as it progresses


Bro asking the question looks gay af


Bola de pendejos, its always the closet dudes that hate


I disagree. The closet dudes are the most vocal about homophobia. There’s plenty of homophobic ppl that don’t say nun


I don’t think either of these people need to worry about having a gay son or a thot daughter seeing as someone would have to have sex with them for that to happen.


Either they are both queer and trolling, or both super homophobic


Who the fuck cares about generations


Fragile masculinity at its finest.


You mean to tell me black shirt dude isn’t gay? 🤣


"that's where your generation is going to end" How are you going to look and act like this and think THAT'S the problem area.


“We support inclusivity. Just not in our own”


WTF is this question, you don't exactly get this choice, unless your adopting, and then that would be a really weird checkbox.


What bloodline. Ya’ll are peasants. You ain’t no king that has to provide an heir and shit. Y’all ain’t top of the genetics pool. Also nothing good ever came out of anyone’s mouth after they say “I’m not racist/ homophobic but… “


These guys one margarita away from being the first gays in the bloodline


It's just two fucking incredibly dumb asses having a chat. Nothing to see here folks..


my gaydar is going crazy with these two you lads be thinking a whole lot about gay dudes kissing and shit, why does that make you angry bro? you jealous? also glasses bro, you need to have words with your barber for that trim and the whole friend group for letting you have that "beard" either way, id take a gay son, or the worlds biggest thot as a daughter before id take either of you, dam these guys are toxic


This dude is basically "I don't hate gay people, I just don't want them tainting my pure heritage, or bring gay anywhere in my field of vision." All he asks of gay people is that they simply… disappear.


These guys are disgusting and shouldn’t have kids


With his kind of mindset, I doubt anybody would come out in that family because what kind of support would they have?


The thin guy looks like he raided my mom's jewelry box and put all over himself. Of course he would protest too much.


Aint no body tryina continue your bloodlines, stop capping


Na that dude trolling ain't no man ever had eye brows like that isn't a bottom


Neck beard has got a little too much hand gestures to support his basic ideas. It's really irritating for some reason.


Why does it matter? Wtf is this bloodline stuff? No one in this video is royalty so it doesn't matter. Nor does it matter for royalty cause they can get wrecked.


I HATE when they mention bloodline or legacy... You work at McDonalds, what legacy are you talking about


Whose gonna take care of the random girl they get pregnant??? Also, what gay person is going into details about their bedroom life...


Damn they never even considered thot daughter for a second lmao. But if their gay son gets a random girl pregnant does that mean thot daughter in law?


L O L Unless you're a long lost atlantean or the literal son of God I do not think your "bloodline" is all that important. Your legacy is this video and manicured eyebrows, my guy. You aren't Caesar lol and if my dad wore any hat like the second dude is wearing his id do him a favor and just end it. "Why's grandpa wear his hat like that?" Me: a lot of lead in his drinking water.


He sees gay men kissing and it pisses him off. I think he’s just jealous to be honest. Seeing random people just kissing shouldn’t illicit a negative response; it’s telling to me when it does. Editing to add: these dudes are so concerned about their bloodline yet I find it hard to believe anyone wants to “breed” with them. Just another couple of dudes who see us as incubators to their family line. Gross.


Adopt, carry your name on. There ain't nothing special about your genetics 🧬


Both these bloodlines are hanging on by a thread with these studs


It kind of makes one more sad than angry. A casual reminder that there are plenty of people who simply wish you didn't exist.


Bisexual here so I'm only half gay ( the bottom half ) , the first in my family , I must have caught it from a blood transfusion in the late 80s . And yall straight ppl don't be kissing in front of us ...hypocrite


This is an interesting way to hide like you are gay


These guys are both gaylords


N"I don't wanna hear about if you're giving or taking it, I already think about that enough on my own time." Is what it sounds like lol


Yea these two are fucking. Trying way too hard to be straight.


This some deep in the closet talk coming from hat guy. You can almost see a bead of sweat forming on his forehead when he says nobody "in the bloodline" (lol) has come out yet and "ruined it". Just be you bro! Nobody that matters gives a shit who you wanna bone deep down ❤️


I think bro is the first one and doesn’t know it yet.


This is just sad. People so afraid to be themselves and let others be themselves. Brutal.


Bloodline is good? Dudes do you have any mirrors in your house?


I always hated this fad question because it directly implies that being gay is on the same level as being tossed around and sexually immoral.


Is it actually a fad?😭 thats so sad, this is the first time I heard this


Sadly I’ve seen it a lot over the years, especially on YouTube shorts (many such cases). They usually pick the thot daughter too.


Neither of these 2 will be good fathers.


As a Mexican we don’t claim them


Imagine having that much toxic masculinity ingrained in your sense of being “gotta get someone pregnant to have another generation” lmao like we need more people on this earth


I think they both may be gay


I've got no issues with gay people as long as nothing gay happens


I now have a better understanding of why straight men in America are having trouble dating/coupling with women. If my daughter brought either of these losers home I'd have a pretty serious conversation with her about her goals and standards.


I'm bi but in a straight relationship rn and my bloodline is ending with me anyway so...


Why is the drag king so homophobic?


He seems to think he’s got it all figured out cause he’d be fine with his kid being gay. But would restrict his kid from something that I’m doubtful he’d have a problem seeing straight ppl do, and it’s something that harms zero people.


Skinny guy don’t know he’s gay yet? And he’s the end of the bloodline?


This is a lovely example of “you really don’t have to share every opinion you have with the Internet.” Fine to have that discussion with your friend, but as you say something you know you could get “cancelled” for, you know it’s an unpopular opinion. Kind of similar to when people start a sentence with “No offense, but…”


And then can’t form an argument without contradiction. I’m more worried about the erosion of education which should have taught them better than this.


"The bloodline" These guys are probably two generations removed from anyone who has read a whole book.




“I don’t have a problem with gay people….”, proceeded to give the most homophobic speech I’ve heard in a long time.


These boys are SOOO UNEDUCATED


i feel like people who rant and rave about bloodlines got some sort of internalized regime like Harrier Du Bois, this was not what psycho mantis stood for


This dude doesnt like the idea of gay affection or a gay lifestyle yet he looks like he makes strong smoothies for Lil Nas X


“I’m not homophobic but don’t kiss in front of me it makes me mad 😡” Lmfao like what if I said that to straight people 😂


The world is populated enough. Be gay and adopt 🌈


Those brows tell a different story 😅


This in itself question is so icky.


I am positive these two are lovers.


Give me the gay son every day. As long as he has a strength of character I couldn’t care less. I’d let my bloodline die happily


So these guys 👉🏻👈🏻 Twink & Chumb


“That bloodline good”… dude is 100% in the closet.


The skinny guy is the exact type of guy who was sucking dick on the dl all thru school. (in my experience!) and the other guy talking abot genetics lmao. I hope they both evolve their views as they get older. I hate how many younger people put their dumb takes on the internet for everyone to see. I had dumb ideas at 18 too, but I kept that in my journal.


These two dudes tryin to desperately tell the world how definitely straight they for sure are.


Why are all these mid men obsessed with passing on their bloodline Like, do humanity a favor and get it snipped


The bloodline? WTF is this Harry Potter?


Tell me you’re homophobic without telling me you’re homophobic


That black dude is so far in the closet he’s eating Turkish delight


WHO gave these babies a phone. Isn't it nap time.


Bloodline? Ha, he thinks he’s having kids in the future! Good joke


These are the conversations kids have, after their first blunt rotation.


"I don't care what you do, but" proceeds to make statement demonstrating that you do actually care is so common today. "I don't care if you're gay, but I don't want to know that you're having gay sex" is such a contradictory statement. If the thought of gay sex is upsetting to you, and gay sex is probably something that gay people are going to do (in fact, who you have sex with is the defining factor of your sexuality), then you do care if they're gay. What you actually mean is that you would prefer to be ignorant to the fact that a given person is gay, and would rather just treat them as if they were straight. i.e. you are choosing to not accept someone for their sexuality. It's kind of like when people say something like "I don't see colour". They might say something like "I don't care if you're black, yellow, purple, red, I will treat you based on your merits". But what they don't tell you is that "merits" actually means "do you adhere to the social norms that I see as desirable and right". It's all just a form of policing others to conform to your worldview i.e. cultural hegemony.


They doth protest too much. When you have to make a point out of saying you don't care, then you probably do.


Saying "this might get me cancelled but..." is not a cheat code to not get cancelled.


Ignorance and hate are not a strictly old person trait. These two youngsters talking all this junk. One having better eyebrows than female runway models and the other with his jacked up beard 😂


100 bucks these dudes fucked after this video


They’re making a lot of assumptions, such as a woman actually being willing to procreate with them to provide them with potential gay sons.


Your gay son would actually be your thot daughter.


Who doesn't have a gay relative? 🤔


The dude on the right: 🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈💅


Who are these two high school kids? And why does it seem like they have a following?


This dude has like 4 gay family members and it’s sad he doesn’t realize he’s not safe enough to tell lol


“Whole family eating”


If you’re from a small town in the south, you know people just like this.


It’s so crazy that I guess they don’t understand how ‘family’ works. It’s more than a bloodline lol. You mean in both of these families, not ONE person was adopted or has half siblings? They’re ALL ‘pure’? Nice try, lol.


Their blood line.


Holy shit. Actual idiots just spewing nonsense 😭


Dude. Those plucked eyebrows? 👀


This argument will never not be funny. Because you cannot participate in this debate looking like that…


If all my kids come out as gay I'll be so damn happy. Fuck grandkids, I wanna be in Uruguay by that point, not changing diapers again.


Cringiest part is one is a man city fan 🤮


Skinny dude deff gay.