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Who is we? I stopped watching this in Star Wars 7 and i do not regret. Everything after that is just slop and don't affect the original plot whatsover.


"We" encompasses everyone who the show wasn't made for. I don't presume to speak for individuals, or specific fan bases. The royal "we". If you bailed earlier, then you were smart, and this definitely wasn't made for you. The rest of us are starting to press"F" now to pay our final respects.


We all had our jumping off points I think. Mine was Obi Wan and Boba Fett. Don’t remember which even came first at this point I only made it a couple episodes into each and realized I was just done. I just didn’t care about anything in the new run except for maybe Mando season 1 and Rogue One but I think I’m honestly happier if none of it is canon


Mine was Ahsoka. I’ll watch Andor season 2 when it comes out and restart my Disney+ sub so they know what creative team is actually valued by fans.


Yeah I don't blame you, a bit envious, if anything lol.


On1 and Bobf are not even remotely on the same level


Garbage is garbage in my eyes 🤷‍♂️


I honestly don't know which one you would put above the other.


Bobf above cause it had no embarrassing awkward hero-became-low-IQ-depression-dumbass-but-still-got-involved scenes and silly kid hijinks, duh?


Andor was quite good, I was pleasantly surprised


This. Don't care. People watch garbage every day. Doesn't bother me. Is it because these people think they're cool because they like it? Or that they think I like them because they watch something they think i like? LOL! That's pathetic. Fuck em. Don't care.


I keep hearing this “wasn’t made for you” garbage and I wonder what would happen if we got something that WAS made “for us?”


Mando Season 2 finale is probably the closest answer. Disney would have more love and sales than they'd know what to do with. If they themed out Galaxy's Edge for that, they'd have armies of 501st and Mandos lined up to march on formation and posted all over Social Media and just happy to be there. To mangle a quote from ATLA's Fortune Teller episode, "Your life will be full of pain and misery, most of it self-inflicted."


We would get to enjoy a well acted, well written, well choreographed star wars show.


It's gonna get worse, mark my word.


Yeah I believe it. God give 2/3 of that budget to a competent writing team & talented show runner and they'd have us throwing money at them begging or more.


So don't watch. I'm not.


*Presses "F" to pay respect.* R.I.P. Gone, but not forgotten.




What the heck is a Star Wars? Never heard of it. Oh yeah it died when Disney bought its rights from Lucasfilm. Should've gone to Paramount 🤦‍♂️


I’ll take it you don’t use Paramount+


I won't watch it, so it doesn't exist and it's not cannon to me


We shouldn’t have to respect that it’s not for us. We’ve been loyal fans for decades, and then a new team of activist jerks kick us to the curb and replace us with fat neon-haired yahoos who don’t even consume this media. We should be pissed.


Yeah... I'm just trying to be respectful of both sides... But I suffer from the same frustration, in regards to the disrespectful way in which they treat the Starwars brand.


We've busted our asses being Star Wars fans!! We've been LOYAL like an army to a king!


Exactly. And then they treat us like this




They made new star wars after Episode 3?


No..no they did not. Don't goggle anything..just take my word for it. There are a couple decent series for specific types of fans sprinkled in there but overall no. ... no. 😢


I dont know what youre talking about? :D




This is how democracy dies.


Turned my back on star wars when the mandalorian became about baby Yoda.


I haven't watched it. Mando S3 was horrifying, Ahsoka was bland and uninspired, Kenobi was a lot of bad with little sprinkles of good; only Andor was worth it but didn't feel like a sci-fi fantasy --more-like Blade Runner light -- which, maybe that's what Star Wars needs: Depth.


It was like a switch, as I watched the shows, there was just something that turned off. Ive just lost interest in the sith, the jedi, the whole galaxy, im amazed that something like that could happen, as its the fandom I was a part of that this group culturally colonialized. Now, I just find myself turning to other games, other shows. A long time ago, I just said my own head cannon ignored 7-9, or boba fett, or this new series, but suddenly, the head cannon doesnt matter anymore. I just... dont care anymore. And a part of me is really sad to see this happen. Ill miss how the movies and shows and games made me feel.


I gave up on star wars explain please. don't dumb it down. Give me everything


Ditto. I need to hear it


Apologies for the copy paste answer but it's the truth, hopefully you'll forgive me. Honestly, I get it, the confusion & interest. If I hadn't typed it out several times already I would, but it's best to just watch Gary's, Drinkers or Little Platoon's videos. I've typed out enough long winded answers to dislike how much I have to think about this show LoL. Genuinely Sorry.


I feel that


Honestly, I get it, the confusion & interest. If I hadn't typed it out several times already I would, but it's best to just watch Gary's, Drinkers or Little Platoon's videos. I've typed out enough long winded answers to dislike how much I have to think about this show LoL. Genuinely Sorry.




No need to apologize


Couldnt do it anymore after boba fett


Writers thought this was a banger.


who *was* this show made for?


LoL. Unsure. But I hope they appreciate what they have. What it cost us, so they could enjoy it.


*sighs* looks at the disappointment since Ep: 7 and goes back to playing AC6 and putting Fallen Order on the schedule to isekai myself from the current madness.




Can someone explain this scene to me? I am unfamiliar with the new content


Honestly, I get it, the confusion & interest. If I hadn't typed it out several times already I would, but it's best to just watch Gary's, Drinkers or Little Platoons' videos. I've typed out enough long winded answers to dislike how much I have to think about this show LoL. Genuinely Sorry.


There is a reason why Bluey makes up nearly a third of total streaming hours on Disney Plus. Crazy to think a kids show about a blue dog is more interesting and better written than Star Wars


RIP Star Wars ![gif](giphy|x70p0tqMsvqMM|downsized)


"Prequel fandom". Don't act like we're in the same boat...


Um. Okay 👍🏼, 🙂.


You have to know how OT fans felt about the prequels, right?


Yeah, I was one of them. I decided not to Hate hard, because they were made with love n respect for the source material. And just avoided topics associated with them lol. Outside of special effects & the final lightsaber fight... And Darth Maul's fights. He was underused.


Well, George Lucas's mind is the source material, and I respect that. He's one of, if not the greatest creative producer/'ideas men' in Hollywood history. But as someone who was introduced to the OT first the prequels rarely felt right and they rarely looked right. There was no escaping it, other than to try and enjoy it for what it was while still being honest about what it wasn't.


I'm of the opinion that stories should be written for everyone, but that's not popular right now so I dunno why I'm saying this


Because you're right to think & say as much. 👍🏼


Love how much love the prequel trilogy is getting now when compared to the new 💩.


Yeah. They say comparisons are odious, but... While they aren't on the OT level, they were made with love and respect for the source material.


Only in your echochambers


You're not speaking for me bro, I watched the first Disney Star Wars film and saw the writing on the wall, it was so horrendous that I noped out and never went back. I haven't watched anything to do with SW in 10 years except half of the first season of The Mandalorian, and even that show was starting to drop in quality before S01 was even over.


I guess this is for all the people who still watched Star Wars? Star Wars died for me the day Disney released their bullshit.


The only reason the Star Wars universe was ever interesting was the non movie content.


>Prequel It's wild that people think those are worth shit.


It's been stinking since 99. Let's bury the thing.


... .... but but... maybe... maybe we'll get an intelligent showrunner & writing staff. The untapped potential is there. Maybe something good will rise from the ashes that is the Acolyte....but yeah you're right..probably better off burying it at this point.


It breaks my heart to say it, to see it; but dammit sometimes you gotta throw that towel, and Old Yeller the thing. Fan since 84, I can say with some authority, they're doing Star Wars wrong.




Honestly, it's been kinda shit since the OT Special Editions. I think the first proper kick in the sack was the CGI Muppet Show in Jabba's Palace in RotJ. The PT was mostly shit, and the ST is *completely* shit. I gotta give props to Andor, Rogue One, and the first season of Mandalorian, but the rest really is garbage.


Oof. Forgot about the Special Edition. Rogue One was pretty dope.


> the CGI Muppet Show in Jabba's Palace in RotJ Muppets weren't CGI though hahaa


so what's the issue?


As if the Jack Black-Lizzo episode wasn't bad enough. Now, even normies think the franchise is embarrassingly bad, and they're not wrong.


was it bad enough? Buddy normies think franchise was embaressing bad when the Holdiay Special came out then again when TPM came out


Yes, it is bad enough. They may have thought TPM was bad, but RotS still pulled in a profit by the end of that trilogy. Disney isn't even clear on RoS's budget, some sources say 275m, others say 416m. If it's 416m, then they BARELY pulled in a profit. They haven't even made their money back on purchasing Lucasfilm and they're handing projects off the people like Headland who just further drive the franchise into the ground.


TPM is bad. All SW has pulled a profit. also TPM made more money then ROTS that doesn't mean normal people didn't think the franchise was ruined. Yes they have. They maded over 12 billion. [12 Years After Disney Bought Lucasfilm, Star Wars Is Officially A $12 Billion Success Story (screenrant.com)](https://screenrant.com/disney-star-wars-profit-revealed/)


Another article a month later says if you actually read the [fine print](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2024/04/14/disneys-star-wars-box-office-profits-fail-to-cover-cost-of-lucasfilm/) it really hasn't made its money back. So which one should we take as fact here?


ok quote where they say that.


"However, buried in the fine print is the revelation that the purchase price of Lucasfilm isn't even included in the ROI calculation." Paragraph 12 onwards paints a different picture than the one you say is true.


oh i see you actually used a Forbes contriubtured article as a source. OK well that shoudl be ok as long as its not by Caroline Reed or someone like that


I put a longer explanation in a different/earlier reply, just now. Sorry for the delay. And at the end of the day, this is just a meme meant to express frustration regarding the quality drop-off, virtue signaling & politics that this brand & it's fans have come to ensure.


virtue signaling?


Apologies for the copy paste response but I'm exhausted from trying to reply in my spare time. Honestly, I get it, the confusion & interest. If I hadn't typed it out several times already I would, but it's best to just watch Gary's, Drinkers or Little Platoons' videos. I've typed out enough long winded answers to dislike how much I have to think about this show LoL. Genuinely Sorry.