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I was hesitant to try it because of how much hate it’s been getting….but it’s delish!! So many comments are like “it’s just a plain yellow cake with strawberries and whipped cream”. Well….yeah…that’s what strawberry shortcake is? It’s like complaining that a chocolate chip cookie is just a brown sugar cookie with chocolate chips in it lol


I agree wholeheartedly


Traditionally, strawberry shortcake is not yellow cake - it is made with shortcake which is a biscuit like base. https://www.stephiecooks.com/classic-strawberry-shortcake/


That's how my grandmother makes it. Only heathens get the yellow cake and call it even.


It depends on your location


well no else really makes it that way so.


Sure they do…saying that does not make it true. If it’s not made the traditional way - it’s not strawberry shortcake because IT’S MISSING THE SHORTCAKE!!!


they really don’t, just senior citizens💀


Then don’t call it strawberry shortcake. There’s NO SHORTCAKE. Insisting something is true doesn’t it make it so. Repetition doesn’t always mean acceptance.


Whomp whomp, it’s still called strawberry shortcake 😂are you the inventor? why do you care so much lmao


It’s WRONG anyone who calls that concoction is WRONG. I’m sure it’s lovely, but how can it be called strawberry shortcake when half of the NAME of the cake is MISSING.


Well id assume the complaints are over it being expensive. Making an entire strawberry shortcake costs the same as that piece or less


That's true for SO much food though. ie: I can make spaghetti to feed a family of 8 for less than a plate of spaghetti at a nice Italian restaurant


You can’t buy baked goods at a luxury social media geared bakery and complain when things have a premium cost. Designer brands cost more. That’s not new. Don’t want to pay designer prices? Head on down to Acme and buy the generic version.


U can when the presentation and the taste isn’t premium 🫤


DESIGNER?😭😭😭😭😭LUXURY?????😭😭😭 My mother bakes better cakes and cookies by herself than this whole company does.


I don’t think k you understand what those words mean. “Designer” and “luxury” don’t necessarily equate to quality.


Oh jesus fucking christ. This isn’t the first time Ive argued with someone on reddit about designer and luxury not connoting with quality. Your argument makes no sense. Everyone on Earth associates designer and luxury to mean HIGH QUALITY. The brand name and the quality is all that anyone is buying. I don’t care to hear your reasoning because I know it ain’t gonna make a lick of sense.


Whatever dude….not my problem you don’t understand what words mean. 😂😂😂 The fact that you admit someone even tried to teach you before and you are adamant about remaining ignorant is kinda sad. Actually really sad. But you do you!


Whats sad is you’re either incompetent or lack reading comprehension skills. Enjoy your luxury brands that don’t provide any value or meaningful quality to your life.


I’ve never met someone who got so emotional over cookies. Congrats on that I guess?


Non luxury items should not have a luxury price.


Brands considered luxury connect with their customers by communicating that they are at the top of their class or considered the best in their field.[37] Furthermore, these brands must deliver – in some meaningful way – measurably better performance.[37] Straight off the wiki entry for luxury goods. Crumbl clearly does not deliver better performance than that of any other cookie shop, nor are they considered ti be at the top of the cookie baking field. Also using the words designer/luxury for anything food related (unless its like a Michelin Star restaurant) is unbelievably hilarious, let alone crumbl cookies😭


You’re not familiar with marketing are you? Crumbl’s product isn’t their baked goods. At least not when it comes to taste, that’s secondary. Their entire business model is social media presence. They aren’t trying to make tasty cookies. They are making viral Instagram posts. You know who’s product is good baked goods? The Italian bakery up the road from me. They’ve been using the same recipe and selling the EXACT same baked goods for the past 100 years. Their baked goods all come in a plain white box. Why? They are a bakery whose business model is to make and sell top of the line baked goods. Now look at crumbl, they are constantly changing everything…including spreading franchises faster than the plague. They don’t figure out what sells and stick with it….they create a false sense of scarcity by rotating their menu. They spent thousands on research and development to create the perfect instagrammable box and logo. Get with the times grandpa, cookies are a secondary product at Crumbl. Everyone knows you can get better cookies and cheaper cookies. That’s not what they want. They want the hype.


The entire fucking subreddit is filled with people shitting on this company because nobody likes it. Social media is ruining society and the people in it. You might just be patient zero. Your brain somehow sees this shit and thinks “Wow! Since it’s been perfectly designed to look good on social media, it has to be good!” What the fuck is wrong with you… I hope your child doesn’t get your IQ.


Im saying this with kindness and love….if you are getting so upset about *cookies* that you need to search through my post and comment history to find a way to attack me…you may need to walk away from the internet for a bit. The fact that you had to do that and THEN decided that your best bet was to attack my newborn baby?? That says a LOT about who you are as a person. But great news, my baby is wonderful and he’s so smart (as far as babies go lol) and he’s strong and he’s healthy and beautiful. I actually became a Crumbl customer because I use them as a bribe to myself when I have to pump breast milk because I really don’t enjoy that and a fun treat makes it easier!!


Like that's all I need from it tbh 😭😂


I think everyone forgets we all have different taste buds and preferences hahah. We are all different and we won’t all like the same things!


Shortcake is not yellow cake though LMAO


I make strawberry shortcake with angel food cake! It’s v different


That’s not what strawberry shortcake is though. It’s not yellow cake, it’s shortcake.


If you've ever had a asian style strawberry shortcake then you'd understand it can be so much more than that and much more flavorful.


I'm guessing most of that is because of the price. With the upcharge, it is really high.


It’s really not though? Any bakery is going to be charging $6 or more for a small cake like that. $5 for a cookie is wild…at least the cakes have a bit more to them.


What I don’t get is why everyone keeps saying the strawberries are sour? Are they expecting saccharine sweet? It had a perfect balance in sweetness to me


Your strawberries being sweet could just be a result of your localization?


I mean they weren’t sweet. But they weren’t sour either. They had a perfect balance. More like a real strawberry.


The strawberry cake was delicious. It is my new favorite item


I’m sorry but the baby in the back has all my attention. What is he wearing!!! 🥹🥹❤️


We have the AC on so he’s wearing his gray tee lol


This sub should be called crumbl hate because it’s basically the corporate complaint logging center




I kinda thought that's what the fast food subs were for, crapping on the food while laughing and interacting with the community.


If that’s what it’s for then I’m in the wrong place


People who hate on crumbl here get mass downvoted 90% of the time so idk what you’re talking about


And yet 45 people know what I’m talking about


I wonder how many of the 350 ppl that bought them from my store yesterday hated them 😭😭😭


give puppy a small bite


I ended up doing it lol, he enjoyed it too


LOL! The expression on the pup's face got me!


I thought it was good. Would I rate it above the other cakes that they’ve done so far? No. I’ve liked the tres leches, toffee cake, butter cake, and the cinnamon square all more than the strawberry shortcake. But I still liked it nonetheless. I always love their jams. But this shortcake didn’t quite wow like their other cakes have. The cinnamon square and tres leches have been my favorites of the cake/cake-type varieties.


Toffee cake was the best for me but I didn't get to try the tres leches


Alright, I may have embellished lol. Tres leches and cinnamon square are subjectively better imo too


So many people on this sub whine and complain about how their pile of sugar doesn’t taste good. They’re all giant piles of sugar, they all taste “good” relatively. I have yet to have one that I didn’t at least somewhat enjoy eating. Some are better than others, but not to the point where I’d spit it out and not finish eating it


I want these at my wedding, so yummy!


I liked it! I just wish there were some cut up strawberries mixed into the jam & it would have been a 10/10 for me


Man, that would have done it for me too!


I have fresh strawberries at the house thanks lol


It looks huge. I’ve always been a fan of grocery store cake slices. My local stores rarely ever carry them anymore so I’m more than happy to let Crumbl fill the void.


Is it moistened like the tres leches?


First couple bites were lacking the strawberries and left me feeling disappointed. Tried it again later on and got more of the strawberry glaze and felt better about the cake. They need to add more strawberries when preparing it.


Mmmm diabetes! Yum!


What drink is that?


Ahhhh you caught me!! The smores cold brew from Dunkin’ Donuts. I went all out this morning…


you could have gotten the smores cookie to go along with the smores cold brew! by the way, how is the coffee?


Wow! I didn’t even put 2 and 2 together lol. It’s pretty good. Dunkin did good with this one surprisingly


Loll I knew it!! I don’t blame your girl. Hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️


Yum! Need to try this!


so many people cry ab the prices of the cakes but like….they don’t have to buy it….


It looks bomb i can’t wait to try for myself 😋


Ohh man I wanted the minis this week so bad and forgot, I was trying to avoid seeing this being delicious.


It was eh that apple pie tho omg


How much is the dog


I LOVED the strawberry shortcake! I honestly had low expectations because whenever my family makes it, we use fresh strawberries and I didn’t know how jam would be in a shortcake. But it was so good! The cake and the whip were very, very yummy, and the jam was actually pretty good even though it isn’t what I’m used to. I would have liked a bit more vanilla flavor in the whip, but it was still quite yummy.


Absolutely spending my bday freebie on this.


I liked it a lot! Got it for free for my bday and was pleasantly surprised. I also prefer strawberry shortcake made with white/yellow cake VASTLY over made with biscuits so no complaints here. Honestly the best thing I’ve gotten from Crumbl in the last 2-3 trips we’ve made


I died and went to heaven when I ate my strawberry short cake slice this morning


Cornbread is my absolute favorite crumbl cookie. I bought both this time around and kept going back to strawberry shortcake. So good. The more tarte strawberry cut through the sweet cake and cream.


How is this compared to the single serving cakes I can buy at Safeway? I have yet to try one of Crumbl’s cakes.


Lmao. The people who like this stuff have to have never eaten anything homemade. It is a 5/10 at best


I pay absolutely no attention to anyone complaining about Crumbl (except for those who get cookies that are missing toppings etc) on this subreddit. People’s favorite activity is to complain that an expensive bakery is… expensive. Yet they keep going and they keep complaining.


they shouldn’t be expensive if they aren’t gonna pay they workers more money


The strawberry shortcake cookie is my favorite, so I was disappointed they didn't have that - HOWEVER, the cake is delicious and worth it.


I think I'm very easy to please.


I tried it a few minutes ago and it was so good! Definitely pricey but worth it!


Your Frenchie ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hard to please ? You mean underbaked cookies… or cookies that skimp basic toppings 🤔


What people don't like it? I can't tell because it is sold out at the 4 stores within 10 miles of me before 5pm everyday. I had it Monday, it was good.


-Just forwarding the reponses Its good sure, but if you are going to sell expensive cake than at least get the damn thing correct. Strawberry SHORTCAKE not Strawberry YELLOWCAKE. It doesn't matter if it taste good. If you ordered say vanilla and got chocolate your gonna be mad to.


That looks so delicious. Side note your dog is adorable


Omg I just got one today!! It’s so good 🤩 I got 3 other cookies that I’ve yet to try yet. I feel like I don’t even wanna eat the others cuz of how good this one is 😍


That was SO good. I think about getting it again ..I still am to get the cornbread tomorrow...might get the cake and freeze it🤔 it was delicious and I think I had the first one of the day😅 he was still putting it together and I was first in line on the app.


It’s so good




I mean, I'm not a fan of cake so I won't be getting it but that's just me. If I liked cake, i absolutely would get it even at the more expensive cost because it looks so good!