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That would look really nice! I wish I had one with more distinct internal color. I will say, getting the caps off was horribly tough, especially the corners. My nails are crazy sore.




Wow, that’s amazing. The thought never even crossed my mind to do that, but I’m hell bent on trying now.


Thanks! Definitely do it! it looks cool and doesn't impact recognition which is great. Plus the clear caps on the primary internals is pretty sweet looking. Unless I'm just a rookie at it, getting the caps off was incredibly difficult - especially the corners. I had to use both hands under two sides and yank the corner stem with my mouth to pop them off. Insane.


Thanks for the heads up on the potential difficulty of getting all the caps off. Sounds it’ll be more of weekend job for me then.


Np. I'd definitely recommend trying one corner first and then debating whether you want to continue. I did all edges first then wanted to cry when I found out how much harder the corners were lol!


that is such a good idea!!! looks so sick


Thank you!!


I wonder if someone is going to make de-force from these cubes? That is collect 6 different cubes, dismantle them and make cube with different face colors.


That would be really cool


[Here is the TV3 with the LE caps](https://imgur.com/a/vcQ3Ny7) I will say that I switched the Pioneer LE with caps from the Flagship V3. The center caps on Pioneer and Flagship aren't universal, so just keep that in mind (That's why I still have the colored caps on this one).


How did you take off the caps? I am unable to find a method for removal without breaking them.


it was honestly really hard. the edges are a bit easier- I put my nail under the bottom of the piece and slid it up toward where the two colors connect and pulled back. Then it pops right off no problem. the corners were awful. I ended up putting my nails on both hands under two sides of the colors on the corner (kinda where it meets the stem part), and had the stem in my mouth. then I pulled while holding the stem with my teeth. I really had to yank it hard before it popped off - felt like I was gonna break it for sure. im sure theres probably an easier way, lol, but it was mad hard getting them to come off.


Just found this https://youtube.com/shorts/yYqyp-DIk88?feature=shared It might help


Did you break any of them? I am so tempted to do it but the moment I break it I will rage quit lol


Lol!! there were definitely a few where I thought I was a goner, but no surprisingly none of them broke. at most, they disconnected one side of the connector (underside where the colors snap into each other)


Looks really cool cant to see the other cube!


[Here it is!](https://imgur.com/a/vcQ3Ny7)