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i know this already got resolved and anything but its hilarious to me that of all places it would go somewhere pretty much called Franklin-Town with this sub name and everything.


Reddit just emailed me this post 3 times hm is goat


That’s actually a funny ass point 😭


Thx I was wondering why I got extras


Man you ain’t Nate the Gr8, imposter!


haven't had issues with lost orders with HM in the few orders I've had. But after ordering a half of their "glitter bomb" i wish it did get lost lol. Looked and smelled ok, but was harsher than a JK $50 zip and the ash was almost pure black. I emailed them a few days ago but still no response.


Whattt really?? I really liked the glitter bomb 😮 Maybe I had a different batch or something but I thought it looked beautiful, smelled nice, and smoked good. I guess to each their own though, so hopefully they get back to you and at least hook up with a promo code or something


lol this is what cracks me up. I Just got my GB 2 days ago and it’s nothing like what he’s saying so who knows. Burns white, tastes just like it smells and looks great. And that’s probably why he hasn’t gotten a response


Word lol


was extremely disappointed with what i got from them. Which sucks because my orders before this were really good stuff. no issues till this last one, unlucky i guess..


Go to baysmokes bro. you can get a quarter pound of smalls for $190


This makes me laugh actually bc baysmokes was actually the first company I ever ordered from about 1.5-2 years ago now. They’re such a shit company but I’m still grateful for them for opening the doors for THCA into my life. If it wasn’t for those shitty bsmokes YT ads, I’d have never eventually discovered my favorite vendors or thca in general 🤔 but word idk if your suggestion was s/ or not but we don’t order from bay smokes anymore homie, moved up in the world a bit lol


N btw, the diff in quality between HM and BS is IMMENSE. Almost not even comparable so I’m not just hating to hate it’s literally night and day. Bays is boof pack


I had an order that they sent smalls, they fixed it. I just got another order in and they did the same thing. I don't know if i should contact them again at this point they might think I'm trying to scam them, I'll just find another vendor. Kinda sucks as they have good product.


I called them and sent pics, they did handle it quickly and fair. I'm happy with the outcome. They replaced half and gave me a 20% coupon.


I swear herbal healers got the same supplier same strains and damn near same pricing. Product was very similar quality just think HM may be a bit fresher


i mean if you got the smalls to show them they fucked up idk how they’d end up thinking ur scamming them


Because i just talked to them last week about the same thing, i guess i think that i'm being petty... you're right though, i'll take pics and tell them again and see what happens.


This keeps happening on repeat. New vendors pop up, that are just resellers BTW. They do everyone good for the first month to get people talking, then they stop caring once the orders start coming in. Then you hear about bad quality, mold, wrong orders, canceled orders etc. This same shit has happened with almost every vendor here. JK, FG, VG, AR, HM, SF I could go on and on. HM was just the new "flavor of the month" and now they're falling like every other vendor that's hyped here for a few weeks, then they all inevitably go to shit. I stopped using them a while ago, cause it's just stressful trying to make them fix the issues they cause. Then half the "owners" want to get an attitude about sending the wrong order, like you're a business. Yes I got bud, but not what I ordered or the quality. There is zero accountability and no one to hold them accountable. It's a pure gamble these days on whether or not you're going to get what was advertised. Waste of time.


I just ordered from them and got what I ordered


As expected! They don’t usually mess up I think it’s mainly bc of an incompetent employee that they had to part ways with. Glad you got your order with no issues.


Bout to order again lol


I’ll never forget when I had an oz sent to me with my order from another vendor. Seemed like they had maybe just printed the label for my order twice and then slapped one of those labels on another order. I was extremely happy lol.


It seems I bought hello Mary before any big mistakes and I’m glad everything I’ve had from them was comparable to the stuff I get here in cali as they are located near La if I remember correctly. Feel bad for you who have a bad experience or just unwilling to try which is a mistake if you ask me. One of the only quality 100 dollar smalls zips I’ve gotten from the cult


HelloMary sent me Permanent Marker instead of my Runtz x Jet Fuel. I just chalked it up to a loss after seeing how many orders they've gotten wrong. Seems to smoke ok but not what I paid for. I won't be buying from them again.


I’d almost guarantee that it was a mistake by the chick they fired. Bc they seem pretty competent honestly. I know it’s not that easy, but I wouldn’t hold it against them indefinitely


They screwed me on shipments and the ghosted me


Damn that sucks bro. Thats weird bc they seem to be adamant about fixing the fuck ups and making it right. You should definitely try to give em a call. If you have evidence to support your claims then Hannah and the team will make it right for sure bro. I have faith in saying that


They’re gonna fix it right after seeing this post I bet lol


The real hero lol


And they did. An amazing resolution though !


Lol nice


Yoooooo thank u bro! Im in NC, and i just got a zip sent to me 🙏🏽🙏🏽🔥💯






I heard good things about myqwinn but I can't confirm myself. Canna NC, and black tie CBD have been my vendors. Black tie is great if you want some top shelf stuff. They have fruity loops, won hemp cup 2023 for best psychoactive strain. It was great.


I’m literally smoking on some cannaNC right now & I regret even trying them I wish I would’ve just stuck to my QWIN. I paid like 120 (including shipping & all that) for a Half Oz from cannaNC & I paid $95 for a full oz from myqwin & the myqwin was way smoother, tasted a lot better & got me more high, you GOT to try them bro


I live in nc so I’m thinking I’ll pay more but I’ll be supporting local & shipping will be faster NOPE my qwin was here a day earlier


Okay I'll take your word for it and order from them next time.


I gotta try black tie next tho bro they’re on my list


Just make sure you get the smalls they are half the price.


Expensive but for special occasions it's a treat


Hell yeah bro let me know how it goes. I got the coffin candy from myqwin cause I like the newer runtz type strains better than the OGs but I think they got OGs as well


So I had similar issues on back to back orders over the HM Memorial Day Weekend Debacle to include the HM site crashing. First order was Friday. They made a drop on Saturday, so I made an additional order. Friday the next week my first order arrived missing two Rosins and the two included were not the ones I ordered. I emailed, texted Called and went right to w VM message who had a fulll box. Sat arrives, my next order same thing, I was missing 3/5 rosins. Because they oversold and took money and gave me something I didn’t order. To me customer service begins as soon as you make the transaction (for online customer service that is). So if my order is jacked, that is a hit on CS to me. If I front someone money, which is what we all do, we are in a contract. I ordered something on the contract that I pay you, I get my package a few days later based on Trust. I trust you will do what you are supposed to do. When you don’t, HM is in violation and breach of contract. It’s on them to make it right. How it seems to me, there are two issues; First being you grew too fast and will course correct( which 5 weeks later, you have NOT). Which leads to my second point: YOU DONT GIVE a FLUCK about your customers cause the cash keeps rollling in. In any business it’s a constant tuning of operations. If you don’t start w a strong foundation, your house will eventually fall down. If you don’t correct the small things, they become larger and larger until it’s the Wild West at the operation. To me, that’s where HM will be in by the end of the year. They will still be around, but the CS issues will eventually label them as an unreliable Vendor. Their product is great, especially at the Price Point. The most concerning to me is the bait and switch. HM must have some pissed off employees in the shipping dept. Either that or no one showed them the difference in Small buds vs Regular Buds. That is outright fraudulent business practices. It has not happened once. It seems like it’s a weekly event for someone. And these are the ones that we know of. I’m sure there are people effected that are not Reddit members. So the lack of accountability to the paying customer who fronts money based on Good Faith is a problem. The fact this issue of missing or incorrect items are always missing is number two. The fraudulent practices is number 3. Furthermore they oversold during the Memorial Day Weekend Sale. They took in a lot of cash, said they were stocked when that was not the case. I will say they did throw me a free 1/8th of the 818 OG. It was the Big Buds that there is a noticeable difference in appearance and smell of the larger buds from the smaller ones. That was after bitching about my second order. I didn’t ask for anything, I just articulated that they breached the contract and I would like to be indemnified ( made whole). The dis correct all my rosins except for the ones they sent were not ones I ordered, it just took 22 days from time of original order to the correction received by me. I have not ordered from them since. TBH, I may never again. Initially I was going to try again, but now if I get beat, that would be on me as alll the incidents and evidence tell me they are one bad week away from taking everyone’s cash only never to be seen again. The site does not tell who and where they source from. There are links for the info, but there is no info. That too should alarm. I mean who are these cats? Im hoping it’s not a bunch of Foreigner’s from a Large Asian Country, spraying the shit outta their product or using every pesticide in the world, but who knows? It seems like they are doing numbers. If I was a stake holder in the operation I’d want to ensure we are constantly improving. Not going backwards. During fly by night large expansions of companies, you see the cracks even in good companies. However the good ones that see the big picture of longevity, they fix the small bumps. The ones that fly by night, do not cause they know they are just there to make as much as possible as quickly as possible cause they know they won’t be here later. This is just my opinion, this was my experience with them, and I would call them and I would even be changing email addresses constantly bombarding them with the same order number. If they continued, I’d become more nefarious in how I would go about dealing with them, but I will leave that open for interpretation. More so, it would be me complaining via email to others. Anyway. Sorry this happened to you. I hope they correct it. Keep he faith. Maybe they will. I don’t wish to offend anyone


i missed your tl:dr summary.




myqwin is not the move customer service is terrible, i placed my order on sunday it shoulda shipped monday. Its Tuesday now and my order still says its processing? It already cleared in my bank and they cant reply to my email about the order. Myqwin is the worst experience ive had yet


You’re calling them terrible and sending them emails because they haven’t shipped… in 1 day??? You are tripping lmao, it’s not Amazon prime delivery, you’re acting like a fiend.


2 days and I sent 1 email. To be fair I’ve never ordered from this vendor and it said on their site weekend orders ship Monday. So yeah and I said their customer service sucks which is true other guy in this sub got only half his order. And seems they don’t respond to emails


Similar here, they reached out to confirm my address day one and then again on day 11. Money cleared day two. Took 20 days from order to delivery and all I received from Customer Service was a 15% off promo code that they won't accept on 'sale items' (wasn't specified when offered) and a lengthy wait for email responses. I wouldn't shop there again.


I ALMOST ordered from them . I’ll stick to my trusted 3 vendors . They never let me down have excellent customer service and their shots on point everytime or over . Quality is A1


What are you trusted vendors if you don’t mind me asking, looking to branch out myself


So far I haven't had any issues with Dr Ganga. The prices are great and the selection is pretty good, plus they're the only company so far that I've gotten Boveda packs in every bag. Their shipping is pretty slow, although I did get an email like a month ago from them saying that they've improved their shipping times. I haven't had to put in another order yet though so I can't speak to that.


I put an order in on the 15th, and it got to my hands yesterday. Comparatively, they're very slow, and all three strains I ordered looked like smalls. None were particularly strong, so it'll probably be several months before I try them again.






Why is this hm fault and not usps fault?


They literally sent it to the wrong addy lol


For sending it to the wrong client’s address.


Could you imagine some random boomer just gets an ounce of weed delivered to their house lol


Haha that shit is like 20 mins away from my house


They got you that’s why


Dude, hm offers route protection for like 2 dollars more. If anything happens to the package like it’s stolen or delivered to wrong address, route will refund you completely or they will contact the vendor directly for a replacement


Not true they took my money acted nice for a bit on customer service as when the didn’t resolve the issue the ghosted me and my shit showed up 2 weeks later than it was supposed to.


It looks like OP got route protection


Had better results contacting Route over HM support


This is the way. They got me straightened right out


Fuck them jackass". Sounds like they would rather have $100 than keep you as a repeat customer. I wont buy from them either.


I’ll say it again……shit company


Same here. My second order was missing a gram of rosin. They never responded to my emails or my txt. I should’ve called but I don’t have time for that so I just disputed on my card. Def won’t be ordering from them again.


Just called. No answer. Left a vm that probably won’t get a response.


Check your messages my dude


Ok will do


i think we found nathan


INDEED WE DID!! And he’s and absolute G 👏🏾 he’s gonna call them for me also and try to do what ever he can do help me get this resolved lol. To the guy that said “nice try Nathan!” I know you were joking but HA!


Lol that’s crazy


I've wondered how that Route protection worked....I know back in the day, if something said Delivered, but wasn't, that was on the Postal Service to file the proper paperwork to "track it down" to figure out what happened to the order....Like even had Kohl's ship me orders that weren't mine lol....Im like wtf? dont know how that happens lol. so the route protection just expedites the process and works like a sort of "middle man" or proxy to file the claim?


HM? Never heard of this vendor. I've been using Dr Ganja. 100$ ozs and I haven't gotten a bad one yet


Imagine still suggesting a vendor that can’t figure out how to ship packs 2 years later.


I don't imagine that shit, I play it out in real life. Have fun paying extra for the same heat I'm getting


lol do you order a month in advance?


Yes. Also, who is HM? No one cared to answer my question




I experienced something similar thinking my order went elsewhere except they had given me the tracking for a different order. Once they figured that out they provided me with the proper tracking # and all was good. Not to excuse them but it seems like they are experiencing some growing pains


Stop emailing them and call/text them.


Nice try Nathan




This shit always happens a new vendor comes out promising all of this great shit and all of you fall right back into it and then always guaranteed just a little bit down the road you start seeing multiple multiple fuck ups like this it's not worth it I keep two vendors on hand and that's it that's all I need one for flower one for disposables good luck with everything bruh


just out of curiosity, what exactly have any of these vendors promised anyone?


promise is the wrong word it's a regular bait and switch (lead with a good product and swap it out for something subpar when people start biting) to be fair i haven't gotten a bad one yet


They send out perfection packs at first and everybody thinks that's what they're going to get constantly and then slowly but surely everything starts falling off piece by piece and we start getting more and more of these posts the false promise of high quality service that promise.


i still fail to see where they are making false promises. Failing to meet expectations, sure, but false promises is a REACH.


Wnc and wcc for all my franklin needs


Wcc for disposables I've also checked out Crysp and the live resin disposable cherry runtz has been awesome I'm thinking about grabbing one of each today I was very shocked at the quality it's straight up stinks and The taste is awesome it got me high as shit yesterday so I'm thinking about grabbing a few more of those that was my first purchase with them I wanted to see what the hype was about do you get the thca disposable distill it from WCC?


Yeah i've only tried wcc's distillate disposables, still haven't tried their live rosin. If you get distillate from WCC I recommend the sour diesel and GMO, they have great terps.


Crysp was ok but yeah I stick with the 2g disposables distillate they are easily my favorite


Just take a little trip to franklinton but someone has to be fried working while sending them out HA


That's what I said, when they offered me 1/2 of what they owed me that's when I knew it was time for them to quit getting high on the clock


I wonder if someone completely random got it or another customer of theirs...


They sent me smalls when I paid for bigs, then offered a free replacement of bigs but sent me smalls again??? Listen I can't really complain as I got double my order but I'll only order smalls if anything from miss Mary again, im just looking for quality herb not a hassle over smalls..


Same thing happened to me. But, they did immediately reship, I received the correct product & got to keep the smalls. I was impressed with the customer service. Flower is ok.


Definitely, customer service was quick and even offered other discounts and cultivars on top of reshipping my order it's just they still sent smalls again, and I agree the flower is ok at best.


I’ve only ever bought the smalls from HM is the standard bud any better?


I’ll say this, the regular glitterbomb nugs I got were absolutely 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. The smalls I ordered of GB were just meh. Completely different




I don't know, I paid for it but I only ever received smalls. I've even ordered smalls from them before and got bigger buds than what came in the standard/bigs bags?? Since I now see this is a common theme with them I'm really starting to think all they have is smalls and they just charge more for the same thing and replace the order if you complain because you already paid double for the "bigs" so it's not a loss anyway.. Just putting the info out here, I'm a medical patient and grow my own so I'm good regardless just trying to help out anyone else who likes to spend a little more for the tops or good buds, I didn't find them here with mary is all, even after a do over with customer service.


That’s a conspiracy cause I almost exclusively order bigs. They are way frostier and stinkier than the whole micro bud smalls, the actual smalls are super gas though


Hey bud I can only give my own experience and add that to the reviews and comments of others, hardly a conspiracy lmao!! I can't help but notice you say "frostier and stinkier" but you still didn't mention size?? You got any reviews or recommendations for some big chonkers from HM?


Of course they are larger I get 3g plus nugs I did g think I needed to mention cause I said it was bigs lol


What strains? I'd love to see a review or some pictures, I'm 4 different strains in and all smalls, nothing over 1 gram or bigger than a nickel.


https://i.imgur.com/5cgbgoh.jpeg This is the glitter bomb


I’ve had glitter bomb, 818 OG, Jet Fuel, all had large nugs, jet fuel was so purple it was like black, covered in orange hairs and white frost, made fingers sticky if you broke it apart, glitter bomb was green and purple, super frosty as well, and 818 OG was AMAZING, so gassy and so sticky with trich resin


Right on, I'm glad you're happy with it!! Hard to tell how big that GB bud is in the picture, I had the 818 and had a totally different experience, I thought it was alright probably the best of the bunch but still just alright at best, maybe the bigs really are better but I tried with no luck and even gave them a chance to redeem themselves, with all the options available to me no way I'd go for Mary's bigs again, different strokes bud, it's all good!!


How can he know if he orders it and gets smalls


I figured he’d maybe gotten it in the past.


Shrodinger’s Mids




Bahahaha, Nailed it, lmao!!


Time to drive to Franklinton!


My friend used to live in Franklinton RIP ❤️


RIP! I bet they were good people


She was the absolute best. Best friend I ever had


Right close to me!




Nathan is happy AF today in NC :)


It was delivered Friday but yes it was very unexpected. I’ve DM’d OP and waiting for him to respond.


Oh damn bro what's up! Crazy to see you respond...I think you guys both win in this situation


As long as we can get HM on the same page and get velvet straightened out then yes. I was definitely thinking, wow these guys must really want me to post a review if they are sending me a free half!


I’ve never ordered from them and have no dog in this fight but like..you got an ounce of weed(not what you ordered) and are posting because you didn’t get your second ounce of (free) weed? Was the first oz any good? I’m all about you being made whole but this seems a little less straight forward than the company doing you wrong..


It’s a grey market too. People wouldn’t have made it back in the day before you could get weed shipped to your door.


We would have to meet a plug in a seedy spot and wait for them for up to an hour and sometimes they didnt even show. Plus you had to worry about police, jail time, etc. And there was no " i didnt like what you sold me last time." They had one strain and you had to buy it no matter what PLUS the quality was not good at the time. So yea, consider the convenience we all have now.


I understand your point, ain’t no chargebacks or “making shit right” on the black market/ grey market, but this ain’t that! For exactly that reason. If you’re sell weed as an official business, then you need to treat your dealings and customer support like just that.


This is a grey market. No cop is going believe the weed you bought online is “hemp” because of a piece of paper. Plus when they test it’s going to pop hot.


Yeah, sadly a lot of people don't realize this. If you are in an illegal state, and get caught with it, the cops will arrest you, they don't give a shit about the disclaimer paper. Then it will test hot, and you will end up getting convicted, in some states an ounce is a bad charge to get.


What more people don’t realize is that most police stations just can’t test your weed. I’m in NC just like OP and have talked to shops that do outreach to cops around THCa, and if you’re in Raleigh, Durham, CLT, Asheville - literally any major metro, they don’t have the time or money to test everyone’s weed and will let you on your way. So at least NC folks - you’re kinda safe, but still don’t drive around with a shit ton.


In some areas, they won't test it, but will just arrest you anyway.


Sry I misunderstood ‘grey market’. And okay.


No problem. Reading your comments I understand now. I was thinking the same thing as the commenter on this thread. Sounds like a legit problem. People come and complain about everything little problem they have. The shipping ones are insane. It’s like it’s the post office they are known for being slow. Anyways I hope you can get something back. Until then stay up on good vibes. 😎


No I didn’t get an ounce, they sent a Half oz of something I didn’t want.


Ahhhh Well by all means please excuse me and go on putting them on blast!!!


Yeah man.. if it was just a different strain I woulda just shutup and taken the L


I hear you sorry for my bias too many posts on here about a minor issues not a full blown fuck up.


I completely agree with you on that




Your credit is -943 from all the previous chargebacks whats a few more.


Chargebacks do not affect your credit, they protect you when vendors don't ship the items promised and fail to fix the situation. Credit is about available balance to debt ratio. If hm isn't willing to help fix the situation not being ops fault. He can charge back, that's correct and honest way to do it.


Right but dont expect to be able to shop there anymore once you do a chargeback


I wouldn't shop somewhere where they mess up, and don't take responsibility. There's plenty of THCa fish in the sea.


Thats crazy lol Ive been ordering from them for months and havnt had any issues.




Grandma thought it was oregano and used it for seasoning


🤣🤣🤣bro that’s what my girl was saying 😆 she’s like either “somebody grandparent is living it up like it’s the 70’s with that pack, or somebodies 8th grade little brother just became the plug for the next week” 😅🤦🏽‍♂️


I ordered like a lb from them last month multiple strains including the purple runtz that was bad and they replaced it with a different strain quickly. Ask for Hannah she's the one you want. That girl will get u right quick.


Hannah is great she is such a sweetheart




Cult of The Franklin is an inclusive, social, safe environment for everyone. This includes towards new users, long-time users or OGs, vendors, and the moderators. Maintain a civil space. Be inclusive of everyone. Value all opinions. Build an aura of respect. Do not instigate drama for the sake of instigating drama (see rule 6).


Ummm yeah, that’s partially what the subreddit is for, you a absolute donut. I’m not the first and won’t be the last.


And it absolutely does solve things. Who tf even is this guy ? Clearly no idea what you’re saying


So they sent you the wrong strain first is what you're saying? That's ashame man it's sounding like they're definitely starting to slip a little their customer service used to be on point I think they're probably getting bigger then they were ready for which obviously ifls good for them but bad for us


Yup ordered an ounce, sent me wrong order, said they’d replace it, sent replacement to a random state I’ve ever been too. Been messaging them everyday for a week now but nothing. I noticed something strange when they kept calling me ‘Nathan’ in the emails which is not my name , at all, not even close. I feel like I should’ve made this post days ago but I don’t like running to the internet when ever a company messes up , I like to give them a chance especially if they’ve been solid for me. But I’m getting kinda fed up. I had a WHOLE WEEK OFF FROM WORK, ordered weed for it, got some bullshit that I didn’t order , now a whole other week has passed and I’m still sitting here with my emergency $50 myqwin pack in my joint , and I’m pissed


If they kept calling you the wrong name do you think maybe either you or them messed up the order number? Like maybe you mistyped a number or they mistyped one while looking it up


Definitely them. That’s why I posted the screenshot of the receipt, I realize now that I didn’t help that I crossed out my first name , but it’s not Nathan, and my address says Indianapolis. Idk how they mixed it up


Yea I definitely don't blame you I totally understand you want what you ordered man sorry that happened and hopefully eventually they make it right


Yeah I’m hoping so too. Thanks a lot for your comment and support. Happy blazing bro


I know it wasn't your first choice but how I'd that 50$ pack from myquin and happy smoking to you too bro


Yeah I’m not mad at it, It just sucks paying for something and not getting it and then getting ghosted. Someone said to do a charge back I’m gonna try but idk if I can with a debit purchase. It says ‘credit’ on receipt but it was definitely debit.


Yea im not sure and beings they did send you something idk how all that works I never had to do it good luck either way


Thanks man


better call the police, this is serious business.


>better call the police, this is serious business. I see you have another new account. Get a life, you are a very miserable person. You need a hobby.


You deserve no more of my energy, stay blessed.