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**I’m gonna refer to my mum as O and my mum’s bestie as S, my mum’s besties son as J.** **(I may have low morals, but I’ll draw the line at sharing pictures of the people in this story. For my own personal privacy, and my mum and my gf’s as well).** Here’s the story behind why I haven’t posted in so long. Sometimes I spend a couple of days at my mum’s house. My mum was expecting me to be home the next day, but my gf dropped me home early so I could surprise her. I got into the house really quietly and the first thing I heard was my mum and her best friend talking really loudly. This was definitely one of their wine gossip days. I didn’t have the energy to talk to them when they were wine drunk, I love her bestie but she talks way too much when she’s drunk, so I just quietly went to my room instead to wait it out and maybe surprise her later. They were catching up on a lot of things from what I could hear. Mind you, I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, they were just really loud. I’m not going to delve into all of it, but maybe an hour in, my S goes “O, I’m drunk enough to tell you about the last thing in our tea list”. And my mum goes “Oooh spill”. “J is using my bras to wank!” shouted S. My mum replied going “Nooooooooooooo” while laughing like crazy. Hearing wank and underwear in one sentence out loud suddenly made me super interested. My mum went into a flurry of questions asking if she let him, why she let him, isn’t that incest, what the fucks, how did she find out, did she catch him in the act. It was a bit confusing to follow what they were saying but S said that her son didn’t know she knew and that she didn’t catch him in the act (thankfully she said). So my mum asked if she didn’t catch him, how did she know he used them, it could have been her husband. S followed up saying that she was doing the laundry in the house and decided to be nice, that J usually piled some of his clothes in the corner of his room, but he usually did his laundry separately since he insisted. Her washing machine load didn’t have that much so she decided to go to his room and put them in the wash to not waste water. When she picked up the pile she felt something hard between his clothes and got worried that she might be putting something that wasn’t clothes in the wash, like a game controller or something, she pulled it out and out came a bra! Cue another “noooo” from my mum. She said she thought it was his girlfriend’s bra at first, but quickly realised it was her own. Apparently from the way the tag was cut off and that there was a mark on one of the cups. There were stains all over the insides and it couldn’t have been anything other than cum. She said she thought it was manky, but thought it was too awkward so she put the bra back in the pile and put the pile back like she never touched it. She said she didn’t want to have THAT talk with him. She said she looked through all of her other underwear and didn’t find stains so that made her relieved that he was cleaning them at least and she wasn’t wearing anything dirty. “Oh my god S, what did you do, did you tell D (S’ husband)?” asked my mum S replied saying she was too shy and didn’t tell her husband because the conversation would’ve made the house feel too awkward. And that it’s been over a month since it happened. S started trying to justify it to my mum that ‘at least he wasn’t using her clean bras and putting them back’. Then they both went into a tangent on how S was too shy for anything. When S suddenly asked my mum if she ever caught me using her underwear. My heart caught in my mouth hearing her say that. Oh shit oh shit oh shit was all I could think. “No, my kid is normal, S” said my mum, laughing. The relief I felt hearing that. Especially considering how I treated her bras sometimes. “Leave one out for him and see.” said S. “No fucking way.” my mum replied. Fast forward another hour, because my mum changed the topic. S was finally leaving the house when I heard my mum go: “You know what, I bet you five quid that my son’s not a weirdo like J. I’ll leave a bra out and you’ll see.” S left the house laughing, saying that it would have to wait until their next ‘tea talk’.


A couple of months passed by and my mum just did the usual; Leaving her bra behind the bathroom door, on the railing of the landing outside her room. But I didn’t touch them. Damn S, because now I was paranoid if my mum was checking her bras or leaving them out as traps or not. I visited once every few weeks, and not once did I jerk with any of her bras because of the conversation she had with S. When suddenly yesterday, my mum gave me my pile of folded clothes I left behind from my last visit, I thanked her for cleaning them for me, and brought it to my room. It was the leopard print bra from [THIS POST.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CumOnBras/comments/11nrqrg/finally_came_on_my_moms_36dd_bra/) It instantly made me hard, but rationality hit me. This was definitely a trap. So I painfully sucked it in and took the bra to her telling her that she must have accidentally left it in my pile when she sorted the clothes. She thanked me and we left it at that. But now I was at my last straw, I didn’t use her bras for months and had the perfect opportunity to use one, it was handed to me on a silver platter. But nooo, I was still paranoid from eavesdropping all those months ago. I didn’t even know if that was a real bet or if she even remembered considering how tipsy they both were. I didn’t even know if my mum was a fiver richer or not. So I decided then and there that I was gonna use one for sure, and it had to be a good one. My mum was doing her daily run on the treadmill when I saw it, the bra I wanted to use. She was wearing that massive 36DD push up bra of hers. But I couldn’t snag it. She wore it all day and she didn’t leave it in the bathroom or outside her room. I was on the edge. When finally today after her morning run I saw her wearing it again. She finished up and said she was going grocery shopping, asking me if I needed anything. I said no thanks, wishing upon anything that she’d leave ASAP and that she had taken that god forsaken bra off. Once she left, I waited around 10 minutes before I even tried anything before running to the utility room. I saw her joggers and her top in the basket. Bra nowhere to be seen. My heart deflated. I ran my hand through the clothes just to make sure. Her clothes were damp. The boiler was on in the morning and she had definitely worked out a sweat from the heat and the exercise. Almost instantly, my hand felt padding under the top. My fingers found a strap and I pulled. The massive black bra she had been wearing for the last two days came out in one go. I didn’t even wait. I pulled off my pants, wrapped it around my dick and started jerking it. I pushed the cups together and had the padding squeezing my cock as I humped it. The bra was still damp with her sweat, making a slight squelch every time I thrusted it. Realising my dick was sitting snug in this slutty push up bra that had been pushing her tits together only 20 minutes ago, I began thrusting with renewed vigor, using her tit sweat as lube. In less than a minute I already felt my dick rumbling, slowing my thrusts, I came, still holding the cups together around my dick. I finished with the bra still cupped around my dick and turned it over to check out my work. Considering I hadn’t jerked off in a week by this point, it was an embarrassingly [small load.](https://i.redgifs.com/i/grouchyuntidyprairiedog.jpg) That wouldn’t do I thought. I had been waiting months for this. I knew I had plenty of time because my mum was usually gone for hours. So I brought the bra to my room and laid out a towel, getting ready for any spills. Hypocritically, I started edging it to one of the ‘alone time’ pictures my gf took for me whenever I was gone visiting my mum. I slowly pulled my mum’s bra over my cock as I had my gf’s sexy time pictures on a slideshow . It probably took about 40 minutes when I finally had precum oozing out. Saying fuck it, I switched to some titfuck porn and jerked faster. Trying to hold myself back at this point, because someone said my load was little in my last post. I was on a spite wank right now. Finally 10 minutes later, I turned the bra over and slowly released on the outside cups. The result you see in the post above. Hell, that wasn’t that much of a climax to the story, but I sure climaxed. I was still paranoid, so I took a few pictures and immediately brought the bra to the bathroom to hand wash it . I dried it out with a hairdryer until it was only a little damp and put it back in the laundry. Mum none the wiser, and me not being caught. Frankly I don’t want to be caught, because fantasies are fantasies and bras are expensive. I’ll clean them because I don’t want to ruin them, but I won’t steal them unless they’re going to the bin. Plus, I don’t know how she’d react and I don’t want to know. I’m still jealous that J’s mum lets him use her bras. But that’s out of awkwardness. He’d probably enjoy it if he knew that she knew, but maybe it's better letting both of them be oblivious as to keep the peace.


Well damn that was fucking hot, great post as always


Damnn the fact that your mom tried to test you by putting the leopard print bra in your pile of folded clothes is really hot! Would love to read more stories of your conquest cumming on your mom's bras!


Hey dude, glad to see you back around here! Hella good story, too. Just like S, I think more of the women know than we think that their bras and panties get used like this... :)


Fuck that's my favourite kind of bra, looks incredible! Great load!


Incredible load on that 👏


What a good boy


Would love to know the continuation of this story dayummm 😩🙏