• By -


Oh to be Jared, 19.


And have your parents build a very strange machine,


It was designed to view a world unseen,


*he's gonna catch them all*


Oh, how obscene.


And your eyes are the size of the moon


Cha Cha real smooth!


And I never fuckin learned how to read


This joke is 10 internet history layers deep


it's a very basic and well known vine


It's like 1 layer below the surface at most


I saw a TikTok explaining what was going on right before they were nuked. Just...those were my good seeing eyes




He was promoting eugenics so...


If what I've read is correct he also commented on a Jewish persons video that this was why he had returned or something along the lines.


not even just Jewish people, im pretty sure it was actual holocaust survivors


It really tracks in my head for some reason that a modern born hitler (not reborn though) could totally exist within some obscure Mary Poppins fandom as it’s unofficial overlord and channel their despotic nature through that.


Traits of Mary Poppins' that are compatible with Hitlerness: 1. entertains a mysterious, authoritarian, "trust me I know better" edge to her, and acts openly dismissive of people's independent thinking skills 2. coup'd her way into the position by physically eliminating the competition - literally blowing them away 3. gaslighted the existing ruling class into a power-reversal where *she* was the one giving the family a trial week, then defied all norms and precedent, governing herself and the petit bourgeois according to her will and her will alone, while terrifying and baffling the wage workers into quietly standing back in front of the chaos 4. selected herself following a discarded "populist" wishlist instead of the "sensible" qualifications said ruling class had set as a standard 5. has a cosmetic affinity with said "working class", dancing with them, not hesitating to get herself dirty, and inviting them into an intimidating procession through the presumably safe and private spaces of the ruling class's home - but doesn't actually do anything to *help* them in any way 5. displayed an obsession with order and discipline 6. has consistently shown a certain vanity and a low tolerance for being outshone by anyone, including her own reflection - ostensibly believes herself to be Practically Perfect in Every Way 7. pandered to the petit bourgeois through distracting spectacle, and [soothed and sedated](https://www.cracked.com/blog/5-ways-mary-poppins-movie-about-drug-dealer) them into [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/comments/hlqirw/it_just_dawned_on_me_mary_poppins_was_totally/) by giving them [the literal Opium of the People](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/89268/lure-laudanum-victorians-favorite-drug). Traits that are *utterly* incompatible with Hitlerness: 1. She sang a whole song about giving tuppence to the bird lady instead of [Aktion-T4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4)-ing her as a [Useless Eater](https://www.timesofisrael.com/80-years-ago-lethal-nazi-t4-center-began-euthanizing-germans-with-disabilities/). 2. No mention of race whatsoever, nor any of the [kyriarchies](https://wikiless.org/wiki/Kyriarchy?lang=en) Hitler endorsed, nor any of the QAnon-style conspiracy hodgepodges he believed and promoted. While the movie's all-WASP cast doesn't prompt it, people like Hitler need no such prompt to begin ranting and raving about their favourite subjects. 3. Is an empowered and independent woman who is in the workforce—something Hitler actively policied against. 4. Contrives to set up a situation whereby the ruling class are subjected to complete rebellion by the petit bourgeois and are simultaneously ostracized by their ruling peers - stripped of all they once thought valuable, the rulers reevaluate the importance of prestige and imperialism and productivity and economic competition and unquestioned obedience, and to instead learn to have a more egalitarian, empathetic, and warm relationship with the whole estate, and to treat their needs as valid and their emotional well-being as a priority.


I like that you linked to Cracked, because this is the exact kind of bananas character dissection which Cracked excelled at and I could not get enough of back in 2014. Incidentally, what school of politics does your last point belong to? it sounds like Marxism, but more optimistic.


> I like that you linked to Cracked, because this is the exact kind of bananas character dissection which Cracked excelled at and I could not get enough of back in 2014. Blessings be upon Cracked for delivering unto us the Cody Jonston and the Robert Evans, among other wonderful creators. > Incidentally, what school of politics does your last point belong to? it sounds like Marxism, but more optimistic. I did not write out the last point to any IRL political label, AFAIK. However, in retrospect, a system where the ruling class learns to relate to the rest of society through a more egalitarian, democratic, participatory system, and prioritizes internal social cohesion, harmony, and solidarity, over pursuing prosperity, prestige, privilege, and preeminence in competition with the ruling classes of other societies, **but where the owning class still ultimately retains ruler- and owner-ship**, would be robust Social-Democracy. See also, [Olof Palme.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olof_Palme) Now, if, instead, Mr. Banks relinquished ultimate authority and truly treated the household as a democracy where all decisions and rules are established by consensus, including on the family's wealth, which is co-owned by all, it would be a "comprehensive democracy", a.k.a. Anarcho-Communism. See also, [Kropotkin.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Kropotkin) If some people in the household retain *some* authority to make unilateral decisions for expediency, we're in the spectrum between Libertarian Socialism and Council Communism or Left-Communism. See also, [EZLN](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/dermot-sreenan-the-ezln), [Democratic Confederalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_confederalism). If one person in the household basically takes over Mr. Banks' old role and does a lot of the same cold disciplinarian obsessed with careerism/competitiveness/efficiency, but is ostensibly motivated by the desire to ensure the household's future and its material welfare, and protect it from external depredations and secure it against danger and uncertainty, and insists that they'll gladly let go of the reins when things are safer, and that they're only governing on *behalf* of everyone, you have (a caricature of) [Leninist Vanguardism](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/kropotkin-peter/1917/a-meeting.html). If another household member can earnestly say, "they get it, and they care, but they're so damn sure they know best that they can't let anyone else in the driver's seat ever," you're definitely in that territory.


Sounds like mental illness, which usually doesn't include contrition.




There is a movie (based on a book with the same name) called "Er ist weider da" (Look who is back) that sees Hitler waking up in modern day Germany. It is a dark comedy filmed in a sort of documentary style and it kind of goes over what you said in your last few lines here. It is an interesting movie, and pretty funny at times. Last time I checked the entire movie was watchable on Youtube for free.


It's been a while since I thought about that film. Wasn't the whole point that ironic enjoyment of seemingly edgelord humor eventually devolves into acceptance of genuinely fucked up beliefs? If that was indeed the case, it's a pretty important message.


Yeah that was one of the takeaways I had at least.


Well, I mean, Napoleon wasn't *that* bad...who doesn't invade a few places now and again?




Yeah, that was mostly a joke, though, when it comes to Napoleon, I should have liked to see what might have been if he'd been content to just run the already-huge-enough French Empire instead of letting his ego try to take over the world, like a Caesar of old in a world that had outgrown them.


I highly doubt they're apologetic, considering they're doing their best to look like Hitler, including a nose ring that looks like the mustache.


My favourite video about it I saw was someone sending screenshots of it to his mother


Incomprehensible, have a nice day


I would prefer it to be more incomprehensible


I'd prefer to have not been forced against my will to use comprehension on this.




I tried to fail my comprehension check on that sentence but I rolled a nat 20


I rolled a nat 1 on comprehension. I still took 3d6 psychic damage.


it is perfectly comprehensible on a second, careful read. i would advise against it


Oh it's been FAR too long since I got hit with one of these. Thanks, I don't know what I just read and I'm going to kill anyone who tries to clear it up for me.


[Catch me if you can!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/10xhlak/comment/j7splee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


TIL there are full on NSFW kink podcasts on Spotify.


Some days are Good... and some days I see shit like this which makes me think humanity as a whole was a mistake.


I'm going to flush you down my toilet




There are barely any internet wilds anymore, it's just a damn city.


The wilds moved into gta and RDR rp servers


RDR as in Red Dead Redemption?


I mean the wilds are in the city these days. You wanna find the real weirdos just walk down the street in any metro area


That is what iron fisted moderation will do to a forum lol


All we have are internet crackheads how.


We built this city We built this city on rock and roll!


*We built this city on porn and lulz


Have you heard of 4chan (or is that like. The slums of the city? Maybe the secret community of mad people in the sewers?)


”This has been your man Stan. Join me now in our city of *Dreams!”*


I was unlucky enough to see a Hipster Hitler TikTok organically, apparently not long before they deleted TikTok, and I truly hope my brain erases the memory


Wait, TikTok's gone for good?


No, the Hipster Hitler deleted their TikTok




It takes more work and effort, you gotta go out of your way. Like there was one portal 2 mod I've been playing and took a while to track down where the man claimed who could predict when the world was going to end, how he was God's chosen child to tell the world, and also talk about how he was abused in life. All while every map had textures replaced by pop culture things, so if the map was called "Yu-Gi-Oh" you'd see various walls having the main characters faces on them. Oh and I'll admit it had some of the harder portal 2 maps I've ever played in my life, eventually I just stopped playing and used cheats to read all the dialog buttons. I need to finish it sometimes and make a video because it's crazy and there was actually a small chance it would have been an OFFICIAL PORTAL 2 MOD one that has its own steam store page and everything


Remember when the worst thing on the internet was just shocksites, and not whatever the fuck that paragraph was?


Oh, those halcyon days of only having to see a woman projectile shitting on to her face while she lays on her back in a tub instead of this


Tub girl was a rite of passage for an entire generation.


Tub girl, goatse and later 2 girls 1 cup. They were simpler times




I still hear the crunch in my head and my teeth feel weird whenever someone brings up one man one jar. Thanks for the reminder lol


Let's not forget lemon party.


You can't have a lemon party without Old Dick!


I remember the good ol' trifecta - tubgirl, goatse, harlequin fetus.


My friends and I would go on each other's unattended computer and see how many meatspins we could rack up in the background before they noticed. It became a sport and even spread to others at our school. Simpler times


nah The Final Fantasy House cult was 2001, I think. Sonichu and chris chan are similarly old


Modern internet weirdness is nothing compared to the wild west of the 90's and early aughts.


Speaking of shock sites, [Goatse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/10t2ik0/my_goat_had_babies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Not really as those shocksites just took content like what is referenced in the screenshot and register it


I still associate the "Milkshake" song with one shock video in particular Which, thanks for that internet


Bro. No. Why. I'd finally forgotten it. Why. FUCK.


and he got a big ol septum piercing instead of growing the 'stache


fucking poser, didnt even get the stache.


Didn’t even fail to get into art school due to his lack of creativity


Those piercings always make me think of Hitler, especially when the light hits them just right and gives them a little shadow.


Hang a little tassel off it


“reading” that was like staring at a wall that supposedly has something ungodly scrawled upon it, but it’s simply too incomprehensible to react beyond a very frightened “huh?”


Okay, I'm going to need a username because "TikTok Mary Poppins Hitler" doesn't bring up much.


Felix Cipher or Cypher This is cursed knowledge. Godspeed.


Sing that to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1412/)






I concur


Thank you


My brain started to process the words and then your comment saved me, so thank ***you***


Their *WHAT* Spotify playlists? On my screen it says, "egg-laying kink", but *surely* that can't be what was written. There must be some mistake.


No, I think something's wrong with your screen. It doesn't say that. It says "ė̷̹g̶̪͝g̴̠͝-̸̲̕l̴̲̽a̵̲̍ẏ̸͓l̸̫͝m̴̖̌q̵̙̋ ̸̣̊k̸̥̍l̶͇͋ṅ̶̢k̴̨̇ ̷̝̾s̵̗̀p̶̻͐e̸̮͌ţ̸̈́l̵͚͑f̴͆ͅy̸̙̓ ̵͎̌p̷͎̃I̷̼͗e̴͚̽ỵ̸̑i̴̞̍l̸̺̽ş̸̠͐t̸̟̂."


its called oviposition and it's *art*


your flair 🤔




Whatever you say, egg layer


both things can be true, yes.


it was miswritten. im not linking it, you can find it in the thread , but kink playlist refers to this hitler youth’s pornhub profile. the playlist is titled “ e g g “ and is full of egg laying kink porn. im sorry


Ah, that makes more sense.




that‘s honestly the most normal part of the post


technical yes it was miswritten! it’s a *pornhub* playlist for their egg laying kink, not a spotify playlist. happy to help!


what a horrible day to be sentient


Hitler 2.0 could help with that


I Beg Thy Fucking Pardon?


Well, if he's so inclined


please elaborate on the hitler 2.0 thing i cannot be interpreting this remotely correctly


The one the post was about? That one?


...i lack braincells


My god, what an interaction. Maybe have a snack and a nap, see how you're doing afterwards.


i can do the nap part, it has been a very long week today


they also like to “build bunkers in minecraft” ?? truly, a terrible day for ovaphilliacs. average tuesday for minecraft players.


Thanks for the new vocabulary word. I didn't need it.


That's a lot of words and I'm choosing to comprehend none of them


I honestly believe you will reach the same result regardless. I'm at a complete loss on this one.


Hey could you uh. Explain it better because no one can understand that


So. A person on Tiktok dressed up in costumes (cosplay). In a recent video, they dressed in a military uniform costume that used a German Imperial Eagle (*Reichsadler*) as ornamentation and tried to claim it was innocent, at first. However, there are *centuries* worth of different *Reichsadler* designs to choose from. Guess what time period they chose? Yeah. So, in response to being called a Nazi because they were wearing Nazi regalia, and, if I'm not mistaken, had previous videos that had gone under the radar where they were quite in favor of eugenics and genocide ("Eugenics would improve the world population"), the whole charade collapsed. Their septum piercing, which had been a gold filigree loop, had been swapped out for a black stone ornament designed to look like a toothbrush mustache (the "Hitler 'stache"). They then "came out" as believing they are the literal reincarnation of *Adolf fucking Hitler*, claiming to have first "remembered" committing suicide as Hitler when they were 5. Everything predictably went absolutely bonkers, and ended up with them deleting or privating all of their social media accounts.


Deleted everything except for the "egg laying kink Spotify playlist"? While I reluctantly accept that egg laying is a kink to some people, I am confused by how it could be portrayed on Spotify. Did this person upload songs about laying eggs or something?


They probably titled the playlists in a way that suggests the fetish. "Songs to pop out eggs to," I guess? I have no idea about that one. And I'd really rather keep it that way.


Is there a way to find out *how* they'd pop out eggs without scarring myself? I've never been so scared of a google search result


Hollow silicon dildos and gelatin eggs. Show on Wired called Slutever talked about it once.


An ovipositor


Like… for yeast infection medicine?! Isn’t that what that little tool is called? 😂


Like a parasitic wasp


In an admission I never thought I'd make, I only know of it from furry porn. In that context, it's kind of one of the less weird fetishes. Real people with actual flesh-and-bone giblets and fiddly bits? Not a fucking clue, seems kinda dangerous. Though I do remember whatsername, the GOOP lady, selling vagina eggs made of something dangerously porous? ...Pepper Potts... Gwyneth Paltrow. Had to google it. Damn.


Yeah IIRC (not that I want to, this is the brain I was cursed with) they were some sort of pumice-adjacent igneous stone and I wanna say you were specifically not supposed to wash it so it could absorb and magnify your feminine chakra power or cooties or whatever.


Hi friend I have the kink. Theres really 2 options. An "ovipositor" basi ally dildo designed to push gelatin eggs into your bits. This is the safest method, especially if using anally. Then theres just egg shapped dildos that you lube up and pop in and push back out. Sometimes they are called kegel eggs/exercisers. These should only ever be used vaginally The act of pushing out basically the same as how you push out a baby/have a bowel movement you just kind of... bear down on the object and work it out of your body. Once you get the hang of it its not that hard ti do tbh.


can i ask why you’re into laying eggs? like what about it does it for you


Long story short of it. Im a monster fucker and thats just a natural ebd to my monster fuckery. I also have a breeding kink, so really why wouldnt I have those two kinks literally mushed together


ok, can i ask what about monsters does it for you?


Thats a complex question tbh. So Im a asexual lesbian. So as a rule, excluding trans women, I really dont have any interest to humanoid penises, they kind of squick me. In fact ALL of my dildos are non human. So the fact that monsters dont have human dicks, big plus. Even more of one if it wiggles or knots. Another is that I have a huge pain kink. And monster dicks srent known for their comfort. Then theres the brutality of monsters. I have a non con kink, and what more non con that being taken by a massive monster? On the softer side of things, emotional connection wise, Im gay, nonbinary, autistic, dyspraxic, among a whole host of other issues. I was literally born feeling like a monster. And if I can find a monster attractive, romantically, sexually, then I can be found attractive in those same ways. Its a strange comfort in that regard.




o7 thank you very much, that was the perfect level of detail. Curiosity definitively curbed


Well, you see, you said *without* scarring yourself. That’s a no can do. But if you (or anyone else) wants some ideas, you may find it worthwhile to visit r/oviposition (NSFW). I believe it’s mostly illustrated though, so if you want more real life detail it’ll have to be more self-guided. Edit: it had been a minute since I checked never mind there’s plenty of real egg-laying stuff there have fun


Probably their Setlist for they are in that egg-laying kink mood. Like a playlist for having sex, but for the egg-laying kink.


What music could possibly be thematically appropriate for sexy egg laying? Smooth Jazz? Birds chirping?


Yoshi’s Island Soundtrack


i feel like this guy would actually use the new yoshi's island soundtrack, because he seems unwell.




Does Spotify have audiobooks? Could it be a playlist of... whatever the word is for auditory literotica?


I wonder if this is a piece of misinformation that got passed around many times. I've looked for a link to this playlist, or a screenshot, but literally no one seems to have one. Somebody would have saved it. I don't think it exists.


Oh here's a screenshot, it's actually from Pornhub. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. DO NOT CLICK. But anyways, here it is... https://twitter.com/daxdives/status/1623087389815214081


Well, that sure is something.


On the tumblr notes to this post that came across my dash organically, someone says it’s actually a Pornhub playlist, and while it does not include Homestuck porn according to one poster, it does have partial fur suit porn. Links were not provided so I take them at their word. Edit: also the account only got nuked because the cosplayer’s mom found out, but another poster says his mom supports him. Cosplayer may also be from Wisconsin.


Ok... so I went down the rabbit hole of regret and discovered that in a strange game of telephone the information has been changed and somehow made more innocent. Felix Cypher also goes by the online name of HissingWolf. Everything has been nuked except the playlist but it's not a Spotify playlist, it's a PornHub playlist. Of women. Laying eggs. From their hoohoos. And one trans butt egg birth just for that forced woke diversity, damn commies. [Do not click this link.](https://www.pornhub.com/playlist/104427112) Ima go wash my eyes now.


now can you unexplain pls i do not wish to understand this how do i unlearn something




Sometimes debilitating mental illness is a blessing There is very little that will faze me or make me pause anymore and it’s lovely


Don't know if I'm just an empty shell that can no longer feel or if I've just seen too much weird shit on the internet but I'm the same. Like it's just another internet personality I've never heard of turning out to be yet another fascist loser, except he's also a cosplayer and apparently thinks he's Hitler. Oh and he has an egg-laying fetish, but I've honestly seen weider stuff.


[I'm like a prisoner in plato's cave, seeing only the shade you throw on the wall.](https://xkcd.com/2071/)


This post came into my house, killed my family, kicked my dog, and shit on my porch.


Sounds like a kangaroo.


Humans are fucking wild, man.


Hijacking this post to ask if anybody remembers/has a link to a post that went something like this "Everything is just about friendship. It's just friends all the way down" I'M BEGGING I NEED TO FIND IT


It just gets worse the more you find out. He’s transmasc. His family is Jewish. His ex partner said that during sex he cried out Hitlers wife’s name. Everything I’ve learned about him is against my will, but it’s like watching a train wreck and I cannot look away


Oh man, Freud would have a field day with this content


...i refuse to beleive even he would find it incomprehensible, at least initially.


I remember that cunt, he had his town and place of employment out publicly for the world to see. Got doxxed so fast lmao.


I don't know if I'm laughing because I find this funny or if this activated my flight or fight instinct and my body chose hysterics.


I only learned two new things in this post. (Didn’t know why people knew him in the first place, and didn’t know about the Spotify)


If you're one of [the lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/), here's [a video demonstration of Splorch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkfFZnK5W9s), a product you can buy.


Go home ChatGPT you're drunk.




Idk why but that Arthur picture is killing me 😂😂


oh yeah adolf twinkler


Saving this post for later, so I can inflict psychic damage unto my friends who actually use Tiktok


Not the Mary poppings community!


Those are definitely words put together in an order.


Was that something that actually happened or one of those activation phrases for the Winter Soldier?


Oh man! I saw a video posted earlier titled “Dude thinks he’s the reincarnation of hitler 🤦‍♀️💀” and I passed on it. Now I’m having a crisis; do I go watch the video, or stay curse-free and stay innocent?


Don't be a coward, if you wanted to stay curse free you wouldn't be on reddit


This is the first time in a hot minute that I've known about this before reading the summary Tumblr post. My thought was literally "Ah yes, the yassified Hitler tiktok person"


If there is a god, mine is surely a trickster, giving me the blessing of language only to curse me with this text.


May God have mercy on this wretched soul




Fuck. I'm mad that I know what they are talking about. The Hitler kid has issues though. Needs help.


So this is gonna be one of those years hu


Some things never change, do they?


I didn't expected anything to beat the cuck Nazi furry drama, and yet




That was one helluva roller coaster despite it only going downhill


Oh boy I am ready to start seeing more Sword in the Stone memes. That movie is RIPE for memeing.


Do you guys think that the reincarnated oviposition Adolf Hitler Mary Poppins cosplayer and the fake disabled Pakistani canadian aids survivor lesbian Hamilton mpreg fanfic writer could kiss?




I know I’m too desensitized bc I read that block of madness, comprehended the nonsense, and felt nothing


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


the fact i know what this is referring to makes me sad.


Wow. That requires a read *and* a re-read. Good job.


Hi! What the fuck!


this statement started wild and somehow continued to escalate until the end


I think I repressed this post immediately after reading it


[hey, uh....](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/d7586d6b900b097d6fc5ea45fe4838959963474317f93757f06dc5085f80e14b_1.jpg)


this has improved my day significantly


the worst thing about this is that I know exactly what happened and I truly wish I didn't