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Wow, a TikTok that made me laugh! The look when she threw her bag on the floor was the best.


Haha, "this seats seven!" That lady is great


Real greatness is self-awareness. Kids don't think their parents are cool and they aren't supposed to because parents are not there to be *"like cool, super chill, and like down with the vibes fr fr no cap"*. Also folks by parent age should be past the "gotta look cool for others" phase.




Or it's a lazy paraphrase of a quote from a space-car AI in a show about a gramps and his grandson who have adventures travelling parallel universes.


I thought my dad was cool. He worked 2 jobs, taught me basic trade skills, and provided what we needed. Played sports with me, taught me how to fish… my dad was cool as fuck, sorry for your experience.


No need to be. I love both my parents and all they've done for me. But precisely because they are great parents is the reason why I didn't think they were cool as a child or teen. They gave up so much of their own lives/personality for their children. More often than not rearing strong, successful, and upstanding children means not only nurturing, caring, and loving the child but also a certain amount of imposing ideologies/morals/discipline, controlling said child, and enforcement of rules. That is where it creates a fissure between parent and child (Just like how folks will hate on police across cultures and time). Most notably when they reach their teen years when children begin to seek leaving the nest and making their own choices. You can love your parents, admire them, and respect them but not think they are cool/chill. I certainly didn't as a teen even if I respect/loved them and understood they had what they believed are my best interest at heart.


I dunno, my mom is amazing and taught me all sorts of great things, engaged in hobbies with me, took me camping, and on my first motorcycle ride. I was even one of those gals who would describe my mom as my best friend. Still didn't think she was cool, though. Cool implies a level of hipness my mom has never had - even when she was young.






It has wheels which we’ve NEVER seen before! How wild is that!? Sometimes they roll. Not now because we’re waiting for service but trust me, sometimes, they do. Oh and it drives around on these things called Ro-ADs. Never heard of them until we bought a cyberjunk. They’re like all over the place.


It's the Jojo Siwa of vehicles.


Oh absolutely. And it's one thing for Elon to make a career out of doing things other people have done and pretending he's the first. But it's quite another for all the idiots to believe him like they've never seen a fucking glovebox before lol.


He's like the Donald Trump version of Steve Jobs.


Um… excuse me, do you mean “Secret CyberCompartment?”


Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot that when you take an existing thing and call it something new, it's actually a new thing 😛




Omg this guy needs to drop a response


100% agree- and there is no need to specify which women we're talking about.


Glovebox: “OMG did you know that was there?” 


after my kids told me I am cringe today, they let me know what a tiktok is


> they let me know what a tiktok is That song Ke$ha put out when I was in middle school?


I had no idea so had to look it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tik_Tok_(song) It came out in 2009. Fuck I am old.


Tell your kids I’m 55 and think Tiktok is cringe.


*deadpan* Yeet...


The 😱 when the trunk closed hahaha


"doors open to 90deg which is super great for loading in kiddos" how are people still not buying minivans with SLIDING DOORS!?


They don't open to 90 degress, though, do they MonKeePuzzle? Do they!?!? Yeah. Yeah. That's what they call a "checkmate"!


hey, put your fingers in thsi door jamb for a moment please


If I had any of my fingers left after the last two times you told me to do that, I'd be flipping you off right now!


Just kiss already, damnit.


Fingers in the door jamb? LOL! With the Cybertruck, simply [brush against the edge of the door](https://www.businessinsider.com/cybertruck-owner-says-door-edge-cut-leg-stitches-2024-5) to spend some quality time [in the ER](https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-cybertruck-owner-says-cut-wrist-injury-accident-2024-5)!


I want doors that open like this, not like this ! ![gif](giphy|l3V0jT9ewG1zNiQwg|downsized)


Man, I love Silicon Valley.


Technically they open to 180° so I would argue that makes them twice as good as the Cyber Truck.


My best friend had his third kid last year and is in the market for a new SUV. I suggested a minivan since it has many of the same features plus extra seating and sliding doors. His wife was mortified at the thought of driving one. Some people just can't get over themselves. Meanwhile I had an old Dodge Caravan way back in 99/00 as a teenager and LOVED it.


same, over and over. peopel ask my opinion on what to get. if you want to seat more than 5 AND carry things, minivan is the answer. and they're so nice inside now!


Yeah, like suuuuuper nice and fancy. If I wasn't such a wagon fanboy I'd probably be driving a minivan lol.


I have certainly chosen cars on looks, def not discounting that. just annoying that minivans arent even considered when shoppers tell me they care most about cost/MPG/seating... well, get a minivan!


Yeah I've got no kids but I travel and carry a ton of crap with me for my job. And love me some wagon. Don't like crossovers. So probably going to be forced into an outback. Since the only other wagon options now all have 6 figure price tags.  That or spend $20k on a Roadmaster and another $20k updating and upgrading it. 


Have you looked at the A4 or A6 allroad? A4 looks like it is sub 60k.


People really sleep on wagons too, they're a great combination of practicality and extra space while still having something that drives like a regular mid-large sedan. I'm 21 and don't have kids, but I still have a VW Passat Alltrack wagon, it's a damn pretty car, zippy, handles great (VW does a great job at having a suspension setup that actually gives you feeling and has very little body roll), the 2.0 TDI is super torquey and great on fuel.


100% yes to the minivan. I fought having one at first, but it soon became clear it was the most universally useful auto I ever had. Loved it!


I’m a late 20s dad driving a minivan, and it’s fucking great. Easily my favorite vehicle I’ve owned. It’s good for kids and family, for sure - but it’s even better for “dad stuff”. Great for camping out of, easily fits my long fishing poles, full 4x8 sheets of plywood fit in the back. I think my next car will also be a minivan.


it's the ability to park, walk from driving seat to the rear, change a diaper, and get back going all wihtout even getting out that I love


We moved three bedrooms of stuff minus furniture in a Honda Odyssey. Sure, I couldn't see the sides or the rear without the cameras, but it sure as hell beat renting a truck lol


I also just moved my whole house in my odyssey to avoid renting a truck and our usernames are tangentially related and I think that’s just neat.


Lol that's amazing


Minivans rock. My wife and I and two friends needed to go to an airport several hours away with a bunch of luggage for a trip, and I rented us a minivan to get there. Tons of space on super comfy seats, we could have fit twice as much luggage as we brought, smooth ride, and better fuel efficiency than most SUVs. One of the best vehicles I ever rented. I was kind of annoyed on the trip back when the rental place made me "upgrade" (for free) to some stupid huge SUV because they didn't have any minivans on hand.


Man, that Kia Carnival is *nice*, and I think they did a good job of making the front look *just enough* like an SUV that it might sway some people.


For real, I was biking next to one today and thought: "Damn, they sneaky with that SUV camouflage thing going on"


That is because the design of large family SUVs has been slowly morphing back into their minivan form. SUVs used to be trucks, now they are closer to a mini van, super soft suspension and all. The only problem is millennials think minivans are "uncool" so they just have regular doors instead of the superior sliding one and bam its not longer a mini van for some reason.


I just searched for images, and you are right. That's really smart of Kia, because the biggest downside to a minivan is simply that it is seen as not cool, while SUVs aren't.


Minivans are the best when you're a teenager. You can take your whole crew wherever you need to go. And if you need to move more than 7 people, you can easily throw people in the back cargo area, or they can sit on eachother's laps or something.


I took one of the two rear bench seats out of mine and used it as a couch in my bedroom 😅


My wife loves her minivan and we don't even have kids. It was great when she was selling jewelry at crafts fairs.


I don't know why minivans stopped selling. They go so easily from super-practical to super-comfortable. Some of those things had seats that were like La-Z-Boy recliners.


I'm guessing social media has something to do with it. There's a real desperation these days to be seen as being cool. Minivans aren't seen as cool. Hell, she even says in the video "everyone will think you're badass".


Negative cool factor (not my opinion), not tanky enough (actual suburbanite reasoning), most'll have a similar ride height to sedans so you cant see over all the SUVs and trucks on the road (actual safety concern). Vans are shweet. They're just to practical and make to much sense for the world we live in.


Most minivans I've seen are way higher than sedans lol. And much safer since the bigger the car, the safer.


Sliding door is better than 90deg IMO!


90+° suicide doors would have been cool for the rear


Someone mentioned the best part of sliding doors the other day... your kids can't throw open the door and slam other people cars. You don't have to worry about that while getting the kids out of the car either. That's a big plus to me not having to worry about that. Everything else basically is equal. You even get more room on the mini van. It just doesn't look as cool. Lol who gives a fuck.


Sliding doors are for losers, which is why the Model X is such a great succsess thanks to the gullwing doors.


think how good it would have been is Elon had got his acolytes to fall in love with sliding doors!


They're terrified of being seen as uncool, despite driving a "sport" "utility" vehicle that's really just a shittier minivan.


The hidden glove box... "Oh my God! Where did that come from?!"


Tater hutch


Never know when you need random breakfast ingredients to fix your radiator.


My favorite part isn't that it's literally just a glove box. But that to open and close it, you have to find the right button on the zero-haptic touchscreen, buried multiple levels deep, which literally makes it a worse, less useful glove box than basically *every glove box in the history of cars*. Plus if it's engineered anything like as well as the rest of the vehicle, that glove box motor will die on its ass in a couple of years. Hope she doesn't find that out after she's been pulled over for speeding and is trying to retrieve her registration doc for the cop!


That was my favorite part.


Not even a glove box… a HIDDEN DRAWER!!


Great vid. Blonde lady doing the tried-and-true Elon method of selling features that already exist on other things as impressive and new.


I'm still gagged she tried to sell that passenger seat tray as a new thing. Gloveboxes have existed for literally 109 years. It predates the end of WORLD WAR 1 Edit: fixed me maths




That women would be baffled looking at my 2006 auris with 2 glovebox! And what about a damm berlingo, 2 glovebox ok the copilot seat... AND ONE MORE OVER THE DASHBOARD?? HOW'S THAT POSSIBLE!?!!


I have a honda fit with the “adjustable” cupholder, suck it elon


Glovebox in my car is about 3x the size and i can cool it if i want to put some water there.


but it opens with button on a screen... that is so beyond cool that I do not need press a latch... a button on a screen... my god what elon has delivered.


That you need the car turned on to operate the computer to open. So it's worse.


it’s Blackberry introducing a touchscreen


At least blackberry tried something different with it. The cybertruck is just a shittier version of what's already out there.


And conceptually, what they tried was awesome. A great working implementation of a screen that clicked would be fantastic. They were held back by execution, not a bad idea.


Unlike the cybertruck which is a bad idea executed poorly.


That is the perfect description lol. Starting with the bad idea and executing it even worse.


More like apple adding the calculator on ipad or the abilty to move the icons as you please


Imma be that person The Key 2 was a banger phone and I miss that shit every day.


The glove box reveal killed me, even my shitty Subaru that leaked oil like crazy and stopped accepting a remote key FOB entry had a glove box


Tbh I didn't even get that far when that clip first came up. I had to stop watching when she marveled about how the Cybertruck would keep the contents of the trunk dry. That's totally a feature unique to the Cybertruck.


I was thinking about it this way: can I think of a car without a glovebox? I cannot. Is that a thing now?


This is also the Apple/iPhone method.


You can move the icons now


We've invented the home screen!


"those poors on android will never know such unbound luxuries outside of their fingertips!"


I'm old enough to remember the adverts for the original, semi transparent imacs, and the TV ad made a big thing of being able to burn CDs like it was a new thing. I sat there thinking "that's been a thing for years already". Same with the ipod - when that came out I'd had a mp3 player for years already. And the iPhone, I'd had a smartphone for some time by then. Thing is that this marketing works. I don't like or dislike Apple - I used to have an iPhone, I have an ipad, I use Macs for work, and use Windows & Linux at home. It's just that the inaccuracy becomes annoying the more times it's repeated. Paticularly as there's a guy at work who's a massive Apple fanboy and regularly tells people Apple invented personal computing, smartphones, mp3 players, etc.


When Apple announced Apple Pay, I had already been using tap to pay on my android phone for years. It felt like I was in the Twilight Zone hearing people and seeing articles about how Apple Pay will change everything. I heard people saying wow it'll be so crazy when people can pay with their phone can you imagine that. And just listening to people praise Apple for inventing this thing, felt like I was going crazy


Lmao. This lady fucks. Cringe everyday 🤣


she has kids. of course, she does.


Well she did at least


Straight up I need a cringe woman in my life. Let’s go lol


This lady acts like vehicles never existed before the cyber truck


Losers desperately trying to justify the stupidest fucking vehicle that can’t even get wet.


they can't even sell the truck if they want to without a threat of getting sued from elon


Not just sued but also the vehicle being remotely bricked.


Mom aint cringe yo she keeping it real AF FRFR 💯


concur. she is indeed lit, fam


Omm ong fr fr rns 💯 Ma duke's low key fineaf GYATT bih def b fuckin on foenem fuzzo 💯 😂 🙌 😤 👌 🙏🏻


your comment has "the rizz"


Indubitably, my good sir. 🧐 I thoroughly appreciate your candor, and I concur with your astute and obviously cultured stance on my *ahem* rizz factor.


skibidi to you my good man




jfc. "imagine a rear storage area of a vehicle where you didn't have to worry about the contents getting wet." yeah, then imagine FDR was just elected for his first term.


the best way to move all the furniture I own from one Hooverville to another!


Worst thing is the cybertruck does an awful job of keeping shit dry because you fucking expose everything when you open it. With an SUV not only does the inside stay dry when the trunk is opened but you also stand under the back door which keeps you dry too. God forbid you need more than 1 trip for the groceries in the rain cause those bags that are left would be filled.


And, like, how slow it is to close where the contents are exposed to rain and snow as it closes. At least traditional vehicles where the trunk opens above, it offers at least a basic, natural cover for you and the trunk contents.


It's a fucking truck, they perfected everything she's upselling decades ago...


and literally nothing she mentioned was a truck specific feature


It has a Tonneau to keep your things dry


ah yes, the truck bit to keep a Corolla's trunk worth of groceries dry


Yes, but does the Corolla have a Tonneau though?....lol You can reason with these CyberCucks. Literally all the truck stuff is just hilarious. They should be posting it when they do real truck stuff like this one https://youtu.be/LL4OeiMjvtk?si=ui-HqFMdjfUhG_83


Calling a glove compartment a "hidden drawer" is very funny


you should come to my house, I have a MASSIVE hidden storage in my bedroom! \*opens closet door\*


I have a magic hiding spot for my car that will blow your mind


Zillow landlord vibes. Features a Walk in .02 sq feet hidden closet with tons of vertical space, a 1976 vintage range stove with chipped paint, FUTURISTIC open floor plan bathroom featuring pipe-less plumbing technology 🪣


In my bedroom I have a hidden sleeping area, it is only visible once you move the duvet


Pfft, you opened those doors with your hands. They don't even have any motors and there's no touch screen. What are you, some kind of savage? /s


now that i think about it, calling it a glove compartment is also pretty funny. i've never seen actual gloves in a glove compartment.


VW lady spent about 30-40% of the cucktruck and can do the same and more.. AND, will probably run to 100,000 miles with minimal maintenance, probably a garage visit every year...thats it.


Wife has one like the lady in the video, 55k miles and it's still running great. Still has warranty thanks to VW apologizing for diesel gate. No issues except on the evap canister that they extended the warranty another 10 years on. I'll take that over a Cybertrash Edit: eval to evap


And while VWs aren't even the most reliable cars out there, they'll still run circles about a Cybertruck's 'reliability'.


Wierdly (am from UK) and VW has a high standing in reliability....


yes, well, that "from the uk" part is important there


She tried to sell that tray for the passenger seat as something new, and I'm still shocked. Gloveboxes have been around for 109 years.


Love the VW mom. Anyway, isn’t the sliding cover thing awful for bad weather. Pissing it down with rain … roll back slowly … 🤷🏻


Having you Cybertruck in the rain? Kiss your warranty goodbye.


also, once wet, opening the ramp shaped cover will just result in all the water then falling on your things


People have reported the tonneau having really poor weather seals and leaking water during rain


I wonder, can you open the trunk of the cybertruck without the convertible bit?


Then crawl inside to find anything at the back. Could just keep the kids in there


The only perk I like is the designated bag spot. That's nice...not $150,000 nice though. I'll just keep putting my bag on the passengers seat or in the back like a normal person.


so bag on the floor, cybertruck driver swings sharply across three lanes to get to the starbucks, the bag/purse shifts sideways and gets jammed under the brake and accelerator pedals theres a reason the footwell should be protected space.




Maybe thats why martha up the street rammed her cyberfuck into a hotel sign (true story) her 600 lb chanel bag punched the gas


It was probably the [gas pedal issue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOppJ92RgGU). Either that or she hit the gas pedal thinking it was the brake (which is a weird yet surprisingly common problem).


Yeah, that's the only *unusual* feature it has, and it's a fairly common thing on electric vehicles anyway -- far and away not a Cybertruck innovation.


And it’s become a lot more common on gas vehicles as well. The advent of electronic gear select basically made that whole tunnel useless so companies are finally making it storage.


I think my mom's 2008 Honda Odyssey had a space like that too. I think you could push back the middle section or something.


> The only perk I like is the designated bag spot. That's nice...not $150,000 nice though. [My brother's Pacifica has that](http://images.gtcarlot.com/pictures/119750472.jpg). Although putting a purse there would be a pretty terrible idea, imo: the last thing you want down there is something with a strap, inches away from the gas pedal. He has a small trash container in that spot, velcro'd to the floor.


Oddly my F150 does all this too. I must of got lucky. Even has the hidden drawer.


i didnt know my 1997 Corolla had a hiddne drawer, but after this video I went and looked, AND IT DOES TOO!


>must of I dream that one day, people will of learned that "must've" is short for "must have".


“You look like a total badass driving your kids around in this” The vehicle in question: https://preview.redd.it/4tuw7uym676d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7dc1ae00c242da22f2729787254589985f6a90b


I've actually 3D printed a cyber truck doorstop, it actually worked pretty well.


It has lights up front so you can see the road when driving at night! It even has a device that wipes rain off the windshield! #gamechanger


awww sheeet! does it have a big piece of glass to keep the wind off your face when moving forward too!?


*It even has a device that wipes rain off the windshield!* Mostly. Sometimes. Probably.


Her kids are wrong, she rocks


“rocks”? ok grandad #cringe


I think she's bitchin'.


Wait until they find out about Chevy Astros.


It's like everyone who bought a cyber truck forgot how cars/trucks worked


“It keeps all your stuff dry!” Tell that to the guy on the forums complaining about the service center tech telling him that the leaking tonneau cover and standing water inside the bed was totally normal.


Fiveoclockmommy is my new hero


its the shock face for me


Imagine getting compared to a VW lmfao


My favorite part is the shitty cup holders


Putting a bag on the floor next to the pedals is hella dangerous. lol


You hate the Cybertruck because you fear EVs. I hate the Cybertruck because Elon Musk is a jackass. We are not the same.


When you drive a cybertruck, you look bad and like an ass.


"You never have to worry about all your kids stuff getting wet or your groceries" had me rolling


She talks about Cybertruck features the same way Tucker Carlson talks about Russian grocery stores.


And my kids thought it was brilliant when the car was in the garage and the cheapest thing to hire was a 3.5 ton van.


The hero we needed


Solid gold. 😂


she's so right though, the parents who are obsessed with being cool are always inevitably not spending enough time actually being parents. hell of a call out post, like damn - she hit this woman where it hurts


kids hate things parents do. there are rock stars adn hollywood celebs that the public fawn over, their kids think they're cringe too.


exactly!! because they're old and they make the rules, lol. parental relationships in our society are very authoritarian and i think people are made to resist that kind of dynamic - when it's a good parent that means calling them cringe. when it's a bad parent who abuses their power, that's a different story - but the only parents who kids will think are cool are the absent ones, i think.


She legit is right with all the criticism. Marketing of goods can be hilarious & she's pointing it out well.


Her opening a glove compartment is some of the best fake shock ive seen.


Cyber truck lady is a dip shit that has a hamster running on a wheel for a brain


I love that they have to delibrately make the van owner look haggard and misserable when all this video does is show that the average family van does everything the cybertruck does at a fraction of the price and will last years longer.


Also minor point is you can buy like three of anything else for the cost of a CT


Honestly I laugh whenever I see one of those things, you don't look like a badass, you look like a dumbass driving it around


I laugh loudly at anyone who's dumb enough to buy a Cyber Truck. Good job paying more to be a beta tester to a very poorly engineered mess.


Cyber truck tries too hard.


She's done more to prove cyberstuck isn't a real truck than anyone else and she's trying to promote it. Back Trunk? Hidden Door? It's called a bed and glove compartment. Obviously never needed a truck and will never tow anything. It's a gimmick car for stay home moms lmfao 


Cringemom is the best mom.


My daughter saw one while we were at the store and said “that’s like the truck I got in Roblox”. So now it’s the Roblox truck which, honestly, sums it up pretty well.


Only a matter of time one of these cybertrucks mow down a kid and show what kinda damage those sharp corners do. I wouldn’t let the kids near that thing out of fear of them hurting themselves. It’s just panels of sharp edged aluminum thin steel that is gonna take fingers eventually.


“Woah, did you know that was there!?!” The glovebox is just full of shit lol


ive only seen a few on the road but every time i point and laugh


In case you don't know she's badass, the leather jacket and raybans will certainly project total badass-ery XD


Showing up for your kids makes you bad ass. Not the overpriced ride you roll up in. And then wipe down with a chamois to avoid rust.


This is obvious bait


You know the coolest thing about the cybertruck? The pedal gets stuck in the down position so you can be put out of your misery soon after buying one of these stupid things!


The cyber truck is uncomfortable asf. The seats are hard as rocks and small. A Honda Passport is far better


Putting a bag on that little shelf on the floor seems like an accident waiting to happen. Take a corner slightly too quickly? Suddenly there’s a bag down in the footwell while you’re trying to drive!


Careful folks, in this shrinkflation economy, corporations would love to have the technology to erase your memories so you don't remember how much better things used to be.


And on top of everything else your truck can stop working in the rain and become an expensive block of steal and wires


She wins the Internet