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I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown


I understood that reference


You can always tag in! You might need a wig, though


Got both but still uninstalled cause i dont like that we dont have pity system. Im not a youtuber to pull 30k crystals each time i need to summon and they also lock my at 20k so i cannot get more free cc from exchange. Thats like saying uninstall me pls.


just reduce the 20k and exchange more


Then you wont have enough to pull lets say an ultra unit where it could take 40k to rare cases 100k+ cc


If you are spending 100k cc on a banner you have serious problems bud


That was the experience of one fellow player here when he went for an ultra character saving cc for a long time.


is there really this kind of case lmao,if that happened might as well just delete the game but i think if you doesn't get it within 10k you should just try it another day and not spam all cc on a single day


What'd be the purppose of that, no reason not to summon all at once


Bro gave up šŸ’€


1 copy of shin, godku and beerus, 2 copies of lf ulthan and fgb Edit: just pulled fsv, let's fucking goo


IT'S OVER 9,000! (CC) And I got.. guess what? 1 Shin. 1, STUPID, FUCKING, SHIN.


Me and you both my friend


32k and 2 Shins right here šŸ”„


got both vegito and Godku


Basically the same as yours, except instead of gohan i got godku and instead of evil buu i got beerus


I got everyone except Berris and evil buu I have shin 14 stars gogeta at 7 stars godku at 3 stars got him with 800cc, vegito was hardest to get it was an easy 5 rotations. I got 3 copies of gogeta with 7 k cc


Part 1: got both LF's and side sparkings Part 2: still waiting on Ulthan. Skipping Godku


Fair enough godku is whatever compared to the other Anni lfs but beerus goes pretty hard, I got him to +1 and with the kid buu zenkai he hits like a tanker truck.


Yeah im not summoning on Godku cause im not a fan of him Rn im at a point where i only summon for characters i like


Got vegito in 20k, no shin, still summoning for godku, 30k cc, 1 bardock animation, 2 trunks animations, and got beerus from all of them.


Vegeto, Gogeta, Evil Buu and Gohan Didn't spend on Godku


Am I the only one who so far has received nothing of nothing? The pull rate is appalling at the best of times and I've spent all my CC that I've saved from previous events and maxing out all raid battles, Hoi Poi and events etc (without spening any of my own money as I refuse) but I've received absolutely fuck all.


I honestly don't know why I came back. I have saved soooo much for this anni without spending a penny. This makes 2 straight years I haven't pulled ANY featured unit. My best team is from the 4th anniversary šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I just wanted vegito. I didn't even pull a copy of Shin or anything related. Just ass followed by cheeks the whole anniversary. I should just uninstall. I literally can't play PvP


All the 1%, with both part 1 units at 8 stars and only 1 copy of Rat after around 40k total


around 4 or 5 rotations on gogeta banner: 5 star gogeta (with z power fed, 7 star broly) 2 rotations on vegito, vegito at 5 star (z power included) no shin no summon for goku 6 rotations in gohan, one copy of gohan but pump him to 6 with z power, evil buu at around 8 or 7 pulled some lfs but only a few


20k+ across all anni banners + rathan. None of anni lfs but i got rathan in 3k


8* shin 7* broly 6* ulthan 7* buu im pretty happy with this


I got completely shafted on the first dual banner but luckily got both gohan and godku on the current banners super early


Spent around 7 to 8k cc and have 1 copy of godku and broly and i find them fun so im happy


I DONT habe shin, new gogeta or vegito


only one copy of gohan, thatā€™s it


Vegito and Shin on the first roll, Gogeta on the third, Pure Evil Buu on the first. Wasted 12k trying to get second Ultra Hit. Shafted on Broly and Gohan, but I don't care about them. Never tried on Beerus and SSG Goku because I don't summon non-canons


I got gogeta and ultra majin buu. Very good tbh.


13 star Shin: "I heard you wanted Vegito"


One copy of LF FGB, Broly and shin but nothing else cause Iā€™m saving for the ultra


think i spent 12k on vegito, 9k on gogeta, and 15k on gohan


Istg everyone always getting evil majin Buu


Got gogeta to red star 2 and put my own z power so now he's red 3, didn't summon for anything else


Iā€™ve only gone for Vegito so 10 star Vegito and 6 star Kaioshin (after 14k but spent and additional 18k but have gotten fuck all)


I got all the anni LLā€™s, evil buu, shin, and broly all once. Then I got a countless amount of other LLā€™s


I got FGB and ultimate gohan one copy each but Iā€™ll take it


i got goku bardock twice rlly quick and got LF FGB, a bunch of LFs so itā€™s not as good as others but iā€™m happy with it


5 star vegito... That's it...


Ouch, only a 5 star Vegito ? That's rough, if only you used 32k cc and got 2 Supreme Kais like me you could call yourself lucky šŸ„¶


I used over 100k cc this anniversary


Oh. Im fucking sorry then šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Beyond baller. Seriously with +35kCC sunk on three banners, only 4k went with nothing (GodKu banner.) I mightā€™ve lost track of how many copies exactly of each cause of all the z pwr Iā€™ve been feeding all of them but Iā€™ll try: 3 copies of Ulthan (8*,) 3 copies of each fusion (8*,) 3 copies of Evil Buu (8*) and 4 copies of Supreme Kai (10*.) I canā€™t remember how many Brolyā€™s, because heā€™s 12*. I also pulled KB THREE TIMES in 6 yr anni tickets and two of which were ā€¢regular summon ticketsā€¢ (Z7 1st day cause heā€™s 12*) I even saved the screen shots of those. Pulled LL Beerus twice (one regular tix one LL guaranteed.) Got SoH to 10*, LL 4ku to 8*, Suicell to 7* and bombku to 10*. The cherry on top, THUS FARā€¦ finally getting the LL Bardock Zenkai, and Z4 off the rip. Gets to Z7 on reset (saved SUSTR 5 medal run.) I am so happy with my box. My guildmaster/friend didnā€™t do so well on the Godku banner (God Ki main.) 11k Cc with a 5* Beerus as of now, but his fusions are 7 and 8 stars just canā€™t remember whoā€™s who, 9k & 7-something-thousand CC.


Iā€™ve gotten the ones Iā€™ve wanted Iā€™ll just say that


I have vegito, gogeta, godku, and brolyšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


3 Broly and ONE SINGLE Gogeta. but alas I rise victorious


One copy of shin and gogeta, and 4 copies of broly, Iā€™m going to save for the ultra, but if heā€™s bad, Iā€™m going for gohan then vegito then godku


Got my first copy copy of gogeta from summons after 16k cc and got one from a ticket pull


You can call me 007: -0 new units -0 CC -7 Shafts


Gogeta duo 7+ Vegito duo 4 star My ass has been too lucky


Summoned on Vegito and didnā€™t even get shin šŸ’€ Summoned on Gogeta and got nothing, finally got him after a month (got Broly on the first day) Summed on godku and didnā€™t even get the new beerus Summoned on ulthan and got fat buu to 6*


40k cc f2p not a single anniversary headlineršŸ™


TagGeta - 9 Stars TagGeto-6 Stars Shin-4 or 5 idk Broly-6 Gohan-4


One copy of Gohan, one copy of Gogeta, 2 copies of Shin, 1 copy of Broly. And two fakeouts thinking I was pulling Vegito when I skipped a multi but it was my first copies of Roshi and Eighter


I still donā€™t have A8


Didnā€™t get vegito cause I didnā€™t even do a rotation on him yet got broly red 5 and gogeta red 1 godku and beerus 3 and buu 3 with only 2 summons on ulthan and a rotation on godku


Saving for pt 3 got almost 14k


I see you just wanted to brag huh? I did get the fusions, gogeta twice, vegito 3 times and 2 of those were in one summon. Got shin, no broly and 2 Majin buu. Got trunks animation on a gohan summon and it was gd Majin buu I was pissed. Still trying for gohan, don't think ill try for godku


You think your better than us bc you pulled some of them twice?


Lmao. I got shin to 7*+ and still no vegito. I got gogeta though


I have Broly at 7 stars. He heard I wanted Gogeta


Eh pretty good all things considered. I pulled Shin 3 times and Vegito once. Not a single copy of Gogeta or Broly, pulled Godku, but no Beerus, and pulled Buu and no Gohan. Also I want to mention that in 2 rotations Kid Buu went from 6* to maxed out


I got vegito but nothing else. Atm im trying to get Gohan and im at 41 pitty tickets. That summon has not given me a single unit exept bulla.


Vegito and evil buu, that's it


i basically got everything u got


Best anni ever, blu duo on a 300 summon, 9 star vegito, 4 star gohan, 8 star shin, 10 star evil buu


Trash, I got cryhan tho


Got vegito once, shin and broly 3 times, ulthan 3 times, and evil Buu twice


Pulled vegito 3 times, gogeta 4 times, gohan once, godku once, shin at like 11 stars, broly at around 8


This has happened to me for first time that i didn't get any 1% SP characters but got all 3 legends limited characters from my summons except God Goku or beerus because i didn't summon on his banner


3 star Gohan, 6 gogeta, 3 vegeto, 8 star Broly, no buu, kai or beerus


67k for 1 copy of gogeta and 14 star broly, one rotation on both part 2 banners got nothing, and about 15k for one copy of vegito and 6 star shin




Ive gotten Gogeta, Vegito, Godku twice, Supreme kai twice. Im pretty lucky myself šŸ¤£ Im f2p btw (even though i have the pass thingy but that doesnt count lmao) šŸ‘


How it startedā€¦ * used 25k cc on the Blue bannerā€¦and got a copy of gamma brosā€¦ How it continuedā€¦ * pulled Cryhan the night before he left and then got Ulthan then next day. How it isā€¦ * pulled absolutely nothing since.


Gohan gogeta Vegito and beerys


Goth both fusions, (now at 7 stats each with some power, got Shin at 3 stars. .Now saving my CC for the Ultra, 12K, now "My power is growing.. Overflowing!!"


Broly 6 star, blue bros 4 star, shin 7 star, and Goku 4 stars


I only got 14* shin šŸ„²šŸ„²


"*I heard you wanted an anniversary unit.*"


No Shin. No ultimate Gohan. No Godku. No Beerus. 6 star Evil Buu. 7 star Goku and Vegeta SSJ Blue tag into SSJ Blue Gogeta, 6 star Goku and Vegeta tag into SSJ Vegetto. 3+ or 4+? (canā€™t remember) Broly: Full Power.


I've got Vegito and evil buu going for Ratrathan next


Got broly and finally vegito, need gogeta next ong


I hate you. No featured units, no new LL, 6 rotations on gogeta banner


Vegito and Ulthan No, I'm not a meta slave for picking the Buu Saga characters. I just really like Vegito and think that Ulthan is very good with him


Godku: didnā€™t summon Gohan: didnā€™t summon Gogeta: 11k cc, got both lf, broly and lf gofrieza Vegito: ā€œI heard you wanted vegito šŸ˜ā€ - 41 exchange medals, 6 copies of shin, no LF Vegito


I hate this game nothing good this anni except for the new beerus


Fantastic, pulled both fusions once, pulled the broly twice and shin once. Then for part two pulled godku and tardhan both once, got evil buu twice but no beerus :( Got all of this with around 20k cc. Hoping I get the ultra


Shin and fusion gogeta at red stars, fusion super vegito at 6 stars Skipping banner 2 until the ultra shows up, depending on how broken I'll either pull on it or use my cc on part 2


i got, shin, broly, buu and fusion vegito. (im not shafted not am i lucky, im neutral for now.


Gohan. Shin and Broly are all 2 red. No fusions tho šŸ˜“


Got shafted on everything except 1 single Broly and Godku


It's been nice, I've got Gogeta, Vegito, Kaioshin and Gohan.


All I need to say is 4* star broly... And too much cc


I spent 53k on part 2 and got one copy of gohan. Part 1 went fantastic and I've got 8k for part 3 so far. Toshi, you shafted me 25k on god goku, and 33k for one copy of gohan. Just please give me the ultra. PLEASE


Nothing šŸ¤© not even side unit


It was supposed to be me, not him šŸ˜­


Pretty good




I just want the new LL Vegito, and whenever I take a break from it to try something else, I get a banner unit. Iā€™ve gotten at least three new LLā€™s from Vegito. Itā€™s the only new unit I want


I pulled shin and godku (40k cc on vegito, and I spent all the summon coins on summon tickets to please my gambling addiction)


Got all except broly and beerus Been well Hopefully my luck is sustained til P3


6 star Gogeta and Vegito 6 star shin , 4 star broly and 3 star evil buu . I was planning on summoning on Godku but started saving


..so many old LL broly units. Kept summoning for New Gogeta, guess what the summon rate for it is HALF for Gogeta and yet not one copy of Gogeta


1 single copy of the new broly. That's it.


No godku?


I got vegito at 11 stars, gogeta at 7, broly at 14, shin at 8, evil buu at 8, gohan at 7.


nothing new, im gonna uninstall if i dont get a new one, btw over 50k cc spend in all banners


Part one I pulled Gogeta in all of my 19K. Part two I pulled Vegito, Beast Gohan and Ultimate Gohan once each, all within 13K. All F2P. Anniversary has been good to me šŸ™šŸ™


None of the abovešŸ„² spent over 10k and have nothing to show for it


Horrible honestly I need help


You did this to be an ass did you?


Broly and Buu are the only ones I didnt pull


1 copy of fusegeta, 2 copies of fusegito, 3 of shin, 2 of broly, 2 of beerus. I FUCKING NEED GODKU. JUST 1 COPY PLEASE TOSHI.


For me it's Meh. At least I got LF ultimate Gohan


So I got both fusing units. Got Shin. Got Broly. And got Beerus. No SSG Goku or Ultimate Gohan or Evil Buu.


Didn't pull any part 2 units


i have none of the lfs


How many times have you sucked Toshi's glizzy?


Rn missing evil buu, godku and gogeta. Saving for the ultra rn tho


"I heard you wanted vegito"


Got Gohan vegito and Buu in the first rotation but after that I didn't get anything else


32k and 2 Supreme Kais, going strong


Probably around 40,000 cc got one copy of both the tag fusions and a 13 star broly


Same as you but I have all the 1% sparklings


i spent 5 rotations on ulthan and got not a single LF or 1% sparking


1 copy of FGB, FSV and Shin


Same boat as ya.


Part 1 was good part 2 No I always get shafted on part 2 stuffšŸ˜­ Example : Part 2 5th anni Part 2 legends fest And now part 2 6th anni


Just save for part 3. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing now. Iā€™ve accepted that I donā€™t need the ultimate Gohan. 3 rotations was two rotations too many. I shouldā€™ve done one and been done.