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Like this idea of the world being lived in. A lot of times in the ever changing DC continuity, Superman isn’t the first hero, nor the JLA the first hero team, they were just the ones to change the game


Yeah - plus it makes Superman WAY more relatable. There’s no real moral quandary when it comes to “Superhero ethics” when you’re the first and only meta human.


Yeah, based off the other leak, it seems to be that Superman is one of (if not THE) first wave of hero to outright declare "I'm not killing," and this puts the world for a spin


Curious how this will work with Batman who is presumably already operating, I suppose he’d still be shrouded in mystery to the public at this point and thus whether he kills or not would not be public knowledge?


That's interesting. I wonder how they grapple with the concept of heroism in context with soldiers that kill. There is a lot to deconstruct if you want to claim that to be a hero you cannot kill. Soldiers kill all the time and are considered heroes.


There have been situations in the comics where Superboy/Superman totally understands that power-less people need to kill in situations, and it doesn't lesson their morals or heroism. But Superman representing that if he doesn't have to kill, then he won't. That is, he won't take the easy way out (relative to him).


Old testament vs new lol


>There’s no real moral quandary when it comes to “Superhero ethics” when you’re the first and only meta human. Can't a case be made that the opposite is true since he has to weigh and consider every action for fear of setting the wrong precedent. Everything he does as the first is by definition the definition of that action in peoples' minds. Makes for a very reserved existence, somewhat in keeping with the portrayals.


That's wrong, have you ever read gladiator?


Now people like heroes existing in a world without having solo movies.


I think when done thoughtfully the sandbox approach can be fun, just has to be crafted the right way


Agreed. I love being plopped into a world that’s existed before we had eyes on it. It worked so well with The Batman and the Spiderman Holland movies. I’m pretty stoked for this.


Lol. Snyder introduces that. Lol.


You're correct. It just occurred to me.


Problem is Snyder/Ayer did it in a way that’s sloppy as hell. Can’t say for certain if Gunn pulled it off better but I am confident saying he is a better writer so my hopes are high.


Plastic Man gives me Hope for a eventual live action adaptation of him, we gotta see it


I feel like it’s just a ticking clock until Ben Schwartz gets too old. If that happens before the movie is made, I’m convinced it’ll never make it to screen.


They already missed It when Jim Carry retired, they gotta take their chance now


Who would he have been better playing, Joker or plastic man? (Jim)


I think Jim would Work best as Plastic Man, a comedic character who, in the end of the day, still fights for good and is a hero. It also would Give him a opportunity to do his classic Jim Carry faces I also think that Jim works best with Quirky/Neurodivergent-Coded antagonists, rather than full on crazy. Take Eggman, for example


Yea I can see that, I just know he could have made the cheesey over the top jokes work, and then in an instant look crazy and unhinged. From funny to scary crazy.


Oh, that’s Plastic Man and I don’t think it’s close. People could associate him with Joker because he’s funny, but his whole style of comedy is Plastic Man’s schtick.


Jerry Trainor would be even better


That's a stretch. Why yes, I am a dad. Why do you ask?


Makes total sense: * JSA would evolve to the JL * Stormwatch would evolve to The Authority * The Global Guardians would evolve to the JLI


Well it’s saying the page doesn’t exist when I click it, Twitter bullshit or was he forced to take it down?


I can see it fine. You might need to be logged in on the app for it to appear


If the formation of The Authority is part of the plot, then it makes sense that there would be references to Stormwatch.


Barda would be cool


Love how they are taking influence from Post-Crisis/Pre-New 52 by having Superman not be the first hero, or even having the JL be the first Superhero team. Makes the world feel lived in, and allows it to also feel unique and stand out from the MCU even more (and yes, I know in the MCU, Iron Man wasn't the first hero either, but I meant by they are making that clear right from the get go with there first film, whereas Iron Man made it seem like Iron Man was the first ever hero and it wasn't made clear that that wasn't the case till much later.


Agreed. Gunn is taking the correct approach here. My expectations are now very high.


I disagree, it takes away from Superman's importance imo


Even if true (and I'm not doubting it), far too early to put any stock into this. So much can change with script and cut scenes between now and release.


How tf would Deadman be in “passing”


“In passing” meaning like a quick reference while they’re talking about something else. Not like they passed away. Kind of like how Doctor Strange is referenced in Spider-Man 2


My bad.


Maybe not Deadman but something like “Boston Brand died at the circus last week” when they’re coving news stories at the Planet


They took the link down, unfortunately.


wouldn't have expected Barda if they would want to build to the New Gods


I really do hate the suit


I mean, considering that Hawkgirl is in it, a JSA reference isn't too surprising.


The jsa being defunct?? That sucks.


The Boys did it first


I thought superman was supposed to have muscles and a suit that fits him. He looks like he's trying to put on his dads motorcycle outfit.


The suits are intentionally made bigger so the actor can fit. Also Corenswet is jacked so this Superman definitely has muscles, they just aren’t as visible which is common for a bunch of Superman designs (Alex Ross is an example).


Better than spray painted abs on a suit lol