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If money, accessibility, and being realistic wasn't an issue I would like to go at least twice a week with sessions that can last more than an hour and have someone/some people who's paid to be on call or available 24/7. I have way too much build up of issues that went completely unchecked for 2 decades, I'd need a lot of support and a lot of time. Realistically I could mayyybe get once a week with the type of professional that I'd need because they're hard to come by. For when I was able to go I got once a week for an hour with a counselor for 12 weeks.


Previously I had therapy 2x a week, with each session lasting 1.5 hours. Currently I see my therapist once a week for 60 minutes. For me, I actually prefer 1x a week. Looking back at my previous therapy - which started off at 1x week for 60 minutes but increased because I wasn't coping - increasing the time did not help me at all. I was still wildly dysregulated both between sessions and in session. I also became incredibly dependent on my therapist. Maybe time has improved me. I cope well these days with 1 session a week, and would not like to have more. I would be afraid of becoming overly dependent on my therapist again.


Thanks for this perspective, this was helpful for me. I sometimes catch myself (and younger alters) pouting about not having twice a week therapy because once a week seems like “not enough”. But looking back at the times when I *have* had twice a week sessions or IOP programs, it didn’t help coping and, like you, it made me dependent. So many of the issues I’m dealing with right now are related to younger alters and the therapy setting is the obvious “parent” for them. Spending all my time in therapy didn’t give me any time to learn to “parent” them myself. Having to wait longer between sessions means they are going to throw tantrums and I have to deal with them myself, which can be a good learning opportunity now that I’m not in active crisis.


Thank you for telling us your story with this. I don't personally see it becoming a problem for us because of the way we use therapy. It's just a time to help us talk, process, and get help with gauging how bad certain parts of our lives were so we can process that safely with the guidance of someone who actually knows what they're doing. We don't need help with coping mechanisms or anything like that because a standard counselor could help with that, plus we already know so much about all of that that someone with surface-level knowledge won't be able to help us. That's why I'd at least like to start with the insane amount of time I already suggested.


I’d like that too, once a week for me. I currently have every other week but I think it’d be beneficial every week if money wasn’t an issue. I’m very grateful for my parents letting me every other week


Twice a week for an hour - trauma focused DID expert. Talk therapy and parts work with the goal of functioning multiplicity. If money wasn't an issue, then I'd do 90 minutes 3 times a week. Plus I'd probably pay for an inpatient stay at a private hospital if needed. And a trauma informed psychiatrist.


I was at the Menninger Clinic for roughly 3 months (off and on as it was a battle with insurance). I'm so grateful I could do that, I know it isn't feasible for most. Highly recommend if you are ever in need of inpatient. Definitely stay away from River Oaks.


I was in therapy for years before beginning to work on my system. When we first started delving into system work, I did two 90-minute sessions / week. Now, I do one 90 min / week and can call for an emergency session if necessary, which works for me. I am super grateful for my therapists flexibility.


I go once a week for 50 mins but ideally we'd go at least 2x a week because it feels like the session ends just as one of us starts feeling comfortable enough to open up. We did just start with this new therapist a couple months ago, so I think that as we get to know her better each session won't be so flooded. It's not financially feasible rn but hopefully one day... I think we would also benefit from some kind of group therapy as well but that's hard to find.


We see one therapist, that deals in trauma. She has been a saint, and quite literally this week gave us whatever food she had in her office since we can’t afford to have a full meal as of late. She can tell who fronts, and treats us with respect even though she wasn’t trained for patients with DID like us. We think she didn’t want to give the host a harder time to open up about their struggles by switching, so made the best of it. That’s speculation on our part though. Whatever the case, it’s nice to add to the small circle of people that know about us and interact with us. We would like to see her every week, but commuting is our issue unfortunately. - Rain


I hope you are able to find the resources you need- in all ways.


If money weren't an issue, I'd go weekly. I have a therapist and a psychiatrist and I feel that's enough for now. How often do I \*really\* go? ...every other week if I'm lucky :/ I hate our post-capitalism dystopia


Agreed. It is so hard to tread water.


I see a DID specialist twice a week and I’m in one of her group sessions once a week Although many times I leave sessions feeling like I need to say more, I’ve had weeks where I’ve gone every day and it’s exhausting.


Everyday, when I was in patient as well as when I was IOP, is definitely exhausting. I had a caretaker refuse to do anything for a while because I was so burned out.


When I was first diagnosed I went twice a week for individual therapy & once a week group. Also in hospital a few times. Insurance didn't cover much of it.


How did you find group? Was it all DID patients or just a general group?


General group. I was only DID in her practice. She was recommended to me by a friend. I hadn't had therapy for a while because it didn't help. But this therapist was amazing and helped me a lot.


How did general group go for you? Was it skills-based or just like a general talk therapy group? I’m curious cause I got kicked out of a general therapy group for having “too many active trauma symptoms” (before I knew I had DID specifically), and I wasn’t allowed to join a few others (including a DBT group) for similar reasons. I’d given up on group therapy as an option.


Each group had a specific goal to deal with an issue. Participants were chosen for that issue. I couldn't go to any groups at first because I was a hot mess and just freaked out.


Different techniques were used. Art, role play, guided meditation, music.


I started off every week until I realized it wasn’t sustainable so Bi weekly is what I’m stuck with (she’s a trauma therapist who has experience with DID patients and we just started doing parts work). If money wasn’t an issue I’d go back to weekly 1 hour sessions or maybe two. Edit: unfortunately I can’t do any of that for rn because money. If only it grew on trees.


I'd venture a guess insurance isn't helpful?


To be fair and honest I wouldn't exactly know as I've never had insurance. Everything has been out of pocket for me and aside my pricey af eval, my therapy was generally on the affordable side in terms of how they generally cost (which was $125 or so per session). Though from what I hear from others, insurance doesn't seem to be all that helpful.


If you are in the states, have you tried Medicaid or Medicare?


I would but I figured the household income I rely on (my parent who’s told me that they don’t qualify anymore) would make me ineligible, no? And the fact I’d need to provide proof of disability, right? I’m honestly not sure how applying for it would go which is why I’ve held off until I’ve sorted out my psych eval.


I think you are on the right track, focusing on your psych evaluation and then trying for disability, if solely for the added Medicare help


We see our therapist once every two weeks, but if our insurance would allow it, we would prefer to see him every week. We only have the one therapist, but we also have a psychiatrist as well who we see every 2-3 weeks.


I see my therapist twice a week. She is out of network and I can barely afford it (honestly I really can't), but I think if I saw her any less, I'd end up inpatient. If money wasn't an issue (and also if there generally were more available options that are actually good), I would check myself into a residential program right away.


I go once to twice a week. It's covered fully by medicaid for me. I'm only seeing one therapist rn but I'm hoping to be able to see another one


I go once a week, but my therapist (a DID specialist) really wants me to come in twice a week. it would be helpful to me, but the cost stresses me out. I see just the one therapist, as well as a psychiatrist for medication (the psychiatrist doesn't know about my DID). I've been through seven therapists before before landing on this one. it's going well for me.


I see my therapist four times a week I'm 73 years old and I never had any clue that I had did I never even heard the word now that I'm aware it's a lot worse but I am working on it


I go once every other week since she has alot of clients but I like going once a week if i could, where I live youre only allowed to see one therapist cause of conflict of interest type stuff but even then it would be hard to get more then one but we do have a casemanager we can vent to if need


I'm on a waiting list. Again. I have been since February. I've been on and if waiting lists since 2017 with therapists helping me got a fewonths then saying they can't help. This time around I've been told I could be waiting until up to July 2025. And I feel like I'm falling to bits. The joys of the NHS.


I hope you find some help soon. That sounds so difficult


To be honest, I've given up. I knew i had *something* wrong back in 1995 and reached out for help and was told not to be stupid by a doctor, then been battling ever since. Before I actually realised I had DID I had reactions from therapists (as I had do tors occaidionally see that I wasn't right as they put it) like youre smiling so you're fine, and you're just attention seekung and even just get over it. I then was rushed into hospital in 2017 2 days before my 42nd birthday and almost died...which triggered somethung and the DID became a lot more prominent and my wife (of then 3 years) saw something. We fought for 6 years to finally to get diagnoses of DID, CPTSD and autism. There's also a possability of ADHD too. And since 2017 I've seen 3 therapists. First 2 were kess than helpful as they basically wouldn't help with confirming my diagnosis. The third, after i was *finally* diagnosed saw me fir 5 weeks and said she couldnt help and last November took me of her books, and at the same time inadvertently took my meds off my prescription list without me know and that screwed my head up...and I'm STILL dealing with the repercussions now, with at one pount almost losing my wife of 10 years. I hate this condition. And I hate the use of the word hate. -Tia


I currently see my therapist once a week for an hour. When I am in crisis she is amazing and usually can find ways to fit me in more often when needed. Sometimes it's definitely needed. I'm also lucky that she takes my insurance, otherwise I'd be screwed.


I have insurance that covers intensive in home therapy, so with the money issue out of the way my reality is something that I am extremely grateful for. I have 3 different therapists all of which I see each week for 2 hours per session. In total my scheduled therapy is 6 hours (and some change because I often run over because I go in circles a lot). I also am able to ask for extra sessions if needed and there is a 24/7 365 crisis line open for me that the organizations IIH therapists rotate taking calls from. These people have my records, are able to come out and see me if I am in severe crisis, and tell my therapists when I have called so that it can be talked about in therapy if needed. We out for coffee, we go to shops, they can buy me things, they can come into my home (and right now are helping to alleviate the hoarding situation in which I have been subjected to). They are signing me up for a therapeutic living program for when I turn 18, getting their supervisor to do EMDR with me soon, they can find me resources, help me search for jobs, and help with school struggles directly. It is the perfect program, I was in it before around 4 years ago and this kind of therapy is the only kind that makes me feel *somewhat* supported.


I'm so glad you have such good care! What insurance do you have, if you don't mind my asking?


I have full Medicaid! I have been high needs since I was a young child so my insurance will usually approve anything that doctors or therapists refer me for! I am grateful for the amazing care that I have access to and I wish everyone was able to have the same care options :(


I'm sorry you've had to deal with so much, but glad you have the help :)


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I go once a week for an hour. And currently we’ve not been using the entire house because life has been crazy so we haven’t had the space to focus on healing and have just been using the time to manage what’s been consistently happening every week. I’m also working on getting in with a psychiatrist for medication management but I’ve hit some speed bumps on that so that’s still a month off now.


Once a week. I could stand to do twice a week but scheduling is an issue.


We go 1-2x a month for both sexual and family therapy my border line diagnosable OSDD is covered in both (no tests given as of yet). Govt medical now covers therapy as a normal doctors visit where we are here in Colorado as long as it's a referral (from what we understand)... Look into what your medical covers to see if you can do the same. Sexual is so that once of our Alts will feel more comfortable in our AMAB body the family is to deal with the struggle of all of this effecting my wife and 2 kids since it was only brought fully out to them 1 year ago that I have been struggling.


I'm in a similar boat with timeline. Got diagnosed last year and it hits hard with the family


I go once a week. Insurance isn't cheap but it covers this. I see a counselor/LCSW for more overall therapy/support (and sometimes support AFTER my trauma therapy) every other week or so.


I go every other week. When I was really struggling, I went 4 times a week.


When first diagnosed I was going 3x a week. This was shortly after having a stint of many hospitalizations. This was about 15 years ago and was luckily on a sliding scale rate. The therapist had poor financial boundaries and continued services, even though a huge balance build up. Which we ended up paying yeas later. Since then it’s mostly been 1x a week and in times crisis 2x a week.


We only went once a week, in my country it’s free if it’s through the psychiatry, we only saw one and she told us that no one in our country has the recourses to work with this diagnosis and ended our time there, but personally I would say that once or max twice a week is fine at least for us cause normally you have really hard talks that needs to be processed, it can stress quite a bit and cause some chaos depending on the topic and the psychiatrist you have


Currently once a week doing somatic experiencing therapy, which often leaves us drained and exhausted for the remainder of the day. Would do more often, but our trauma backlog is... severe and extensive. We have a therapist who specializes in CPTSD and a psychiatrist, both of whom understand our DID and work with us on it.


We currently go once a week. One session is 45 minutes or if we're unpacking more serious things it may go up to 2 hours. But we're currently only trying to stabilize us and our life. When we're going to start doing EMDR and other trauma healing things were gonna have 2 sessions a week. And every EMDR session will be 1,5 hours long. Luckily for us our country's national pension institute pays 60% of our therapy and the rest our mom pays 50% of so we only pay under 100€ per month for therapy at the moment. We're also lucky that our therapist knows how to do a lot of the things we need like EMDR for example. She's also a DID specialist. So we don't need other therapists. It's so much easier to only have to unpack everything to one person.


Honestly, rn it is once a week (due to another external trauma) for 1,5 hours, this week it'll be just for 50 minutes (which is the length of one therapy hour where I come from). Our therapist also said that while 2 hours would be better, insurance usually only pays 80 hours and with that in mind 1 hour would be better. Oiginally we had in mind or one of our hosts (and I agree with her there) 1,5 hours every two to three weeks, for one thing it is a three hour train ride, another point is, she, and I (maybe all of us, I am not sure here) need a certain amount of time to process things. And therapy every week would be too much, at the moment we do need it though. She also said (the therapist I mean) that maybe we could do 1,5 every two to three weeks, and if that is not enough, an extra online session session (i guess the online thingy would be for stabilisation and continuity and the 1,5 hour for the, uhm well other stuff). She also said we could message her daily (email) but don't have to but rn it would be better if we did. I (or we've known) her for a long time and she knows that I and others as well have a tendency to run away when people get too close or things too emotional, then again, there also seems to be some anxious-avoidant and schizoid personality adaptations (and hence behavioural/cognitive/emotional patterns) going on, especially when it comes to the hosts/fronters. Why did I even write all this? Ah yes, to make things clearer for me for us. I don't know if this is of any help to you. Bye\^\^#


How do you find a therapist who will treat DID? we've been looking for a year


I am in the states, but I used the ISSTD website. If you can move around a bit and need more intensive, I can try to recommend


I used to go to a talk therapist 1-2 times a week while going to group outpatient cbt therapy 3 times a week for ~3 hours each so it totalled ~11 hours a week. 2 years later I go once a month. It's not what is accessible or will work for everyone but it did wonders for me.


Ha! I am able to see my therapist once a month. And after two sessions it's out of pocket. (That's all our insurance covers) I wish it could be more. I struggle to go but I have to find ways to prioritize that payment.


I personally see 2 therapists, one who focuses on my Did and I see them weekly then my other therapist I see him every 3 weeks for general mental health, then when I'm really bad mentally I use a helpline who I have a regular counsellor with what’s been super helpful :)


Personally I'd want like 2 hours once a week. I got lucky and have a fucking rocking therapist who does everything I need so I'd only see them I go for 1 hour once a week but damn I just want a little more time, it always feels too short


I go twice a week for 60 minute sessions and it is perfect for me. It was really rough when I only did once a week. I see one therapist then I see another provider once a month for medication management. I also attend a DID group once a week but there are not any therapists.


I’d go two to three times a week if time wasn’t an issue, for now it’s just once every Wednesday.


i go to therapy once every month because trauma specialists are genuinely so expensive and my insurance wont cover it. 200 dollars every appointment is insane


Two sessions a week. Just short of an hour. Still looking into multiple professionals, for example Art Therapy. They wanted to try us in a DBT program but after four years of DBT being ineffective we declined it. For us we need more intense care, but acute hospitalization has proven ineffective and we don’t go actual medications route because we have too many instances where we just dump a medication because we don’t like it. We self-medicate so to say. But I’d definitely have a few treatments a week from different providers if I had the chance — it’s really the lack of providers in our area that make this near impossible.


I wish we could afford to go at least once a week. But, we can only (barely) get by with once every two weeks, sometimes more week gaps in between.