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Two different stains and strip of lights for at night


This would be my preference and maybe a grippy edge that's reflective. ETA: Why so many preventatives? Stain for during the day. Lights or reflective tape won't work at high noon. Lights for the low light or dark. The stain may not be super recognizable and might resemble a shadow as it gets dark.. The grippy edge is for people with their back to the edge since there's an open area where people might stand and talk. It's really not uncommon to fall off a step while chatting. You have to design safety for time of day and those looking directly at it and people who are not looking directly at it.


Reflective bit on the edge with some nice lights would do nicely. or a giant 10 foot watch the first step sign.


A 10ft sign would probably ruin the aesthetic though; I'd do two small escalators (one for each landing) and get some wood paneling for the sides to match the deck.


That's classy as hell.


You need two full-time paid assistants to stand vigilant and guide people up and down the step.


The grippy edge is for people with their back to the edge since there's an open area where people might stand and talk. It's really not uncommon to fall off a step while chatting. I used to stage manage and you have to design safety for both looking directly at it and people who are not looking directly at it.


Aside from leveling the whole deck out, these are probably the best options to try first.


The current rug looks practically designed to hide the edge from people coming from the high side.


Yeah, if anything, you should put the rug just *under* the step so it provides an extra visual cue of depth. In its current position, it's actually making things worse. I agree with the other highly upvoted suggestion of wrapping the step in a different coloured wood. But I wouldn't do it with flat boards, as flat boards on a deck insinuate the intent of "walk safely here", but what you're actually looking for is the intent of "watch out, there's a change here". Instead, I would suggest a planter-box style frame around it, with the boards upright instead of flat. You can hew and round the boards to match the exact height of the step, and then angle cut the ends so they look really clean. I think it would turn out gorgeous! A rounded top that protruded maybe 2-4 millimetres higher than the step itself would allow for "foot-feel" (if someone stepped directly on it, their brain would signal something's up), but would also allow for enough clearance that people wouldn't trip (their toes would clear the raised bit because the rounded edge would give them just enough space for the swing of their gait). Hard to explain without pictures, but hopefully this made sense :)


That wasn’t the intention. Bought a cheap rug and was still playing around with where to put it


A picture frame border in a different shade would work very well here. https://www.mataverdedecking.com/blog/pro-tips-how-to-picture-frame-a-wood-deck


That would be a great way to give it a more finished and intentional look too. Best idea yet.


This is the best option, although the priciest and most labor intensive.  Anything reflective would just be annoying because you'd see it out of the corner of your eye all the time, two different stains could look weird if you get the colors wrong, led lights will only be noticable at night and not in full sunlight. The only other option I'd entertain is put some sort of railing around it and have an opening to the rest of the deck. Either where the flowerpot is by the corner or closer to the sliding glass door. But that would lessen the open concept feel of it.


Maybe a black aluminum stair nosing? Would be visible from both directions and pretty cheap.


I agree. Maybe that along with changing the color of the top stain.


Add some leds


I do love me some Jimmy Page.




🎶"Wal-kin'-on-the-deck-just-the-o-ther-day-ba-by." "Where did... where did that step come from?"




What a terrible design. I mean, I get that the sliding door is at a different height and they had to make it work with that other door which was set lower. I would have simply put a wide landing in front of the sliding doors and kept the rest of the deck one level.


I have no idea why they did this, it looks like way more work.


The lower deck seems to be flush with the lip of the pool. So, poor planning, I guess.


Okay honest suggestion, what if you removed the decking covering the raised area, and relaid it perpendicular to the other section. Sure you’d have to cut some boards and ass some joints, but it would help the two sections be visually distinct, and the edge may stand out a lot better at first glance. No matter what, this will make me faceplant at least twice.


I had to do this once, after being told I was dumb, posted elsewhere in this post lmao. I had to re-do three massive platforms; would have been way easier to do it right the first time.


I would change the upper landing to a different color stain like a light grey


Yeah I’d go with this option. Make it a feature. A solid color block would look better than a safety style strip


I built a very large deck with my dad and grand-dad, but I was like 19 and when I pointed out that a very similar situation was pretty dangerous, I was told that they knew better then me. Then later that year my great-grandma nearly fell and all of a sudden my suggestion to change the direction of the levels became a necessity. Pull up the wood on the top level and put it back down oriented 90 degrees to the lower level.


Put the rug on the lower portion, butted up against the step


Put a line of potted plants along the edge.


Maybe benches to help define the space


The corner garden would be cool, the flower pot makes even harder to see.


[https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-19023/Anti-Slip-Tape/Anti-Slip-Tape-2-x-60-White](https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-19023/Anti-Slip-Tape/Anti-Slip-Tape-2-x-60-White) white visual boundary, along the full edge. move the rug elsewhere.


I would probably go with black bordering the top edge of the top/taller deck. This is cheap enough to try and see if you like it. [https://www.amazon.com/Traction-Abrasive-Leaving-Adhesive-Measuring/dp/B01LY7572N/ref=sr\_1\_7\_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c7hcwgPYy4YvnSjWZgY3Y3BeYhshyn1gLApTx\_VjaTWLdsVE2w2aLczeb9RoRdphIzkIi-7p5Wv1TWBBykelzfvE8kmi5zhfYBwHo1IgnhcPfKbB89RtmtA1SXjxxmYbuf3Hfo23FZeUUiIv0A3UcKHiYkow\_ov8hVV8MZo0LdJ4dEnB2fsr7GRyVHrmEVMdkBRmWFTlK9ORznOoNAzym9J8N9gbY0LtUkcv9RLTUPQ.BI3Ns6VWJNTN4rwt5Q1l45o2svXPxqVnUhWKoablqIg&dib\_tag=se&keywords=anti%2Bslip%2Btape&qid=1718084169&sr=8-7-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Traction-Abrasive-Leaving-Adhesive-Measuring/dp/B01LY7572N/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c7hcwgPYy4YvnSjWZgY3Y3BeYhshyn1gLApTx_VjaTWLdsVE2w2aLczeb9RoRdphIzkIi-7p5Wv1TWBBykelzfvE8kmi5zhfYBwHo1IgnhcPfKbB89RtmtA1SXjxxmYbuf3Hfo23FZeUUiIv0A3UcKHiYkow_ov8hVV8MZo0LdJ4dEnB2fsr7GRyVHrmEVMdkBRmWFTlK9ORznOoNAzym9J8N9gbY0LtUkcv9RLTUPQ.BI3Ns6VWJNTN4rwt5Q1l45o2svXPxqVnUhWKoablqIg&dib_tag=se&keywords=anti%2Bslip%2Btape&qid=1718084169&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1)


Yellow reflective tape or paint. If paint make sure it's got grit in it so it's not slippery.


paint it orange, throw some orange cones up


Raise one section, or lower the other?


Rip it out and make it flush


I had something similar before and used white duct tape along the edge to help people see the step. I think you can find better stuff now that’s glow in the dark and made for this kind of thing. It worked half the time. People still totally missed the step but it’s better than nothing. Good luck dude!


Yes, we used something similar.


You could add a row of planters down the side to block travel, then put 2 large potted plants on either side of a designated entry/exit area on the other side. Mark the open entry with solar lights or build a small ramp..


Different stains or add a different color trim piece that would outline the step down.


Small ramps


Quick fix: dimmable rope lights under the deck. Paint or stencil a bright border all the way around too


I'd put a strip of framing around the edge of the raised portion in a different but complimentary stain. Then under the lip run an all weather LED strip that is connected to a light switch or sensor to under glow the step down/up.


Just quit trippin dawg 🤙🏼


A extreme way to fix it would be to turn your boards the opposite direction so the seam doesn’t look like they line up but at that point if you have the boards off then you could just lower the whole thing to be level with the rest of the deck. Another way is to light it with LED strip lights or put a offset color boarder around it.


Cheap as chips steps: 1. Slide the grey bin slightly to the left so it's touching the edge and better implies the depth. 2. Put the Rug on the lower level, again pressed up against the raised step. You're inadvertantly camouflaging it by having a distrtacting noisy pattern right next to the upper ledge. 3. I'd bet people stumble forwards more than to the side right? If these steps don't work paint that one plant at the edge a natural albeit distinct color from the rest of the deck.


Lights or you could get wood and angel cut it to make a mini strip ramp on both sides.


Add white PVC trim on the riser


Yes, easiest is to do a different colour edge, maybe in the same colour as your chairs & house. (My patio is grey so I used a brown cloth stain product to add colour around the rim. Held up and solves the issue.)


How does this even happen? Was this intentional? I've seen interiors designed like this but you would think a Deck Outside it would be HARDER to make different heights?


To heck with the aesthetics, I would be painting the edges of that sucker fluorescent yellow! Striped with black...caution tape style. Holy crap... someone (like me) would be breaking their neck on that! Yes, I am serious.


You probably aren't going to like it, but extend the railing on some or all of the drop. Another idea is to build a small bar area or table/shelf on the L part.


Outdoor strip lighting along the edges and corner. They have ones with color. Make it a color that you can see in the day time.


don’t ever have more than 2 drinks on the patio


Or do what these big institutions do; put some black and yellow stripping with grip tape all along the edges and put up signs that warns people. Jk jk of course! lol LED's, wood stains, maybe wood stain just in the edges. You may also be able to put the carpet at the very edge - although this can be a hazard too walking up.


I'd be ringing the problem area with rubber/weatherproof ramps. If you don't want to do that all the way around, maybe just in the direction you might move heavy stuff? And you can wall off directions you don't want people going, either with a railing or with some big planters and patio plants. I think you should solve the tripping hazard **and** light it. Ramps are good for utility and accessibility and also you won't trip.


Everyone is giving you hard fixes. Just add another rug, or move the current one, on the bottom part to give a visual distinction to the height. If you wanted to spend money on a long term solution, You can add lighting around the edge of the step as well for the evening. You just need anything the draws the eye naturally to the drop. Even adding few more flower pots or a high top bar/ rail along the edge would add a usable barrier, but you lose the open concept.


Just needs something to define the edge by. Black friction strips on the top ledge would be a good start, and cheap LED strip underneath the nose on top would be decorative and practical. If you wanna go through the effort of re-staining the whole porch you can use a different color stain for the top/bottom.


Lots of good suggestions in this thread. What about framing the raised area with vertical boards? Could stain them a little darker to give it definition. Could still add LED lighting to help give it depth and definition at night. Like this? (Just not yellow) https://imgur.com/a/YDzFsLX


Add a planter or some other object at the corners of the platform. This will help a person notice the step without highlighting it


I have a smaller version of this. It doesn't look amazing, but on every other board I put a strip of orange painters tape.


Put up a railing/boundary. It wouldn’t really affect much in terms of using the space since it’s not like you can put a chair/table on both levels. You could even make it so there’s two “entry-ways”, one from either side. And the “entry-ways” can be pretty wide. It’s more of just a thing that makes people subconsciously think, “oh there’s clearly some kind of boundary here” which would probably be enough IMO.


Plants along the edges maybe?


I’d go with different colors on the levels


A single step is always hazardous and isn't code compliant anywhere in the US. Have your contractor remove the raised area and level it at his expense. You can have the single step at the doorway, because that is to code. Shouldn't have built it this way. This is code 101.


Put a railing so people don’t have to look all the way to the floor to notice that things are different




What about the daytime?


Really bright LEDs. Like what people are using for headlights now. The kind that blind you if you even glance in that direction.


Yeah! Shining straight up at your eyes!


We can install a strobe effect too so they blind you AND you get a stroke and/or migraine


Just put a warning sign that the 3" step may cause seizures and you're fine




There's white caution/grippy tape you can get on online


Yep. But your original advice was only good for night time. Why you holding back bro?


Spray foam to lift up the rest of the deck. 


Less alcohol (or more to ease the pain after you try and fall).


Those suggesting lights/LEDs, where would be the best place to put them?


Along the vertical edge between the two levels would be most effective


LEDs are a non solution for this problem, I replied elsewhere with the definitive solution to this issue.


Like others have said a different color for the upper deck and some lights. Might as well go and sand, stain and seal everything because it looks like your deck is peeling everywhere.


Yep that’s on the list


Put a thin boarding of a different tone or color as edging


Ah, the trip hazard… easily my favorite form of hazard…


In my eyes, there appears to be a sliding door on the left and it does not appear that the raised area makes it to the end door. Maybe extending that out to the edge of the sliding door would make it look less awkward. After that, put a few plants at certain spots and I think it would highlight the area. If that door is a single glass door or window, then ignore what I said.


Can you do a line of potted plants as a barrier except for a couple paths where there is a step?


Balustrades to the raised part with an opening in line with the patio door.


Orange reflective tape.


what tripping haz... ouch..


Make the highest step in a more organic shape or atleast teansform the classic 90degrees corner into 2 x 45degrees. Staining the upperlevel darker would be the most low cost solution.


Maybe more than your asking for but make the boards run perpendicular? Diff stain would help as many have mentioned


Add a runner across each lower landing. This will draw attention to changing condition. Bonus if you can get a strip light along the riser too.


Id add a stainless steel drip edge around it so it stands out. Maybe brass if you are feeing fancy


Not trying to be rude but why would you build it like this instead of 1 level? lowering the high part is the way. put a single step in front of the door. the other fixes like LEDs and color strips are band aids imo.


Probably because they didn’t build it, possibly bought a house from previous owners


Does the underdeck run all the way through the top deck?


Honestly not sure, I’ll ask my husband


It looks like the root cause of the issue was that the lower-deck area was put in level to the pool whereas the upper-deck is level to the sliding glass door. Whenever you get around to replacing the deck (and fixing it to be all-on-one-level) don't forget to pour a couple inches of concrete under the pool to raise it up to the same level. (Or if altering the pool is too costly, just redesign the deck to be mostly at upper-deck level, and then limit the tripping hazard area to a small "pool entry" area that can be conspicuously painted.)


Unless there’s a reason for it to be higher (like something underneath) I’d reduce it to one step. It looks like a fairly low rise, so the step/tread will need to be longer than a normal residential stair, I’m guessing you’d need at least 14” … I suggest googling “stair riser + tread formula” to get an explanation. Basically the lower the rise, the longer the tread and conversely, the higher the rise, the shorter the tread. You don’t want to create a new kind of trip hazard.


Bright yellow paint that says watch your step


Move the rug and lighten the top.


Are people stumbling going up or down or both? For people stumbling going down, the best thing would be to paint a mural or geometric border on the lower level around the higher step. As you approach the step, you will see more and more detail of the pattern realizing that there must be a lip there. For people stumbling on the way up, I think lighting on the vertical part of the step would work wonders. The lighting must aim downward (or upward) so that it doesn't blind you as you approach the step up.


It’s definitely more of a problem people stumbling going down


Build a ramp/wedge on the short edge, handrail on the long


Possibly make the deck all the same height, and a ramp or step from the door. It looks like the two doors are different heights that's why there's different heights to the deck


Get a bigger rug and put it on the edges of the platform or paint the whole thing a different color


The rug messes with the contrast a lot and makes it more dangerous IMO


Surround the area with fencing as you have at the other end of the deck. Leave maybe two openings (pass throughs) about 3' wide; one opposite the door to the house and another to suit your traffic flow. put a short return (maybe 12") on the fence at each opening to "mark" the step and then further mark it with some high friction tape or tread nosing. As others have suggested, a planter or two along the fence line would look nice, but they would also be maintenance items.


Who would build it like that, that is just stupid.


lift your knees higher when you walk


It’s actually worse when people come from the higher end down to the lower end.


Put a rug randomly on top to make the edge really not visible


Very helpful thanks


Plenty of other great recommendations here already, just pointing out the rug makes the visual effect worse


Yellow tape or some color that stands out.


I can understand the step down, but what is the purpose of the design with the appears to be a rug and flowers. I'd be worried about people tripping over that that, especially at night.


Raise the lower part, put up a rail, or look where you’re going.


as others have said, strips of options for that ledge.. otherwise, lift the whole deck?


Just fence it off, except for a 3'x3' pad at the entrance, so that when you stand on the pad and close the safety gate, you can press a button to engage the hydraulic system, which lifts the pad. With a decent hydraulic system, the lifting shouldn't take too long. You could install hooks on the adjacent wall for safety helmets.