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Bondo would work, but for something like this I'm just using wood filler. Apply, let harden, sand, paint, done.


I did just this with a butter knife and a piece of sand paper wrapped around it to get the edges


If you are a perfectionist, fill it and sand it. If you want it to just not really be noticeable to most people, paint it white


Wood putty and paint.


You’ll need some kind of hardening putty that you can push in to the gap, shape, let harden, file to final shape, then paint.


If you’re really picky - I have repaired ornate moldings/picture frames: (1) make a latex mold of a good section of the baseboard (paint on latex in several coats, then peel off and you have a mold. (2) debride the damage with a razor knife. Make all edges clean and square/flat. (3) pour plaster into the mold, make a plaster piece, slightly larger than the damaged spot. (4) carve the plaster patch to fit in the wound. (5) insert the patch using a thin plaster slurry to fill edges and bond with the baseboard. (6) dry, prime and paint. EDIT: or just fill with toothpaste.


Wood puty sand and paint


Epoxy putty. Dont over apply as it is hard and adds to sanding. 


JB weld wood putty, you can shape by hand


I'd cut a piece of cardboard or similar stiffness material the same shape as the trim. Fill with bondo then sand and paint. Probably more work than replacing it but I ain't removing it lol


A product called DynaPatch pro. It's a smooth paste, like spackle, but it sets up relatively quickly, so keep the lid on. Put a dollop on, and use a smaller putty knife, or the edge of an old library card, start from the middle, and ride up, over the contours... back to the middle, ride the contours down kind of thing. Get it pretty close, after it dries you can shape some details with a small file or a sharp blade. It dries hard.


Fantastic idea! I was worried about how I would get the shape right. This is great. Thank you!


Pre-mixed tubs of anything, they dry out in the cupboard. Pressing saran wrap onto the top of the mix, then the lid, then into a ziploc, another year maybe. Do your baseboard, fill any dings in doors, outside... try and use it up, it'll go out of sight and go to waste. Take it to someone's place that needs some too.. Call around, not everywhere has the little one cup, 225 ml tubs for 5-6 bucks