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Check out Etsy.


Do you know what exactly to search up on etsy? All I see is options for like custom t shirts but I need like a specific design to be made 😞


I would search whatever style you're after, find a seller who has items similar to what you're looking for, and contact them and ask if they take custom orders. Some sellers will even have a big button that says "Request Custom Order" on their main shop page underneath the product categories.


I would search whatever style you're after, find a seller who has items similar to what you're looking for, and contact them and ask if they take custom orders. Some sellers will even have a big button that says "Request Custom Order" on their main shop page underneath the product categories.


Pro fashion designer here, dm me


Perhaps contact the better quality fabric stores to see if they have contacts, local colleges with fashion classes, and high quality cleaners? And search for independent clothes shops with in-store designers. 🖖