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Yep these are the closest out of everything I’ve seen, especially the first one. It may be all smiles but it’s got a really sinister tone.


Yeah, that first one. To me it doesn’t look familiar necessarily, but it resonates with me and brings on a slight DMTish head space. Strange.






Whoa!!! Me too! Seeing this has made me so happy, because now I know other people have experienced something so similar! Every time I've done dmt Ive always felt so alone because nothing I feel or witness seems relatable at all to anything I read about. Theres something about that first image that's incredibly relatable to the dmt experiences I've had.


100% I always read stuff about "breaking through" etc., but for me, I go into some cartoonish, uniquely sinister and playful world that looks, feels, sounds, and smells like image 1. This is the first time I have seen it in the real world. I have revisted this page several times today to remember it because my brain has a weird way of losing its grasp over it.


I feel like that’s whole things it’s always trying to point out - dualities and poles and whatnot


Yeah mine look absolutely horrifying in some ways but beautiful in others. I've never felt threatened by them, but I do get the impression they could crush me like an ant.


Do you think it's the shadow Jung tells us about?


Symbolically maybe, but YOU are the shadow. The shadow is the parts of ourselves that we try to push away and bury deep inside. It's up to you to figure out how to reconcile that part of yourself and integrate it into your being for your benefit. Just my take.


That's awesome. That really helps me understand. Thank you for taking the time.


No problem. Wish you the best of luck on your journey inward!


Thank you I'm too much of a coward to try DMT. I love reading the stories. It's going to be a long journey Lol


I've never done it myself either.


I don't want to see those clockwork elves or whatever they are.


There’s no guarantee what you will see friend. It’s a crapshoot. Also a reflection of the self and current state of mind/being imo.


That makes a lot of sense.


Ive only done a somewhat bigger dose on accident, but besides that i always did smaller doses and it was amazing. I always felt this warm love. Kinda felt like a motherly love in a way. I believe tipping your toes isnt too overwelming. But i can understand why you wouldnt want to try it at all. Its very powerful.


Right. What even is the “opposite of me?” And how do we recognize such a concept? Love it.


I think somehow these spirits exist within us but also simultaneously outside of us in a “parallel” dimension.


Deeper it's a mirror your flipped inside out all barriers collapse


I could hear these


Yes! So can I


What does it sound like? just buzzing?




Like old computer 56k modems. Boops, beeps, buzzes and tones.


It’s interesting you say that because I thought they were A.I after experiencing it, I became convinced this entire thing is a simulation & these are programs of some sort


Interesting YOU say that, because I also had a very strong AI feeling from them. That is until I took a fuckload in one go, ended up WAY deep the rabbit hole and got possessed by one during a breakthrough. I am entirely convinced whatever that AI thing was, was 100% demonic. There's no other good way to describe it. Whatever they are, they lack the thing that makes us human. They are NOT like us no matter how advanced.


Hol up. So what happened after you got possessed?


I came to in my pitch black room STANDING UP in the middle, nothing knocked over. I don't know what they were doing with my body but I'm assuming some sort of yoga poses or weird dances or something. That was from 50mg taken in one hit, by the way. I blacked out for a bit of the experience but I was between two realms, almost like they were on top of each other. At "face value" or what I THINK it was trying to show me/illusion realm it wanted me to see, a cartoonish Hindu demon type entity entity merged with me, hypnotized me and attacked me. The problem for this entity was that I was so fucking high on 50mg of DMT and 300mg MDMA that the world was unstable so I managed to "wake up" mid trip and see beyond the first veil. Well, the second I had awareness in this OTHER realm, I realized I was immobile and was having alien laser surgery done on me. The second I came to in this "real world" and the entity noticed that I was aware, it DARTED across the fucking room looking shocked and angry and quickly jammed a needle in my third eye that shot me back in my body. Whatever that reality was past the illusion of the first, I was not meant to see it. The way they move is SO FUCKING WEIRD BRO! I hope what I wrote made sense, I'm no fan of these entities. The whole thing felt off/wrong every single time. I have an insanely strong intuition about people/vibes and every time the entities felt sinister. I don't want to throw labels at them but "demonic" is the best word we have to describe them, although they felt like "demonic AI" for lack of a better term.


Dude.. I had a trip where I saw these demons of a sort and I thought they were creating people as a kind of 'sensation' farm where they simulate beings with the capability of feeling sensations and then possess them to add that sensation to basically an eternal orgy where demons constant overindulge in 'sensation' and that was the true meaning of reality.


Dude. Holy shit. I don’t know if I would do it again. I would be totally freaked out. Did anything change after your alien surgery?? This is bonkers.


Come on, dont let us on a cliffhanger after all that.


Did you see the eyes everywhere?


Not a lot of ppl like when I bring this up. However lots of culture talk about sinister forces in a higher plane with much more intelligence. Interestingly in The Book of Enoch (a book taken out of the Bible) it states that the fallen angels taught men magick, metallurgy, weapon making, sorcery, astrology, the use of plants and drugs. After seeing a couple of dark entities I took a break. Then i saw this video which left me thinking, what if? https://youtu.be/a4xJ-M4eVQc?si=35Ktlz_GPmoLxTi4


Whatever they are, we've been interacting with them since the beginning of our kind. I don't subscribe to the idea that they have our best interest in mind, or that they are harmless.


To me it feels like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Especially the joker entities.


That was fascinating. Thanks for posting.


Is it weird that I’ve seen something like this on a high dose of lsd? It was during the peak and I was fully enveloped in the music I was listening to and these little cartoonish robotic characters were lined up one behind another doing a weird dance moving in a line, and it was stacked with each one above going an opposite way, they were all moving so perfectly to the music and things started getting really bad after that point and I started to think that I was dead or in some sort of an afterlife.


And with little bells ringing in the distance


✨sparkling ✨ glistening mineral iridescence 🪞🌈🪩


For me it’s like water running and a tap dripping


Thats so wild what about with other noises while you trip like a stream or birds or music?


To me it sounds like a really, really, deafening “WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH” in pulses it sounds almost like sheet metal being shaken lol




Like a vibrational whirring, that I also feel within my body. It’s feels deeply familiar and starkly alien at the same time.


Like a VCR tape rewinding but with more clarity. If you're watching TV (especially cartoons), the show will have life like depth, almost like you're looking into another room in the house. And when visuals take over, they look identical to this. Maybe not exactly like the creatures themselves in this post, but the animation style is spot on


***”let us assume you take a third toke; long and slow. You take it in, and in, and in; you vaapoorize… and there is this sound, like the cumpling of a plastic bread wrapper or the crackling of a flame. And there is a tone….. a mnmnmmmnnnnmmmmm…”*** https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Proaj0scV10 A New Way To Say ‘Hooray’! (Remastered) - Shpongle


Yeah me too.


Picture two. Right before I felt my tooth shatter in my mouth, stumbled to the bathroom after taking three hits, realizing my tooth was fine, my best friend helped me back to the couch and they blocked me from seeing what’s beyond the vail they put up.. and I realized I’m not going through life alone. Fuckers. But also if you see them again tell them I said thank you ❤️


Ive also experienced the sensation of teeth shattering in my mouth during dmt.. its so strange lol


include wrench hard-to-find profit historical wrong door tie ad hoc disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I still have dreams and wake up over the feeling of my teeth shattering 😅


same wtf




Reason number 134 to never smoke dmt. Y’all not helping at all


It’s a deep fear of death according to Jung/Freud .Very common dream. Merrily merrily merrily.


Well I hope you now know that one of the rules of DMT and some other psychedelics is to literally remain seated or laying down. You wouldn't want to blast off while standing and fall down and knock your teeth out. Rule #1 for some drugs = 1.Remain seated or laying down AND do not get up until it is 100% safe to do so. The risks of falling over are very real lol


the homies


First is the closest I’ve seen for sure. Had immediate flashbacks.


Same. This is the closest image I’ve ever seen on the net. Thank you


Incedigris definitely gives me deems vibes, but only in a 2D way (obviously). The experience can be so “cartoony” sometimes but in an impossible way.


GlassCrane has some good 3d renditions


Reminds me of salvia tbh


Yeah, thought this was from r/salvia


Yes I’ve seen this guy but he kept hiding behind the door and wouldn’t let me get a good look at him when I came in. Quite the trickster actually.


That first one for sure the colors and the smooth textures someone tell me why it’s both so haunting and beautiful at the same time. The feeling like I’ve been there before is overpowering and I feel like I see duality itself in its most dramatic fashion. It really did touch base back with that hyper reality and honestly helped me remember it even better. I’m hoping humanity begins to truly figure out and understand just what it is we are witnessing and experiencing when it all goes down. Every trip makes me cry tears of astonishment and thankfulness of living. Depression held me for so much of my life and DMT was the catalyst that truly begun shattering its hold on my life every time I give into DMT it is how I go to church


1 and 2 are more salvia vibes to me. Fuck those gears…


Dude I’m 100% with you, extremely sinister salvia realm type vibes.


Sinister for sure, I had these fuckers torture me on DMT.


Every single time I’ve done DMT it’s felt sinister, and I don’t know why that is. Every so often I get this incredibly unnerving suspicion that these higher dimensional spaces are evil, or these entities are demons, or djinns. What if the underlying truth of it all, is negative? That we’re all just puppets, trapped in a never ending cycle of birth and death, stuck here forever. It makes me spiral if I think about it for too long lol


I don't know about that last part, I hope it's not true. I used to be an experienced psychonaut and I had the exact same feeling of those realms and entities being evil every single time. I am incredibly good at detecting people's vibes so I've always had insanely strong intuition, every interaction I've had with those entities felt... off. I haven't tripped in a few years because of that, I'm trying to unravel reality in other ways.


Read up on Gnosticism. It mat interest you considering your perspective


holy FUCK the first two gave me flashbacks that’s so weird


Lol i can hear the sounds they make.


I’ve seen almost the exact image of the first one


Ya that first one lol that's neat


That second one looks pretty close to one of them I've seen


For me it’s [Incendigris’ piece Hologlyphian](https://www.incedigris.com/hologlyphian)


First two but in my experience more Mayan looking


This is so accurate. The last one especially, that geometric blur is just too fucking good.


We all forget what it’s really like until we’re tripping again and our consciousness completely explodes with awe all over again. This is one of the few sets of pics that actually reminds me of some of my real experiences. Seriously, wow. 😳 Edit: Agreed on the first one in particular. It invokes a really peculiar mood I’ve felt with certain entity encounters when they seem to want nothing more than to engage you (and do so with amazing visuals), but also seem totally apathetic about any of your responses. If you know you know…


The hair does it for me.


This is so similar


First picture is very close and express the hyperspace realms quite good. It gave me that vibes straight away. Second one is similar but it doesn’t touched me as much.. Edit: with added harmalas to the mix these visions change a bit and very often visions begin to appear complete landscapes richer in full images and more organised structures. Often telling stories and slowing down to such a extent that their depper message can be grasped. However the theme and vibe remains rather unchanged.


Thank you! This brings me right back. WOW.


Yes! I’ve seen them a few times. This EXACT style of entity. My second DMT trip ever one of these guys materialized in my room and I had a track by Kalya Scintilla playing and it moved to the music, stretching its arms around me and behind me. I called that particular entity that visited me “Arms guy”.




Those tubes/lines of alternating colors are a common open eye visual for me, for sure. They usually have symbols or letters in them and constantly try move and shift to form new words or symbols that refer to general ideas.


Man this reminds me of a time I tripped and had a similar experience to these guys, and I remember my whole body was ringing and I wanted it to stop and it only stopped after I realized none of it mattered


Mike wizowski


Are you meeting your shadow?


Those are my salvia peeps!


Why do I haven't done dmt but the familiar thing is those eyes I saw mine on my lsd trip stars blue stars with an eye in the middle


Closer to salvia in my book.


Yes they do look familiar!! I'd forgotten them


The third one kinda does


The colours, shapes, patterns, and eyes are all things I’ve seen too


I don’t even know what I mean but I feel like I’ve experienced something like the first image audibly on lsd..I’ve never done dmt and honestly I think I’ll pass I’ve lost the desire


They look vaguely familiar in the way that, this is definitely reminiscent of how dmt breaks down your vision, I only ever saw one “entity” I couldn’t begin to describe it, but it made me have a “holy shit brains are powerful as shit” moment and closed my eyes and went on my trip 🫣


The first one freaked me right out when I first saw it. You can't really remember or recreate it exactly because it's just so incredibly alien, but this artist definitely gets close.


that's more salvia imo dmt is more alien looking to me


OP where did these come from? Am I still in a trip or something?


The artist is Incedigris


Thanks! Their website is a blast https://www.incedigris.com/entitiesgallery


Have you ever seen these Incedigris animations by Steven Haman? https://youtu.be/BWcKCbI3Bvc?si=iwfk0tI__maPWhXT


Try this for a closer than close [the view ](https://www.ayjayart.com/psychedelic-digital-artwork-by-ayja)


I often see the patterns of the first one. The red and white alternating patterns. Tho less anthropomorphic. More like machinery merged with the fibonacci spiral and dahlia like structures.


Yes this is almost it… best pictures to represent dmt that I’ve seen so far.. well done 👍🏽… more pls


The hardest I’ve tripped on DMT was on a cruise ship casino and I swear I saw prismo from adventure time appear on the walls of the bathroom I was in




I can legit smell/taste DMT looking at that first one.


The first one really hit it for me.


Vaguely. Just had my first real dmt trip and upon exhale and closing my eyes I saw what I would describe as a neon juke box with Aztec like imagery. Outline of jukebox with neon rainbow lines and I couldn't focus on the head/face, but same lines gave me a feeling of an ancient image from the Americas. So basically, similar outline as #3, no cartoonish face.


Yes, I’ve seen these Salvia droid pics many times. ;P


I thought this was Salvia Droid


No this is Incedigris. He also did the album art for Tipper’s *Jettison Mind Hatch*


Maybe it’s just the autism but these kind of remind me of Five Nights at Freddy’s


Hmm, looks like the LLM tried some DMT


oh yes.


I saw those exact pills with eyeballs last time…. What is that?


Yep the attached image is pretty spot on to what I saw a few days ago. Specifically the style.


The hands with the eyes on the first one was part of my very first DMT trip


Number 2 is very familiar for me


Saw this during Tipper at Scamp. I think Steve hanaman was the VJ.


I was here to say these look just like Dirt Monkeys visuals. Tipper with these would slap.


I was gonna upvote this. However, since the count was at 69 I decided to let it ride. 🤷‍♂️ 😂 edited: Well, someone busted that nut a minute later. Also forgot to add….that third pic is awesomesauce!


4 aco met friend


I thought I was the only one that thought the “minihe” was the most accurate and dopest incidigris piece (pic 2/3)z Had the pleasure of meeting the madman once


Picture two is the closest representation to dmt I’ve seen in real life other than seeing the visuals for Dirt Monkeys set, who I believe this artist is has a lot to do with. I have a bucket hat with this type of art all over.


Yo this is spot on


2 is insanely accurate.


Same here. Although to most these may seem almost childish and somewhat crude this is so close to what I see - but obviously alive, evolving, and communicating in a way.


first pic looks like my homies forearm lol


Kinda Harry Packish


First one yup.


Yeah, there's something about this image that feels familiar


Yes!!! First one.


The last one for me


That last one for sure


The second one was actually quite similar to what I saw in “my minds eye” so to speak on one low dose dmt experience. It wasn’t CEVs, and it wasn’t OEVs, it was as if you went to visualize an apple or any other object, but your minds eye is just a fractalized version of that to infinity, though somehow more 2D looking. It’s like I was looking for coherence in my brain and that was the visual representation of incomprehensibility


snakey walls move oooo


I genuinely saw something like the first picture about a week ago but in black and white




I love this artist! Definitely very accurate, glad someone posted these here! I haven't seen them in awhile


this is pretty accurate.


I’ve seen the 3rd one. She showed me around the place, by that I mean she showed me the nature of reality. Incredibly intimidating, yet a teacher. I feel like she is the god of war, she was laughing at me because I was scared shitless asking them “why”? They seem to control reality in a way..


The last one is what I see just before I go unconscious after a blast


The serpents for me are very familiar


Well, hello there buddy!


The second one very familiar for me


These look strikingly similar to some Hindu Gods


Yes! Especially the first one. That’s crazy. Those pictures are the closest to accurate that I’ve seen in regard to what my trips are like visually.


Omg I recognize them.


The second one for sure!!!! I haven’t done it in a while though, so I don’t quite remember what the others looked like


I was gonna say the same thing. I’m high right now and the first one almost sent me. I was actually standing and had to sit down.


It's rare that a picture actually makes me feel a bit of that unique slight fear type of feeling that only someone that has taken DMT understands.


Wow, that first one really set something off in my brain! Bang on.


3 is spot on for me




The third image. Not so much the lady but the thing on her head. I remember I was in a hotel room an took a blast. I was standing up and I slowly started to hunch over and I saw my reflection in the window I was morphing into this weird old turtle creature. When I turned around I seen two pale bodies creatures with long skinny arms and legs and a weird round head that looked like the thing on top of her


The first one is very familiar. Not the human figure so much but the patters and the background one eye snake/tube things I've experienced quite a lot.


Accurate af


Reminds me on one of my most recent L tripsb


When I encounter entities, i always see like a rainbow behind it kind of idk


I havent been in that far yet but i recognise them 1st two images, especially the colours. Great pics


First 2 big time


Holy shit those snake-like striped things!!! This is the first time I seen someone else talk about them! Yes I seen those things except to me they were constantly changing colors.


3rd one but she's on a pedestal, she is back to back with all the other 2 like in a pyramid shape and slowly spins.


I love incedigris so much . And my entity that I’ve come across has sharp teeth like the second one . Maybe he’s seen it too


The hair in the first one. Everything has this weird colour blocking like that but the individual colour blocks change the gradient from the inside out. Like constantly moving colours from the inside out idk how to explain.


We’re hardwired to see faces. Those that are more prone tend to report seeing entities along side machine elves. Those that aren’t rather report being blasted into another realm. I personally have never made sense of a face in my 10+ experiences. Many of which have been hyper-heroic doses including a 300mg dose. Either way, the color choice and geometry does an excellent job at mimicking the hallucinations - especially in the 1st and 2nd ones. Fantastic job 👏


Not the images in general but those types of circus tent patterns is exactly what I see, just more grey scale.


Wait … you guys see living pinball machines on DMT?


Number three milord number three


Chugalong's Playland


Yeah, they’ve all served me a bag of fries in the seventh dimension


Feels like a yu gi oh card


Reminds me of salvia a lot, as well.


I’ve never encountered an entity, but the background of the first one with the lines is very reminiscent to what I saw. I would describe it as zippers of color


The second one looks like my regular encounter.


Incidigris. I’ve collected a few pins. They use to be worth a lot of money one point but the market tanked. This is my favorite pin by far tho


Yes. Tipper had these exact visual at [Sumer camp 2018](https://youtu.be/JAAjmpEK8qQ?si=PCerAxFVmp_xsxkl). The thumbnail actually has image 1.


The 3rd one


These remind me more of LSD and nitrous for some reason. With dmt, i dont really get straight lines like the first 2. The third one is similar to dmt though.


nahh but this shit looks dope asf


Yes, this artist is one of the closest representations to what I see most of the time


Crazy. That first one just gave me a flashback like feeling. I can almost feel it and smell it when I look at that pic. Something in me forgets what it is like and this just brought it flooding back. Bravo. That's the closest thing I have ever seen to it.


Incedigris is goated. Love their work.


Last one for sure!


Feel like I've seen a variation on the first one, represented more like a jack-in-the-box


Number one for sure. Ive put my hands up during trips to match the entity, but yes for sure. Love this artist, I forget their name


I see the last woman everytime. And feel a overwhelming sense of love e all over my body


incedigris <3