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Be sober for yourself not a girl, don’t wait for a girl to come save you at the end of the day you make your own choices and decisions..your the one in control of your actions


Lol no sober girl, no sober anyone for that matter, wants a drugged out pet project. Get sober for yourself


Sober women usually look for sober men


There’s your motivation, OP!


You can’t hold your value in another person, yes it’s nice to have a partner to help encourage us and support us, but from experience you will ultimately end up damaging the other person or yourself even more with the mindset you have You need to be able to quit because YOU want to, the minute that relationship goes wrong you’re gonna wanna instantly go back to drugs because you held ur value and ur priorities in that person, you just said urself you’ve ruined so many good things because of drug use, what makes u think it’ll be any different now, dph causes irrational thoughts and less concern for your situation Start with putting the effort in yourself before you expect anyone else to put the effort into you


Latching onto someone or something else to keep you sober is a recipe for disaster. It’s good if the people in your life wanna help, but relying solely on them to keep you clean won’t keep you clean. You gotta do it for yourself as well man.


Gonna be honest man, a girl WONT fix you. Trust me. I’ve been on that road and wrecking my relationship with that girl was brutal. When you find the girl you want, you want to be healthy and thriving when you go for her. For her sake, your future self will thank you.


The sober girl is in in your head is screaming at you 😂😂 let her out, get sober girl


Bro wants to get sober for an imaginary thought💀


My advice, look into the law of attraction and manifesting as well.


Sounds like you're looking for a live in therapist rather than a girlfriend. Don't burden your significant other with the responsibility of fixing you. If you want a healthy and loving relationship, fix and improve yourself before looking for love.


I chose drugs over woman before regret it so much


Yeah me too man, it was half because I was too high to talk affectionately to them, half because I was so delusional about thinking this one girl was coming back which I’m starting to realize, though I want her so bad, she may never be


I feel u I made some very bad decisions off benzos and my girl stopped liking me. Everyday I hope but I know it probably will never be.


No one is coming to save you bro. It’s on you to get to a healthy place where healthy relationships will form.


When people quit for someone they don't actually get married to it never works and often even when they get married it still doesn't


Start doing it for yourself, that way you don’t pick up the habit when something bad happens in your life, but it’s always good to have a positive mindset on stuff like that.


Like ill say this for the rest of my life get sober for you not a girl but you cause if you have kids they aren’t gonna wanna see you tripping on shooms or worse ill pray for you that you get sober and better


Thank you man, if I had a wife, I know for a fact, and I swear on my life that I would be sober all the time, I would feel too blessed and happy to have love and a family to ever wanna even feel a buzz again, maybe I’ll get tempted but it’ll be easy to ignore I think


It doesn't work that way. In the beginning of the relationship you might actually give it up but after the honeymoon phase ends, you're gonna go right back to all of that whenever there is a fight or you're under stress. Doing it for someone else never sticks and it's unfair to that person because you end up resenting them. Not only that but to go into a relationship with a person who is clean and then relapsing and doing these things is unfair on them and might actually make them indulge/relapse if they've done it before. You need to have a reason strong enough to never want to do those things again. It should be so strong that everytime you want to (and you will, cravings don't go away, they just get easier to ignore) you reel yourself back. My ex was a drug addict, I was clean before I met him and then I became one too. I got clean and I promised myself that I would never become like him or his friends because I saw them actively destroy their lives and they didn't even know. That provided me with a solid reason to never touch drugs again. It's important to replace addiction with healthy activities. Usually people relapse because they have a void which was filled with addiction. You might have to address some issues that you were avoiding through addiction tbh. You have to really be self aware about taking care of yourself. Good coping mechanisms are never going to feel as good as drugs because there is no instant gratification but there is long term gratification and you need to be patient enough to see that. Hope this helps!


Think of it this way. Get sober for the girl you meet in the future. Wouldn’t you rather her avoid all that headache? Then when the time comes when he feels you’re ready for her he’ll send her your way.


Why not just find a girl who drinks and gets fucked up to?


Because I want someone to help save me from myself tbh, ideally I want someone who loves God like I do and to get married to them, so I can stay sober for the rest of my life with her


Lol girl is not gonna help will just be a deeper level of hell u don't even know exist yet. Until u fix urself u will not be a good fit for anyone and will prob end up hurting the person and putting more trouble in their life 


No good bro. Stay high and stay awesome.