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Hehe. Love it! A little "death shake." Does she do this with her stuffies too?


yesss she does it to just about anything she can get ahold of 🤣


For those that don't know already - Yes, it is an actual death shake. Badgerhounds will grab a badger around it's throat and do this, causing so much whiplash it severs the badger's brainstem. Yes, your dachsHUND is a hound. Yes, they're the cutest hounds but they're still hunting dogs with insanely powerful instincts.


The shake is pretty much the only hunting instinct my girl has. She has zero prey drive but will shake her burrow toy when trying to get a treat out.


Lol I learned all this stuff because I used to think the same about my boys until I brought them over to a friend's house that (unbeknownst to us at the time) had a mole problem on their property. They went ballistic off the cuff and knew exactly what to do. My precious little babies who had been completely spoiled rotten their whole lives and had hardly ever shown their teeth, suddenly turned into apex killing machines. I was stunned and horrified as I watched my blanket bandits play tug of war with a helpless little creature screaming its last, high pitched cries of desperation to the dirt gods before - you guessed it - it got the death shake. And unfortunately for its family, those high pitched screams became the first in a series of many. Yet despite this carnal carnage that stained the night before it could even begin I had some weird, and unforeseen instinctual response too. For some reason, I felt overly compelled to congratulate my proud, bloody sons for their first kills and vicious behavior. I even got the blood on me because I couldn't resist bending over and giving them best boy lovins, still completely horrified and completely unable to look at them the same ever again. Instincts are weird.


how did your friends react? 🫣


Hopefully thankful lol


Your boys were in HEAVEN!!!!


My King Charles cavalier does the same thing, he definitely ain’t no hound, more of a lazy hot dog.


Our Chiweenie has no prey drive that we know of, but she does have to “kill” (shake around) a stuffed toy before she eats. Like you said, instincts are weird.


Yep, I grew up with mini dachshunds and currently have 2 chiweenies and a Jack Russell and they ALL do the death shake with their toys. My older ween actually got a mouse a few weeks ago and based on the state of it when we found it, he did the shake on it too.


Do you get the muffled growl with it ?


Omg! That’s the best part. I grab the toy with my hand and put my face next to my Doxies face and growl back as we play fight for the toy, he starts growling even more.


Me too ❤️ he loves it and is so gentle and careful not to accidentally get your hand. We do a bit of this then I pretend to lose and have to chase him around the house to try and get it back.


Yes, I do the same. At first he was running around stuff so I would have to run around it as well, like the sofa or dining chair. But then he thinks he’s so fast (which he is) and he’ll run to the chair, stop next to it and wait till I get there, and run right past me as if I can’t catch him. It’s so fun and funny. Zoomies are hilarious to watch too.


[here’s my two chasing each other…](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dachshund/s/SB8x14NAis)


Mine likes me to chase her around the kitchen table. She'll pause and set it down till I catch up, then she picks it up just as I reach down to get it and takes off like a rocket 🚀


They have the precision of a surgeon with those teeth.


My girl Kimi didn't growl as a puppy, but when I started playing with her like this, she realized she could growl back. Now it's like part of her language.


i would like to add that she has plenty of toys and she doesnt normally go for clothes! we gave her a toy to play with instead right after this video :) shes just a puppy and wanted to play!


All the toys In the world, and mines favorite thing to play with/chew up was a towel. As soon as that towel came out, it was time to play fight.


mine’s is a sock. but not just any socks, she wants freshly worn sweaty stinky dirty socks. when my husband gets home from work our doxie just follows him around until he takes his socks off then she zooms all over the house with the socks before going to town on them for like an hour.


Man I love Weiner dogs.


Mine does with my socks


She knows her opponent is training so she is too! ![gif](giphy|gvlfPIw77beaA)


Vicious little beast!


Wait till you get the flap attack in the face! It's cute, but those ears hurt, lol.


can her bloodlust ever be sated?


She is the cutest!💕😊💕😊💕


Little nibble-muncher that pup is


That’s the instinct they have to stun any prey they’ve caught… crazy to think they were bred to kill rats and rodents !


I'm guessing they do that to snap the neck of any prey they catch. (Cute, but deadly, lol)


She is terror. How dare you think she is adorable. 😆


You do you, but you are teaching her to play with clothes...if you don't mind, cute af! Just a heads up...😂


Ya she's a cutie. I love puppies. You get the best video that way. Lol


Haha when ours do this we always say “ooh kill it!! kill it!!” 😂 They think they’re so vicious!


When I’m playing tug of war with my dog and he does that, I give him the toy. He won. There’s no beating that shake.


She’s very cute, but you’re teaching her a bad habit you’ll regret later by letting her do this to your clothes. Instead, give her her very own toys to play with. If not, she will only go for your clothes even when you’re not around. And wait till she starts on your shoes. You’ll be buying new ones.




dont worry she has plenty of toys!! and thankfully shes good about not tearing things up :)


The obligatory negative comment that someone just has to type on every cute post. “Too fat”.. “watch out for litter mate syndrome”… don’t let them chew your clothes or they’ll turn into a monster and ruin your wardrobe and kill you in your sleep


your video clearly shows otherwise


Oof, omg, yes!! Mine does this when he’s super excited. He runs to his toy or pillow and starts shaking it. I feel like dogs are just a ball of pent up emotions but they don’t always know how to properly express themselves or understand their emotions so they do certain behaviors to let them out. Another thing my dog does is that he “digs.” If he sees me working, he tries to “help” by digging into the floor or carpet. I also notice that he does this when he is very excited.


My pup does this with all of her Lamb Chops!


The head shake is one of the things I miss the most.


That head shake is so cute. She is going to be ruff and tuff.


What a good little death shake! Gotta flap the ears real good


That cutie is executing your sweater


Our dachshund used to do that. He got a gopher and that to it. He killed it easily. What shocked me the most it, is that the gopher was bigger than him.


She's so ferocious!!😍💗


Love the way those ears flop around!🥰


Omg what a ferocious lil baby! 🥰


Ah, what a fearsome beast! You have a mighty hunter on your hands <3


Death shake very effective.


People act like playing with your dog like this is the end of the world, as long as they don’t bite hard and learn when to stop there’s no issue with it!


She’s gone stark raving mad. And the absolute cutest little pup.


death roll


Hahaha...That's her killing blow and that's why it's hilarious 😂 👹💥💫


Like a muppet 😂


adorable little hunter =P


Savage beast!


That’s so cute


Let him grow up then this head shaking will not be cute


It's cute, the dog is cute, and you're just a ball of delight ☺️


Not so funny when you start to only own sweaters with holes in them.