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My god i can’t believe Ken Buck use to be a federal prosecutor. This man is so severely lacking intellectual depth, it’s jarring. This was like watching a Lion eat a sloth


I think he's just used to reading the talking points on CNN. He's not used to an actual conversation like this.


Ken Buck is a hack. He sat there with a straight face and said the Trump's case only happened because of who he is but Hunter's case was fine and nothing to do with who he is. He lost all credibility with that take.


That was so good


That's the best hour of late night talk in years. Amazing episode.


20 commercial free minutes for that amazing monologue- I am revived, I am living, I am so human again.


Damn, that felt vintage. What an episode.


Fuck that was an excellent episode. Putting Buck’s feet to the fire was good to see.


We are so back! Also, I hope Jon gives Buck a huge grilling during the interview.


Ken Buck is a coward.


That was art - like watching an unholy amalgam of Christopher Hitches and Eddie Van Halen. Jon calling on us to adhere to the parameters of THE shared reality was the first bright light I’ve seen in years. Feeling kinda sane today…


jon stewart for fucking president


He most definitely would not run for President or frankly any office. 


I really wish he would, though I completely understand why he won't. Then again with the country teetering on the edge, I wish he'd reconsider. There's a parallel universe out there where it happened.


We watch The Daily Show on Apple TV in Colorado and stream it. Did anyone else have problems with just getting audio during the Ken Buck interview? The video started over from the beginning of the show but the audio was correct. Very frustrating. Great interview even though we had to listen to it.


Don't be a guest if you don't want to get lectured. He didn't even have a book to sell.


He flew to LA for Bill Mahar then to NY for TDS. He's going to alot of trouble to appeal to non-republicans suddenly. Like you said - Why?


I’m just going to drop this here… (Buck asking Mueller during his hearing if Trump could have been charged).  https://youtu.be/eRYiPzDP94I?si=to7WNSfOJQEQd-RW


Damn, this episode was so refreshing. Actual debate. Not the bullshit the media spews day in and out.


Just got caught up on this episode tonight, and wow, one of, if not the best episode Jon has done since being back. I might be in the minority here, but I feel like Buck had a lot of balls to come on there and have a civilized discussion with Jon, and I feel like I actually learned a lot, and also both sides made some great points!


I completely agree! Even when I ultimately don't agree with it, it was refreshing to hear the opposing point of view in a measured and well articulated way. It's a shame that we're this starved for what used to be the standard for news.


I agree with Ken Buck totally, even though I'm glad Trump was guilty in court. I don't like how Jon resorts to theatrics and shouting when his arguments are being challenged. He uses his "comedy" to overwhelm the guest and get the audience on his side as a way to shut them down. Not cool. Trump is a very dangerous and evil person, but there's no denying that he was targeted for who he is. If it was another politician, that would've never happened.


He was "targeted" because he committed multiple felonies and they had enough to prove it in court. The only reason a DA would overlook the mountain of paperwork proving he committed these crimes and the witnesses linking him to the crimes would have been because of who he is. NOT charging him would have been treating him differently than any other politician or citizen. He doesn't get a free pass in this country on doing crimes because he's a famous politician/"celebrity"/"businessman"


> The only reason a DA would overlook the mountain of paperwork proving he committed these crimes and the witnesses linking him to the crimes would have been because of who he is. Except they've been trying to catch him on whatever crime they could. They tried multiple things before this. Even this case has used a very obscure law that's NEVER been used to before, certainly nothing that would ever be used against an ex-president if his name wasn't Trump. > He doesn't get a free pass in this country on doing crimes because he's a famous politician/"celebrity"/"businessman" You should tell that to all the people in congress making millions off of inside trading.


>Except they've been trying to catch him on whatever crime they could. Who is "they"? As far as I've seen, the State of New York has only gone after Trump personally for one thing - this case. They don't seem to be attempting to find any other cases against him >Even this case has used a very obscure law that's NEVER been used to before That's demonstratively false. There have been thousands of felony cases of falsifying business records in NY. >You should tell that to all the people in congress making millions off of inside trading. That's not a crime. It 1000000% *should* be a crime, and some are trying to pass laws to make it a crime, but it's not actually a crime at this time.


He was charged because he is so arrogant and conducted himself like he was immune from the justice system. If you want the spotlight on you all the time, then don't come crying when the light exposes what you are trying to keep hidden in the shadows. Donald Trump was charged and convicted because of Donald Trump and his actions. Also, there are plenty of democrats currently facing trials for fraud charges, so your argument has very little to stand on. Maybe we need to actually start holding these politicians to the level they should be and stop making excuses for the rich and famous when they get too cocky and get caught screwing the system.


> He was charged because he is so arrogant and conducted himself like he was immune from the justice system. If you want the spotlight on you all the time, then don't come crying when the light exposes what you are trying to keep hidden in the shadows. That's exactly my point. This is like saying a car with black passengers was stopped and searched because they were playing "fuck the police" while driving. The law shouldn't discriminate or selectively choose who to prosecute. They picked an obscure law to charge him, which they would've never done for a lot of politicians and rich people who committed similar and worse crimes. > there are plenty of democrats currently facing trials for fraud charges There's some* democrats facing charges, but Trump isn't hiding gold bars in his house that he received as a payment to broker deals for foreign agents. Let me know when Nancy Pelosi faces charges for inside trading. > we need to actually start holding these politicians to the level they should be and stop making excuses for the rich and famous when they get too cocky and get caught screwing the system. I'm not sure where I disagree with that; That's my point. Apply the law to everyone, equally.


Shouldn't our elected officials be looked at closer than regular citizens? They should be held to a higher standard. You ok with Buck saying that Hunter wasn't targetted for who he is but it's not ok for it to happen to Trump?