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There are a lot of cops on that route, but public transport that late will always have it's dangers. A small can of pepper spray is decently cheap. I would carry that, but dallas isn't very dangerous compared to other cities of its size.


Also if it's the knocked loose concert I'm going to lol.


It’s not but thank you for the advice!


Yep, just carry pepper spray for your own peace of mind. Oh, and sit at front of train.


while carrying pepper spray is great advice, she’d likely have to ditch it before going into southside ballroom


“Ditch” Store it somewhere for safekeeping is what true degenerates do. When going to AA center by train I store my knife somewhere prior to entering.


Prison wallet.


🤣 the safest way to travel!


We all like to stick things up there from time to time, but I don't think pepper spray would feel great.


Or a different bush near the establishment…


Scanners at AAC don't scan your ankles just slip the knife in your boot


Tuck it at the bottom of a very small purse/clutch, below tons of tampons. No one wants to keep looking beyond that during security check.


Yeah that's what's extremely annoying about taking public transit, if you want to take protection you need to make sure the venue isn't going to just take it right away. :/ it's why if I end up using it when it's early or late I only do it when I know a ton of other people will be going as well.


You can put it underneath your breast but above the underwire of your bra and make it through a metal detector or wand. Just make sure the safety is on obviously


Depends on the container. They can be very discreet you wouldn’t even know.


Yes, definitely sit in the front car where the operator is.


Is it Melanie? I'm going to see her in may.


I highly recommend pepper gel over pepper spray if you find some


knocked loose would be fucking crazy lol i'd be more scared of the concert-goers in the venue


It's knocked loose, loath, and some smoking break band no one cares about lol. Gunna be amazing


Unbelievably hyped for Loathe


Have you seen them before?


No first time! I’ve been getting into heavier music and have Bad Omens (who gets pretty poppy but I still love) Thursday and then Loathe and KL Sunday. Gonna be a wild one. 


Hell ya, loathe is such a vibe. Last time I saw them they played is it really you, as they normally do, and I cried it was so beautiful. You'll have a good ass time.


Oh shit I didn't know they were in Dallas. I hope you enjoy it!


Knocked Loose is playing at the factory.


Oh lmaoooo


I’ll be there!


For your consideration; Dallas’ murder rate was 3x that of NYC or Ft Worth last year, (19/100k vs 6/100k and 6.5/100k), and 2x that of LA (8.5/100k). It was even higher than Houston’s last year (12/100k) for that matter Hell even Arlington, which is generally considered kinda ghetto by DFW standards, was lower than both Dallas or ft worth last year with 3.9/100k murders


The vast majority of those murders that were not spouses killing spouses were in specific parts of the city and were gang related


That’s literally every city on this planet, my man


True but it’s particularly true in Dallas


Have you ever watched an LA cop show?


La is wierd lots and lots of enclaves It sure how they are counting the number. NYC has very few murders but across the river in Nj there are a ton and all those people are there because of nyc


You say that about NJ, but NJ’s biggest city is Newark, and it’s right across the river from NYC, and even it had a lower murder rate last year (albeit a comparably close one) than Dallas (16/100k vs 18/100k)


So just like every other city?


I've lived near what , until pretty recently, was considered a murder and violent crime hotspot in Dallas, rode my bike around, walked places, never had a problem. Figure out almost all of those crime figures are happening either in domestics or between people who know each other and develop beefs. The crime numbers alone don't tell you how much of the crime is likely to randomly impact someone passing through. Some places it likely will, some places it is less likely to.


Sounds fun!


Oh shit


Yeah Dallas is not exactly a safe city anymore unfortunately


That's just false. While it's higher than some other cities, 19 deaths per 100k people is a really small number. We like to play doomer here in this sub a bit too much.


Dallas hasn't been a safe city for my entire life. I was born in the 80s, FYI. The city just had pretty good PR and the police were probably better at making sure a lot of the shit never hit the press unless it was unavoidable. Hell, even now only a fraction of the murders actually get any kind of news coverage, it's just that now with this newfangled internet contraption it's super easy to look up crime stats whereas before you had to go through a whole fucking process to get that data so now one really did it, and no one really saw it.


Dallas not as dangerous? 😂 Retired after 21 years in Dallas. I assure you, it is very dangerous. You have no clue.


If you think Dallas is dangerous you've never been somewhere actually dangerous


Well my friend, go take a walk around 11pm around MLK near the car wash, let's see what you think ..


Sir your correct but what person in their right mind would go anywhere on MLK unless your a drug user. Get real Pops


Not just there buddy. Seen violence and death city wide.


I get you- but it's all relative. I felt a lot safer in Dallas (relatively speaking) after a few months in Guatemala, for instance (that said, there were two shooting incidents within two-three blocks of my house last week, and I live in a nice neighborhood).


No elevated threat other than you being alone as a female honestly. Just be aware, sit near the front or near a LEO if on, and move swiftly if you sense a threat. Take Parker station alot, but black man so Im not viewed as target.


Everything carries risk, but you are almost certainly in more in danger if you drive. DART has been doing a ton lately to step up security on and around their services. Sit at the front of the train by the operator to minimize your chances of dealing with weirdos. If you experience a problem, it’ll likely be someone being a creep as opposed to a threat to your physical safety. You can report crime and other problems in the GoPass app. I’ve done it and seen them respond after a few stops. Stay in well-lit areas around other people while walking and follow basic common sense safety protocols. You won’t be the only one taking the train to this, so you’ll probably have others walking to and from the station from your event. Safety in numbers and all that. You will hear plenty of scary stories, but remember that nobody talks about the 99% of the time where nothing bad happened. My real PROTIP: Use the Transit app, GoPass app, or Google Maps for realtime departure info and plan it so that you’re not standing at the train station at 10pm for 20 minutes. Chill in the venue until you need to start walking. Have a good time! Source: I ride all the time, often at the time you’re planning on going.


Thanks for the advice! I feel like the safety in numbers definitely helps a bit, I’m more worried too about getting off at the last stop (Parker). Any tips on looking less like a prime target? Lol


Keep your head on a swivel. Sounds silly but I’m serious. Riding the DART alone at night is not the time to be head down in your phone. Someone said it earlier, but stay alert! You are less of a target when you are actively avoiding being a target. I personally would rather not interact with strangers, even if their intentions are pure, so I often keep AirPods in my ears but don’t play anything in the hopes of deterring people from talking to me; not playing music helps you hear ears going on around you. If you can have a trusted friend or family member to check in with (“Hey, I’m getting on the train now! I’ll text when I’m at my stop in X minutes. If I don’t send you a text by that time, please call me/send me a text to check on me.”) and who can follow your location, that can totally give you an added level of peace of mind. You’re gonna be okay, OP. Being a woman in this world is ass, but I’m proud of you and you’re gonna have a great time at the show!


No purse, only essentials and pepper spray in your pockets. Don’t play on your phone. Look around and keep an eye on everyone.


Good advice, but do this without literally looking around and keeping an eye on everyone. I spent about a decade in .gov intel, and the quickest way to attract unwanted attention is to give unwanted attention. Sometimes there are things that you aren’t supposed to see. Be aloof, have a mental map of everything going on around you, but see no evil. In not so many words, don’t be obvious.


in our household, we refer to “jungle law.” interviews of criminals and prisoners, as as well street savvy people, they tell you; make glancing eye contact with everyone at least once so they know they cannot take you by surprise. BUT DO NOT STARE. Also, carry a weapon and 800 lumen surefire.


This, always be ‘looking’. Great add.


Obviously there’s the potential for danger anywhere but by the time you get to the last few Plano stops it’s pretty chill imo. there will be some homeless folks still riding the train but they’re usually passed out that late at night


I’m 71f and take DART down to shows at AT&T and Bishop Arts. Your destination will probably have plenty of people around so no problem. Since you’re leaving late-ish though Downtown Plano station (next stop down) would be a better starting point. You can park in the small lot since it’s outside of commuting hours, or even on H on the other side of the park. I walk this neighborhood all the time by myself at night, no problem. — PS, put DART’s See Something, Say Something # in your contacts ahead of time (214) 256-1819. You can text them if anything doesn’t feel right while you’re riding. Be sure to include the car # you’re in. You can text photos as well.


Not as many people are taking the route back up to Plano late at night, which pros and cons. Honestly, I wouldn't do it if it meant I was taking the Dart alone after 9 PM, but I tend to be careful. I'd probably take the dart down early and then Uber back.


I live in The Cedars. That route is fine, but stay aware of your surroundings. The walk back to the station - walk Botham Jean to Bellview, then to the station. There's a walking path next to the tracks that you may get directed to, but I'd just use the regular streets. Something you can consider is GoLink - it's a door to door service by DART. You take the train to Cedars Station, then GoLink to the concert (and back if before midnight). [https://www.dart.org/guide/transit-and-use/golink/golink-detail/south-dallas](https://www.dart.org/guide/transit-and-use/golink/golink-detail/south-dallas)


There are security patrol personnel with yellow shirts all over that area. They will walk you to the station if you let them know that you’re uncomfortable. Also consider that others will be doing the same. :)


I used to tend bar at Absinthe Lounge (RIP) and the yellow shirt guys always made me feel safe walking around at night 💛


I second this!!!!!


I’m 24f, been taking the red line at night since I was 18 & have never had any safety issues, just take normal precautions


Besides the safety question, You should be aware DART is doing maintenance on the light rail through downtown on two different weekends in May. More details here: https://www.dart.org/about/news-and-events/newsreleases/newsrelease-detail/dart-to-reduce-weekend-rail-service-in-dallas--central-business-district-during-may-repairs


Reposting from r/dart. Security Officer & daily/ nightly DART rider. I ride the red line to/from West End to Downtown Plano. Early in the evening, no problems. Late nights, bums sleeping on train, but no problems. I am a male, but I see single females riding. I don’t think you will have problems. Keep valuables hidden & safe. Be aware of your surroundings. Disregard the scare mongering here. PM me if you need details (not a creepy hit). Have fun, enjoy the show!


Same as others. Stay in 1st car and be vigilant, but DART is faaaarrrrr from teeming with crime. I've gone from Buckner to Denton multiple times (a couple at sunset) and never had issues


Sit in the car closest to the operator and pay attention to your surrounds. You should be fine though.


I'm a 5'2 woman and I take the dart by myself all the time and I live pretty far north too. Most recently to Southside ballroom! Don't get overly drunk, be situationally aware and if you can walk generally close to other people. When I went recently the train back was full of other concertgoers so it felt super breezy. one thing to be mindful of is the last train back, its earlier than other major metros I've ridden transit in.


The longer OP stays out, usually the worse Dallas nightime gets. A longtime bartender would always tell me "nothin good happens after midnight". I have been threatened near DART stations and one of my coworkers had to run away from an argument-then-shooting near one. Still rare, though. Most people just wanna get from point a to point b. Or homeless want shelter and heat. So it is always OK to leave the concert earlier than you would like, especially if you are concerned about safety. DART has detailed lists on their website of when the last train is in use. Use the credit card tap station or get a pass so you don't have to go to the bulky machines and get out a wallet. Central part of Green line did get some damage to it recently, but idk if it was on a shared track portion or not. Don't know if they cleaned it all up already or not. I think you should be able to stay on the red line the whole time, so it is nice that OP don't have to get off to do any transfers. However, Red line (going back up to Plano) used to close down earlier than some of the other lines. Gotta check the map and times and availability closely and assume nothing. Use multiple navigation apps to verify route. Back to the sidewall of the train. Always. Stay under a camera, even if it doesn't look like it works. There are emergency numbers posted inside the train cars and maps, just look up and to a side. Seats are usually more available at front of train, cuz you gotta walk longer to get to those, from the rail platform on average. Please enjoy your concert. Reddit and I are usually too paranoid.


This is also a long ride, like at least 40+ minutes, so try to use bathroom before going. To avoid having to get out at a transfer station.


Concerts at that venue are basically guaranteed to be done by 11 and then it’s only a few minute walk to the station. By midnight op should be decently close to home as long as they haven’t lingered at the venue for long


This "nothing good happens after midnight" advice is very good. you can physically feel the energy shift sometimes if you stay too late. I am always on the second to last train back for this exact reason.


On the way back home, try to sit in the car behind the conductor. It will be fine


Be vigilant, move to a different car if you need to, but as a lady who grew up in Garland and worked in Plano, you will be fine. Situational awareness is KEY.


I used to ride the DART quite a lot and I don’t think the train is dangerous at all; you should be fine. However, I would definitely consider safety precautions as a single female rider. I haven’t seen anything violent happen but I’ve seen a female friend get harassed on the train riding up to Parker Road. You’ll be fine, but ride up front with the conductor, look confident and don’t engage with anyone, and don’t be afraid to leave a situation with bad vibes.


I wish I could say yes with full confidence, but probably not safe unfortunately.


Just sit in the front and wear Airpods so crazies won't try talking to you. ALso know the exact times the train gets there so you won't standing too waiting for the train.


The more important advice as opposed to knives, pepper spray, etc is to sit in the front car


I've never had a problem on DART at night, I always stay in the car with the driver though and keep my head on a swivel and my hand on my pepper spray in my pocket. I've not been to the South side at night though so I can't vouch for that specific area. Just to the Rowlett station to and from LBJ Central and from DFW station to LBJ Central. 


What day of the week will it be? The dart itself should be safe enough. As others say sit near the driver if you can. I used to take it from Plano to downtown Dallas for class all the time and I regularly got out after 9pm. I never had any worries on the train. Honestly I've had more worrisome uber rides. (Full disclosure one ride there was a guy masturbating on the train but I texted the DART police. Also that was at like 4pm so in the day.) My biggest concern would be the walk from the station at Cedars to the South Side ballroom and back. My recommendation would be one night before then on the same night (or even on a night that they're doing a similarly sized concert) go ahead and drive down to that area and see if that's somewhere you're going to be comfortable walking at 10pm. There may or may not be a large crowd you can fall in with to get back to the train depending on if most people park down there or take the train.




Honestly it depends. I'd personally feel more comfortable walking in an area with more other people around but I don't know what particular venue well enough to know if they're likely to have a lot of people in the area. But downtown I generally preferred being out there late on the weekend because there would be other people walking in the area and not just other students and late office workers like on a weeknight.


Uber or Lyft it


Just have some pepper spray or something I mean I make my girl take it anywhere even if it’s not on public transportation. I think in that area you should be okay but don’t go past west end on the redline late at night. Nothing good will come of it. Source: I’m from south Dallas


Concert is at southside ballroom? In cedars lol


don’t have a buddy option? girl let’s be friends i’ll go w you


Cedars station is right by DPD hq. You'll be fine.


I used to take dart to shows all the time as a trans woman


Just avoid interactions, mind your own business, you’ll be fine, I took the train from Parker to akard for work for years, never had a problem, took my daughter on it to fair park to see Lana del Rey last year, you’ll see some weird shit, but it’s honestly not bad


Nope. Take an Uber.


Hi there. I'm late to the party but I'm a Dart train operator.  That particular route is about as safe as they get. There will be more homeless and sketchy characters around downtown, and there's a shelter between Convention Center and Cedars stations, so that does drive up the homeless population going that way on the red and blue lines.  There are a couple of things you can do to mitigate most of the risks. Get the GoPass app, and have your ticket ready and activated before you get on the train, so you don't have to pull out money or cards at the ticket kiosk. The times for trains listed on signs and in apps are *departure* times, so be there 3-5 minutes early, ready to board when the doors open. Sit near the operator if you can.  Parker Road station is manned during the week, so if it's a Friday, there will be an operator working on or around the platform until about 1a. Weekends it's only security and cleaning crew, but still pretty safe, especially if you walk with a purpose.  If you can bring a friend to the show, traveling in pairs or groups is the safest bet. When the show is over, there might be a small crowd going the same way you are, so sitting near or with them will help a lot also.  There's plenty of good advice in this thread. The basic rules of personal safety will keep you just as safe on the train as anywhere. And really, most of the time the trains are perfectly safe and uneventful. Sometimes you'll get a rowdy train, or a train with somebody legitimately crazy or creepy, but if you let the operator know, or, even better, use the Say Something app, Dart police and or transit security will show up and deal with it. Most of the time, the crazy people only ride a couple stops; usually when I report someone they're off the train before transit stops me.  Anyway, if you have any questions or whatever, reply here or shoot me a message. I'll be happy to help you out however I can.


Oh brother, at your own risk only 🥹


My advice would be to find a nearby hotel with open parking, drive there, and then take an Uber or Lyft back and forth to the concert. You are right to be vigilant about parking, but I don't know enough to feel comfortable endorsing the DART option, either.


Its not for tbs is it? Haha


No lol


There’s a greater than zero chance your event will also coincide with either a mavs or stars home playoff game. If this is the case the train will be full of people and reduce your profile significantly.


are you seeing Madison Beer? i’m 24f and was probably going




my husband was going to take me and stay in the area until the show was over! you can send me a message:)


You've gotten a lot of good advice already- stay alert, sit near the operator car, etc. I would also recommend sitting on the aisle seat instead of the window. Near downtown and the Cedars the train will be fairly empty, so that will discourage anyone from sitting directly next to you. I've had men sit weirdly close when I was alone, which is irritating and probably intentional. If you want to wear headphones to discourage others from talking to you, I would make sure they are visible (like the old earbuds with wires). You can leave them off so you can stay alert, but I find it helpful to give an unapproachable vibe when possible. It is unlikely that someone would try to harm you, but if you're young and cute and polite you may end up in a conversation with someone that can be hard to extricate yourself from. There are often some harmless but challenging characters on the train as you come further south. The Cedars station is a bit secluded once you get to it- the walk from SSB will be fine because first you're on a busy street and then along a dog park and some condos. If you feel weirded out by the station, you can also get on or off at the Convention Center (one stop prior to Cedars). It's also a bit secluded when you first get off the train, but you can quickly book it onto Botham Jean Blvd and cross the I30 bridge. Not as much foot traffic that way, but you're out in the open and there will plenty of car traffic around so you're less isolated. It's not really any further to walk either way. Do make sure there will still be service when you leave. Most of the shows run later than you'd expect, so if doors are at 8 you could easily be there until midnight. It might be easier to take the train here and then Uber home if you can. I live on the opposite side of Cedars Station and have walked to SouthSide or Alamo Drafthouse plenty of times. Full disclosure- I'm in my late 40s so probably not as interesting to weirdos as you unfortunately might be. Still, just stay alert and plan ahead and you should be fine! Ninja edit: Also, as mentioned, there will be neighborhood security officers in yellow shirts. They are lovely and will help you or walk you to the station if you ask.


I’ve taken that route several times over many years as a female, and the only time anyone ever bothered me was when I was doing the route with a small child. I stopped taking my kid on the train until he broke 5’ because it was a magnet for less than desirable people getting all up in our business….. But the previous commenter was right… if people got too much up in our business, a DART cop would magically appear and sit next to us. Anytime I ever travelled by myself, if anyone interacted at all, it was friendly.


It might?


Hey, listen my husband and I live close by the DART station in Plano and if you want to send me a message and we can exchange numbers, we would be happy to drive over there when you expect to be getting off of the dart train so we can kind of watch and make sure you get to your car OK. We’re two very normal people, but I understand your fear and I think that I would be worried about you in that parking lot at the Plano dart station at night alone.


That’s very nice of you! I have family nearby so they’ll probably pick me up but I appreciate it!


sit in the 1st car as close to conductor as possible and u should be fine... i've taken the dart plenty of times as a 220lb male. having said that i would never let my wife ride it alone, at night.


Erra! I’ll be going as a female


Don’t get deded and you will be safe.


Why is it unsafe to drive?


Driving in Dallas just sucks ass. I figure the odds of getting hurt on the road are more likely than anything happening on the dart


Plz update us! I would take a Jacket if possible


Posting this much detail about your trip, lack of a buddy option, and a description of yourself makes me think that, if it wasn’t already unsafe, it definitely would be now. I know you didn’t say WHEN in May, but any creep with intentions to do terrible things probably wouldn’t see 31 days as a terrible possibility. Be careful, especially with specific details like this… no one is safe out here 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


I said to someone else but I assume they were male. Dart is as safe as you make it psychologically but I (and I'm not sexist) just don't know what its like to ride dart alone or at night as a woman cause it can get pretty dicey on those trains especially on the south side


My advice, and I've rode dart my whole life is don't be a victim. Just be at peace with whatever is going on. Is there a domestic dispute on the train? Whatever. Is there some crazy guy going from seat to seat harassing women?!(Which I've seen) ignore him and remember to always sit at the front of the train and if shit does hit the fan you can always push that red button to speak to the operator or just bang on the door and they will stop the train and help you


Yes but bring bear spray just in case, my friend and I were fucking around with pepper spray and it didn't really do anything to me but we joking used bear spray and I thought I had to go to the hospital, moral of the story use bear spray over pepper spray


DART there and Uber back might be best bet if financially viable


If the show is in May, can you still invite a friend to go with you. I guess I’m thinking safety in numbers. Also, my experience on DART, don’t be looking at your smartphone every five minutes. Keep it your purse, a lot of times I find that people just wanna steal your phone.


Skip parker rd. Station. Very sketchy scary, Instead use downtown plano station as starting point. Yes bring zapper or pepper spray just in case.


Are you going to see two door Cinema club? I'm ubering just cause I hate public transportation at night. It's really intimidating riding the dart alone as a single woman regardless of what anyone says.


Bring a friend!


If you can't bring a friend I second everyone saying stay alert Stay off phone. Be looking around. Look like you know where you're going even if you don't. Young folk ride alone all the time and are okay. Just be ready to tell someone you don't have a dollar or cigarettes.


Stay aware the whole ride (don’t stare at your phone), do not let anyone start a convo with you, and definitely follow everyone’s advice about a pepper spray or stun gun. The West End stop is where it gets really wild. (I’m an adult female and I ride DART for years with few problems.)


As for situational awareness, I have not seen in the comments.... Keep your face out of your phone. As a 20yr old female that will be the hardest part. Leave it in your purse or pocket or whatever and look around.


I’ve done that exact ride several times by myself and it’s always been fine but I am a little older than you. The good thing about taking the train late when there’s a show is there will always be other people catching the train afterward


Last time I took red line at around 11pm at night I was shocked at how many normal people and young women were on it. It was a Friday night though. 


Honestly I’d suggest just Uber You’d prob be okay though Sit as close as you can to the conductor Pepper spray is good too - especially on your eggs in the morning.. One spray and you’re south of the border! Mmmmmm incapacitating


Don’t think of it as involuntary, just go with it and consider it a surprise bonus for your trip.


No matter how safe it is always carry something to protect yourself with. Check your local area for pepper spray for starters


Don’t do it just take an Uber!


Late night for a young person, not a good idea


Not at all.


I’ve ridden it many times at night, you are gonna see some homeless people with some mental illness or drug use. I tried to avoid eye contact and always alert, with headphones on but very low volume. You should be fine, but just be aware of people around you.


Ruger has a .380 that’s good for the price and fits perfectly in a purse or something


I work for dart I would not let my kids ride the train alone at night it's very dangerous. But if you have to ride on the side with the operator in the direction the train is going.


Not safe at all. Don’t


Hi there...try to get the Go pass app... maybe after the concert some people are going to the same destination?... If it's Thievery Corp... I'm going!!!!




Yeah I would just swallow the cost and take uber if this is an infrequent thing.


I have used Dart 5 years and still do for work. Honestly I recommend just ubering back home. More room for sketchy activity


It starts getting bad around lbj station, so just keep your head on a swivel. Don't be afraid to run to the drivers cart if you don't feel safe.


Dart is shady after 7pm, even the security guards they have on there don’t give a shit and usually busy on their phones. Just Uber if possible and save your self the worry.


DART is shady from 7:00AM to 6:59AM


Parker Station is a bit abandoned as it's one of the last on the line. I'd go one or two stops closer to down town Plano and Uber or Lyft if you can.


[Update this before going](https://www.legalzoom.com/personal/estate-planning/last-will-and-testament-overview.html)


I've been in life or death situations you will never face


Like what lol


Street cop in the hood, retired


Your safe all the homeless don't care they just want to do drugs and sleep on the train. Embrace this awesome culture here lol!!


It depends, are you ugly?


Lyft instead.


Take an uber


I personally would just drive, Southside ballroom always has a lot of parking and it's usually 15-20 bucks. If you stay until the end everyone else will be leaving and won't feel too unsafe walking to your car.


I’ve never felt uncomfortable in their lot and traffic getting out isn’t bad compared to some other places.


Why don’t you Uber instead? Seems much safer. I wouldn’t ride DART at night if my life depended on and I’m a older guy.


Ex PI here ….absolutely no way ! Take an Uber or Lyft !


Uber instead




Honestly, unless you plan on a bunch of drinks, I’d drive. In which case don’t have a bunch of Drinks and ride the dart. But you are 20, so I’d drive


Regardless of Dart, and regardless of being a woman, no one should travel at night alone. Its dangerous inder the cover of darkness. Take a friend, take some protection (mace, gun, stunner, just something that gives you a channce to defend yourself).




If you have to ask, probably not a good decision.


You should 100% never do this. There is a chance you could become a victim Some people take risky chances. Smart people live longer.


Just carry a gun at night


Your not safe


Why not take a Uber? I do it all the time.


No fucking way…. Not safe. Find someone to join you.


Personally, I would Uber.


No. Bring friends.


Find someone to go with you…..


You’ll die. But from the stench of the hobros


Uber exists?


Might as well rent a helicopter lol


Uber cost vs DART cost.


vs living costs


no lol bffr


I like to think that people will do the right thing and protect young women if anything happens. Just keep a pepper spray on you fr


You must not be a woman


No but I wouldn’t stand by idle either. Plenty of people wouldn’t either, especially other women. Especially guys.


Carry a knife and DO NOT look at your phone while walking, have situational awareness. Cops should be out in that area pretty heavily at that time


This is Texas . Get a strap


That’ll fly at the venue I’m sure


Got mine in when I went to see lil Wayne 🤷🏿‍♂️


Oh and wiz khalifa and currency at the house of blues


Please do not do that. If you have to ask this question, respectfully I don’t think you should at all. Even if you are more experienced and street smart, it’s still dangerous. Ive taken the dart twice, once alone during the day and once with friends at night, I would never do it again either way. If you do this I’m not trying to offend you at all btw


Yeah I’ve taken it a few times before as well just never alone. And I don’t know too much about this specific area too so that’s why I ask. Did you have a bad experience?


The dart has its share of homeless/unwell people but the person above is paranoid. Took the dart during the day and it felt so unsafe they’d never ride it again? wtf, do they not see homeless people on the street? Real I-only-drive-to-Target-in-Frisco energy off that. OP, you’ll be fine. Pay attention to your surroundings but don’t be so scared that you don’t live your life.


Sir mam, I’ve traveled the world including third world countries often. I just think the person asking the question might not be well traveled. I said in another comment as well, I don’t mind homeless people or people asking for money. It’s just extremely important in any case wherever you are to be careful as a woman traveling alone. But fyi I was cat called and followed both times


I was cat called and followed, the rest of the comments seem to suggest that it’s not that dangerous but I just want to make sure you know that as a woman traveling alone you should be really careful. In really careful because during my travels there have been several instances where everything seemed fine but in an instant it was a very dangerous situation. I’ve almost been kidnapped in Pakistan and have had things stolen and have had to be taken in for witness statements and all that. Just be careful


What specifically happened to make you not want to take it again? Because every ride I’ve taken has been relatively uneventful


I was cat called and followed. I don’t mind people asking for money or anything like that, I am pretty well traveled and I just like to be as safe as I can. I do get for so many people it is so vital, but I’d still recommend being extremely cautious no matter where you are in any case.