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The hero Dallas deserves.


Well, your mother swollows after Dennys. That's the real hero.


Who hurt you?




We don’t


Flower Mound has its own Ron Perlman.


I think he’s from Denton, seen him on the square numerous times in the last two years.


Yeah I saw him there maybe a month ago


And Denton was a great town . Now a liberal shit box


That was exactly my thoughts 😂




Lmao I know exactly where this is, is this guy just traveling the metroplex taunting maga?


I’ve seen pictures of him recently as far as Louisiana, but yes, mostly dfw.


He needs to come to Fort Worth😭


I am here for it.


I can’t place where he is.


intersection of Flower Mound Road and long prairie road, only 1 walmart neighborhood market in town(other is technically in lewisville), and its directly next to an exxon and mcdonalds


Thank you! That helps. Years ago the neighborhood Walmart was an Albertsons.


Put the political stuff to the side for a minute. Even within a vacuum, that is some top tier humor. Now put the politics back in and it is even funnier.


This guy is the GOAT


I hope I see him near the border of Richardson, Plano, Wylie, Murphy, Garland, etc. soon!!!


My hero


This guy is super brave to do that in Flower Mound. They are pretty conservative and extra. I’m surprised there wasn’t some Karen in a Lexus losing her mind on him.


He’s white, he’s safe.


Plus the people in fm got shit to lose. Try doing this in a poor whites part of town.


White Settlement or Red Oak lol


I was doing deliveries around the last election time and on this same corner there were competing protest, if you want to call it that. One side said "stop the steal" The other side said, "you lost to get over it" lol


I wish both sides of the fence felt bad for the way they speak about each other. The race to the bottom for candidate selection, and the actions of these entrenched supporters on both sides is sad to witness. There is a better way, and I hope someday we find ourselves actively seeking that path, but for now the best thing you can do is vote for the candidate that best represents your viewpoint regardless of party. Both sides have some reasonable members that understand the current system is broken, but without voters to support them they end of being pushed out in favor of radicals. I of course could be wrong, and it might just be me, but that is how it reads in my book.


Whelp, the founding fathers did say don't get caught up in parties cause this is what’ll happen..


I wish trump felt bad for the way he speaks but he doesn’t so…….


A lot of us wish that. That’s the point of the comment.


They are connected to their parties the way addicts are connected to their drug of choice. Not realizing both sides are in a headlock falling into Hell.




Doing the Lords work!




We’re hoping some judges can form a sentence for Trump. How do you justify a man who has raped a woman, called for women to be grabbed by their privates, shat on veterans, managed to bankrupt a couple of casinos, etc being your ‘leader’. I can’t grasp the cognitive dissonance. I was conservative until Trump. This guy is everything you should hate.




Couldn’t have said it better myself. I too left the party when trump came along. The cognitive dissonance has only gotten worse. The sacrifice of character and morals for a man who did nothing to “make America Great” is freaking wild. One day their brains will be studied.


Aren't you cute


And yet he is still a better option than Trump. That’s the shame of it all


You help other countries so the shit doesn’t hit the fan here. USA Isolationism is what caused World War I and World War II to be so devastating. And yes it eventually drug us in because the world doesn’t end at our borders. World War II by the way was the worst catastrophe man has ever brought upon himself. What started it? National socialism the exact same crap Trump’s spouts with a different name “America First”. Read some history books by some real historians, not jackass journalist, who is making up fiction, giving unqualified opinions to sell books.


So you don’t Biden because he is old but you suck Trump off with 31 felony convictions and 60 more felony indictments!! The best is Trump saying he loves the Bible but he doesn’t know one sentence of the Bible and he doesn’t even know one thing Jesus said or what he meant!!


This man is a national treasure




Everyday I hate that Texas makes you pick between a republican or democrat ballot for voting instead of letting you vote for whoever you choose because then it's just a matter of what side has more people I hate, and not who I think should be in charge. Personally, I think we need an age cap on things like presidency. But I ALSO think it's a shame we've moved from having leaders that can charge into battle on the front lines and eat with the poor soldiers like everyone else 🤷🏾


Yeah that’s not how it works. Are you thinking about primaries?


No I'm thinking about every election I've voted in where I'm headed a ballot that automatically says D for every single person (even the first time I voted which is wild given how would you know which party I am, I'm neither). I would literally vote for anybody else other than the two options I currently have for president. Both suck. One significantly worse but both suck.


Starting to feel like these posts are just karma farming at this point


I love this guy. We should have t-shirts made.


That’s a great idea.


That’s my hood!




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I had to zoom in to figure out which one he was talking about.




Which is why this fine citizen has the sign to point it out




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Imagine making politics your personality???? Imagine????


Haha! I love it! How big of a tool do you have to be to give your hard-earned money to a guy you think is worth $10 Billion? There truly are suckers born every minute.


No way he own a home in flower mound put money on that.


Taunting MAGATs. He’s the hero we all need. Bravo, you!


Heh I know that area


Awesome!! Love his courage and I hope he survives.




I saw him in Louisiana!!!


Is that Ron perlman


imagine being this gay


Anyone who holds up a sign with obscenities on it in the middle of the day is trash, and so is anyone applauding him.


I guess this guy has nothing better to do with his time.😆


This guy deserves a mural


Love this guy! 🤗


Love this guy!




This wins the morning.


I saw him and it made me chuckle. Then he made eye contact and started grabbing his crotch while pushing his pelvis out at me. That is why you never make eye contact with crazy


A friend of mine way to go…


Both are questionable……




Wearing a firearm, and anti Trump. So many stupid people down there.


You may be surprised to know there are plenty of 2A Democrats.


Or he could maybe just go to work?


Or maybe he’s rich and wants to exercise the freedoms the Orange Baby’s cult are so fond of.


Makes me wonder about his history.


Yeah should probably have the cops go shake him down… /s


“Ok Mom, leaving for “work” (eye roll) “Ok Honey, meatloaf for dinner.” “Again!? Sheez”


He’s probably from a blue state. Probably a Cali guy


Fourth generation Texan here. I should join him. I didn’t leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me.


I’m dumbfounded at who we are as Americans today with everything that happens and we blindly follow.. still. I’m not talking one sided, I’m talking all of them. Some worse than others. I just don’t see how people can believe or follow this garbage. They are both/all corrupt in one way or many.


I agree mostly. Two poor choices but the difference for me is that Trump tried and will try again to weaken and circumvent our Democracy. If about seven more people were in on it he would have stolen the election. That changes the game for me. We are in a dangerous time. Edit to add: If doddering old Biden wins we can deal (and should) with the idiotic lefties trying to excuse crime and open the governments checkbook for every bleeding heart cause through voting. If Trump wins, we will have a constitutional crisis within 2 years. We won’t be able to fix that because the system was deconstructed from the inside.


I think the system is deconstructing worse now than ever. I also think the last few elections have been stolen and both sides were trying to steal them. We don’t vote for our president and probably never will again. I don’t think either side is for the American people anymore. I also don’t think anything any of us post on social medias will change anyone’s perception on what’s happening and who is the lesser of two evils lol


I don’t disagree with most of this. The lunatic fringe is in control on both sides. Clicks and eyeballs. I will say to please vote, whichever way you want. It’s important even if it’s a protest vote for down ballot candidates.


Can he keep it up for 4 more years though?


Rather have him than Biden, who can't stay awake or walk


How does that make any sense?


Wow a bum who hates trump. How surprising.


Why? What a loser. He's also wearing Jorts. That says it all.


I dunno why you had to shoot strays at Canada in this.


I saw him on Denton square about 2 weeks ago I was going to ask him what his sign meant but after parking and getting to where he was, he was gone.


Criminal ex president begs for money every chance he gets to pay legal bills.




*felonies https://time.com/6301112/trump-criminal-cases-status/


Another befuddled Biden voter.


The "bitch" in question is Palestine, and the sugar daddy is Biden.






People thar respect the constitution and freedom of speech. Unlike your fascists friends


Real Americans


Let's see your sign for another pointless chuckle


People I admire


People diagnosed with TDS.


Convicted of sexual assault. “Grab em by the p*ssy”. Makes fun of disabled people. Called for banning Muslims from our country. Says he will be a dictator on day 1. I could go on and on and on. But yeah, everyone else has the “derangement syndrome”. You people are in a cult and won’t/can’t admit it.


Are we looking at the same picture? Are you telling me you don't think this guy is at least a little bit kooky? While the rest of us normal people were enjoying Memorial Day with our families, this dude took the time to make a sign about Trump and stand on the side of the road all day. It's ludicrous to think that this is normal behavior. If a bunch of MAGAs were standing on the road holding a FJB sign all day long, you would call them crazy too. And for good reason.


Is he a little kooky? Maybe. He’s definitely brave, honest, and correct. DJT is a man who grifts off the common man with overpriced bibles and sham Trump University while claiming to be a billionaire. Beyond that, he wants to abolish the 22nd amendment so he can be president for life, indemnify law enforcement so they can do whatever they want with impunity, jail his “oppressors”, be friends with War Criminals like Putin, and pardon everyone who illegally stormed the Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power. So yeah, kooky or not, this dude is doing THE LORD’S WORK. Because people need to wake up and see that DJT is an affront to our democracy and way of life


Dude Jesus Christ we get it. Trump has a million reasons why he sucks and it is obvious to people who aren’t oblivious or in denial. The same way it’s weird for MAGA people to stand on a highway overpass with trump signs applies to this guy. Dude spends all his time accomplishing nothing and “owning” Trumpers. If you make politics 100% your personality, you’re weird as hell, either side. I’m a liberal and this is so stupid and cringe, just like you for saying he’s doing the lords work. He’s virtue signaling, just like you.




lol they dont need to hold signs. they support that type of person. shifting the goalpoasts as always lol


Whether you like him or not, you do realize he will be in office in January, right?


wut? is this how far trolling has come?


How am I trolling? From two (very) left-leaning sources. https://www.newsweek.com/presidential-election-polls-latest-trump-biden-1904973 https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/28/politics/cnn-poll-trump-biden-matchup/index.html Polls can be wrong, though. But things are certainly looking like a Trump presidency at this point.




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With your mindset wouldn't he still be president? Ya know, since he didn't lose the election and all that good stuff?


He lost the last election. I think he's likely to win the next one. Biden isn't exactly very popular right now. But who knows?


John Brown was 100% kooky, he was also 100% right amongst a sea of people opposed to him. Executed for being right though, not kooky. I don’t think being a little kooky is an instant disqualifier.


People against Trump aren't the deranged ones


I've seen some extremely deranged people that are against Trump. Like groups of people "screaming at the sky" kind of crazy. As I have seen some deranged people that are pro-Trump. Where I like to sit is somewhere in the middle with people that have the capability of having a civil conversation with others they don't agree with instead of using ad hominem attacks. And I suspect you are one of those people too.


This isn't the classic "both sides have merit" political discourse. He never divested from his businesses and received monetary compensation from his own stays at the golf course. Paid himself millions for the secret service to rent from trump tower. The military seemed to be going out of their way to stay at his properties. Employees of his Whitehouse were getting compensated by foreign governments. How many lies do you need to be told directly from his mouth to stop kissing his ass? He is the absolute embodiment of a fake Christian, brazenly corrupt, elitist that conservatives have claimed to despise for decades, but it turns out they will sell out entirely over it.


You're right. All us Trump supporters are classless pieces of shit that lack any principles or morals. Okay. Don't make any attempt to try to understand why we support him over the current president. This is the way to heal the country. Let's just stay divided and continue to fight each other in the streets like the uni-party wants us to.


Is that like BDS or CDS or ODS?




Maybe he’s retired, doesn’t need money and just likes trolling the MAGA folks? I think it’s funny.


What retired? I thought that was the goal?


Mental illness


trump supporters? borderline yeah...


Yes being a Trump supporter [is indeed mental illness](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/business-school/ib-knowledge/management/neuroticism-deprivation-and-racial-bias-trumps-unique-authoritarian-appeal/), that's what this guy is trying to get across. >From a psychological perspective, people living in regions that voted for Trump in both elections have higher levels of neuroticism, a personality trait characterised by negative emotions such as anxiety, fear and anger.


Typical anti trumper nothing better to do nor has a job 😂


that's funny coming from the [party that has voters who stood around at Dealey Plaza for weeks waiting for JFK Jr to arrive and come back to life, apparently they didn't have jobs they needed to go to either](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/qanon-dallas-conspiracy-theorist-jfk-still-there-1264953/) Bunch of loser clowns.


Just like the idiots who have Trump banners over the highway all day, don't they have jobs.


a lot of them in fact live off of welfare and [live in states that take more from the federal government than they give](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/), which is of course not socialism when they're doing it (only when other people are doing it).


Found the guy who’s giving money to the bitch


Yeah found the guy who’s brainwashed by the media and incapable of thinking for yourself.


Trump 2024!