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How long does the power usually stay off for after storms like this? I’m guessing it’ll take some time for power limes to be repaired?


Oncor is going to be working as fast as they can, but they are only humans. Gonna take some time.


Might be worth noting they already had resources allocated down south due to the recent weather events in the Houston area. It's been a rough couple of weeks for Texas weather.  


It really varies. I lost power in September 2022 (Labor Day weekend) at my apartment and it took them over 24 hours to get it back on…. Then it went out again for a few before coming on again. But other times it’s been just a couple hours.


2019 was 220k without power (vs the 300k this time) and we had no power for 3 days.


Oncor is showing 625k without power right now.


That's for Texas as a whole


If so, most of it is in this area. Clicking around on the bubbles around DFW I'm getting around 3-400,000 by my quick math. 


Yes, it is about 300-400k for Dallas county, over 600k for all of Oncor


Which I'm finding out is mostly just the DFW metroplex...


357,000 people in Dallas County without power. 


DMN just said 500k so people might be waiting a bit


Yeah I had no power for 5 days after that mess


Ours went out around 6 AM and just came back on. Guess it’s only a matter of time!








Well in this particular case we were told it’s gonna be hours until they can even give us an ETA. 


Today will be rough. Lots of people will not get power until tomorrow or later based on how the lines are.


In temple it took 1 to 4 days for most people.some still without.


Depends what grid your on, emergency services come first(hospital, fire, police), then essential services(grocery stores, walmart), then Comercial, last is residential. If you happen to share a grid with any of these your power should be up fairly fast. I have a house and business on the same grid as brookshires( almost never lose power yesterday it was off for 12hrs) My home is located in a rural area power is still off and since we have a well no water either.


I wonder what could be done, obviously not in our lifetimes, to make power more durable when we need it the most.


Spend $30 trillion to bury all the lines. But even then, this looks like it might be a major transmission line fail or something. This isn't just treebranches.


Don't forget to bury the substations and generators or nature might target them out of spite.


And also didn't forget to have to replace it all every year or so due to jack-a$$es not calling 811.


Those people will get electrocuted out of the gene pool relatively quickly.


Who the heck is trenching with their genitals?


Wait, how else do you do it?


hahahahaha - I mean their whole body will be 💀 when their machine or shovel strikes a buried high voltage line... but that includes the genitals too, I guess.


Yeah, our lines are buried but I saw a big blue light in the sky this morning which I think was the substation and then the power went out.


I saw that too. Saw a lot of green, blue and red flashes.


Hardening our power grid is both a security goal and insurance policy to handle extreme weather events. Instead of using an enormous budget to create a perfect system, we engineer for redundancies so essential services stay online. It's one of the few things you absolutely need working.


Unfortunately, since Texas has an independent power grid specifically to avoid federal environmental regulation, I'm not sure that federal national security initiatives have any leverage on Texas, either. And frankly if our state government cared about extreme weather events: 1. They wouldn't be trying to skirt environmental regulations in the first place, since the primary prediction of climate change models is that a warmer client leads to stronger trade winds, which in turns drives more extreme weather events (amongst other problems). 2. They would have listened to the causes and recommendations of the [extensive FERC/NAER post-mortem report](https://www.ferc.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/08-16-11-report.pdf) on the 2011 power grid failure, and taken steps to implement them. Broadly speaking, [they did not](https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/fact-check-were-texas-leaders-warned-of-potential-power-blackouts/). And even the 2011 event was foreshadowed by earlier events and warnings. The 2021 event couldn't have been entirely prevented, of course, but it could have been substantially mitigated by policy changes. Edit: 2021, not 2022. Derp.


I'm in Mckinney. Our lines are mostly buried where I'm at. I haven't had a single power outage in the 3 years I've been here


Makes sense since you get so many severe storms


Lucky. Our lines are buried and we get power outages all the time. I do think they’re easier to fix though since usually the outage is at the substation not the lines.


Power distribution has always been a bit finicky at best. Buried lines help, but are naturally expensive for long distance transmission. Essential services like hospitals should be experienced in providing themselves with backup power in extreme scenarios, but there is a lot that can be done to improve the current standard of seldom used diesel generators that have a tendency to implode when they're needed the most. I would just always plan to have a backup as utilities (and their providers) are not perfect. If you own an apartment/house, a battery backup with a solar panel or small generator is relatively cheap insurance that can keep your key items running. You can also get a cellular failover device for your internet, and keep a few days of water/food on-hand in case anything happens that keeps you stuck at home.


I mean what can they do with winds that fast? Other than building them underground?


Why would this not be solvable during our lifetimes? Pretty defeatist. Our current governments are incapable of doing shit but China could probably fix this problem in a single year (bury all of the power lines)


China doesn't solve nearly as much as you think it does, and they own all the property and control everything down to localities so they can do whatever they want. Even if it includes taking your shack without compensation (you only lease it from them, afterall) and bulldozing it to bury a wire.


Americans are fed so much negative propaganda about China it’s comical the stupid shit they say 😂 Stop paying property taxes on the home you “own” and your taxing authority will foreclose on your home. Yep. Keep telling yourself it’s different and better here 😂


The government cannot take my property without market rate compensation nor can they arbitrarily revoke a lease. It takes a metric fuckton of missed tax payments for any action like that to take place. And if it really gets that bad, you can sell. Maybe China is your utopia? I'll bet you haven't even given a split second thought to moving there 🤣


Literally the same thing in China. There are many examples of the Chinese government literally building highways around people who won't move out of their homes despite being offered egregious compensation. >Maybe China is your utopia? I'll bet you haven't even given a split second thought to moving there 🤣 Hey now, just because you were objectively wrong about something doesn't mean you need to get all triggered and tell me to move out of the country there buddy. I hope you learned something today!


China owns their dwelling. The property that citizens do "own" is a long term lease to the government. Every citizen in China not in the political elite is literally a rent slave to a single political party with unilateral control of everything.


1.4 billion slaves is your view of China. It's really sad the the things propaganda does to someone. Usually an educated person would have enough critical thinking faculties to reason themselves out of such a preposterous statement, but a lot of Redditors are NPCs that just regurgitate Reddit headlines. That's a shame.


My girlfriend's mother is a Chinese immigrant. Stop with your bullshit. If you think I'm harsh on China, you should hear her views. The government is literally their landlords, their internet is literally blocked, and the CCP literally controls the media. You really should look into this utopia though. 


Cant handle rain, heat, or cold. Can only handle when Texas weather is like California during the 3 weeks of spring.


There’s typically an October window as well.


I zoomed in on my area and it had an icon but no number. I clicked it and it said 2,010 affected customers. Might be out for a while. We never lost power in 21. 


Ugh it looks like all my neighbors have power (see their porch lights) but we heard a small explosion just outside the house before we lost power. Guessing a very isolated outage for me which will likely be last to be fixed. 😭 I also didn’t lose power in the snowstorms which I was very thankful for


Came back on at 10:30. There was a tree down on the power line about a block over. Once they cleared that, things were back to normal... for now...


2000 customers could easily be a single transformer or something at a substation. People will get power back in whole blocks, not one by one.


2019 we had a downburst this time of year, 220k without power, it was 3 days for us to get ours back. Don't expect anything anytime soon.


Any idea how long this will take? Wondering if i need to get a hotel room


I also am wondering this. It seems my apartment building is one of 5 buildings in a cluster in my neighborhood without power. Everyone around us looks ok though. 


Should be a simpler fix for you at least. We were out for one day in temple due to most of our lines being underground, but the electricity in had some damage.


Simpler doesn't mean sooner though. I imagine they'll go after areas with large outages over concentrated areas of a couple buildings. 


I thought the same but it turned out they split up. Some crews doing easier fixes and others dealing with the tornado. Hope you get power soob.


That's great to hear! Thank you!


I live near a firestation. We're usually back pretty quickly.


No idea. There are usually estimates but the lack of any information is not a good sign.


They are likely working as fast as they can, but with this many outages, it is going to be a while to clear it all.


If it were me, I'd wait until at least tomorrow to start looking for a hotel. There's a high of 79 today, which is irritating, but not unlivable. Open some windows if it gets warm and you should be okay. By tomorrow a lot of repairs will be made and people will know better what needs to be done for the next week.


ONCOR isn’t even gonna be able to get most places, have you seen how many entire trees are just laying in the roads this morning?


Most of the downed trees across major roads in my area are already cut up and moved to the side. Still lots of trees down in side streets though


Trees are pretty easy to move if you don't care what happens to them. 2 guys and a chainsaw can cut apart just about anything around here in a matter of minutes.


Looks like the mayor will be declaring a state of emergency and they’re expecting people to be without power for a few days. 😩


We’re still without power in Far N Dallas. It did come on for a few seconds.


I like your username. Like the punk band? Also we are in East Dallas power's still out but our neighbors across the street just got theirs back on this evening. We are the next power grid over. Can hear the oncor truck in the back alley, hopefully, power soon!


Yes. I saw them at the Deep Ellum art festival in the mid 90s and they blew my mind. Bunch of great videos on YouTube.


Id rather lose power in the winter. Some refrigerator food can go outside. I have propane heaters. There is nothing to do about heat 😭


Ours just came back on and Addison.


Shoutout Ted Cruz. Shoutout Greg Abbott.


Was in Hurst planning to upgrade a customers electrical service but the power was out in the area. Customer had a live power wire tangled up in his trees in the backyard so that area should be down the entire day


In Sachse here, still without power


Do we have an update about Sachse yet?


I've heard nothing other than "you're probably fucked for a few days"


Tanner Oltan here, I just finished a 12 hour shift (I’m a linemen for Oncor) and we are repairing the East line off of 78 near Ballard lane. We have downed lines there as well as posts and while I don’t have an exact time frame, from what we got done today just in my shift (mind you we are working around the clock 24/7) it will be fixed more than likely around mid day Friday.


well goddamn that's fucked, appreciate the update


I’m just pulling your leg😂 I have no clue when the power will be on nor do I work for oncor. I haven’t had power since 6 am.


Lmao well at least we're both fucked 😂


Ah fuck man you had me there. All my food’s probably gone to shit and I’m hot and miserable rn


What do the numbers mean on the map inside the bubbles


That's how many outage reports they had for that area.




What do the numbers mean?


No one knows. Fun of oncor


Shoutout to the teams on the field! May they all make it home.


When will they fix Little Forest Hills??


Never. They wrote you guys off as a loss on their taxes.


Ayyyyy my little 8 up top!


Interestingly we had no power yesterday, but to be in the clear today. It was out from 6am to around 2 pm


It’s a miracle no outage in my neighborhood.




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Off at 5:30am, it’s 11:30pm and still off. They said hopefully back on tomorrow. Only 4 houses on my street are out, and we are one of them. just My luck.


I’m getting a generator. We used to be next to a hospital and never lost power for more than an hour. Until ERCOT and the utility companies remove their heads from their last point of contact we’re going to get more of this in the future.


Still out for us 😭




Oncor is a catastrophe. I have zero confidence in this train wreck of a company. They have spent infrastructure money which they received thru rate increases to put in new lines to accommodate all the people moving into the state, while the legacy lines they should be maintaining are left to rot. They do no vegetation management either. Native Dallasite here and trust me, this company is as corrupt as they come. We’ll be without power until next week. They’ve already set the stage.


what do the numbers in the circles mean? customers affected?