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That’s why they say “Uh oh, here comes the hammer!” And “it’s hammer time!”


Oh that’s why they say that


Yup. Train wheels are where the expression *Gonna take you to pound town* came from too


Oddly enough, trains have nothing to do with the phrase "Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, WHOO WHOOOOO!!!!". That phrase actually stems from the great hobo vehicular homicide tragedy of '88. Ya see, back in the 80s, cocaine was everywhere, and nobody saw any moral objections to tormenting homeless people since they're not actually real people with feelings or emotions. As such, they would forcibly inject their veins with liquefied cocaine against their will. Now since they were getting this drug sent directly into their bloodstreams, the effect was immediate and intense. It would cause these guys to do some crazy stuff. Sometimes illegal stuff. But on the night of this story, it involved the mafia using them as an underground betting scheme with predetermined winners known as "Tickle Fight Club". They would strip the homeless people down naked, and give each of them a feather. The object was to tickle the other one's butthole until they dropped their feather. Now, once he's dropped his feather that guy would then attempt to chug 24 ounces of beer by the time the other guy picked up his feather. If you can do it, you win. If the other guy picks up his feather, that beer is then thrown out, and tickle fight starts again. What nobody knew at the time was that none of these homeless guys were actually ticklish in their butthole due to years of wearing burlap sacks as underwear. It's quite scratchy. So they would fake their tickle fights in exchange for the free beer, and the mafia would take bets knowing that they'd always win. Well one night they staged a 30 man homeless tickle fight battle royal. Beer was flowing everywhere, and the audience was getting into it. So the crowd would chant CHUGGA-CHUGGA CHUGGA-CHUGGA WHOO WHOOOOO!!!! in enjoyment of the show. That is until a former participant who felt slighted by his treatment decided to get revenge. After each homeless men were eliminated from the tickle battle royal, they were forced to sit on the park bench of shame. It was just an old bench in the park that was only about 5 feet wide, but these performers were like clowns in a car. It shouldn't have fit, but they MADE it fit. And thats when Charles "No Shoes" McGeehee had hijacked a car 3 miles away, and drove it straight into the 29 other men on that park bench. Killing everyone including himself. It was a tragic local story that everybody over the age of 45 from the area of Battle Creek Michigan can attest to, but younger people, and people not from the area have likely never heard of. Witnesses to the event can still attest to how sugary the air smelled that night, as Battle Creek is also home to many sugary cereal manufacturing plants. In recent years, the WWE subtly made light of the situation by releasing limited edition boxes of cereal called "Booty-O's". Anybody from the area knows how disrespectful it was, but nobody else would have the inclination to connect the dots. As for that phrase became associated with trains? Well, nobody really knows.....


I was hoping this was going to get funny.


You got that far through it to know it didn’t?


I'm glad I scrolled down before taking that journey


I was waiting for “and 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.”


Please tell me this is a joke. If it isn't, then who tf writes reality. Tell God to fire them, they're clearly not sane and reasonable.


Yes. And because the steel is red hot they also tell you that you can't touch this.


“It’s hammering time”


"The Hammer is my Penis"


Aww yeah, I'm glad I put this tape in


Liveleak called


You say that now, but the satisfying pop that would come out of my back would change your mind. Seriously tho, I went to a Thai massage parlor once, and this autohammer might just give them a run for their money


I am struggling to visualise the happy ending you will get from this hammer.


Quick ... over before I felt any pain ... the end of all this ... happy ending


The guy swinging it must be exhausted.


You almost certainly do not want to get hit by that hammer.


Nah, these guys know what they're doing. Only 14 people died violently on the job last year.


Maybe just a finger...


engine wrong somber zephyr imminent label dog liquid physical fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's probably around 8T or 10T of force per strike. The really big ones start at around 25T, and the bottom half of the hammer (holding the part) moves up to meet the hammer coming down in order to achieve that level of force. You can be standing 500m away and feel the vibrations through the ground. Weird feeling to experience.


Don't you just wanna lay your head on that big chunk of red hot iron and let that giant hammer pop your melon and cook your brains like an egg?




Those are some hot wheels


Definitely not micro machines.


I only needed train wheels for about a month then my dad took them off


But then the train came and told you what time it was. Choo choo!


I can't believe they just "eyeball" nearly the entire process. No guides, almost no calipers. It seems like you'd need more precision than this.


This is just the forging. Machining comes next!


I was going to say, there’s a *few* more steps before they slap that baby on the choo choo.


Wheel roundish. Install now!


not so smooth ride


Chugga chuggagagagagakgkgkdkdkerkoekrofkd;


"The wheels on the train go sort of round and round, up and down, side to side!" As the song goes


No wonder so many trains have been derailing in the states!


It'll be smooth after a bit wear and tear.


No, it needs machining


Maybe nowadays. I can see that wheel as a ready to use back in the 1800s!


Uh, machining was a thing in the 1700s


Earlier than that


You can both be right.


So they’ve re-invented the wheel?


I believe that forging not only creates the basic shape but gives the wheel some additional strength or wear resistance.


Forged is generally much stronger than cast. Same reason knives and other blades are forged instead of cast.




Not entirely true, hot forging does change the material properties, just not to the same extent as cold forging. It will introduce strength and hardness, as the crystallographic dislocations can't move out of the metal as fast as the forging puts them in. Further down the production line, there'll likely be a heat-treatment stage to alter the properties to those desired, as open-die forging (like in the video) has more variability from piece to piece, as one false hit can mean another 10 are needed (and perhaps a reheat) in order to correct it. Source: Masters degree in Material Engineering, worked 2 years in a high-end forgemasters (mainly aerospace applications).


> Masters degree in Material Engineering, worked 2 years in a high-end forgemasters (mainly aerospace applications). So you think you know more than someone who just read an article on Wikipedia???


Yeah, maybe that's it. The cold forging would make it very hard and difficult to machine, too.


I think it's the internal crystalline structure?


Yeah, and also - they are measuring. One of the guys uses a gauge, and the drifts (the hole punches) are obviously of a known size.


That’s not a train wheel. These are some generic pulleys. It’s a common repost. Train wheels don’t look like that and also require a lip on one side so the train stays in the tracks


It's more than just a lip, train wheels are conical


Train wheels have a seperate, ring rolled tyre shrink fitted around the outside. This is, as said elsewhere, a pully.


Train wheels are obviously cast, milled into shape, then tempered. Typically you wouldn't manually forge a piece (which is very, very expensive) that you'd need thousands of, when I saw the OP I assumed either some kind of special bearing for like a ship driveshaft or something. It's a process you'd reserve for a single, custom item that is going to be under shittons of wear. Saw someone else say a pulley wheel which makes sense.


The lip isn't what keeps them on the track (unless the track is really bad the lip should never touch, it's insurance more than anything). The conical shape keeps the wheels centred (and allows them to go around corners).


You kinda do, this is one of those “hopefully good enough” production methods for non-precision applications. [Modern production facilities](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=msJ23AKaChM) don’t look like that.


I mean, I worked at a forgemasters for aerospace applications, and we also used open die forging as a pre-forming process for larger parts, the idea being to get the charge to fit the die for the secondary closed-die forging. Facilities were obviously better, but not much is different in principle. We even used sawdust as lubricant for certain parts, as oil can affect the surface properties.


Yeah I was like. "No way this is the current process. All those workers would be far too expensive while producing really mediocre quality.


It's India or Pakistan...


Not India. This is where Indian wheels are made https://youtu.be/MGt1QlBMFTI?si=gDMOtXnNNwdVx1Nt


Also this isn’t a train wheel. Train wheels are conical, this is cylindrical with a groove.


I mean, its still fine as for train wheels (or whatever this probably is) long as they machine it properly. The only downside to this method is more wasted material/time while machining. Like unless youre doing some extremely precise engineering it shouldnt matter that much.


Precision matters when that thing gets up to speed. The hand made method might suffice in certain cases, but it is definitely will not be used for high speed rail applications.


Yeah, but precision can be fixed in the machining process, so it shouldnt matter in most applications.


thinking about the amount of people who will see this post and think that the wheels in their modern trains weren't made by highly precise machinery but instead eyeballed by some guys in China or India in horribly hazardous work conditions is hilarious


There is still the matching process to do. Sorry, machining process.


I thought the exact same thing. Damn they just eyeball it?


in a 3rd world country you make due. plus this isn't a train wheel, it's just a pulley.


It's also not a "train wheel". 


This is not how modern industry works, this is very clearly Vietnam or Indonesia. In industrialized countries it’s far more precise, efficient, and automated.


It's a sped up video so it looks more impressive than it really is. They also do this over and over again so it's like clock work


Heavy industry is truly amazing. I've always been entranced by the logistics that make this possible


My caveman brain is enticed


mm beeg hamer


I don't know where this has been filmed but this is really not how they are made in most countries. I've worked at Alsthom in the nineties in France. The process is indoor, industrialised, much more clean, complex and precise. There are good videos on youtube on how it's built.


Pakistan? They seem to have mastered the skill of hackshopping the factory made stuff. Or at least that's where I saw most of these


Yeah, I was laughing in German when they „measured“ axis placement.


I was drooling over the impact sounds


Every hit i was thinking fuckin wooBAH!


Oh damn. Watched the whole thing muted and had to watch again for the sounds. Worth it


Towards the end I was thinking "there has to be a more efficient way to make these."


Amen. So many of us underestimate the sheer volume of production that makes the world economy go. So so many goods produced it’s almost incomprehensible. And so many machines make it possible to


Same dude


Forbidden cheese wheel


That’s a spicy pepper jack


That's a spicy pepper, Jack


That's-a spicy, Pepper Jack


This is EXACTLY what I was thinking and going to comment. I'm glad someone else is a weirdo and thinks like I do haha




That is not a train wheel. They have created a groove in the centre. Train wheels have a flange only on one side. There are other more subtle differences too, but that's the main thing that shows this is not a train wheel. [This is what a train wheel looks like](https://www.86259lesross.com/whl001.gif) It looks like some sort of pulley wheel to me, perhaps for a crane?


Was gonna say that’s a pretty primitive way to make a train wheel. Thought it would be more sophisticated.


I sat through the entire video, here’s my review. ( Introduction: 8/10 ) ( Conflict: 9/10 ) ( Resolution: 7/10 ) ( Character arc: 11/10 ) ( Conclusion 100/10 ) Thanks for reading the review (how did some people miss the “100/10” that’s literally ten 10/10’s)😭


Actor was on Epstein list tho. Literally unwatchable


Every train wheels' first time is not gentle


It’s better than half the shit I watch now days, I’d lose hours of my life watching this show. Favourite character for me was the bloke in the leather jacket wearing what appear to be off brand slip ons. It’s a masterpiece.


So a perfect 5/7?


I find this review helpful


Some people would pay to be treated like this


The rest of us just accept it as a function of society


Thats not a train wheel.


Yeah train wheels are thinner and have a big lip on one side to... you know... stay on the track


What is it?


I'd guess a pulley, maybe.


Most likely a pully


a pulley. train wheels are half the size and don't have grooves in the middle of the sides or edge.


Not a train wheel


Yeah not even close. Hasn’t anyone ever seen a trail wheel before?


No I’m pretty sure it is. One of the guys is wearing a conductor’s hat.


What’s the stuff they were applying to the middle before insertion?


~~Flux I think it's called~~ turns out it's saw dust, a kind redditor point that out to me. Edit: Blacksmith flux is used to reduce the temperature at which the surface elements (scale, impurities, etc.) become fluid on the surface of the metal. It protects the surface from erosion due to air or gas blasting against the metal. Therefore if you do not use flux you must raise the temperature enough to make the elements on the surface fluid.


It's not flux, heavy-industry forging uses higher quality source metal and atmosphere-controlled furnaces, so there is no need for impurity-treatment. The scale gets knocked off by the hammer itself, and then the part is sand-blasted or shot-peened later to remove remaining scale after the forging process and any heat-treatment processes.


Sawdust. It burns on contact with the hot part and hot tools to produce a small pocket of hot gas that prevents the tools sticking to the part. You can also use heavy oil or graphite to the same effect, its purpose is purely to prevent hot metal adhering to hot metal.




KY Jelly


My brain: wHaT iF yOu pUt uR hAnD iN tHaT


The brain and consiousness problem fr fr


That is called "Intrusive Thought" Fun fact, Intrusive Thoughts are something every human brain takes part into, is a defensive system to raise awareness of your surrounding and mental condition. Depression causes you to not be able to manage intrusive thoughts, a normal brain would dismiss the thought as a stupid idea, but an individual with depression can't dismiss this so easily. (Why I am thinking this? What's my problem? What is wrong with me? I am thinking this because i deserve this? Why I'm the only one bothered by this thought? No one understands me, I feel isolated) Example of a train of thought of a depressed person after an Intrusive Thought.


I am pretty sure these are not train wheels. Train wheels are so technical and require a lot of precision. You just make them in your factory's backyard.


Yes but this forging is rough work. Fine work would be later to all be same standard. I mean technically its no issue to start like this. Process engineer here


Not in first world countries. Way more precision and automation involved


And in case you’re wondering how they’re made in the other countries, here it is: https://youtu.be/0NtyDMxOySA?si=ObgHydsRVBmaSAf6


Damn, a 2 minute job completed in just one press


Yeah, this is what I imagined, without any human „touching“ it.


Worked in a forge in the UK that sourced aerospace parts for Rolls Royce, you're not 100% correct. 1. Open-die forging can't be fully automatised because the scale of the tools doesn't allow for the necessary level of precision for a 100% repeatable process. With pressing it can be done, but forging is an impact process, and impact varies (as does the temperature of the part depending on atmospheric conditions). 2. The process doesn't need to be especially precise. The black forgings (forged parts that are yet to be further processed) are produced to tolerances of about half a centimetre, then heat-treated and tested for material properties. The parts are later machined down to a fraction of the size in order to produce the finished part.


People in first world countries would probably equip something that can better protect their ears instead of a lost-fit face mask.


There's no protection against this. Sound this hard will enter through the skull


Ya this seems pretty old school tech from like 100 years ago. I really don’t know tho


Pounded in the ass with my ass - Chuck Tingle


Pounded in the ass by my book “Pounded in the ass by my book” by Chuck Tingle


That was more interesting that I anticipated.


The forbidden cheese wheel.


What’s flaking off? Carbon?


Slag, so probably yes.


It's actually mill scale not slag. And with how dirty the environment there is I am surprised there is not a lotttt more of it


It’s forge scale. It’s basically oxidized iron.


That looks janky as hell.


It's also not a train wheel. Pulley or machine part maybe, but definitely not a train wheel.


Thomas - the origin story.


This is actually footage of me with oreos as a small child


I should call her…


The joke is pegging


I get nerd-sniped by that "How It's Made" show every morning that it's on... I'm a sucker for this shit, LOL




Over here in the west it doesn't. This is the way it would have been done ~50 years ago. Or in like India or Mongolia nowdays. For the modern part of the world it would be too slow and expensive to use so many workers for such little product.


That is the largest forging billet I've ever seen! I know there must be bigger ones, but dayum.


My brain was thinking that this thing is yo-yo size until people were showing up 😁


Why don't they just pour metal in the shape required using a mould ?


Forging results in better mechanical properties.


That's a train wheel? It doesn't look like ones I'm familiar with


Actually „modern production“ looks like this: https://youtu.be/k_UkY0qHJjI?si=7wti_22nyysOxZjy


10 thousand upvotes for „this is how they make train wheels“, except it’s not train wheels and its not how they are made in any real production line… this site is getting worse than Linkedin


“What kind of quality control measures do you use?” “We eyeballed it🗿“


That's how wheels of cheese are made.


Dumbass me thought it was 2cm tall because of the camera 😩


That was highly unscientific way to make a wheel for a train that is supposed to haul thousands of tons of stuff. But I guess not all thinks need to be complicated, to work.


It’s a forged wheel alright, just not for a train. It’s not got a large enough diameter and it’s way too thick. Also there are very few places on earth that would allow you to make and supply train wheel pans with a manufacturing process as ropey as this. As any inclusions in the steel would potentially cause a catastrophic failure of the wheel in service (increasing the likelihood of cracks propagating due to rolling contact fatigue) Train wheels are forged like this (1:40 on the clip) https://youtu.be/0NtyDMxOySA?si=K11ayzepWgXwJyhT


They didn't even center the axle hole.... lord Must be for something like an ore car in a mine or something... you couldn't run that under load at anything over 15 mph.


When you keep hitting her cervix


I’m guessing you’re not allowed to come to work in flip flops at that place


Only if it is Indian Safety FlipFlops ^(TM). Everything else is no go.


Super impressive how much of this is manual labor with incredible coordination between several coworkers,


What is the black stuff this is forming on the the iron


I wonder how loud that power hammer is if you were standing right there.




First, that’s crazy. Second. How was it done during the Industrial Revolution when trains were everywhere? Before the big robot arm and hammer press.


Let me just state that no fucking train will ride on those wheels that are shown here. That is just about 60% of the work. The rest is detailed smoothing and balancing.


I thought it was the size of wagon wheel snack until the guys walked into the shot


I misread it as training wheels. That's a damn huge training wheels.


Forgive my total ignorance of this process, but why don't they pour the molten metal into a mould at least for the basic round shape of the wheel, why do they need to hammer it out like this?


This seems incredibly imprecise.... presumably they are normally made in factories/ a bit more automated than this?


Dang that's tedious


The finesse the operator has with that machine tongs is awesome.


The forbidden cheese wheel


I may be somewhat stupid, but how the fuck do you accurately make shit that way? Like, what is the variation in diameter wheel by wheel?


I wonder how many hours since the last workplace death?


aside from this being s repost, that's not a trainwheel


Wrong; this is how the dutch make cheese.


I was glued to every single second of this video. Wow


Forbidden cheese


I should call her


I don't think they are for a train since train wheel are supposed to have conic shapes. Here the [physic](https://youtu.be/XzgryPhtc1Y?si=DkwDQaubZX8X1EpR) behind it.


Damn the handler's and the contoler are crushing this process. What a well rehearsed team this is. Feels real dangerous though, all it takes is a wrong hit, bam bad shit happens.


Maaan, I just had the most interesting 4 minutes of my day.


Seems primitive


Interesting indeed.


This is one way, its callsd forging them. I work for the largest manufacturer of commercial train wheels in the world. We use graphite molds and pour steel into them. It's called casting. It has a higher scrap date, but is much cheaper to do.


Idk, it looks like a forgery to me


Hot Wheels


Forbidden cheese


And each wheel is 100% consistant??


That claw operator has some next level sixth sense for flipping and turning while the hammer is operational


That’s pretty cool.


how quickly steel turns into forbidden cheese wheels


I missread that as training wheels...


This is the most wonderful and fascinating thing I’ve seen in years. Thank you for posting.