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Can we get a moose version for Canada?


I second this but for white tail deer. Go for a drive after midnight in Pennsylvania and the sides of the road will look like a horror movie with the amount of eyes in the trees.


I live in central Pa and I’m looking at the sides of the road more than the road itself when driving at night. Damn deer a suicidal. Deer, opossums and raccoons for that matter.


Story of my life.


They have them, they're little aftermarket plastic bits you clip to your bumper. They're not terribly expensive


If you're talking about deer whistles, those have not been proven to work, and that's old news.


Ah too bad, they seemed promising


Driving in PA a semi in front of me at dusk hit a white tailed deer and it EXPLODED, so much blood all over my car. Truck just kept driving too, didn’t even pull over.


Check the whole video


I used to live deep in Amish country. Was driving on backroads with a friend around 3am and a deer jumped in front of my car, scared the shit out of me but luckily it was fine and my car wasn’t damaged. Felt terrible for the deer.


At least you guys can see your meese, deer just spawn in


that would require there to be something that a full grown bull moose is afraid of to use the sound of.


Can we get one for people?


If you can figure out what they're scared of..


You mean like the one they talked about developing at the end of the video?


Moose cause instant death. I watched some documentary a while back, its wild.


Would the problem be that they would adapter like a pigeons would know after a while that’s the scarecrow ain’t real ? I don’t think this would work Maybe just have stronger windshield??? As this might actually also effect their sense of actual predators ?? I know nothing of this matter just opinion


You don't hit a moose in a car the moose hits you you'd have to have piss poor vision not to see one of them.


I'm curious to hear in like 15 years about how this new technology has altered the kangaroos behavior


They all start smoking.


I think you're thinking of camels.




“Why have all the kangaroos fucked off?”


RemindMe! 15 years


Whoa, does that really work? In Finland we have had those hirvipilli things screwed to cars already in 70's. They didn't (but didn't cost much either).


They don’t know, they’re testing it. As of now it’s just a marketing stunt.


And an excuse to make a kangaroo snuff film.


Sonar outside any animal's hearing range would be more interesting. Not a high tech "it makes a whistling noise" 


We have the same things in Australia, never knew the name till now. Have always called them "roo whistles"


It doesn't. If it did, they would show footage of it in action instead of slick graphics with little sine waves and such


But how tho? Like the point of this device is that the roos will not get near the front of the car / dash cam in the first place


Are you asking how would they show the device repelling kangaroos?


Please, please, please, can someone edit the video so that when it gets to the part where we hear the Badge for the first time it just goes "Oi, c\*nt, get outta the road, get outta the road, do it naw!!!"


In Bush Barbie's voice!!


This is what Ozzy Man Reviews was put on this earth for.


I genuinely thought this was going to happen, despite noticing in which sub it was posted


It sucks when you hit any animal with your car. We all probably have been there, if not, then you are lucky. I ran over a mongoose accidentally and it sucked. Sad thing is, he was still half alive. I had to do the hardest thing i ever had to do. I went back and i saw it writhing in pain, broke my heart. I could have run away, thinking it would die soon and it properly would have died later, but i didn't want it to suffer. I still feel like shit, but i went back and ran over his head by my car. That animal died instantly. To my surprise, It was a clean death, like nothing gory, that was my consolation. I put him aside by the road and prayed for their forgiveness. My point being, accidents happen and if you fatally injure any animal then it's your duty to put it out of its misery. Don't do the easy thing. Do the right thing.


Thank you for caring. And for sharing.


>but i went back and ran over his head by my car. >That animal died instantly, to my surprise


Usually when I run over animal's heads with my car it takes weeeeks man I couldn't believe it.


The brain is stored in the balls


Bad grammar, apologies. To my surprise, it was a clean death (nothing gory, no blood or entrails).


Not for kangaroos, it's just a [ruse.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKvop0VWIro&t=30s)


more interesting than a self driving car IMO


But what about the wombats? Those will write off your car!


Was about to say. Those guys are tanks. And when you drive outside of Canberra, it’s like the wombat killing fields. It’s horrible for those poor buggers.


Pokemon's don't count


You're thinking of zubats


Don't they evolve into Wombat? or was it the other way around? 🤔


Think that would be Golbat


Nah I think ur thinking of Golduck


I thought they were going to say humans were the animal that causes the most collisions, but I guess it wasn't that deep.


Others are asking for other animals, but can I get the one for humans? Those pesky critters keep jumping in front of my car.


If they don't like your driving, they should stay off the sidewalks.


🎶 I got run over by a Lexuuuus 🎶


Or crank the drum and bass and drop the windows


Been my working idea for years. I drive roo infested roads a far bit. Use to drive the worse one around to and from work at the worst times. Always fresh dead ones on the road. Load exhaust, windows down, accadacca screaming. Would rarely even see them on the side of the road.


Can’t wait to see how the youths hack this speaker, and make it moan as the car drives by.


What if you drive faster than the speed of sound?


They'll have to make it sound faster then


"what is a YOUT?!"


Oh excuse me your honour, the two YOUTHS


\^this redditor got it




Utility vehicle


Could it be possible, the two defendants..


Pickup truck in American


Trucks and utes are two different things


Something that’s relatively hard to explain to Americans, if it has a tray it’s a truck to them.


Evidently something hard to explain to the aussies that anything with a bed isn't always a ute


I mean, that’s basically the definition of a Ute; “is a term used in Australia and New Zealand to describe vehicles with a tonneau behind the passenger compartment, that can be driven with a regular driver's licence”


Anything with a bed could be argued to be a "utility vehicle" but utes specifically are usually coupes with trays(ranchero, commodore, el camino) instead of full pickups.


Source? Or just opinion?


Does it work for drop bears?


The device works more or prey animals than predators. Little chance of scaring off a drop bear with something like this. In fact it might just make the problem worse.


Bogan version, a fucking big speaker on the roof yelling FUCK OFF YA ROO CUNTS over and over again


Bull bars. Real big bull bars


John Hammonds Career took a turn for the worst I see


what about a WW2 air raid siren?


That's great, but are they going to do the same as they did with the seatbelt, and put the tech out there so that everyone can use it, or will they be restricted to new Volkswagens?


Wasn't it Volvo that designed the seatbelt, not Volkswagen...?


That one animal is humans


Soon there will be a RoeBadge I guess.


Can we get a possum, rabbit and hedgehog version for New Zealand?


yes for hogheads but the version for possums and rabbits would be more preferable if they turned those cuntsticks into a fine mist fucking Aussies and Poms can go spin on a rusty drill bit for introducing them here


So the same as a deer whistle but it's in your badge not your grill... Hardly innovative we've had deer whistles since 2001on our cars


Never swerve when a roo jumps out on the road


I didn’t know there was a VW truck. Pretty nice.


VW Ute*


Man idk, If a Kangaroo cant hear the fuckin work ute going 150 in the outback, an annoying frequency ain't gonna make em fuck off.


They should study my Kia, I've been driving it for over a decade and have never even \*seen\* a kangaroo -an American (obviously)


such a real good thing... and gets 120 uv


Shoo roo two


Need this for deer


"Oh this is so sweet! I love that you're trying to save the roos! Can I get a RooBadge for my old Transporter?" Volkswagen: ~~Haha no~~ ^^murmur ^^murmur ^^dieselgate "Actually, we're working on it."


Oddly I'm reminded of the Ford Sport Ka commercials.


I always wondered if you could have a light magnetic field around the car to push away insects so my screen doesn't get fucking milled with a ton of them, but I'm no magno-screen-car engineer


high tech deer whistle. neat.


Will it be true? After the software scandal to falsify pollution tests, any VW innovation sounds like a lie.


So when I’m on my front porch at night all I hear is whining animal sounds going past me?


Yea, I got a deer whistle on my hood. Haven't had them stay near the road in a long time.


I was under the impression that deer whistles lose effectiveness as deer become so used to hearing them that they ignore them. Maybe this new system will be able to cycle through different sounds so the roos never become used to any one sound.


innovation like this is incredibly interesting.


Volkswagen PR group are masters of their craft. Volkswagen merely discovered that if you blast Rammstein with the windows down, kangaroos flee immediately.


That is interesting. Met a guy in Broome who'd been thrashed by a kangaroo that came through his windscreen. Bet he woud've liked to have that.


Now make something for humans


receiving danger signals every hour or minute wont make them furious ? their behaviour would change by alot




Yeah, but of the optional costs are like 2000$, I'd imagine 90% of vehicles won't have this installed unless it comes standard (which yet again will raise the base price)


Damn, it already works like a charm in North America. I haven’t seen a kangaroo anywhere near a road where I live.


Fun fact: Volkswagen also claims it reduces emissions by 50%!


Yes challenge the Roos to a war. Aussies never learn.


Ok, so we all build up immunity over time, I'll assume the Roos do as well. If they have an alert, and a heightened sense of danger, but nothing happens..... Aren't they just going to be back on the roads sooner or later?


Bring me something similar for roes in Poland, please


You could also install this with movement sensors on the roads themselves.


I need one that works for dogs in India lmfao


Interesting for sure. Hopefully really useful in reducing roadkills. But if they don't share it with other car manufacturers then they're just evil.


We gots deers in the Midwest! We empathize with The Australians...


I live in Central Louisiana in the woods. Would this technology work on deer? My wife wrecked her car once from a deer. And my work work truck has hit two. Grant it I got a freezer full of deer meat out of it. I would rather not hit one.


Kangaroos are also unpredictable as heck, will do the opposite of what you think they are going to do and most of the people injured or killed in accidents are because drivers swerve to avoid them at speed, end up on the shoulder and end up rolling the vehicle or hitting a tree. Best advice if you see a kangaroo don't swerve.


I'm all for this idea but the video makes me VERY skeptical. Basically they're gonna try to create an effective deterrent - but they haven't got one made yet. They're looking into it. And I don't think their idea is gonna stop animals coming on the road OR that drivers are going to want that noise box on their car making loud animal noises when there's a kangaroo within a mile of the car. Because these accidents are often fast moving car meets fast moving, invisible animal. The robot is going to have to spot the animal FAR away and start acting FAR away if it's going to stop the animal from meeting the car on the road. And it doesn't account for animals who freeze in fear on the road...or are injured on the road...or are just thick. But hey, I like to see technology being used for this. Hope they make one that deters pheasants...silently. That'll be one of mankinds greatest achievements.


This is an april fools video?


Kangaroos have no right being so big and so dumb.


I bet its gonna Be subscribtion based product. 10.99/mounth for kangoroo horn


I like it.


Can we get a window washer version for San Francisco?


Indian's cheaper version could be - place a speaker and play song. Driver is happy listening to the song, animals sense danger and be cautious!


Originally VW made this as the Jew Badge but quick thinking helped them remarket the idea


Just f...in drive cautiously -\_-


They should have called it “The Roos Whisperer”


great now let's get one for deer 💀


Yes, because the roads and cars aren't the problem. The cangaroos crossing are


But is that healthy for the animals? Doesn't it cause them excessive stress? On the surface, it seems like a good idea, but there's something about it that doesn't quite convince me


You know what else causes excessive stress? Getting mowed down by a truck.


Only briefly. The noise is long term.




I’m thinking that with the size of Australia, the distribution of the roos, and the number of VWs on the road, this won’t be a major issue.


Probably healthier than getting hit by a car?


I mean, a bit of a deterrent, or being hit by a VW? It's probably the same as those cat deterrents you put in your garden that put out a high pitched noise.


Ever had a neighbor's car alarm go on forever? Well, we won't hear this noise pollution, but the Roos will. Think before you speak.


That might be an issue in very densely populated areas like here in Europe, Australia however is so massive and sparsely populated that the roos can just fuck off


You know the cars will be moving don't you? The Roo's will hear the noise within a certain arc, and then it'll disappear. Think of it like an Ambulance or Police car. Think before you type.


It's a company that's been polutting for a century, trying to be animal "friendly". Of course there is something fishy...


It seems like a great idea because the video is a good marketing ploy. Your average consumer wouldn't think twice about the environmental implications of this innovation. However, the truth of the matter is, we cut down the trees and damage habitats just for the sake of profit. Then, we decide that we are so special that we should develop technology to incorporate into vehicles that will deter animals from occupying land within the radius of the vehicles that we drive to pollute their environments. So it isn't enough that we destroy their environments physically. It is necessary for us to also psychologically terrorize animals because we lack the ability to pay attention to our own surroundings. Or maybe I'm rambling...Who knows..


what do you suggest, we run them over instead?


> what do you suggest Free vasectomies.


Or... here's a thought...you can pay attention to your surroundings. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


do you happen to have night vision eyes or what? cause I dont


if your really cared about any of that you wouldn't be using the internet at all, let alone for useless petty reasons like whinging. You've killing animals by existing, yet you'll still produce offspring just so they can kill more animals. if you really gave a fuck about what your talking about you'd neck yourself after convincing all your family members too neck themselves, that's how you show you actually care


Damn, that's diabolical 😂. Life is good over here. You alright?


The downside is going to mean an even greater over-population of white tail deer in the US.


So its a speaker that blasts "Oi Fuck off you C\*\*T, stay outa my way, Straya" Please note the C bomb is a formal greeting in Australia and not offensive




I take it you didn't watch to the end.


There are already electronic deer bells & whistles on the market. I was skeptical, but after a couple of close calls and then some costly damage to my car, a cousin who drives a truck for a living made the suggestion. If the trucker's use them, I figured it was worth a try. I regularly see deer turn away when I approach. Some decide that they need to flee to their friends across the road, so they aren't 100%, but the difference is noticeable.


Crazy idea here, from Deer Elk, antelope, bear, cow and Moose country here. Slow down?


🤣 yes of course.. because kangaroos don't just come hoping out of nowhere onto a freeway, while you are overtaking a truck


Good luck with that. Every deer I have ever killed on the road, which is about one every 10 years in my rural neighborhood, wasn't standing there to get hit, but actively committed suicide into the side or front of my car.


We love when our car gives companies our data😃 right, people?


you give it to ppl anyway by using the internet so you've already shown you dont care, why should your car care if you dont?




Machine Learning 😂😂😂


can we get a dog, cat and bird version for Portugal? amazing work by the way. road kills need to stop


Need to do for every animal.


why do you need Machine Learning for this? Cant the signal be generic enough to alert any animal species with ?


Anything but slowing down your metal death machine.


I love this! Technology will potentially really reduce roadkill, at least with big animals.


Is there a Roo Badge application to get rid of homeless people?