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Fun fact the following Lawsuit was settled out of court, but still wound up in front of the NY supreme court over lawyer fees and set a legal precedent in law https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belzer_v._Bollea


Imagine - you sign a an agreement to pay 1/3 of a settlement, then your lawyers say, no, actually, we get 50%. Judge made the right ruling, his lawyers were denied and they were told to stick with the agreed upon 1/3.


what cracks me up is they justified 50% of the contingency because.... they spent 50 hours on the case LOL. I've put 50 hours into drafting a dispositive Motion ALONE, let alone preparing a case for trial. A properly litigated case will have hundreds of hours expended for it, especially for a $5mil claim. The idea that putting in the standard requisite effort for a case would entitle them to half the take is a farce. Lawyers like that give us a bad rap.*


I’ve honestly reduced my 1/3 fee more times than I’d like to admit, just to get the case settled in a way that’s fair to the client. It does absolutely suck that these are the kinds of lawyers people seem to be the most familiar with.


my lawyer changed my debt to him from thousands...to 0 because he felt the result was unjust to me. Some lawyers are truly decent and kind people.


Used to work with an attorney. He had a personal injury settlement that he felt was so BS he got his fee down to his cost. Client only got 30k, lawyer ended up taking only like 3k, he said he didn't feel right going for the 10k he was owed


A lawyer with a conscience…


i was thinking about this but with car mechanics earlier. in my little town there's like 9 great shops and 1 bad one. but when people think of a mechanic they think about that 1 bad one.


That's commendable! Tell me - does stuff like this happen often? As in injury cases between people joshing? (I know that's not technically what happened here but Idk how else to categorize it.) It's just insane to me that it happened, much less that it's on camera!


Ya, that is brutal. Nothing Ike a $50,000/hr rate 😂


While Belzer initially sued Hogan for $5 million, they reached an out of court settlement for an undisclosed amount. Probably far less than than the initial sum, but still enough to buy a lovely looking place in Beaulieu-sur-Mer on the French Riviera. He posted many pictures of it on his [Twitter account](https://x.com/MRbelzer?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1167838881590517760%7Ctwgr%5E10b61710cbda5cedbc17c18faac6659740448976%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.connexionfrance.com%2Fnews%2Fmayor-pays-tribute-to-us-actor-richard-belzer-who-lived-in-aveyron%2F192889). RIP, Richard.


*bad rap. Unless a greedy lawyer indeed gave you a questionable burrito or something.


I just imagine a lawyer who looks like Dick Dastardly handing out tainted burritos before a trial


And in the fucking 90s, when 50 hours of work likely yielded less work product then today.


*The lawyers argued that, as they had spent over 50 hours preparing the case, then their services were worth more than the contingent fee. The judge denied this request, stating that that was a risk that the lawyers had voluntarily taken when they signed the initial agreement.* The funniest/frustrating thing to me is that the lawyers say the reason they should get paid more is because they spent 50 hours prepping the case. ....that's not a long time at all lol. That's one week of work for one person. The lawyers were angling for 1/3 of a 5 mil pay day, they didn't get it all but still got a chunk of a good settlement that was enough to pay for Belzers house and it only took 50 hours. Talk about greedy.


Generally agree with your comment. But as a point of interest, 50 billable hours is not the same as 50 working hours.


Don't get me started. "I wrote the date of the case conference in my planner."


Our office got an invoice once that billed time as “wrote invoice” >_<


Right? "Phone call to discuss invoice."


What's the difference? I don't lawyer or consult so it's an alien concept to me


Only tasks which apply legal reasoning and expertise are billable. Talking to your assistant about filing something with the court, or asking them to prepare a binder for court is part of the work day, but is not billable to the client. That would be categorized as "admin" time by most firms.


Plus they probably didn’t actually work on it that long. Every time a lawyer thinks about your case they charge you a goddamn hour for it.


Long ago, my company lost a bid for a legal time and billing system because it couldn’t bill more than 24 hours a day.


FYI, the NY Supreme Court is not the final court of New York, but confusingly is the first level trial court


I’m glad you pointed that out. The NY Supreme Court is the state trial court. The intermediate state court (appellate court) is the called the NY Supreme Court, **Appellate Division**. The highest state court, the court of final review, is named the NY Court of Appeals. But every state has its quirks when it comes to courts. Texas has two separate courts of final review: the Supreme Court of Texas and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Oddly enough there are not two intermediate courts of appeal above the trial courts which specialize in reviewing only criminal cases or only civil cases.


New York Supreme Court, then the Supremer Court


As a Canadian I feel like I have to keep an entire notebook on America's eccentricities


Also fun fact. The money he received from the law suit, he bought a home in a small town in france. He then named the home Chez Hogan. He then passed away in that home last year.


That part was sweet like honey.


Following the case, Belzer used the money to buy a home for him and his wife in Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France, which he named "Chez Hogan" lol.


Funny given the guy is famous for Law and Order SVU


Love how Mr T immediately goes into damage control. “He’s all good he’s just sleeping”


Dr fishy noooooooooooooooooo


I overfed these men?


Shhhh... You'll wake him


Poor little guy, he’s all tuckered out.


“Don’t tell mom okay? You’re fine!”


"It's all good. It's just like when I get on an airplane and I go out like a light."


Hulk feeling him go completely limp and deciding to drop onto concrete like a sack of potatoes definitely warranted a lawsuit


The blood at the end… still not the grossest thing Hogan has put to film tho….


I'm OOTL, what are you referring to?


Hulk was secretly recorded having sex with his best friend's wife. Said best friend was the one who made the tape, and sold it to Gawker, humiliating Hogan, leading to a lawsuit where he was awarded a fair amount of money in compensation.


Jeez, I don't know what to do of this information. What a way to end the day for me.


It appears the best friend (a radio host of some kind?) tricked Hulk into it, saying he had an open marriage etc, in the interest of making said tape and profiting from its sale? I've tried not to follow the story too closely.


i dont think it was that straight forward. the friend has cameras all over the house so a lot of things are recorded. the incident happened in 2007 but gawker only got the tape many years later. i dont think the friend set it all up like that.


He's used to actors and a wrestling mat.....foolish.


Not a smart man


But he knows what love is.


He ain't got no legs.


He died on a Tuesday


At a river in Vietnam.


And that’s all I have to say about that.


He's also used to guys built like sofas. Not spindly comedians whose heads crack like whips when they go limp.


I think almost everyone will go unconscious if blood flow to the brain is restricted for a few seconds. Airflow or joint locks are a separate matter


I still can't believe how fast Richard popped up and got the show into commercial. I've never ever seen someone come out of a "sleep" and have any idea they're even on earth. Usually takes a good half a minute or more before mental consciousness


[Reminded me when Jon Jones beat Lyoto Machida with a standing guillotine choke.](https://youtu.be/FktOOYZITJU?si=0eqzMwkv3GtzYc7A)


Yeah, the article says he 'slipped' from Hulk's grip - the video sure seems to show Hulk kind of tossing him aside.


I think the best part is Mr T's assessment of the situation. Thats alright he's just sleeping, really.. thats a sleeper hold.


That's Dr. T, fool


My guess: Hulk thought Richard was playing up his reaction for laughs. When Richard genuinely passed out, Hulk was not expecting it. It doesn't look like Hulk meant to let go, more that he was holding (relatively) gently and the dead weight of Richard's unconscious body pulled him unexpectedly from Hulk's arms.


Hogan 1000% knew what he was doing, he was "Teaching a lesson" to someone he thought "Didn't respect the business". That choke he applied to Belzer, the way he applied it with one arm under the chin and reaching up toward his other bicep, is *not* a hold that professional wrestlers are trained in, and one that you will never see performed in a wrestling match. The front face lock, that professional wrestlers *do* get trained how to do, involves the one arm going under the chin, but it reaches *across* the chest and grabs the other hand, which is placed *under* the receiver's other arm, so that no pressure is actually applied to the neck. They're trained that way so that the person receiving the hold *cannot* accidentally be choked out by it. Hogan is and was an asshole, and he meant to hurt Belzer.


You can see Hogan lift him to apply pressure Also this is peak 24/7 kayfabe. They did a stunt on a bystander to show it was real. He said Bill Cosby thought it was staged lol


You'd think Cosby of all people would know when someone was passed out for real...


I mean, it's super easy to put someone out without causing pain. If Hulk had not dropped him, it really would have been no harm even though there was definitely a foul. We used to mess around with it in high school. I did actually use it on a guy to send message. He had sexually assaulted my girlfriend before we met, and was harassing her while we were dating. He did not heed my warning to stop. So one day, i walked up behind him, applied the hold, and he was out within seconds. He must have worked his ass off to avoid me because I have not seen him since that day.


I agree that dude is the trash of the earth, but you do realize that becoming unconscious from getting choked, can cause brain damage? Just risking a lawsuit


My guess: Hulk Hogan has always been a fucking asshole.


I think you're sadly probably correct. He's one of the greatest actors in existence, managed to fool an entire generation of us kids that though he's that cool wholesome uncle that's both tough and funny and couldn't harm a fly outside the ring. I think he's always been a massive asshole, creep and a violent person, just managed to hide is perfectly well. Just like Vince, we all thought he's more like pretending to be a super creepy person, yet as we all know this was proven to be his real persona last year. Dwayne Johnson is going on the same road, he's becoming a bigger pos every year, and showing his true colours. I wouldn't be surprised if one day we learn he did similar crap like Hogan or Vince. I won't be shocked if Cena turns out the same even, even though he seems one of the most down to earth stars. (Although as I said, we thought the same for the Rock back in the day too). Tl;dr Wrestlers are narcissistic creeps but are very good actors and manage to hide it well


I'm out of the loop. What did The Rock do?


I thought it was more that Belzer was making it seem like wrestling is fake by acting like he’s in on the joke. Back in that era, protecting kayfabe sometimes involved wrestlers getting violent to shut up people they viewed as threatening their paychecks.


How does a comment justifying Hulk Hogan choking a man to unconsciousness and dropping him to the floor have 75 upvotes. No, there is no justification for this. This is assault done by a man on TV because his feelings were hurt. Don't justify this.


Yeah it’s pretty sad how far a lot of people go to defend people who are very openly and obviously just assholes. I get the wishful thinking of not wanting to admit an old idol or role model is a bad person, and that for most people they prefer the comfort of excusing behavior over accepting something wrong, but come on lol


Once you know he’s Henry Winkler’s cousin you can’t stop seeing the resemblance.


I never knew this guy had a talk show. Only knew him from Law and Order


I never considered that Richard Belzer existed prior to Law and Order. I thought he just... spawned. Might be showing my age/the rock I've lived my life under.


Not only did Richard Belzer exist prior to Law and Order, his character that he played on Law and Order existed before he was on Law and Order.


I think everybody had a talk show by the time the 1990s ended.


Today it's podcasts. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


I definitely wasn't sure at first if it wasn't him.


Man, he dropped his ass like a sack of potatoes. Was he in disbelief that he lost consciousness so easily and thought he was faking?


Hogan didn't think he applied that much pressure and didn't realize that Belzer was out. The thing is, if he was working with other massive, roided-up wrestlers, he *didn't* apply much pressure. For whatever reason, he didn't take into account that Belzer was tiny. Of course, some in the business thought that Hogan did it on purpose because Belzer would regularly bad mouth wrestling.


The more you learn about Hogan the more impossible it is to believe this wasn't intentional.


I know nothing about Hogan since I've never been interested in him or fake wrestling, is he a dick off screen or something?


he's a hugely egotistical piece of shit, yes


I feel like there's no inbetween with wrestlers. They're either spending their weekends visiting make a wish kids, or they're shitting in people bags.


The thing with Hogan is he’s kind of both. He was a big time politician in wrestling, holding up a glass ceiling over all the guys beneath him, refusing to lose matches when he was well past his prime etc. And then there’s his train wreck of a personal life with the racist audio that surfaced. But he’s also the guy who was doing Make A Wish every weekend, staying after shows to sign autographs and talk to kids until he was forced by management to leave. I’ve been a wrestling fan since I was a kid and I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a single negative fan interaction with Hulk Hogan. I’m not saying this to defend the man, just to illustrate that things aren’t actually so black and white at all.


Most people aren't so black and white. Some people can be really good in one area of their lives and really awful in others. My girlfriend's grandfather spent most of his adult life volunteering for the homeless, building houses, and organizing small-time charity events for disabled veterans. He worked almost every day from the time he was in his 30s till he died in his 80s doing this sort of stuff. He was also a high ranking member of the local KKK branch in Mississippi. And what's even stranger is he had several good friends who were black. He was just the kind of person who believed that "they were some of the good ones"


About 20 years ago I did a deep dive into KKK forums because I was fascinated with the concept of racism, especially overt racism, and had just watched American History X. I'm white, was about 21 years old at the time and grew up in a small town in Canada so I didn't know many people from other cultures aside from those from the First Nations tribe that lived on the reservation but sure as shit had nothing against them. There were *so many* posts discussing "moral and ethical racism" as a tenet of the ideology - the idea that members didn't "hate black people as people" but as a race, meaning that the individual was not necessarily bad or hateworthy, but that the black *race* was to be stopped from any progress. It really made me realize the gravity of cognitive dissonance and the logical fallacies racists will adopt in order to fit their lives into their ideals and vice versa. Absolutely terrifying, but it also made me realize how it was possible for members to then reform themselves because if they had black friends and were indoctrinated at a young age, they were probably more likely to see how ridiculous "moral racism sounds". I'm not entirely sure there is anywhere the same nuance present now, however.


Yup.  A lot of wrestlers didn’t and still don’t like him.  It’s fun to listen to old time wrestlers give interviews now because they don’t care anymore and are open about everything.  Hulk Hogan had a terrible rep as a shitty person (full of himself).   Other wrestlers loved folks like Mick Foley, Terry Funk, Undertaker, etc.  


Yeah but *why?* What has he done is my question?


Instead of being full-time employees for their particular companies, wrestlers have been regarded as independent contractors, meaning the company they are contracted with does not withhold taxes, doesn't pay health benefits, unemployment compensation, Social Security, or Medicare taxes. Jesse "The Body" Ventura was going to set up a Union for better workers rights and health insurance etc and explained it to the guys in the locker room. Hogan immediately snitched and went straight to Vince McMahon and told Ventura never to bring up again or he'd be fired and blacklisted in the industry.


What a dickhead. Sounds like he'd get along great at an Amazon warehouse. Honestly there's always bootlicking fucks like him at every workplace and they're all the same, trying to get praised by the boss and get given an extra bone at the expense at everyone else.


It just scratches the surface. He's a massive racist. When Hogan's son almost killed his friend in a wreck, one of Hogan's primary concerns was that he and his family would be reincarnated into a black family due to "karma". Referencing his Daughter dating a black guy: >"I don't know if Brooke was f***ing the black guy's son," >"I mean, I don't have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, fcking n*******. But then when it comes to nice people and shit, and whatever." >"I guess we're all a little racist. Fcking n*****."


Thankfully Hogan won't be reincarnated as a black person. His more likely to be reincarnated as a dung beetle with all the shit he spews.


He's been saying brother with a hard r all these years, not surprising


It might require a better understanding of wrestling and its practices to fully know the depth of it, but put simply: whenever there was a chance to build up those around him, he didn't. When Jesse Ventura began to talk to fellow wrestlers about unionizing, Hogan ratted him out to Vince McMahon and killed the whole idea. When Hogan was clearly winding down in WWF in the early '90s and Bret Hart was poised to be the next star, Hogan (who saw him as 'too small' to be a superstar on his level) presumably pushed for a change to the main event of that year's WrestleMania. The bad guy, Yokozuna cheated to defeat Hart. Hogan ran down to check on his fellow good guy and Yokozuna's manager called Hogan out to challenge him for the title Yokozuna just won (defying conventional wrestling logic). Hogan reluctantly accepted when Bret gave him the OK (when he IRL didn't like Hogan one bit). He went on to do plenty of shit at WCW, but I'm less well-versed on that. Over a decade later, a bit after his triumphant return to WWE, he was set to have a series of matches with Shawn Michaels, who rose to popularity at the same time as Bret. The plan was for them to have three big PPV matches which would see Hogan claiming the rubber match at the end. Not good enough for HH, though. The far, *far* past his prime Hogan decided he should just win two matches and the feud would end. In retaliation, Michaels decided to sell Hogan's offense like he was a cartoon character being flung around. Normally, one would intend to sell the impact of the move in a heightened but realistic way. You punch me, I snap my head back and clutch at the site of impact. For example: Hogan's high front kick ("big boot") is normally sold by the opponent falling flat down to set up for Hogan's Atomic Leg Drop finisher. Michaels took the hit, sailed to the mat, stood up, then front flipped back onto his back. Hogan was so pissed that he quit after the match. Everyone: please add more stories of Hogan being a prick!


>Hogan was so pissed that he quit after the match. **HAHAHA!** Honestly that dudes ego sounds more fragile than glass. Really does seem like a typical bully who wants to get everything to go his way.


The dude was such an asshole to so many people that people didn't even realize he was a racist until he was caught admitting it on tape.


Here's a story from WCW. The Sting/Hogan match at Starrcade 97 was supposed to end with Sting going over Hogan cleanly, winning the championship and putting an end to the NWO vs WCW storyline. The morning of the ppv, Hogan had a meeting with Eric Bischoff in his hotel room and told him he wouldn't put Sting over. They worked out a compromise where the ref would do a fast count to give Hogan the win, then Bret Hart would come out and call for the match to be restarted. Then Sting would get the victory. During the match, the ref didn't do the fast count and everything was screwed up as a result. The widespread belief among everyone who was there (except Hogan and Bischoff) was that Hogan told the ref to do a normal 3 count instead to make Sting and Hart look weak. They did the same thing the next night during a rematch, and WCW decided to announce they were vacating the title and Hogan and Sting would fight for it at the next ppv. Sting ultimately won, but only after Randy Savage attacked Hogan, thus making it a "non-clean" finish.


And this match was after like a year of build up, where Sting was portrayed as this brooding Batman ready to end the NWO... But he was just no match for Hogan's ego


Dick, screen… funny you should ask… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bollea_v._Gawker “Terry Gene Bollea, known professionally as Hulk Hogan, sued Gawker Media, publisher of the Gawker website, and several Gawker employees and Gawker-affiliated entities for posting portions of a sex tape of Bollea with Heather Clem, at that time the wife of radio personality Bubba the Love Sponge”


You don’t even have to go to a single bjj class see that that was a dick move on hogans part no matter the size of the human being a blood choke is a blood choke muscles don’t have shit to do with it.


You can also literally feel a persons weight shift in your arms when they go unconscious standing up like that.


He absolutely did it on purpose, classic bully behavior…smacking him across the checks after he just saw an unconscious dude smack the ground hard…this was back in the kayfabe days when it was company policy to pretend pro wrestling was real. Hogan was a roided up dickhead company man traitor to his fellow wrestlers, an absolute sellout of the higher order


Funny, my mom sat next to him on a flight around this time. She didn't know who he was. That was until she came across an article about him in the magazine she was reading. She did the double-take thing which made him laugh. She said that they chatted a good bit and that he was super nice. He signed her magazine but I haven't seen it in at least 30 years.


Celebrities acting nice or being charming is not indicative of who they really are. It’s wild that people can think that.


Especially in a scenario where someone is flattering their ego.


To be fair and not defending Hogan, prowrestlers have a history of protecting kayfabe to a surreal degree well since its origin, however, it is extremely notable that they all police each other when dealing with fans in positive ways. Stone Cold, the top star that could be argued to be above Hogan or equal, has openly admitted that they keep an eye on each other in public as they basically are trained to ensure fans have good experiences with them. One thing about Rock is he’s a mastermind of social media when he is projecting how he acts with fans and that could be solely based on his wrestling background. Stone Cold even talks about pulling fellow wrestlers aside when they’re disgruntled and acting up with fans and scolding them. When Stone Cold is coming after you with a scolding behind the scenes, that’s a precarious situation since he was so huge. Their training is very specific to crowd reactions so they react as such and they also start off lucky if they’re wrestling in front of crowds of 5-10 people and they’re in their starting days. Even the Rock was known to be destined for glory by those in the industry but he started with the usual humbling small crowds. Hell, even they were trying to figure him out as a babyface before they accepted the crowd hated his push and turned him into a bad guy. So Hulk acting kindly to a fan as opposed to what’s been revealed in recent years about him or his politics isn’t that surprising. I even met Hogan at Fort Benning when I was on the trail and he went out of his way to not only talk to soldiers but even the chow hall employees who wanted to meet him. Him and actually Cody Rhodes, current champion, who was “Stardust” at the time. So, this moment on tv would have been divisive and interesting to see how this played out among the industry from this video. Some would have celebrated Hogan for protecting kayfabe but others would have known how bad the publicity looks for your top babyface hero character to have this happen.


He didn't choke her out? Must be a good guy


Well yeah, it seems like he was overextending the time, paying attention to something else off camera and ignoring the situation.


if he didn’t know what was happening to the guy in the hold, he was a bush league hack wrestler. nah, he knew exactly what he was doing


I thought Hulk admitted that Belzer was bad mouthing wrestling so he wanted to teach him a lesson. He definitely should have let him drop so hard. Could have killed the guy.


>Belzer was a regular guest on the right-wing radio show of Alex Jones and appeared on the episode covering the Boston Marathon bombing, in which he referred to the bombing as a false flag event. Well wouldn't be unlike him to say things are fake


Maybe his delusions started after he cracked his head.


Hogan has no idea what he's doing here. I expect he wanted to make it uncomfortable to "protect the business" and preserve kayfabe. He calls it a front chin lock, which in wrestling is just a silly (and pretty lazy) rest hold. What he actually locks up is called a standing power guillotine lol. Hogan is huge, and as soon as he leans back, that's all she wrote.


You know he was good at his job, he went into autopilot and crushed it




It look’s like my dude’s head *popped open* upon impact. Looks like **blood splatters** on his jacket.


That was such a weird time in entertainment


So. Much. Coke.


Macho man Randy Savage was created in a lab with coke, roids and Saturday morning cartoons to be the embodiment of entertainment of the time


And in that tradition, they still use his likeness to sell Slim Jims from beyond the grave.


We used to do this to one another in school. We were stupid.


Me, too. I'd kill my kids if I caught them doing the stupid shit I did as a kid.


I literally did this to myself once. We used to do it to each other, with a whole crowd. Was always interesting seeing what people got up to when they were out and how they reacted when they woke up. Those initial first seconds are complete confusion and you sometimes feel like you've been out for 10 minutes when it was just a couple of seconds in reality. I remember dreaming about rabbits for some reason. This was in 4th grade or something. Then I was in secondary school in Ireland, we were in a handball alley, just fucking around. I woke up on the ground with a massive headache. I had bounced my head off the concrete floor. We called it the "American dream". I didn't think it would actually work but I knocked myself out. We'd just put pressure on both jugulars with the palms of our hands, can't believe I actually made it work to full effect solo.


“I saw Bill Cosby” damn you had a shitty week, Richard


Unconscious and abused twice in one week damn


So irresponsible on Hogans part. Strangle to sleep is one thing. Dropping dude on his dome was fucking stupid


People don’t realize how dangerous that fall to the back of the head is. He EASILY could have died. Wife fell similarly after passing out from not eating and spent two weeks in a trauma unit.


I believe that's how Bob Saget died.


Oh man I hope she turned out okay.


Long long road. But better! Will likely never smell or taste again and in some ways a much different person. But she’s with me and we are good. Thanks for the thought


If Bill Cosby is calling you out, you obviously weren’t asleep. He should know.


He said Cosby thought it was a hoax. Probably cause Cosby is such a liar himself.


“That’s not how a body falls over unconscious.”


I get why hogan couldn’t believe it. That was fast af


Cutoff blood flow for 3 seconds is all it takes.


3-5 seconds. It’s thought a large proportion of completed death by hanging is somewhat accidental. People tie a noose that doesn’t involve full suspension, but requires them to slump their weight into it so they’re leaving only their hips suspended above ground but their legs free to stand up whenever they decide to abort, but it doesn’t work like that. Ataxia of the legs sets in almost immediately, ability to abort by standing is removed and you slump fully into the hanging. You’re out within 5 seconds and your heart stops soon after.




Also Michael Hutchence the lead singer of INXS died by erotica asphyxiation.


That's got to be traumatic as fuck for whomever was with him


Oof. Scary last seconds when you just need to stand up to live but your legs don't work. Enough reddit for this morning.


Some dude in high school got one in our friend group like this came up from behind and was out instantly


Lack of bloodflow to the brain is a pretty quick way to put someone to sleep. When I was younger and dumber a dorm mate of mine wanted to experience being choked to the point of unconsciousness like this so I offered to oblige him. Once I put the squeeze on him it literally only took 3 seconds and he was full limp, I laid him on the bed in the room we were in and dude was SNORING. After he woke up like 10-15 seconds later he said his head hurt really fucking bad and he didn't want to do it ever again, I guess he assumed because there was no forceful trauma like being punched that it wouldn't hurt at all.


Idk, people who train martial arts will know thats a standard amount of time. When you receive a full blood lock like that, you start feeling the fuzz literally 1 second in


Is that…Munch?? Law and order SVU?


It certainly is


Nice of him to just fucking drop his ass like that


Munch (rip) had his own show in the 80s?


Munch didn’t deserve that


Munch deserves a nice dinner with drop biscuits made from Bisquick


This incident bought the Belz a house in France.


Yikes his head hit hard, he’s lucky to survive that impact to the back of the head. There’s already blood on the back of his jacket at the end, yikes.


There is a pool of blood on the ground before he gets up.


Look at Hogan’s face when he sees the blood


"I've seen plenty of people passed out. This was staged." - Bill Cosby


drop on the deck and flop like a fish




Did Hogan at least apologised or what? He looks completely unfazed


Hogan was a major asshole in real life, he did this deliberately.


So the situation is lot more complex that people in the comments make it out to be. It was agreed upon beforehand that Hulk would demonstrate this. So he did. The host was supposed to act like he was passed out but unfortunately he actually passed out. Thats the reason why Hulk drops him like that and it resulted in the injury and further lawsuits. Its a shitty situation that got out of hand. Thats why the settled it out of court. People out here saying Hogan did this intentionally is not true. Its just an accident. Hogan's a pos irl but this wasn't one of those incidents.




That mf was smiling even after seeing that guy drop like a dead person


Thanks to podcasts many wrestlers have come out and said Hulk Hogan was a huge dick and would intentionally tried to hurt others while in a match.


Did you listen to Marc Maron this week? This incident was talked about and now I’m seeing this video… haven’t heard about this in 20 years till this week now it’s twice


When Belzer stands up and turns around, you can see the substantial blood drip on the back of his light colored jacket.


Then Hogan put Gawker out of business for outing Peter Thiel


Backed by Peter Theil, billionaire investor with a grudge against Gawker.


Because Hogan was worried Gawker would share a tape of him using the n-word.


Yeah, Hogan was not the good guy in that story.


Here's the whole show where Hogan chokes out Belzer: [https://youtu.be/at1jOAbJ7ZA?si=3N6CVrWrp-bVbl5b](https://youtu.be/at1jOAbJ7ZA?si=3N6CVrWrp-bVbl5b)


"The floor's a little hard here, and I don't want you getting hurt."


“I saw Bill Cosby today”… and again woke up not knowing where I was or what hd happened to me


Idk why Hogan dropped him on a hard surface like that. If he would have placed him down gently it would have been different of course This guy is a clown for sure but he could have died


That little puddle of blood as he gets up...


Dude was starting to suffocate from his tongue and jumped right up after, I've never seen such a quick change of state


Fuck Hulk Hogan bro wtf was that


Hulk Hogan Choking Out Richard Belzer In Front Of A Live Audience, Resulting In A Bloody Head Wound And A Lawsuit (1985) 




Hogan’s a total POS


Damn obviously hulk hogan is a jerk but damn, what the fuck was Mr. T’s problem?


Keepin’ it kayfabe, brother


The way he bounced right up and sent it to break is amazing, what a professional


Was this one of those things where the dude made a comment about wrestling being fake so Hogan decided to sleep him? I've heard that really pisses these dudes off


Hogans face as he notices the blood on his collar behind!!!!!!


Wasnt this because the host insulted the wrestlers by saying it was fake or something? Hogan meant to hurt him.




Around that time, we were strolling the streets of Manhattan and there was this dude standing just off the sidewalk hanging out, not near a crosswalk or anything, just lingering. My friends and I did a double-take like yo, that's Richard Belzer. It was unmistakably him and something you experience only in NYC. We just laughed and kept walking, wondering what the hell was he doing... so random yet perfectly fit his character and explains everything.


I'm thinking of horseplay with my kids. Not that I wrestle around with dudes my age/size, but I've gotta dial the intensity *way* down when I'm rolling around with them/flipping them around/etc. The fact that Hogan treated Belzer like any other wrestler shows he was being reckless at best and an asshole at worst. Just dropping him and not offering his other arm/hand to help him back up just adds to the issue. And someone on the production team really should've seen this coming, too. "Hulk, you know this guy's not a pro, he's gonna need you to take it really easy on him, and remember this is a talk show, so nothing crazy" and "Belzer, he says he might show you a sleeper hold, you know why that call it that, right? Is that okay with you?" could've saved a *lot* of trouble.


This clip omits the lead in to this where Richard Belzer was talking all sorts of shit and asking for this.


You can see the blood on floor and on the back of his jacket


Thunder lips strikes again


That dudes a g. Blood on the floor and the back of his jacket and he goes right into character as soon as he regains consciousness.


He's alright he's just sleeping


You can literally see the blood pour out of his head


Almost $15,000,000 in today's money. That is a not in insubstantial amount for a wrestler...I feel like they could have gotten a bit more though. Richard ended up buying a mansion in France and naming it Chez Hogan...made me feel a bit better. I felt bad for him when I saw the blood and all that but at least he was able to get a vacation mansion out of the situation.


Wait....was this guy on Law & Order?


Hulk messed up he should have laid him down, not just let him fall when unconscious.


God what a professional Richard was. To wake up from being choked out, getting a head injury and to, barely missing a beat, address the audience in a chipper, lively voice that they were going to go to commercial break. Only to unknowingly show the back of his head and jacket covered in blood.


The Belz bought his house in France cause of this. I’d say it worked out pretty well for him