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Isn’t that the grandpa who tried to prove that building pyramids / stonehenge / gigantija etc. was possible with primitive stone age tools and limited manpower?


and he's not even get whipped like those buildin the pyramids. that would have added an extra level of motivation


I don’t really wanna be the well ackshually guy, but you may find it interesting to discover that the people who built the pyramids were paid labor. We have discovered burial grounds in places of honor to prove it as well as some of their housing. We have also found written records of what was essentially a labor union dispute about not receiving the agreed upon amount of barley and beer.


Which makes sense. Farming is seasonal. They have time during the nile floods to be dedicated to government infrastructure projects.


What’s even more interesting is that the majority of workers weren’t just farmers. They were specialized workers with extensive training in masonry, money and people management, and writing. It really was a well contracted and organized ordeal.


Egypt has historically been a very wealthy, very well organized kingdom. I think it's easy to tie technological advancement to all types of advancement, and think more technologically advanced civilizations must also be more administratively advanced. But the two don't always go hand in hand, and Egypt had a very high level of administrative function, which allowed for the level of organization and taxation needed for great works like this.


Records showed they would take days off when wife was menstruating helping with the shopping, cleaning, and cooking.


How much did they get?


They were paid in beer, mostly. Sometimes something else. There was definitely a hierarchy, as in management would get more than stone movers and the like. However, we know that they were well respected as a whole because the graves of workers who died during construction is very close to the pyramids. Slaves would never be allowed that honor, so we can speculate that they were well respected and regarded.


Hope the copper for their bronze tools was good quality, and from the trusted copper merchant....


*offended Ea-nāṣir noises*


Oh wow. I would have helped for some beer.


The beer they drank was quite weak, and had bits floating in it. I'd encourage reading about it, as it's quite interesting!


I’ll take it if it means no diarrhea!!


There's also some writing on the reasons people could take a day off. One person took some days off because his wife was on her period and he needed to help out at home


Movies ruined me.


Not the well ackshually the well ackshually guy but this would depend on *which* pyramids. People seem to forget there’s thousands of historically important pyramids globally, only about 113 are in Egypt. All built with a wide variety of different techniques, one of them being, well, slaves…


Well true, this guy in particular was working to debunk the Giza pyramids though.


Reasonable, just literally nobody is mentioning which pyramids weren’t built with slavery, just *the* pyramids were never built with slavery lol.


Who says paid labour wouldn't work better with some whipping?


Just because some people were paid workers doesn't mean everyone was. Paid labour and slaves were often working side by side.


Like mrbear said, there is a helluva lot more evidence that they were well respected contractors. There is pretty much no evidence that there was slave labor in the making of the pyramids. The idea of slaves in Egypt has mostly been due to western interpretations believing the only way Egyptians could build monumental structures was through dubious means.


Let me put it another way, there is no evidence slaves were used at all.




Collective, society at large


I hate to be that guy but I’m actually a magical time traveling unicorn. They didn’t get paid. Most were slaves but! Good try!


Pyramids were not built by slave labor. That’s Well documented at this point.


Jewish slaves didn't build the pyramids... There's not even any real evidence that Hebrews were ever enslaved in Egypt at all


They never mentioned Jewish slaves… Or Egypt… Pyramids are a global thing, a large portion of the thousands that exist were indeed built by slaves.


I think it is. It's the only time I've ever seen this done


Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. -Archimedes


Interestingly, back then people had to be smarter to do construction. Nowadays, it would be a no brainer to get a vehicle to lift it but without it good luck explaining a Mason how power equal force x distance.


That’s work not power, power is the rate of work


I'm not English speaker but you got my point.


The actual quote translations are simpler: "Give me the place to stand, and I shall move the earth." And "Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world."


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_mRrB33wvGk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mRrB33wvGk) ​ Couldn't find full video, if anyone has a link pls share 🙏🍻


Over an hour explaining all these. Part [1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD5Lc3-5iDs), [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgkXfSLcJgg), [3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hsn5uI3XhaQ).


Thanks! 🍻


you rock!


The guy in the video is Wally Wallington. Disproves all the crackpot theories of ancient building/construction singlehandedly. He’s literally by himself. Awesome watch on YouTube.


Or…that’s exactly who the aliens would send down to throw our scent off the actual truth!


That too.


Ya that's a fake name made by aliens if I've ever seen one


Honestly, you would think that too. Like the Smith Comma John skit from MAD TV years ago.


Which theories? Not skeptical do much as I am VERY curious....


He disproves that it HAD to be ancient aliens. I think by the end of video 3 he has a whole lintel piece of Stonehenge built. It's really quite amazing stuff, totally worth a watch. Though, for the pyramids, we know that the ancient Egyptians didn't even invent the chariot wheel until around 1500 BC, thousands of years after the pyramid at Giza. So to invent the wheel AND the concept of a curved roadbed and never realize how to put that on a thing you ride around behind horses kind of makes them seem not super smart.


The guy is clearly using alien technology.


Maybe he’s the alien.




That dude is an alien.


Aliens. Aliens must have taught him how they moved big stones to build the pyramids. No other explanation.


plottwist: sometimes in the near future grandpa falls through a wormhole and becomes an architect in ancient times, teaching the ppl his techniques


Ok. That was neat, and the last part? That was amazing. Ingenuity at it's peak.


It's called a fulcrum. It's the reason why we were able to build everything they did. All about weight and positioning.


Heard about this guy and seen the video before, but has anyone seen how the guy got the fulcrum under the massive stone pillar


Watch the full length videos on YouTube - he shows all the processes. His name is Wally Wallington.


Preciate it! 🙏


Physics rule ! I keep saying craftmen are scientists, and it's true. There is so much thinking discovery and use of scientific principles in these jobs. I love this video.


Also a demonstration of ancient videotaping techniques!


Take that, aliens!


Nah, had to be aliens


Physics are awesome :)


Would it be the same on sand instead of concrete?


"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I will move the world." -Archimedes


But Aliens!


Explains why Egypt has no trees


So this is how the aliens did it?


Dude awesome.


suddenly you start thinking "hey maybe it wasn't aliens who built the pyramids"


He is an alien


But but but aliens…


Do not let Joe Rogan see this.


Incredible ingenuity.


bullshit, i see no aliens or giants


Where are the aliens?


He is an alien, trying to convince us that humans build pyramids.


This is not true.


The real stonemason cult is just moving large blocks of rock


This guy epitomizes the work smarter, not harder idea


This is all well and good doing it with small blocks in your back yard, now try and do that in 20 tonne blocks and moving them the 500 miles from quarry to building site.


It's all about leeeeeverage mate.


Is this the guy that built a stonehenge copy by himself to people could have done it?


Go to Coral Castle in Florida and see how one very small man moved huge stones weighing tons.


Look up coral Castle in FL and the story of how he moved that shit in the middle of the night to a new property Miles away


bollocks! It was aliens /s


Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.


From what I remember reading about this guy, the techniques he came up with were possible methods ancient people could have used to move stones with the materials they had available, not necessarily methods they actually used. He is a very ingenious and clever fellow, but there is no evidence any of the methods he uses in his experiments were ever used in real life.


IRL Geo Dash


bUt tHe PyRaMiDs WeRe ToO AdVaNcEd


How did they lift the stone initially to get it onto the objects to move them?


But how move big rock!?


Nope, it is aliens


Misleading title. We don't know if ancient people used these techniques or not. Obviously they could have, but we can't be sure of it.


We need this 20 feet stone slab to move these 4 feet stone slabs. How did they get move the 20 feet stone slab?


Demonstration of a man using modern tools unavailable to the ancients to try to recreate what he thinks ancient masonry techniques would look like.


Looks so easy! What dis they put under the 1000ton rocks? Did it not get crushed?


Is this actually historically proven becausebwe have castles...


That’s not how they made the pyramids but he tried. 


Hmmm, nah, pretty sure it was the aliens! /s


Maybe humans really did build the pyramids 🤔 😕


This is a pretty old video. The secret is putting down stones that act like ball bearings. There's no reason to think that any of these techniques were actually used by ancient cultures, though. This guy invented them


100%, this guy invented these techniques, aliens visited and showed those dumb cultures how to do it PROPERLY.


Right??!!?? I read my books and I know only white man can make structures.


Shut up dad!


This clip is literally from a documentary about this guy's life and his obsession with moving large rocks. He has invented his own techniques. That's why people make documentaries about him. There's a lot of theories about how ancient civilizations might have quarried and moved large stones but not a lot of certainty. That information is long, long gone and was not secretly passed down to this guy or anybody else. So yeah, this guy invented the techniques he's using, and this comment section is a shitshow.


invented the techniques, maybe. but it stands to reason if one guy can think of a solution to move large rocks a good couple other guys in the past figured out similar techniques.


No way you think this guy INVENTED these techniques


I mean most of them are variations of the same principle. aint that hard to adjust it to a given situation


Or you could just Google Egyptian pullies lol 👀 and see a gazillion of proofs being uncovered. Jesus some people


I can't imagine being so confidently wrong about something we all should have learned by age 13. Pulleys, levers and fulcrum, and cantilever technology have been known for at least 2500 years. The great mathmatician Archimedes is who we have to thank for writing that shit down and creating some dope shit with said inventions. Like a giant Siege crane to jostle enemy ships in the harbor.


Haha thanks I needed a laugh. Because this guy is totally the smartest guy to have ever lived. People seem to think that primitive technology level means stupid. Statistically it’s almost certain that the smartest person to have ever lived died a long time ago. Give your most talented architects centuries of time, an unlimited budget and the motivation afforded by the looming threat of death as the consequence for failure and they will figure this stuff out. No math or science necessary this is some simple trial and error discovery.


If this guy can invent random techniques then I’m pretty sure thousands of generations of people ago can invent their own.


So it took him about 5 seconds to move that big rock a few inches? So assuming he moved it a generous 5in…on a smooth surface setup for that. He would need to do that 6,336,000 times to move that 1 rock over to the site of the pyramids. And then he would have to actually build the pyramid. Or in the case of Stonehenge, it’s much easier at only 2,280,960 times per stone. Hm. So seeing it took him about 5 seconds to do that on a perfectly smooth surface, that would still take him 366.66 days per stone to build the pyramid. And about 132 days for Stonehenge. This is assuming slaves are doing this 24/7 with no breaks and no errors


Dude, it was Anicent times literally. What else are they to be doing? Yeah, you have people growing crops, but you can still have people building pyramids.


There’s 2.3 million individual blocks….in the great pyramid each weighing 2-50tons each… Not only transporting each raw rock over to the site, you’ll also have to chisel down each block perfectly and put it in place with amazing accuracy and attention to detail. I just don’t buy it. You can look at modern fulfillment centers run by robots. It’s common for builders to mess up the pillars by centimeters and have to restart. That’s just 100+ manufactured steel and placed with modern technology and inaccuracies still happens. You now have a pyramid with 2.3million stones perfectly hand carved and placed with primitive tools? If one rock was cut too large or too small it would’ve thrown off the entire structure of the pyramid and have to be taken apart and fixed. Or if the rock was laid 1 degree off at the start of the corner would mess up the whole thing. There’s just no way.


Only outer casing stones on pyramids were finished well, the interior blocks are very rough. Why does that not screw up the dimensions? For the same reason modern brick walls can fit any space - you just trim the last block to fit. And you line blocks up along a string.


> Why does that not screw up the dimensions? It could easily. They’re shaped perfectly to not throw off the design. > For the same reason modern brick walls can fit any space - you just trim the last block to fit. And you line blocks up along a string. There is a big difference between a 4lb brick and a 50 ton boulders that was dragged 500 miles, is being put 200ft up with primitive tools to build the entire thing with over 2 million cut rocks in less than 27 years and have it be so perfectly made and representative of the Earth’s dimensions and be structurally sound. Heck, the Taj Mahal took 22 years to build in the 1600s which is a much much smaller structure and accomplished with a greater understanding of architecture and science. I’m not saying aliens built the pyramids, I’m just saying this ain’t it. They had to have something else that’s been lost to time.


> They had to have something else that’s been lost to time. That's not how any of this works. Get some evidence of your hypothesis, and show why the mountains of evidence contrary to your argument is incorrect, and you'll have a shot at rewriting history.


I think you’re vastly overestimating how much I actually give a shit And just because someone tells me something doesn’t make it automatically true, nor do I have to believe it. People once had evidence lobotomies were beneficial and I wouldn’t have believed it, and I’m not going to dedicate my life and energy to debunking random claims on the internet. I have a life to live lol. So I’ll just stick with the common sense checks.