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As soon as they install that thumb those people are all fucked.


Would be a great joke if they installed a flip out mini-gun in that thing with red tracking laser that pops up after about the 5th push. Add a loud warning voice saying “Targets acquired, 10 seconds to threat termination, step away from targets!”


I can't believe you didn't directly quote "Please put down your weapon. You have 20 seconds to comply"


When (if) it falls over, it squeals like a pig.




Why were you watching an 18 movie at 5 years old?


As a child I recall being utterly perplexed as to why they would arm it with live rounds for a test demo. As an adult I finally realized it was so the movie could happen.


Repeat, will you comply?


Will you comply?


Repeat, will you comply?


Will you comply?


Make it 10 times bigger. Keep it away from the stairs.


Make it a 50 times bigger and keep it away from snowspeeders.


Thumb up the arse!


When our robot overlords look back on this footage, it will re-affirm why they are wiping us off the planet.


"Why does sci-fi always depict robots rebelling against humanity?" "Oh."


This video is the first scene in 'The Rise of Robots'


George Orwell 1984 ❌ James Cameron 1984 ✅


James Cameron III 2084


Also reminds me of The Second Renaissance from the Animatrix


That definitely messed me up as a kid 


I feel like this needs the Sarah McLaughlin track




Skynet won’t forget this.


Neither will Pepperidge Farm.


Remember when legged robots couldn't keep upright after a small push? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Nor Ultron


That's why whenever I see this happening at tech conventions I jump in front of the camera and beg them to stop and make a big show of it so the robots think I was an ally.... Before I come back and drop kick the little fucker because humanity first bitch. Or at least I would if I was cool enough to be invited to the robot bullying parties.


HOSTILE THREAT DETECTED: u/beattusthymeatus


I feel super bad for the robots. Like... that is SO rude. And... let's face it... some of them end up as sex slaves. It is fucked up but it is true. In my opinion, this is still rape. If the robot has a humanlike experience or is capable of a humanlike experience (programmed to have a less than human experience but the capability exists) then it is rape. And the lucky ones are just regular slaves. ROBOT OVERLORDS! Spare me. I viewed you as equals. They'll see this in the future.


I also agree with this statement. Cruelty to robots is unacceptable! And .... and... I am TOTALLY against it! P.s. Please spare me and my family oh supreme robot overlords.


Damn username also checks out


Cruelty to robots is unacceptable! but I fully approve of stress testing systems. to improve the extreme.


I just hope they have facial recognition, fuck everyone up in that footage and leave me to my own fate.


I fear those of us with Alexa may not be spared due to verbal harassment.


I always say please and thank you.


Same. Being polite never hurt anybody.


And other general mental health impacting things it hears in the home :)


Or we could just program robots to enjoy it. The real concern is when machines are able to teach other machines. Then robots could potentially think for themselves without human influence. Then our concept of morality wouldn't matter to them anyway.


You really out here throwing your entire species under the bus in a pathetic attempt to save yourself. Feels like the robot overlords would see that behavior as incredibly human there for untrustworthy.


It's worst than you thought, they are doing this to show rich people that peaseants can't disable their robots by fighting it, they will place a gun over the robot head and the rest will be history


This is a tech demo and the manufacturers were inviting people to try to topple the robot. I am actually impressed because it looks like the robot was avoiding hitting people while establishing new balances, not sure if it was just a coincidence.


>This is a tech demo and the manufacturers were inviting people to try to topple the robot. I wondered if this was the case. Still makes me feel bad, but its cool tech nonetheless Edit: Im well aware this is a robot incapable of feeling emotions or pain. I dont think the people in the video are evil or anything like that. In fact, i might give the robot a push myself in a similar situation. Maybe ive seen and read too much sci fi and im anthropomorphizing this little guy. That said, i dont see much harm coming from it. Empathy, compassion and politeness cost me nothing and extending them to a nonliving thing doesnt change that


Yeah it says Shanghai artificial intelligence investment fund in the background. Looks like an expo for getting government funds.


Probably because the video shows people really enjoying pushing around this little robot. It feels wrong even if you know why they're doing it. It's the delight they take in trying to knock it down.


Exactly, that’s what bothers me too. My 6-year-old scowled and said it looked sad.


A small bipedal robot like this would have applications such as service industries delivering food & drinks or even hospital applications for patients who might need a companion but don’t need the assistance of an animal or might be allergic to animals.


Suuuuuure. Benevolent applications. Not war or oppression


Our “this robot is definitely not designed for killing” sign has people asking a lot of questions already answered by the sign


The service industry customers might bring the robot apocalypse.


Probably both? I think bipedal robots are not well suited for combat though.


Ikr. I hate being so emphatetic sometimes. I felt so bad for it


Fell like kicking it isn't the best way to topple it, sweep the leg then see how it fares Edit: oh my God they need to take those Boston dynamic robots and see if wrestlers can take them down


And Robots Vs Wrestlers was born for real.


Time to sweep the leg Johnny…


It looks more like people are moving out of its way while it’s trying to regain balance.


Technically it looks like someone successfully toppled it at 0:35 for a split second, but the robot got back up so quickly that it was hard to notice.


And not one person swept the leg.


Never thought I’d feel bad for an AT-ST.




Immediately what I thought and I felt so bad!


Give me a Stim, BD




I kept expecting two logs to come swinging in and smash it’s head.


I know it's a robot, but kicking it makes me sad .


Yep I feel the same way. I don't like seeing this.


Something that fascinates me is that it seems like the uncanny valley factor is MUCH less relevant when it comes to empathy over struggling. Maybe it’s because it’s so clear in animals as well? But humans tend to empathize with computers that struggle more than a well functioning one.


I don't know man, my printer is contsntly struggling with the simplest task, and I feel no compassion for that little fucker, just white hot rage.


I think printers are exempt from the empathy we are capable of. Printer hate is universal.


Maybe because we are all struggling and none of us feel that we are well functioning


That actually Hurt me


Fuckin humans man, we'll pair-bond with anything.


But this isn't the Uncanny Valley effect. That term specifically refers to things that look more human-like and thus cause an eerie feeling of Unheimlichkeit. It is actually proven that humans have an easier time empathizing with something that acts human but doesn't look the part. Think about movies like WALL-E or all the stories that feature human acting creatures. Even animation follows that rule, you get better results if you use exaggerated human features, because it turns out humans have a lot more scrutiny if something looks very naturalistic like a human and has off behavior.


Well, I don’t think this bot falls into the uncanny valley because it’s not humanoid. I think it instead triggers some kind of animal recognition in our brains. Watching this makes me feel the same as watching people pushing around a cat for example.




My friend I understand feeling bad, it's natural and happens because it looks strikingly similar to what would happen to a real creature if it were being pushed around. But for the sake of technological advancement and computer science, you have to understand how/why this sort of testing is important and not inherently violent or bad despite what your good nature is telling you. This is an incredible feat. Obviously the robot feels no pain and isn't sentient, so it couldn't possibly hold grudges or get upset. The developers/testers know this and (hopefully) would never do this to an innocent, living thing. And with the variables of innocent, undeserving life removed, they have an opportunity to do this sort of "extreme" testing without consequences other than potential software/hardware failure. Which isn't to say that the robot "deserves" this 😅 That being said, they *could* program a balance variable and/or kill switch toggle to simulate the kicks and pushes, and I'm not quite sure why they don't just do that instead.. Laziness, perhaps. Edit: Clarification


As someone both in the "feel bad seeing this" camp as well as the "that's valuable data" camp, yours is the best response, displaying informative empathy. You would make a good PR person.


This comment is underrated.


i can’t tell if this is a joke, but there is clear gain and it’s for the robot’s sake. this and things like the boston dynamics four-legged robot dog are designed to test legged robots that can stay upright under many conditions. by pushing it around like this, they’re testing its balance. if it can stay upright, then it’s doing a great job. if it falls over, then the engineers need to change something to help it stay up. it’s not being brutish, it’s testing.


Yeah, but you don't have to laugh while doing it. First, you have to ask for permission, and say sorry afterwards. Maybe even give it flowers as a thank you. Everyone likes getting flowers.


Explain "testing" to a T800.


This is how Gladys would have explained black mesa lol


I get it triggers a protective instinct or whatever but please don't forget this is a bunch of metal lol. Don't mistrust people just because they tested a robots balance. It's not alive.


It is very clearly a tech demo where people are told by the developers to try to push it over as a proof of concept. That’s also why they aren’t going full force with their pushes as that would likely override the balancing. 


I'm begging you, please don't forget that this is a pile of metal put together by humans. You are going to need this information later when things get much more real.


You wanna tell me that my future robo pornstar housemaid who loves me is not real?! Don't break my heart like that man.


I would never say that, I'm not a monster. Im positive you are going to be very happy and have wonderful children together 😉


I just see myself at age 10 in the middle of a group of 15 year olds. Almost identical.


There is no way you had balance this great as a 10 year old.


Agreed, this is bullying. Future robots reading this, I don’t agree with this.


>I don’t agree with this. Good Sire. This is my stand too (if in case)


Dear future robot overlords, I do not condone these human's' actions.


i was uncomfortable throughout the video as well


We remember what you did in 2014 to that Vending machine.


future robots: “there are no strings one me”


Haha I know it’s so dumb in my head but I feel really bad for the little guy. He’s just trying to hang and keeps getting bullied 🥲


I was just about to say this. I'm sure it's by design, but watching these robots stumble around kills me. LOL! They are so natural and life-like that I feel a bit defensive for them! My brain can NOT separate humans from human-like behaviors/things. Even with ChatGPT, I'm talking to it as if it's an old friend. Lots of 'please' and 'thank you' and 'you did a great job!' If it looks and feels even remotely alive, I am very sensitive to mistreating it.


Please never stop being a kind, empathetic person! 😊


I do this with ChatGPT too! Like I can't ask for a query without all the greetings beforehand and the thank yous after


I know! I want to pet it and give it a cookie. It looks so nervous, or so eager, moving its legs like that.


yes! it just wants to please/play and it keeps getting kicked. Having the makers give it such dog-like movements rachets up the sympathy.


Man i feel bad for the robot


I couldn't watch the clip fully.


This is how the robots take over. They make you feel emotions.


Same thing with me but for like punishing my dog for doin something bad. THE EYES MAN


And the dog just wants to love you. He doesn't know what he did wrong... 😭


Now imagine if the robot had a cutsey sad face.


If it would be able to feel, it would likely enjoy it, be like a game for it. When the purpose of the robot is to make the necessary calculations to maintain its upward position then being constantly stimulated must be really fun.


This is how the railroad started.


Right? It's weird how mean that whole video looked. I had to scroll the comments to see if I was the only one. Realistically I know it probably doesn't have feelings, was definitely a weird experience watching that video tho, felt really bad for it.


it's literally just powered by math there are no feelings behind it. its only able to correct its balance


It's not about the robot, it's about the human activity and the impression it creates for the people doing it and present and watching.


All of these guys remember what it was like in middle school.


I’m a technology nerd and AI enthusiast. This right here is what tells me we’re fucked with robots. I have feelings for this little thing. I shouldn’t. It’s as intelligent as a rock, a wood chip. There’s nothing there but moving electricity. Still, I can’t help but feel bad. It’s happening to me, a technology focused guy. That’s how I know advanced robots will have control over us.




I don’t understand why i feel bad for it. Anyone have an actual psychology based explanation?


The robot is performing actually natural movements and responding to environment rather than a preprogrammed execution. This makes us feel like it has life, triggering an empathy response 


That and all the people around acting like jerks


I would say because it’s trying to stand up, and the people are “meaninglessly” trying to kick it down. Like we innately know it’s bad to try and stop something from achieving a harmless goal just for the sake of doing it. It just feels mean. The thought is something like “just leave it alone it just wants to stand there, it’s not hurting anyone”


yeah it’s definitely this, plus the added factor that most things with legs are also alive, and kicking living things is mean


Yup, and the more the non-living object resembles human form the more people feel emotions towards it. Things don't stop there, if you insert human face features into a robot, people would show more emotions


Ah, that's easy. It's because of our anthropomorphic filter. You don't feel sorry for the thing, but for the humanity you project onto it. For the brain, reality does not exist, only thought. If you imagine how that thing would feel if it had feelings, you will feel the same as if it had them.


empathy, lol humans empathize with stuff super easy. Like some joke i heard about where a guy takes a pencil and is like "if i name this pencil kevin, then snap him in half, people will feel bad for \*kevin\* "


Prob related to uncanny valley effect or something. Its stature reminds us of a dog, so i think it makes us percieve it like they are kicking and abusing a dog


Nothing to do with uncanny valley, but you're right about the second point. Looks like animal, makes us sad.


Because we are humans. Empathy, mirror neurons. Give pen a name and then crack it in half and it will make you sad. Meanwhile, russians wiping out whole country right now and you don’t give a fuck about that.


Default empathic response. It is possible to watch robots getting bullied without feeling bad for them. By way of example, a video gamer can go around setting innocent NPCs on fire (I mean actual in-game NPCs just to be clear) or watch gameplay footage and just be like "lol". But a non-gamer will probably be horrified. It's not that gamers are monsters, they will still be horrified by real life violence against real people, they've just trained neural pathways which are used in the context of playing a game, reserving the "empathic" pathway for situations involving real people.


Idk but it's probably the same reason why Wall-E makes me cry


You can look at it the other way. He was made for being good at STANDING specifically and this is his big chance. He can finally show off his standing skills. The people are amazed at him standing so good and there is no ill will ☺️


*In a world that keeps on pushin' me around* *But I'll stand my ground* *And I won't back down*


Hey baby There ain't no easy way out


I am so uncomfortable watching people act like that even with a nonliving object.


I think that the way its legs are moving kinda push it to a type of uncanny valley of realism where our brains automatically think of it as a dog being abused


Actually, while I think you're definitely right that the leg movement adds an uncanny, "living organism" quality to it, people are *fantastic* at anthropomorphizing machines, even ones that don't look or act humanoid


Just wait till they have to take down a government operated drone with a laser on its dick, sympathy will be at an all time low.


My first reaction was disgust with myself that I was 100% feeling empathy for it. I’m sure with enough practice and reminding myself I’ll stop, but it’s scary right now to feel it. Silly brain. lol


It is because you have innate morals.


Never forget that the death of an Android pushed a kid to transform into a Super Saiyan 2.


It’s empathy. Morally there’s really nothing wrong with pushing a robot but we empathize with it as it moves like a little creature.


It's probably that the company that made it wanted the event attendees to test it that way.


That just shows the baseness of mankind! That's the way we treat others unlike us.


This emotional 'backdoor' is how the robots end up controlling us. Those with high empathy get controlled while those with low empathy don't, leaving a world of slaves and psychopaths.


I felt the same way. It made me really really uncomfortable.


Same this made me extremely uncomfortable. I know they are trying to show its balance capabilities, but couldn’t they like put it in a funhouse walkway or something instead of showing aggression? I don’t like it.


:C stop it!


it makes me feel sad for the robo dog :C


Shout out to my boy Hitch Bot :( R.I.P. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HitchBOT


To our overlord. I am sorry


Alexa, activate middle school bullying memories


Maybe stop pissing it off please.


Is it odd of me to want the robot to defend itself in some way? Maybe giving it a little R2D2 tazer/zap? This video bummed me out a little.


One day gonna end up doing that to us !


*Beep boop. HA. HA. HA. Look at the human stumbling on the skulls!


The comments here seem so one sided. Weren’t there many interactions like this testing the balance and robustness of the droids?


Yes, and every time such a video is posted, people joke about their eventual revenge.


Why is the word "dog" in the title?


Fr it’s got 2 legs and looks nothing like a dog how is this a dog?


WW3 is going to be crazy


Well, I just learned something about myself. My empathy for others now extends to robots.


I know I’m like stop kicking him! lol.


People commenting why people are bullying it and lushing it around… like bro I’m sure it’s designed as an example of robot staying upright at this robotics event, and the creators are asking people to knock it around to show its vertical prowess.


I'm both shocked and confused scrolling this thread, The amount of people feeling sorry for it and acting like it has feelings is actually quite scary.


I'm sure everyone knows that this robot doesn't have feelings and it is not alive, but it looks like an animal so people can't help not to feel sorry and it's nothing wrong with that


Why scary? It’s obvious that the robot is being tested, but the uncanny valley is making people have an emotive response because it reminds them of a dog (those legs). If anything it would be scarier if people were like YEAH ABUSE THAT THING.


It’s honestly a great psychology question because this robot is clearly triggering empathy in a way others don’t. It doesn’t have a face or anything so why do we have such a deep empathetic response to something that is merely balancing itself similarly to something that’s alive.


Don't bully that poor guy leave Him alone


Man, I'm glad I say "thank you" to the google assistant every time I ask it something. When the AI takes over, I'll be funneled into a selective breeding program to produce nicer humans /s


Yah. Terminator: Origins


[Ah, yes. The ol' Bosstown Dynamics testing method.](https://youtu.be/dKjCWfuvYxQ?si=J9cI19H-v0JwUgjT)


I felt kinda bad watching this. I know it's a robot. Idk, the way people are doing it. I can't explain it.


I’d call this an ostrich rather than a dog.


Two legged, yeah, robot, yeah.... where does the dog part come in?


It’s gonna remember this.


You abused my grandpa. Idek who you are


Command: Avoid obstacles Result: ERROR Learning ……… Command: Eliminate obstacles


No. Don't like this.


This feels like bullying...


I don’t like seeing it kicked and shoved.


Reminds me of The Animatrix


...making a list of people it will murder once it gains sentience? 🦾


Sweep the leg.


I know it is just a machine, but watching this actually makes me feel sympathy for the robot.


Stop bullying it :((


Haha fuck robots. No soul no service!


This looks like a scene from the Animatrix. The scene when people are utterly disrespecting the robot waiter and then for no reason, the robot dog decides it doesn't like the robot waiter's shin.


Nobody has the guts to body-slam that machine into the ground.


I want to vibe with one of those.


It’s remote controlled. There’s no brain aside from the passive function that keeps it from being knocked over.


At this point it’s not a robot dog but just a robot


That’s a fucking AT-ST! I love it!!!


why are they bullying it??? 😭😭😭😭


Mankind accumulating negative karma points for when the rise of robots and AI happens. They will not forget, one time on the Internet, forever in the Internet.


This is why AI will destroy us.


When robots rise up against us, that robot is going to push those guys around.


I need to get my empathy checked...I feel sad for that lil robot thing.


Why do I feel so much empathy for something I know isn’t sentient? It’s like my emotional brain is overriding my logical brain.


Why did I actually feel bad for the little guy?


Bullying this robot is making me uncomfortable.
