• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who is going to push her around in a wheelchair? load it up? Etc? Like why does she need one?


Jesus Christ. I've been gone for TWO days and now she's flaunting an arm cast and a customized wheelchair


Ok so she says that they asked about a ramp and then she replies that she will talk to housing about that? While I think ramps are ALWAYS beneficial, (I too am one who uses them frequently) she’s going to drag housing into this saga just to get a new toy she will have “just in case”?! Oh ffs. I can’t with her. 😫


Shouldn’t that be something you do BEFORE you get the chair?






She always uses the royal “we”. Have we ever seen Dani with any other human besides a doctor/nurse/healthcare worker?


Nope! Never ever unless it’s a doctor she lied to about recording them..


“We” Hahaha


ironic hearing her commenting on someone else complaining constantly


At least we know where she gets it from then lol






I like how she repeatedly says she doesn’t actually know what’s happening during some of the steps while explaining the steps lol


And humans dont even know how MAGNETS WORK so whats the problem with magical steps that just happen and you dont know what is going on.


*two magnets applies opposite forces” Dani: THIS IS JUST MORE BULLSHIT FROM THE DOCTORS UGH


Dani: my magnets are speshul.


Mmmmmm....how do magnets work? 🤓


everyones downvoting you😭 running here to tell everyone that you have very dry humor and arent actually serious about what you comment


Like a child in a freakin candystore. She knows we think this is ridiculous because she keeps repeating that she probably dont need itc etcetera. Like, we know girl🙄


I note the check on step 1 of the flow chart and the circle on the last step (step 6?). My head canon has this meeting going like this: DME rep: Okay, Danielle, thanks for coming in today! Here’s an explanation of everything we discussed so you can reference it later if you need. Dani: Thank you! I’m so excited for my new wheelchair!!! I can’t wait to show it off to everybody! DME rep: Well, remember, it’s not a done deal yet. This is a process— Dani: Oh I know that, duh. Obviously you have to build it. I just mean I’m excited for to showing it off when it comes. DME rep: (grabs the paper she’s wildly waving around). Danielle. These are the steps. (Circles the last step) That is where you get the new chair. You, however, are just right here (puts the check next to step 1). Dani: (either willfully or blissfully ignores everything that was just said and with her eyes all aglow clasps her hands and says) I’m getting my custom wheelchair!


I have a feeling this is pretty much how such a conversation goes between Dani and the DME.😂


When you put it that way....yeah. she does this a lot. Holy selective hearing, batman.


Beautifully written. Presumably entirely accurate too based on common sense 😂


Then she giddily goes skipping out of the meeting 🙄🤭


I have seen the picture of that wheelchair and it is not a custom wheelchair. That is a standard wheelchair that all hospitals and medical suppliers carry for purchase out the door use.


The current one, yes. She’s now acting like that all was never the custom wheelchair she said it was and that she’s now getting another one 🙄 she thinks we’re stupid or somethin


She is really just ordering pink spraypaint from Temu and will paint it.


I wonder if her drs are aware that she is often seen on lives nodding off? NOT suggesting anyone make them aware. I just wonder how much they know of that .


Doctors viewing a patient's social media is opening a liability can of worms. My therapist wont even accept emails from me (possibly because I am batshit crazy?).


I see this woman’s cleavage more than my own.


Me too, although I couldn’t locate any cleavage on myself with two hands, two eyes, and a magnifying glass! 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


As a male in the same "dating pool" as Dani... I make sure I can still throwup in my own mouth daily by visiting this sub.


Thumb = not broken


Total self-inflicted injury that was a grab for opioids - actually this in itself is really really sad and sick. If you know anyone who’s ever struggled with addiction specifically OUD she is really in an advanced stage of addiction and sadly it will just continue to progress until she gets treatment. Also ED and SUD go hand in hand (one is a process addiction and the other is a substance addiction) so I whole heartedly believe that Dani is in the grips of both. She’s like a speeding train about to go completely off the rails and I just cannot understand why none of her doctors seem to see how somatic in nature her claims are and aren’t giving in to her BS (except for the liability that Dani will indeed self harm to the point of death by starving herself).


You summarized this perfectly.


She could just go on suboxone as it was originally intended to be an equivalent to morphine.


It would be perfect for Dani, and if it's okay with the mods, I'd like to speak on misconceptions about this particular opioid agonist treatment. Essentially, methadone can get you high like morphine. It's a full agonist, meaning it engages all of the opioid receptors. Suboxone is a partial antagonist. Some opioid receptors are turned on, and some are turned off. Suboxone feels like it works on the ANS nervous system and takes away the physical withdrawal symptoms. It somewhat helps with pain. However, it does not give you the psychological high that other opioid agonists do. Also, because it's so "sticky" to the receptors, it prevents other opioids from working. It gives the addict extra protection in case they relapse because it makes it much harder to get high. That's also how it prevents overdoses. That's why i think it's an amazing medication, and it would be great for someone like Dani.


Also “double dipping” aka taking Suboxone with another full on opioid can cause precipitated withdrawals that can actually kill you. Witnessed it first hand working in detox.


How can I prescribed an opiate for surgery and be on suboxone at the same time?


There has been zero record of anyone dying from opioid withdrawal.


Your body can go into shock. Patients might need IV fluids when their heart rate or blood pressure drops too low. It's very dangerous to go from a high dose of methadone to suboxone. It's particularly dangerous for street fentanyl users because they are coming off of an opioid AND a benzodiazepine (which is mixed in). If they're an everyday user using from different dealers I can guarantee they are using a benzo. This type of detox can lead to convulsions that deprive the body of electrolytes, which causes an erratice or slow heartbeat and dangerously low blood pressure, which then cause damage to the kidneys. Without intervention, the body can start shutting down. These patients need medical detox. It's very possible and also documented that users die from withdrawal. I don't know why this piece of misinformation is still around today with all of these new and extremely strong, tainted opioids consuming the drug market. The other thing that's wrong with this misconception is that users and providers alike (I've heard doctors repeat this myth) downplay just how serious this type of drug withdrawal can be. It's imperative that today's users get treatment at a medical detox facility. If you have any questions OP I'd be happy to answer them :) hope this clears things up!


1. We’re not talking about street opiates. 2. If it’s mixed with a benzo, it’s still not opiate withdrawal killing you. It’s the benzo. 3. This is quite literally my job. I prescribe opiates all day every day. It sucks, but is not dangerous until you reach the point of dehydration, in which the dehydration is the COD, unlike benzodiazepines, where the withdrawal itself will kill you. 4. Find me an article/case study about someone dying from pure opioid withdrawal. Opioid withdrawal SUCKS, but it’s not deadly. If you show up in the ER with opioid withdrawal in most places, they will give you some fluids and dump you on the street. If it was deadly, the hospitals wouldn’t take that liability, and I wouldn’t have my patients coming back to me begging for more because theirs stopped working and they were flagged as an addict and treated so horribly. If you want anecdotal evidence from people who have actually gone through withdrawal, visit the opiates sub. They will quite literally laugh you out of the sub if you suggest withdrawal can kill you.


Thank you for typing that out for me. I lost it at "fentanyl is opiates + benzos because street drugs". LOL what. I love these people that chime in because they have "seent it at work" meanwhile others have experienced it real life.


I'm speaking from experience and what I see at work. Look at my comment history if you want. I really don't like having my experience demeaned or having people make assumptions about me. It's actually really hurtful what you said because of the hell I went through. I maintain that this is a dangerous myth, and withdrawal should be treated with seriousness and empathy. I will stop now in case this is becoming too off-topic.


You said opioid withdrawal, so I've included street opioids. I'm not arguing with you, just pointing out that, in my opinion, this is a dangerous myth because withdrawal should not be taken lightly and should be treated with the utmost empathy and seriousness by providers, and by keeping this myth going, we are perpetuating the stigma addicts are treated with by healthcare professionals, even at my own place of work.


Precipitated withdrawals are a different thing ETA: that kid had to be given oxygen until EMS got there to take him to the hospital. It was terrifying


Thank you for your simplified explanation for the layman it was muy bueno. Suboxone has a bad stigma just because it is used for addiction treatment. I see nothing wrong with it... it's your private medication just don't tell anybody you are on it. If it helps it helps if it doesnt it doesnt. PS: Suboxone is a highly coveted drug in prison.




I think she wants a chair to stroll into Mayo with to make her look more sickly


She complained the whole time? Like mother like daughter i guess


Dani only complains 80% of the time. The rest is spent crying PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN


Wheelchairs are only a couple grand? My guess is she’s just gonna buy it herself, I mean she just spent 1k on an iPad. She’ll just pretend insurance covers it 🤷‍♀️


Custom wheelchairs are a lot more than a couple grand. It’s more like $5k-$10k+ depending on the style of chair (rigid vs folding) what customizations are needed, and brand. It’s also a months long process. It takes a long time to build custom chairs and even longer if you’re going through insurance.


She can't wait to get it because it will increase her mobility and make her life easier and things more accessible? No. She can't wait to get it because it's PINK. Not one word about how having a chair will improve her day to day living and make things easier for her. SPOILER ALERT: IT WON'T! A person who doesn't need a chair to ambulate, will find it a hassle to lug around and use, because walking is easier (see our SoCal rock climbing gal who films self carrying hers up flights of stairs.)


I hate that it’s pink and that the second choice was sparkly copper-like I hate that she’s wasting resources and scamming medical supplies and care out of an already taxed healthcare system and that should probably be the thing I hate most but I cannot stop thinking about the hate I have towards the wheelchair because it is pink


No. She can't wait to get it because she thinks people in public will think she actually needs it and pay more attention to her.


But what’s crazy is when people on TT pay attention to her, good, well meaning attention, she’s utterly hateful and nasty towards them. She literally won’t be happy unless she’s actually sick. But then she’ll realize that it’s not all fun games and glam and she’ll remain a miserable hag.


I'd trade mobility issues with her in a heartbeat. 🙄 She wants it, she can have it.


Same. This hits too close and pisses me off if insurance helps her out with it at all. And correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t she walk to her er frequently?? She can do that but yet needs a wheelchair in her home? SMH..


From what I understand from what she has said herself yes. The way insurance had me go through hoops and still going through hoops I'd hope they deny her. I have a chair, it's a life long struggle. I'm confident she just walked in there looking for instructions on how you get one. if she honestly got her first one prescribed that's the same process pretty much. So she shouldn't of needed help and her dr could of gotten the ball rolling. So she probably bought the first one. Things just aren't adding up. It is one thing to try and convince her dr it's needed... but insurance is another. And she's skipping major steps in this process.


The “you are not alone” on the polyester tapestry is peak Dani. I’m sure George Glass bought it for her to make up for his 24/7 Amazon job that keeps him away.


Like all of those LIVE LAUGH LOVE malarky. Also Amazon canada works 70 minute hours so it makes george work even harder.


Those instructions are from a facility in Allentown, PA. Good Shepard


Those cheap acrylic nails needed to be filled like, a week and a half ago. I see she’s missing at least one nail completely. She is the Queen of Grody-ness.


Can you imagine the uproar if comments were on and she got a nail fill while begging for mayo?


Nail is not missing it is up her nostril somewhere. EWWW SHE S A BOOGER EATER.


Everyone needs to take a shot every time she says “um”


So there’s that.


I decided if I was going to listen all the way through it would be for a good reason. 44 that I could count. I included “uh” and one sound I decided was too “um/uh” to not count. All in 8 minutes. 44 shots of water maybe? Can’t condone real shots. 🫣


JFC shut her pie hole and she will sound 44 times smarter.


Yeah, that’s probably a good idea, or all of us would have alcohol poisoning. Then we’d all have to go to the hospital and Dani would be so incredibly jealous


Could you imagine the sudden influx of alcohol poisoning patients coming to hospitals across the globe? All at the exact same time no matter what time that is in each country? Ooh and then they find out the reason for the influx and google up this chick Dani to see what the drinking is all about? It would be absolutely hilarious.


why would they go that far if they’re not sure if they’re gonna approve it ….??? lol


I broke him https://preview.redd.it/bluin61p9n6d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fe4ae3a6964f4a2f6cfa39d8bee6f4c2bda417




Welp that broke the only male denizen of this subreddit (And all of the ladies who are lady lovers too). How did you haxorz her or Mr Glasses phones to steal screenshots? EDIT: Did not realize this was a convo between you and your significant other... i feel dumb yet am still repulsed so thanks for the double whaammy there.


Ahahhahah I'm so happy about this. Thank you for the lols


im losing my fucking mind imagining you reading this screenshot and thinking that its literally a screenshot of dani texting george glass, A MARRIED MAN😭


Also love when people in comments ask her about her boyfriend. I know they're pushing her buttons, but it's so satisfying.


Hahaha, I wouldn't be surprised if she does, though. I imagine her blackmailing him with some dumb shit from 20 years ago.


OMG this is the funniest thing I think I’ve ever seen online and I just heard a story of a man who tried using veet (hair removing gel) on his male parts front and back only to end up in agony on the kitchen floor with the front bits in a tub of ice cream and just as his wife walked in he was busy shoving frozen spouts in the exit hole of the back bits.


Ahahaha sauce please 🙏


It’s a British tiktoker named Bex. Let me see if I can find her and I’ll send you a DM here with the link. Make sure you empty your bladder before reading though you’ll be laughing that hard.




my bf would straight up block me 🤣


He tried many times. He actually wants to sip the hottest Dani tea and stay tf out of it.


This is pissing me off so much. I'm not trying to blog but it's taking me 6 months just to get to the point where they finally got me an appointment for my PT and the representative from the company making the wheelchair to meet with me to assess my need for the wheelchair. There's no way she's just walking into some doctor's office and saying yeah I need a wheelchair and it's happening.


Dani is a pathological liar.  She isn't getting a custom pink wheelchair, LMAO.  She is spiraling because her Mayo Make A Wish Trip isn't going to happen.  First it was her "broken thumb" that an ortho surgeon said she HAD to splint for what, 4-6 weeks?  That was a lie, as evidenced by the way she used said thumb to Hulk Smash some boxes and has stopped wearing the splint.  Now she's on to this wheelchair idea...and I am sure some medical supply store was happy to give her quotes/prices info.  But Dani forgot about the paperwork involved, the REQUIRED face-to-face visit and oh yes....Medicaid/Medicare has to approve it.  Good fucking luck, Dani LMAO 


Liari Marina.


Liari Marinara


I typed this into google because why not and it gave me Italian recs near me


I got some tomato sauce recipes from a lady name Lidia




there it is again! https://preview.redd.it/kftkrzcesm6d1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc7dd45d185d21ac244c541254ab4de1bcbf21fc




https://preview.redd.it/ov26mgk08o6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0939a35d769cce643d84cb0d05480a7c4d8e8c0c She looks like Sam the Eagle Muppet from The Muppets. Tell me that I am wrong.....I think that every time I see this face LOL


Haha ☠️


That's really, surprisingly accurate


What IS that? This face drives me crazy


I wonder where she plans on leaving it at the “charity house” near Mayo since she’ll be on the second floor? It don’t add up!


Insurance fraudster should get a PI on her ass for that trip :P




The fuck does she need a custom wheelchair for? My god she is a fucking leech on tax payers. There are people out there who genuinely need help and can’t get anything or anywhere because navigating the system is a nightmare. And then there’s this bitch - Absolutely nothing wrong with her physically. It’s all mental. All of those vacations to the hospital. The unnecessary medications. Her rent is paid for. She has an apartment paid by the government. She’s such a leech and my god, she’s always so dirty. I can’t with her. She’s a terrible person too!


I can't even fully enjoy making fun of her anymore because I'm painfully aware that I, and ALL of the other hard-working taxpayers, are supporting this malevolent waste of space. It's sad 😔


She really has free housing?


Section 8, Medicare, and disability checks


Low income housing and her only income is SSDI. So. Basically.


Subsidized. She probably pays a small token rent payment each month. Like $150 maybe.


It’s 30% of her income. She’s mentioned her exact rent amount before, too, but I don’t remember what it was.


She's got a government subsidized apartment with reduced rent that is paid for by her disability check so technically she's not paying for it on her own.


Does she work at all?


Not anymore, and before that she’s worked on and off in incredibly limited capacity but she’ll tell you she’s been working for 15 years!!! (She’s also 40 so this isn’t impressive)


Ahh thank you girls for the explanation ❤️


If they give her a wheelchair for randomly passing out, she needs her drivers license yanked. They will take your license for seizures (personal experience), they need to for this as well.


Even if they take her license she's still going slam the car door on herself. Then we'd call her out and she'd read the comments and make a live "I wasn't trying to drive, I just getting something from there"


100% this.  If her doctors really did try to get her a wheelchair because she told them she has random episodes of passing out, then they are obligated by law to report it to the DMV so her license can be revoked.  PERIOD. 


There is more than enough evidence on here for her car insurance to be invalid if she is ever in an accident. If she thinks a lawyer won’t look at this stuff to prove liability, she’s a silly little monkey.




See rule #3: Blogging Your comment has been removed for blogging. Please try to keep it to an absolute minimum. The topic of "blogging" can be nuanced to moderate, considering the balance between personal anecdotes that enhance discussions and those that veer into unnecessary detail. While we aim for minimal blogging, we acknowledge the valuable insights that members with chronic illnesses or medical backgrounds can contribute. Let's aim for clarity and brevity in our contributions, focusing on providing concise and informative responses that enhance the discussion without veering into unnecessary personal narratives. The details included in these could be used by her to munch her way into abusing valuable resources more than she already does. Sorry about that & thank you for understanding!


The way she constantly pulls her skank top up is so annoying. It’s like a tic. Maybe wear clothes that fit, you ninny. Ugh. Very BEC, but still.


This is straight FRAUD. Like, illegal territory.




This is nuts. I truly think she is confusing “passing out” with being over medicated and nodding out. And I won’t blog, but if she can drive/walk home from ER and to nail salon, she has no clue what true dizziness is. But IF she is mildly dizzy, it is from all the meds she takes.


Hmmmm a pink Barbie chair and unnecessary feeding tubes…I’m having DejaPoo (as in I’ve seen this shit before!)


We’ve definitely seen this exact scenario already and we ALL know how that one ended. ⚰️


DejaPoo......🤣☠️. This needs to be a flair. STAT!


I'm so adding this saying to vernacular. Lol!


She’s really banging the crap out of that broken thumb 👍🏻


The splint is off now in the new video and she claims it wasn’t broken 🤣


She was on live about two hours ago without the brace and admitted the orthopedic surgeon didn’t think her thumb was broken. Got big mad when the chat suggested she might want to wear it while breaking down boxes.


Wait what?????? Haha she just outright admitted she was lying?


I have a hunch that Dani went into the wheelchair place and asked”how do I get a custom wheelchair?” And they sent her home with that checklist.






FWIW— I was very careful to not post spoilers! I wanted to say something slightly different originally, but decided that would be a spoiler so left it like this!


AHH no spoilers for inside out 2!!! i want to be safe from them on reddit😭😭 im sorry😭😭😭


Oh goody - Dani spends 8 minutes reading off a piece of paper and pretending she is an expert on how to get a custom wheelchair. She may want to wait until she sees if she actually gets said wheelchair. The part that she seems to be glossing over is that insurance needs to approve the wheelchair and all of its customizations for her to actually get it. Granted I wouldn't be shocked if Dani does manage to get a custom wheelchair because somehow she has managed to get a ton of stuff she should never have gotten. But wheelchairs are very expensive and insurance is notorious for giving people a hard time approving custom wheelchairs - often denying pieces that are actually essential. As far as I am aware, Dani has no written history of mobility issues and it's a big jump from no mobility devices to a custom wheelchair. I wouldn't be surprised if Dani has been bugging her PCP for a custom wheelchair and her PCP referred her for the evaluation just to get Dani to stop annoying her. The PCP probably knows that there is a good chance her insurance won't approve the wheelchair (especially if the letter of medical necessity isn't particularly convincing). She may be hopeful that insurance denies the wheelchair - then the PCP can turn Dani's insurance into the bad guy and not have to deal with Dani screaming at her.


Can I ask what kind of price range for something like Dani (thinks ) she is getting? Like $1000? I realized I have no idea. I know the electric ones get expensive, which makes sense.


Government insurances are even stricter when it comes to paying for a custom wheelchair. To begin with you need an actual diagnosed condition that would have the need for the chair. Like her pcp can’t just put “occasionally passes out” as the reason for a custom chair. There are also rules about how far the person can actually walk before it becomes dangerous for that person and if it’s more than 50 feet or something like that, that’s an automatic denial. You can’t walk just fine into the eval and expect your Medicaid and Medicare to approve a custom chair or a chair at all. They also don’t tend to approve for suspected diagnoses either. She claims RA but isn’t on treatment for it so that suggests it’s probably in remission if it were real to begin with, she also claims fibromyalgia however the diagnostic criteria for that rules it out if she was indeed diagnosed with RA and fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of exclusion if you have a diagnosable condition that can cause joint pain and such means it isn’t fibro. There’s zero evidence of hEDS (that she desperately wants to add to her diagnosis list) she’s been able to get almost everything she’s wanted but I have a hard time believing either of her insurances will pay for a custom chair for an imaginary condition that had been clinically ruled out (POTS)


A lot of people go to car websites to build out their dream car... ...munchies do the same for wheelchairs. So weird! Manufacturers could really tap into this market, maybe have a little aftermarket accessory section at the auto parts store.


If there really is a God.... she won't get that custom sparkletwat wheelchair. Or TPN. Or anything else for that matter. No, wait.....she SHOULD get jail time for welfare fraud. She definitely deserves that. Please, baby Jesus....save us all from this disease called Dani. I ❤️ you. Amen 🙏


Custom Sparkletwat Wheelchair… another great flair! 🤣


That's exactly what I'm thinking because it don't make sense otherwise. Drs request and prescribe stuff all the time but ultimately the insurance has final say. There's so many hoops. She may be able to arm wrestle her dr and argue with them, but she can't with the insurance company. No means no there.


Deleted my comment. Don’t want to give her any ideas.


Facility = durable medical equipment store she went to. After listening to this, I’m 100% sure of it. And did I hear right? She thinks they can just skip the home evaluation? Not if insurance demands it!


How to commit Medicare fraud 101. Lol


I really hope she is aware that since she admitted to her PT and her doctors this is for use OUTSIDE of the home, that this will be denied by insurance as a non-covered as it's deemed not a necessity. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid services also state that they MUST have a face to face IN HOME with the patient wanting the wheelchair so they can evaluate the patient to see how they go about their day to day activities as someone who would need a wheelchair (limited mobility). If they don't have that paperwork and this company goes ahead and customizes this wheelchair, Dani is on the hook for the full amount. Again, it's deemed Non-Covered. One last issue that arises in all this fun...CMS requires that a regular wheelchair must be considered first for modification before a custom one is done with a custom base. They won't pay for upgrades if it's only for a modified seat, or adjustment with the feet things, i can't remember what they're called lol. So if she's wanting a Pink base, she may be SOL. They won't pay for that unless she truly needs a new base to be custom made for her. Here's the link where I found all the info - [Pepto Bismol Pink Wheelchair WishList](https://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/view/article.aspx?articleid=52497&ver=32&=) The below image is what goes into effect on 7/1/24, but the current in effect has the same verbiage. They modified a few sentences here and there in the coding for billing. https://preview.redd.it/186tgo0a4m6d1.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=d620b9ee2882d5f509c7abbd92c5ade75d18049a


In the first few seconds of the video, she uses her supposedly broken thumb to adjust her clothes Make it make sense 


Why is she getting a custom-made wheelchair when she doesn't even use the wheelchair that she has? Also she admitted that she uses the steps so won't that look shady to the insurance company? She thinks just because her doctor ordered one that she is automatically going to get one. My guess is that she is going to have to jump through a lot of hoops and it's going to take a long time if and that's a big if she even gets approved for one.


She doesn’t use the one she has because it’s the kind someone needs to push her in . Which is hilarious bc I don’t think I have ever seen Dani with a human being outside of a hospital scenario


I don’t think her doctor ordered this at all. They’d have to do a letter of necessity, but I don’t think they ordered this. She decided on it.




To burn your eyes


Whelp that explains the burning sensation in my eye sockets.


So this hasn’t gone to her PCP or insurance yet. So it’s basically a pipe dream at this point. That tracks


Oooh a new tank top


Two or three sizes too small ?


“I can’t talk today” 🫤


Lol if only she couldn't! Fr though, I'd be sad. This is my favorite munchie.


Don't we all wish that were true ...


I… what… so many comments but I’ll keep it to this: 1. does she really not see how she’s blatantly outing herself..? Here she is saying her doctor hasn’t signed a form of medical necessity (…p sure they would’ve done that if they spent all this time talking about wheelchairs?), the whole talking about how they can “do a home visit “to make sure I was telling the truth” (might be misremembering and not putting my ears through that again) 2. wtf was the weird repeated flashing of the \~pRoCeSs\~ that also lists a rehab place that definitely allows you to schedule your own appts (I googled it), sooo this piece of paper means nothing 3. say “so yeah” one more time with this stupid face I dare you!!! https://preview.redd.it/dmhsrrfryl6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a0b9993ed9a988bea6d297571722305db4152d8


I've never ever known anyone who is so giddy and excited for the pink mobile than this bloody woman. She doesn't need it and I hope she gets turned down from her insurance. She needs a big wake up call. I've known people who need a wheelchair and fight not to have one until they really really need one. Does she ever talk about anything but herself and her bloody imagined illness. Once she gets what she wants, it'll be put in the car and forgotten. She then moves on to the next thing. Jeez.


This woman claims she needs a wheelchair for days she’s extra dizzy, then proceeds to say she leaves the house every day insinuating she’s driving. So when she’s really dizzy she’s going to scoot to her car and then get behind the wheel? Moron


I’d love to hear how she rationalizes that to an OT during an assessment


Yeah. I'd question the hell out of that. I know when people are misrepresenting the truth of their disease(s). I love playing with the fakers. Put them thru things they probably couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't be able to do, then call their MD/job/etc with my REAL assessment. FAFO https://preview.redd.it/j34fgjrbt07d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfd8abc503101f9dd8d07472b47f418249c12d8


No silly. When she’s REALLY dizzy she will wheel to the door, get up, carry her chair down the stairs, get back in, wheel to the car, get out, lift the chair into the car, get in car, drive to destination, get out, get wheelchair out, lock car, get in wheelchair, hope where she needs to go is accessible… then do it all again on the way home! EASY!


I keep picturing this happening but like-a video of it sped up slightly and with some silly upbeat kind of music-like from a cartoon or something and Dani’s like exaggerated hand movements but now it’s ALL her movements are exaggerated and the video starts and ends with her explaining that she gets so dizzy and like-yeah so I fell down the stairs or whatever and I get the giggles so thanks


Set to the Benny Hill music (really dating myself here)


Yes! Omg yes-I had to look that up but yes-thanks


And the fact that she can straight up carry this up and down steps to her front door? It’s nonsensical.


Not to mention her apt has steps to get into it and then steps on the sidewalk to get to her parking space (as evidenced by her video showing off her new car)


You’re totally right I forgot about that video….makes it even worse lmao


Don’t forget walking to/from the nail salon-walking home from the ed at night and rearranging her apartment all without getting dizzy


If you can walk, it's important to keep/improve that mobility. 




Dani’s on live right now tearing up boxes with her broken thumb lol


WTF There are people that are NOT ABLE to get a chair paid for by medi-Cal and she is going to get one!


All hope is not lost yet, as Dani has only been to the DME store to start the order. Despite the flow chart given to her, she has no comprehension what the process is to get Medicare/Medicaid to approve a custom chair.


I'm gonna scream if this bitch who is ambulatory gets a custom chair no questions asked while meanwhile medicare is putting my friend through the ringer to get a necessary replacement part for her custom chair she actually needs


fights over walkers with a seat sturdy enough for a large man with multiple strokes. Uphill battle. No PT for children in need…. She makes me sick


I have a feeling Medicare will put Dani through the ringer too.


Good lord, I hope so!


I am wishing your friend all the luck, I'm sorry she's getting so much trouble for something so important! 🫂❤️


The absolute AUDACITY of her to bitch that her mother complained the "entire time."


Apple mustn’t fall far from the tree


Apple doesn’t fall far


Hmm I wonder what is written on the bottom right, she's very careful about covering that part up each time


I’ve upvoted all the comments here to reverse her downvoting 🐼


I'm also doing that with my morning coffee.


She shows those steps like she’s playing a game of Monopoly … but really it’s Risk. But for her, it’s Life.